23:00:13 <sparks> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 23:00:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 21 23:00:13 2010 UTC. The chair is sparks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:00:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:00:24 <sparks> #topic Roll Call 23:00:25 * sparks 23:00:26 * stickster 23:00:28 * jjmcd 23:00:36 * Emad78 is here, in and out. 23:00:43 * rudi is here 23:00:50 * Gearoid is here 23:01:00 <sparks> #chair stickster 23:01:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: sparks stickster 23:01:01 <stickster> Hiya Gearoid :-) 23:01:05 <sparks> #chair jjmcd 23:01:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: jjmcd sparks stickster 23:01:11 <Gearoid> hello stickster 23:01:27 <stickster> Is nb here? 23:01:46 * gbinns is here 23:02:31 <sparks> Kudos to RH for their release of RHEL 6 BETA... Will be looking for that at a server near me! :) 23:02:32 <stickster> OK... hit it sparks! 23:02:40 <sparks> Okay, let's get going. 23:02:55 <sparks> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 23:02:58 <rudi> Thanks sparks :) It's been a tough couple of months :) 23:03:17 <sparks> stickster: You have #1 23:03:34 <stickster> #info rudi, radsy, noriko, etc... all are superfolks for being able to do as much as they've done for Fedora during RHEL6 crunch time 23:03:48 <stickster> Thank you to everyone from RH down under who helped 23:03:57 <sparks> +1 23:04:28 <stickster> #info stickster AI #1 -- done. goddard-backgrounds RPM is ready in repos. laubersm knows and is ready to roll 23:04:38 * jjmcd did #2 23:04:51 <sparks> #info sparks and jjmcd completed #2 23:05:02 <jjmcd> #3 not time for yet 23:05:07 <stickster> sparks: Some of those are lookaheads -- we can do #action again this time for them 23:05:13 <stickster> Makes them easier to track next week 23:05:15 <sparks> stickster: Thanks 23:05:15 <nb> now i am 23:05:28 <stickster> #action jjmcd Stop the cron job that brings in new POT stuff after 2010-04-26, UTC 2359 23:05:42 <stickster> #info stickster AI #5 -- done 23:05:54 <sparks> #action stickster Send reminder to L10n on 2010-04-21 that last POT changes are coming on 2010-04-26 23:05:55 <stickster> #action stickster Send reminder to L10n on 2010-04-29 that final relnotes translations are due on 2010-05-03 23:05:55 <jjmcd> #5 is next week but I saw #4 23:05:57 <stickster> #undo 23:05:58 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x1959fa10> 23:06:07 <sparks> Opps 23:06:08 <stickster> :-) 23:06:10 <stickster> np, we're good 23:06:22 * jjmcd and stickster did #6 23:06:32 <stickster> #info jjmcd and stickster AI #6 -- done. talked after meeting about SRPM 23:06:44 <stickster> #action stickster On 2010-05-04 UTC 0001, build {S,}RPM, get it into Package CVS, build in koji, push to bodhi. 23:06:56 <stickster> #action rudi Run testing of publican publishing of JS/non-JS graceful HTML pages around 2010-05-11, a week before GA 23:07:04 <stickster> That brings us to #9 23:07:23 <jjmcd> laubersm said she was on schedule, prolly wouldn't be here tonight 23:07:23 <stickster> I wasn't watching IRC closely today, anyone know how Susan did with the office tools bit in the UG? 23:07:24 <sparks> jjmcd: You talked to laubersm about the office tools, right? 23:07:30 <stickster> heh 23:07:44 <jjmcd> SHe has a piece from Lewis I think to drop in 23:07:53 <rudi> stickster -- actually I hope I can demo something before the end of the meeting 23:07:56 <sparks> #info laubersm said she was on schedule for #9 23:08:04 <jjmcd> Was very pleased with his work 23:08:10 <stickster> :-) Awesome! 23:08:33 <sparks> #info sparks did #10... L10N really likes having the POTs early and they really like the individual POTs! 23:08:42 <stickster> SUPERB! 23:08:53 <jjmcd> Yes, MeTom dropped by said the new stuff was great 23:09:03 <jjmcd> and they like having the fedorapeople copies nightly 23:09:10 <stickster> rudi: Did you have a chance to ask laubersm about other changes beyond the NM and Printing chapters? 23:09:12 <jjmcd> MrTOm 23:09:20 <rudi> stickster; sorry, I failed 23:09:25 <sparks> Yes... Mr Tom gave kudos to the new Transifex and there was some love on the lists, too 23:09:38 <stickster> rudi: Shall we #action you again for that, or do you need to handoff to someone? 23:09:46 <rudi> No, I'll take it 23:09:55 <sparks> #action rudi Ask laubersm about other changes beyond the NM chapter and the to-be-added Printing chapter 23:10:07 <sparks> That brings us to nb 23:10:31 <sparks> Of course we've reserved time for that later unless nb needs to bail out early 23:10:37 <stickster> nb: We have 15 minutes set for you in the agenda, starting in 15 minutes -- is that workable for you? 23:11:28 <nb> should be 23:11:30 <stickster> OK, we'll come back to nb I think :-) 23:11:33 <stickster> ah! 23:11:34 <stickster> cool. 23:11:35 <sparks> excellent 23:11:42 <sparks> Okay... anything else before moving on? 23:11:48 <stickster> nada 23:11:54 <sparks> #topic Schedule review 23:12:06 <sparks> #link http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-13/f-13-docs-tasks.html 23:12:16 <sparks> #info Release notes lines 43-48 23:12:23 <jjmcd> On Release notes, most of the things on the schedule are happening, we start the big crunch for the last wiki content tonight 23:12:25 <sparks> #info Guides line 6 23:12:26 <stickster> We probably want to look out to about line 53 23:12:37 <stickster> But I think everything there is totally under control 23:12:43 <stickster> starting tonight, as jjmcd said 23:13:14 <sparks> jjmcd: Any issues with the Release Notes and the schedule? 23:13:16 <stickster> We'll be working on hitting up all the wiki beats to find content that's changed, and get it into the git repo 23:13:24 <jjmcd> Nope 23:13:33 <jjmcd> stickster, did you see my post on the list? 23:13:35 <sparks> jjmcd: Was a message sent out about "wiki freeze"? 23:13:36 <stickster> #info Porting content happens starting tonight, getting beat changes into the git repo 23:13:51 <stickster> jjmcd: This was regarding the table? 23:13:53 <jjmcd> Documentation_beats was updated to reflect changes since beta 23:13:55 <jjmcd> yes 23:14:25 <stickster> jjmcd: Agreed on what you said there about new folks 23:14:26 <jjmcd> So if there is a 1 in wiki and a 0 in publican there is new content 23:14:32 <stickster> jjmcd: As far as mw-render -- there's no need to use it, actually 23:14:44 <stickster> It takes less time to port by hand at this point than to re-run mw-render and deal with all the changes it causes 23:14:55 <jjmcd> Probably right 23:15:12 <stickster> As long as you're using an XML-aware editor of choice, should be pretty quick 23:15:20 <stickster> quaid and I used to do the whole thing in one night more or less 23:15:29 <jjmcd> Emad78 is already working on the printing beat 23:15:35 <stickster> Nice, Emad78! 23:15:42 <rudi> Yeah; I've yet to come across an anything-to-XML tool that doesn't suck less than scraping it by hand... 23:15:49 <stickster> rudi: right on 23:16:08 <jjmcd> rudi, when you have entire wiki pages, mw-render does seem to help, but nowhere near perfect 23:16:28 <jjmcd> At least it doesn't take more time than manual! 23:16:47 <stickster> Yeah, if you have a long page at first, it can save time. If you're only pulling in a change you can just look at the wiki history/diff and do the change by hand in the XML 23:16:55 <jjmcd> exactly 23:17:00 <stickster> Anyway sparks -- I think we're cool 23:17:21 <sparks> Okay 23:17:30 <stickster> I do think we ought to put a new copy of en-US on docs.fp.o just for good measure 23:17:34 <sparks> Starting the 26th all guides need to be build daily... 23:17:45 <sparks> so L10N can see what's happening with their translations. 23:17:49 <jjmcd> release notes are being built daily 23:17:58 <stickster> jjmcd: Do the developers know where to find them? 23:18:01 <stickster> They may, I don't know 23:18:04 <jjmcd> L10N does 23:18:10 <sparks> Does everyone who leads a guide have their guide already in Transifex? 23:18:19 <jjmcd> fedorapeople.org/groups/docs 23:18:26 <stickster> jjmcd: I think the issue is, if someone panics and says, "Yikes, is ___ in the relnotes?" we want them to see the current status 23:18:28 <rudi> sparks -- no, and I'm the worst offender 23:18:33 <sparks> #info Accessibility Guide, readme-burning-isos, and security guide are being translated now. 23:18:44 <stickster> jjmcd: But... we've been giving repeated warnings 23:18:45 <rudi> #info Virt Guide is also being translated now 23:18:51 <jjmcd> Yes we have 23:18:55 <sparks> rudi: What's missing? 23:19:03 <jjmcd> and we've actually been getting those warnings out this time 23:19:06 <rudi> sparks -- IG and IQSG 23:19:14 <stickster> jjmcd: and *on* time too! 23:19:28 <sparks> rudi: What do you need to get POTs out for those? 23:19:49 <rudi> sparks -- finish backporting the RHEL6 stuff for the anaconda UI redesign 23:20:12 <rudi> Shouldn't be long now that I can focus back in the Fedora space 23:20:38 <sparks> rudi: Okay. If you need anything just let me know and I'll see if I can squeeze out a few more minutes in the day. 23:20:43 <jjmcd> rudi, I need to know what magic you worked with the technical notes so I can build them 23:20:56 <sparks> Anything else on this topic? 23:21:06 <rudi> Bascially, if you look at the Guides Table, you'll see the white (still outstanding) guides are the ones with RH leads 23:21:15 <rudi> By some funny coincidence ;) 23:21:30 <sparks> #action sparks to send a message to the list reminding everyone to do daily builds and to make sure they are watching their translations. 23:21:35 <stickster> Are we still in schedule review? 23:21:42 <rudi> jjmcd -- OK -- we can talk after 23:21:47 * stickster doesn't know whether we covered relnotes and guides already as part of this 23:21:50 <sparks> stickster: Yes 23:21:52 <stickster> ok 23:22:25 <rudi> stickster +1 23:22:53 <jjmcd> There are three beats that need some prose, an opportunity for new contributors who might not be comfortable with publican yet 23:22:54 <sparks> stickster: yeah, I think we crammed everything in there. 23:23:15 <stickster> OK, I think we end up doing that sometimes :-) 23:23:19 <stickster> It means our minutes end up less readable 23:23:21 * sparks knows one that is good with XML already 23:23:36 <stickster> Let's #topic and I'll try to get zoddie to capture stuff for us 23:23:38 <stickster> #topic Release notes 23:23:40 <quaid> rudi: for the record, for one-way conversions, I'd rather use mw-render and fix, it does a good chunk of the work; when the wiki source is properly written (cf. our markup guidelines), it seems to save 60% of the work. 23:24:28 <stickster> #info Relnotes content porting to start after this meeting, on schedule 23:24:49 <jjmcd> #info Beats with red zeros are open hunting for new contributors who aren't ready to face publican 23:25:13 <jjmcd> 7 languages at 100%, 4 more >90 23:25:17 <stickster> #info jjmcd has marked as '1' in the wiki column has changed since Beta 23:25:39 <stickster> jjmcd: Can you, uh, just change that column header then? 23:25:44 <stickster> "Wiki good" is now inaccurate 23:25:54 <jjmcd> Roger that 23:25:57 <stickster> #action jjmcd Fix columns on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Beats table 23:26:02 <jjmcd> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Documentation_beats 23:26:15 <jjmcd> heh - you got the link in there 23:26:20 <stickster> np :-) 23:26:40 <stickster> #info mw-render probably not needed for remaining work unless a sudden large beat appearance happens 23:27:09 <stickster> one more item on this topic 23:27:20 <stickster> The Live Images beat as published is out of whack 23:27:37 <stickster> I thought we had removed the content about the 1 GB default Desktop Live image 23:27:57 <stickster> I can take care of that tonight 23:28:15 <jjmcd> Also, we need some weasel words around PowerPC 23:28:17 <stickster> #action stickster Fix Live image information and respond to thread pointing to next regular build on fp.o 23:28:28 <stickster> jjmcd: Can you track down what those should be? 23:28:40 <jjmcd> Yes 23:29:22 <jjmcd> I have another thing I would like that is actually technical notes 23:29:29 <jjmcd> But that was part of rn's 23:30:07 <jjmcd> Most of the creation of that is automatic. I have documented the process but i would like someone else to do it to see where I slipped into klingon in my description 23:30:18 <stickster> #action jjmcd Find out what language we need to change regarding PowerPC and fix in git master 23:30:46 <stickster> jjmcd: Let's hit someone up on the list for it 23:30:52 <jjmcd> sounds good 23:31:25 <stickster> #action jjmcd Send request to list for someone to follow his instructions for generating Technical Notes to find any gaps or problems 23:31:52 <jjmcd> I don't like it when only one person knows how to do something 23:32:00 <stickster> I think we covered everything else here and we're running behind 23:32:02 <stickster> #topic Guide status 23:32:15 * stickster checks back in log to see what we didn't call out for minutes 23:32:33 <stickster> #info see above in "Schedule review" section for #info items 23:33:03 <stickster> I think the only thing there is rudi's work on backporting 23:33:08 <sparks> yes 23:33:21 <stickster> #action rudi Backport IG material covering Anaconda UI revamp 23:33:43 * stickster hands back to sparks for gavel to nb 23:34:19 <sparks> Okay, anything else before we move on to cvs -> git discussion? 23:34:30 <stickster> nada 23:34:35 <sparks> #topic git repo conversion (nb from last week) 23:34:41 * jjmcd is chomping at the bit to see nb's work 23:34:41 <sparks> nb: Take it away! 23:34:42 * nb here 23:34:57 <nb> http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/web.git 23:35:04 <nb> it exists, i havne't got the build part set up yet 23:35:07 <nb> the proposal is to scrap php 23:35:12 <nb> and just use static html for everything 23:35:23 <nb> i'll have to re-import when we actually change 23:35:54 <nb> My proposal for the switch (when ready) is to remove everyone from the CVSROOT/avail, make a final import, and then let people push to git 23:37:02 <jjmcd> so a git commit/push is essentially a publish? 23:37:19 <quaid> ... and that's to replace the as-built until the Magical CMS appears? 23:37:27 <nb> yes 23:37:45 <nb> basically my import is just copying /srv/web/docs.fedoraproject.org (which is what is actually at the website) 23:37:47 <stickster> quaid: Right, and it shouldn't take long to put this up because it's following the template of the current website in fedora-web 23:37:49 <nb> which is after the php is done 23:38:16 * noriko needs to be away, and catch up rest later. 23:39:07 <stickster> nb: Is it worthwhile at all to really CVS import the history of that area? 23:39:12 <stickster> I'm thinking it's really not. 23:39:19 <nb> we aren't cvs importing it 23:39:30 <nb> its actually me making a new repo and then adding and committing the current website 23:39:31 <stickster> Right, so our git history would start in present day 23:39:33 <nb> yes 23:39:42 <stickster> Including all the content there, including old versions? 23:39:49 <nb> since we are completely changing everything (we will be having static html now) 23:40:00 <nb> yes, everything that is at docs.fp.org at the moment will be in the new repo 23:40:05 <stickster> OK 23:40:29 <stickster> nb: And that would live in, e.g. static/ correct? 23:40:40 <stickster> Since it's pre-translated and not like the data/content/ stuff? 23:40:54 <nb> hmm, right now i just have it all at docs/web.git 23:40:58 * stickster referring to the locations that the websites team uses in all other repos 23:41:01 <nb> i don't have a separate static or data/content 23:41:05 <stickster> Ah 23:41:13 <stickster> Well... 23:41:18 <nb> its not really necessary if we are doing pure static html 23:41:26 <sparks> nb: Do you have a timeline on doing all this? 23:41:30 * stickster thinking about the rest of the site though. 23:41:47 <nb> sparks, hopefully pre-f13 freeze 23:41:51 <stickster> nb: The site also has content *around* the docs, which could be translatable if we follow the way that the Websites team has done for their fedora-web repo 23:42:26 <nb> oops 23:42:29 <nb> yeah, we could do that 23:42:35 <rudi> In a few minutes I can demonstrate a slightly different take; but +1 that this is infinitely better than what we have now! 23:42:38 <stickster> I don't think there's any value in us putting a git repo up just to copy documents there, unless we gain a couple things: 1. site-wide templating; 2. translation of the non-docs content 23:43:24 <jjmcd> stickster, besides making pushing simpler/faster, it also makes infra's stuff faster 23:43:26 <stickster> s/any/as much/ <-- respecting that we have a --publish flag in publican still up to use 23:43:49 <stickster> jjmcd: Yeah, I'd just like to build on what the Websites team has already figured out for us 23:43:49 <rudi> And far less error-prone :/ 23:44:00 <stickster> Which also includes the ability for anyone to run a sandbox locally with very little work 23:44:19 <jjmcd> Something to be said for stealing work alrady done 23:44:23 <stickster> nb: Are you familiar with the fedora-web repo? 23:44:34 <nb> stickster, some 23:44:47 <nb> stickster, we could make something like that 23:44:53 <nb> although if we do that, we may want to target post-f13 23:45:00 <jjmcd> stickster, are you thinking about translating the menu and such? 23:45:17 <stickster> We could easily leverage that. The only thing that would live in data/content/, where most of their regular sites live, is things like the index.html and drafts.html page. 23:45:24 <stickster> Everything else that we publish is already translated 23:45:27 <nb> yeah 23:45:31 <stickster> and could live in the static/ section 23:45:39 <nb> i can get with ricky and mmcgrath 23:45:44 <stickster> jjmcd: The menu and everything else we could essentially just copy from fedora-web 23:45:47 <nb> i think they are the main ones that know about the setup of how stuff works 23:45:53 <stickster> They get translated at "no cost" 23:45:56 * laubersm slips in out of the rain 23:46:08 <stickster> nb: You might want to just make sure that they don't want us to "invade" their fedora-web repo itself 23:46:23 <stickster> I assumed the amount of data we'd be importing would make that an unpleasant option for them 23:46:30 <stickster> But you never know 23:46:38 <quaid> do we have old content? 23:46:44 <stickster> Right now they have fp.o, spins.fp.o, boot.fp.o, talk.fp.o... 23:46:45 <stickster> quaid: yes 23:46:46 <quaid> that could be archived, etc. 23:46:57 <stickster> quaid: We keep it on the site because people still hit it for old versions 23:47:02 <nb> the whole fedora-web is only 191M 23:47:04 <quaid> oh, they do? ok 23:47:07 <nb> and ours is like 10x that 23:47:13 <stickster> nb: Right 23:47:29 <quaid> but 23:47:32 <quaid> only 10% of it is active 23:47:42 <nb> quaid, true 23:47:47 <quaid> could we put the non-active in an archive repo and never touch it? 23:48:01 <quaid> i.e., as we sunset a release we sunset the docs from fedora-web.git 23:48:08 <quaid> (if we ye gods forbid are still doing this in six months) 23:48:16 <stickster> Hm 23:48:30 * quaid likes the no-using-slow-CVS idea of updating, at the least 23:48:32 <stickster> I guess it could work, ricky could likely just have that stuff come down to static/ directly as needed 23:48:53 <nb> yeah we could make a docs/web-archive.git or something, and only allow select people to push to there if we want 23:49:00 <stickster> It would be pretty ugly of us to require someone to pull down a 2 GB repo just to help publish something 23:49:45 * sparks checks his watch 23:50:16 <quaid> stickster: honestly? that's stopped me recently, my cvs is so out of date and I hate the wait to update. 23:50:25 <stickster> yeah 23:50:27 <stickster> Let's move on 23:50:34 <stickster> nb: Let's discuss this on the docs@ list please 23:50:41 <nb> ok 23:50:47 <stickster> #action nb to bring plan to docs@ list that we can discuss to figure out the fine points 23:51:01 <stickster> #info we want to do something that's not too high a cost in time. 23:51:04 <stickster> sparks: take it away 23:51:04 <sparks> Okay, anything else on this topic? 23:51:16 <sparks> #topic FAD @ SELF 23:51:20 <sparks> Okay, real quick... 23:51:35 <sparks> How many Docs folks are going to be at SELF this summer? 23:51:39 * stickster 23:51:50 * laubersm is a maybe 23:51:51 * sparks is trying to figure out if it's worth doing something Docs-centric 23:52:05 * jjmcd won't be there 23:52:24 <sparks> Okay... I think I actually like quaid's thought earlier to make it a new user/new contributor meet-and-greet thing 23:52:28 <sparks> for all of Fedora 23:52:32 <sparks> not just Docs 23:52:40 <sparks> Thoughts? 23:52:52 <stickster> That could work 23:53:11 <stickster> I may have an idea germinating for FAD work but a couple things have to land first -- might be a couple of days 23:53:14 <sparks> #info ke4qqq is supposed to be getting back to sparks about the number of people that have signed up for SELF that said they would attend a FAD. 23:53:21 <stickster> Nice! 23:53:59 <sparks> stickster: You ready to talk about your idea or do you want to wait? 23:54:36 <stickster> It can wait for now 23:54:38 <gbinns> /whois sparks 23:54:42 <stickster> I'll have more later 23:54:47 <stickster> gbinns: Infidel! ;-) 23:54:51 <gbinns> haha 23:54:54 <sparks> stickster: Okay... 23:55:02 <gbinns> I'm trying to figure out what FAD and SELF are without interrupting. 23:55:03 <gbinns> sorry 23:55:03 <stickster> All hail sparks 23:55:11 <stickster> gbinns: Ah, FAD = Fedora Activity Day 23:55:26 <stickster> SELF = Southeast Linux Fest http://southeastlinuxfest.org/ 23:55:27 <sparks> #action sparks to take the FAD @ SELF discussion to the Docs list 23:55:28 <rudi> (sorry to be out of sync guys -- http://publictest8.fedoraproject.org/fedoradocs/public_html/ ) 23:55:38 <stickster> FAD: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD 23:55:52 <sparks> stickster: TU 23:55:59 <gbinns> got it, thanks stickster 23:56:00 <stickster> Ooo 23:56:05 <stickster> rudi: Wowsers 23:56:07 <sparks> rudi: Nice 23:56:15 <rudi> SVGs aren't being served properly 23:56:15 <stickster> Um, our work here is done...? 23:56:19 <rudi> So you'll see broken logos 23:56:42 <sparks> stickster: Yes... 23:56:57 <sparks> #topic New Publican-based web pages 23:57:02 * stickster just laughing that there's this whole site publishing thing :-D 23:57:15 <stickster> nb: Might want to see that above... :-) 23:57:38 <sparks> #link http://publictest8.fedoraproject.org/fedoradocs/public_html/ 23:57:43 * nb likes that 23:57:54 * stickster too 23:57:59 <rudi> So still very rough around the edges -- but I've been pushed for time ;) 23:58:07 <stickster> understandable ;-) 23:58:27 <stickster> Well, this obviates the need for a git repo 23:58:35 * ianweller is here 23:58:37 <sparks> rudi: How does Publican know about the other docs or does one person have to build everything? 23:58:38 <stickster> If we can just copy things straight to a content area 23:58:57 * stickster notes he has a hard stop at :00 but will return at :30 for content porting 23:59:05 <rudi> sparks -- Publican maintains an sqllite database of the content 23:59:25 <rudi> You can see it sitting up here -- http://publictest8.fedoraproject.org/fedoradocs/ 23:59:26 <jjmcd> that's cheating 23:59:34 <sparks> Ahh 23:59:47 <stickster> rudi: So there's some mod_perl stuff checking that as the server goes? 00:00:14 <sparks> Can everyone hang around another five minutes? 00:00:25 <rudi> stickster -- not quite; the database gets updated when somebody runs "publican install_book" or "publican remove_book" 00:00:35 <stickster> O-ho 00:00:50 <stickster> rudi: So you can just copy that like everything else? 00:00:55 <rudi> So to make this work, writers and translators need to: 00:00:56 <sparks> so there is a publican backend on the server 00:01:09 * stickster will tune back in later for rest of story 00:01:20 <rudi> 1. ssh into a machine that we use as a build server 00:01:35 <rudi> 2. git clone/svn co/whatever the book down from the repo 00:02:01 <rudi> 3. build the book on that server (which must have Publican installed) 00:02:25 <rudi> 4. run "publican install_book" to install the book to the website. 00:03:10 <stickster> OK, so this would require a RFR (request) to Infrastructure to get a build server... 00:03:14 <rudi> 5. either the "build server" now pushes the updated files across to the web server, or the web server sucks content down from the build server at some interval 00:03:18 <stickster> and group access sufficient to do what was needed. 00:03:26 <rudi> Well, we could also do the building on the web server itself... 00:03:33 <rudi> but I don't think we really want to do that.... 00:03:36 * stickster suspects not 00:03:38 <sparks> #action rudi to bring all this information to the Docs list for further explanation/discussion 00:03:41 <rudi> :D 00:03:45 <rudi> Yep 00:03:52 * stickster also suspects he needs to run afk, back by :30 in #fedora-docs 00:04:05 * jjmcd gotta run too 00:04:13 <sparks> rudi: Anything else? 00:04:44 <rudi> That's basically it; the whole thing can be automated further, but I can detail that all on docs list now that we have a working copy as an example 00:04:53 <rudi> Thanks and sorry for running over :) 00:04:55 <sparks> Excellent. Thanks! 00:05:01 <sparks> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 00:05:12 <sparks> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&classification=Fedora&product=Fedora%20Documentation&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED 00:05:19 <sparks> #info 93 Open Tickets 00:05:24 <sparks> #info 15 New 00:05:30 <sparks> #info 78 Assigned 00:05:47 <sparks> If you have a free moment and you don't know what to work on, that would be a good place to start. 00:05:58 <sparks> #topic All other business 00:06:04 <sparks> Okay, anyone have anything else? 00:06:08 <gbinns> yeah 00:06:13 <sparks> gbinns: Go! 00:06:30 <gbinns> haha, ok so one area i understand could use some improvement is the wiki 00:06:35 * rudi just remembered he has one more thing too 00:06:37 <gbinns> in particular the following.... 00:06:46 <gbinns> 1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Pages_that_need_love 00:07:21 <gbinns> and 2. making sure pages are as efficiently optimized as possible according to popularity, as seen here: https://fedoraproject.org/awstats/fedoraproject.org/awstats.fedoraproject.org.urldetail.html 00:07:32 <sparks> gbinns: Yes! There are lots of wiki pages that need some love 00:07:58 <laubersm> and categories and archiving and renaming.... 00:08:04 <Emad78> I'm willing to give some love to some of the wiki's 00:08:25 <gbinns> so i'm a huge noob with linux, and i am just getting to know everyone (hence all of the /whois' and questions on a regular basis), how would i go about making sure these pages are efficiently optimized? 00:08:25 <sparks> ianweller: What's your availability now days? 00:08:40 <gbinns> (and a huge noob with fedora in general, btw) 00:08:44 <ianweller> sparks: in two to three weeks i should be more than available 00:08:50 * laubersm learned much from ianweller when getting started in Docs 00:09:07 <sparks> ianweller: Do you want to lead the fight on cleaning up the wiki? 00:09:20 <sparks> ianweller: Looks like you have some warriors that can help you out. 00:09:22 <ianweller> i love fights, especially wikifights 00:09:26 <Emad78> ianweller: I'm willing to get my hands in there and help out. 00:09:27 <sparks> heh 00:10:06 <Gearoid> also if there is anything you guys think I would be helpful with, sign me up ;) 00:10:14 <sparks> #action ianweller to put together a "taskforce" to help give some love to the wiki 00:10:23 <ianweller> sparks: ... in a few weeks 00:10:29 <sparks> ianweller: Worksforme 00:10:33 <ianweller> \o/ 00:10:43 <sparks> ianweller: Would you put something on the list, please? 00:10:52 <ianweller> docs@l.fp.o list? 00:10:56 <gbinns> if there is anything that can be done now, count me in, i'd also love to work with ian in a few weeks 00:11:05 <sparks> ianweller: Yes 00:11:08 <ianweller> k 00:11:25 <ianweller> i shall do so when i am done fixing my RAID 00:11:25 * quaid is willing to help find, clean, and write process docs 00:11:33 * laubersm notes that quaid was voluteering over in Docs to help ... 00:11:40 <quaid> yeah, like that :) 00:11:41 <sparks> and here! 00:11:59 <quaid> I love to clean up the wiki and stuff, but I feel so lonely when I do it because ... we don't have a culture and regular group doing it. 00:12:01 <laubersm> Figures - I never type fast enough... 00:12:06 <gbinns> i'm just confused for example, on pages that need love 00:12:15 <sparks> Gearoid: ianweller is the wiki czar and would appreciate the help. Of course I'm going to get you working on the Accessibility Guide more, too! 00:12:18 <sparks> :) 00:12:32 <quaid> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/wiki 00:12:33 <Gearoid> sure thing sparks! 00:12:42 <quaid> we can take out discussion there,too 00:12:58 <gbinns> in other words, how would one know what to do to improve a page on bengali fonts? 00:13:16 <quaid> wow 00:13:27 <quaid> maybe we should just start going over those pages 00:13:31 <quaid> one at a time in #fedora-docs 00:13:39 <laubersm> It is like herding cats 00:13:41 <ianweller> it is 00:13:41 <quaid> and as we answer "WTF?!?" we can write it down somewhere 00:13:44 <ianweller> +1 to quaid 00:13:46 <quaid> so we don't haveto think so hard next time :) 00:13:51 <gbinns> haha 00:14:31 <quaid> I write regularly on ~4 mediawiki instances and love that I can use Fedora Project wiki rules as an upstream (between me and Wikimedia) 00:14:38 <sparks> :) 00:14:56 <sparks> Okay, we can take this to #fedora-docs after the meeting. 00:14:59 <laubersm> Ambassadors have a challenge going right now for spiffing up the most active pages 00:15:03 <sparks> Anyone have anything else? 00:15:53 <quaid> laubersm: good idea for target pages to fix and learn on 00:16:06 <gbinns> yeah, thanks all for letting me contribute, definitely looking forward to being part of the team! it's great meeting everyone. 00:16:50 <laubersm> quaid, there are probably some other stats in there that can be leveraged 00:17:02 <sparks> Okay, I think that's all for tonight! The wiki gardening conversation can move to #fedora-docs immediately following the meeting. 00:17:23 <sparks> If no one had anything else... 00:17:24 <sparks> 5 00:17:28 <sparks> 4 00:17:31 <sparks> 3 00:17:39 <sparks> rudi: Did you say you had something else? 00:17:56 <laubersm> 2.9 00:18:03 <sparks> 2 00:18:09 <sparks> 1\ 00:18:17 <sparks> Okay, thanks everyone! 00:18:20 <sparks> #endmeeting