16:03:56 <smooge> #startmeeting epel 16:03:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Apr 30 16:03:56 2010 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:03:57 * tremble grins 16:03:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:04:02 <smooge> hi guys 16:04:17 <nirik> morning smooge 16:04:18 <smooge> sorry.. had phone on vibrate and didn't hear the bell 16:04:33 * tremble tips his hat to smooge. 16:04:48 <smooge> #topic roll call 16:04:50 <smooge> here 16:04:53 <tremble> Here 16:04:55 * nirik is here. 16:05:13 <smooge> #topic EPEL-6 16:05:29 <smooge> okie dokie guys we have scratch builds and a page to put up packages 16:05:37 <tremble> Woo! 16:05:38 <smooge> dgilmore has been working pretty hard on this 16:05:53 <dgilmore> :) 16:05:59 <dgilmore> ive setup comps 16:06:04 <dgilmore> i also have mock configs 16:06:19 <dgilmore> though mock wont work until we have a EL-6 push 16:06:29 * tremble thinks dgilmore also deserves the approriate thanks for his work. 16:06:37 <smooge> cool. can people set up their own mocks at home? 16:06:44 * dgilmore is just doing what needs doing 16:06:53 <dgilmore> smooge: not yet but soon 16:06:59 <smooge> ok cool 16:07:20 <dgilmore> ive built and signed epel-release 16:07:42 <dgilmore> I need to do a push so that comps and epel-release gets out there 16:07:49 <dgilmore> and get mm setup for it 16:08:10 * Jeff_S here for once! just a bit late :) 16:08:14 <Jeff_S> I blame quaid 16:08:22 <smooge> mirrormanager or mailman? 16:08:30 * nirik got a phone call. will be not paying attention for a while. 16:08:32 <smooge> hi Jeff_S how goes centos 16:08:57 <Jeff_S> smooge: 5.5 is real close now IMO 16:09:09 <tremble> smooge: Presumes MirrorManager given the context 16:09:18 <dgilmore> Jeff_S: yall doing anything for EL-6 16:09:30 <dgilmore> smooge: mirrormanager 16:09:33 <smooge> Jeff_S, I can no longer join centos-qa so will be asking you for updates 16:09:41 <Jeff_S> dgilmore: not that I've been involved with, but I've been traveling lately =/ 16:09:52 <Jeff_S> dgilmore: lemme check the wiki 16:10:09 <smooge> as far as I know.. CentOS will be starting on EL-6 builds when beta2 comes out. 16:10:30 <Jeff_S> yeah, I don't think anything is happening yet 16:10:31 <smooge> they will be working on getting beta-1 shortly afterwords. 16:10:44 <smooge> their beta-1 not RHEL's :) 16:10:59 <smooge> beyond that I do not know anything and have really no more contact with them I think :) 16:11:47 <dgilmore> right now EPEL-6 is is ok shape. we need to make sure that we get all the right packages exlcuded 16:14:23 <smooge> cool. I am hoping next week will be clear enough that I can start testing EL-6 at home heavily 16:14:47 <smooge> did everyone see the page dgilmore set up for EL-6 requests? 16:15:58 <dgilmore> smooge: that page is just for new packages that dont have EL-5 branches 16:17:03 <smooge> correct 16:17:25 <smooge> but I want people to know about it. What was the url? 16:17:59 <dgilmore> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/6/Branches 16:18:04 <dgilmore> #info http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/6/Branches 16:19:03 <smooge> thankyou 16:19:14 <smooge> anything else on EL-6 before I move to EL-5? 16:19:48 <smooge> #topic EL-5 16:20:46 <smooge> Ok 5.5 for CentOS should be done soon. We really need to a broken dependencies on EPEL-5 because I have already run into a couple of bad ones when updating our internal boxes 16:21:12 <smooge> One of them is that pyevent in EPEL is built against the 5.4 libevent and 5.5 has a very big jub is so. 16:21:29 <smooge> should probably just need a bump and rebuild but not sure yet. 16:23:26 <smooge> did I get netsplit off again? 16:23:40 <tremble> Not from this side 16:24:07 <smooge> I spent yesterday talking for 10 minutes before I realized I was isolated from all my channels 16:24:15 * tremble laughs 16:24:25 <smooge> ok any other 5 issues people are aware of? 16:27:38 <Jeff_S> I guess not :) 16:28:22 <smooge> ok 16:28:27 <smooge> #topic RHEL-5 16:28:28 <smooge> #topic RHEL-4 16:28:42 <Jeff_S> that's still alive? :) 16:28:48 <smooge> Alright 4.9 will be out before the next ice age 16:28:56 <Jeff_S> oops, strike that last remark from the record zodbot 16:29:06 <smooge> it will most likely be just like 3.9 as in End of Dot Reeleases 16:30:21 <smooge> which means I would like to try and get stuff squared away for it and a "we aren't planning on a lot of attention to this after XYZ date." 16:31:10 <smooge> I expect that we will still have people wanting things for it because it has a pretty large base still 16:31:57 <smooge> #topic RHEL-3 16:32:27 <smooge> this ends in October :) 16:32:40 <smooge> we never did a build set for it.. so probably not a big deal 16:32:44 <smooge> #topic RHEL-2 16:33:01 <smooge> dead release though I know people who still run it. 16:33:06 <smooge> #topic RHEL-1 16:33:24 <smooge> and yes.. I know people who still have RHL-6.2EE computers running 'important' stuff 16:33:38 <smooge> #open floor 16:33:43 <smooge> #topic open floor 16:34:00 <smooge> anyone of us last 3 have anything to say? 16:34:16 <Jeff_S> happy friday? 16:34:25 <smooge> I really should do roll call at the end of the meeting :) 16:34:27 <Jeff_S> not much here... thanks for running things 16:34:30 <Jeff_S> lol 16:34:33 <smooge> no problem :) 16:34:44 * Jeff_S runs off 16:34:46 <smooge> say hi to the CentOS devs for me 16:34:51 <smooge> #endmeeting