16:00:02 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2010-05-06) 16:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 6 16:00:02 2010 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:02 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 16:00:02 <nirik> #topic init process 16:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 16:00:15 <nirik> who all is around for a quick irc support sig meeting? 16:00:33 <fenris02> 16:00:50 <mock> .o/ 16:01:02 * EvilBob 16:01:41 * Southern_Gentlem in and out 16:02:51 <EvilBob> if you are looking for the board meeting you are in the wrong place 16:03:05 <EvilBob> If you are interested in the board meeting the channels are #fedora-board-questions and #fedora-board-meeting 16:04:08 <nirik> ok, I don't have much today, so lets go quickly so everyone can go ask tough questions of the board. 16:05:15 <EvilBob> Quiet weeK? 16:05:26 <EvilBob> Good reason for a quiet meeting 16:05:27 <nirik> #topic week in review 16:05:42 <nirik> Yeah, pretty quiet week. I wasn't around as much as I normally am 16:05:51 <nirik> http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html 16:06:01 <EvilBob> Your absence was noted 16:06:14 <nirik> I hope it won't go down on my perm record. ;) 16:06:48 <nirik> Anyone have anything they would like to note from the previous week? 16:07:14 <EvilBob> Messages sent by the bot 16:07:28 <EvilBob> using the @say method 16:08:00 <nirik> yeah... I think thats ok to remind people about meetings and events... 16:08:04 <EvilBob> I think we need to establish a policy or SOP when using this command 16:09:00 <EvilBob> it has been used in the past as a way for an op to hide behind the bot allowing only the op and the bot admin to know who sent the message 16:09:40 <nirik> agreed. It would be better to setup a different command that always noted who was sending it, or otherwise do it in a way everyone knows who sent it. 16:09:48 <EvilBob> using it in a public way such as sending it from the -ops channel allows for greater peer review of it's use 16:09:59 <fenris02> in-channel sounds ideal, but having 4 people use it for various channels at the same time is a bit cumbersome. there should be a way to send the same message to multiple channels with relative ease 16:10:50 <Southern_Gentlem> and in -ops we all have a log of what is being sent to the channel in one place and who did it 16:10:54 <nirik> yeah, I think we need a new plugin ideally. 16:10:57 <EvilBob> fenris02: patches/lessons welcome 16:11:15 <fenris02> EvilBob, it's py ... i'm out. use some other lang ... i can do like 30 or so ... 16:11:19 <nirik> How about 'always use the ops channel for now' and I can look into a new plugin. 16:11:49 <EvilBob> nirik: Works for me 16:11:59 <nirik> any objections? 16:12:04 <fenris02> wfm 16:12:18 <Southern_Gentlem> +1 16:12:44 * mock thinks it's good idea, even though he never uses it 16:13:24 * daMaestro lurks 16:13:44 <EvilBob> mock: however, if someone made the bot say something to you, with this policy in place you could ask any number of us who the sender was. 16:14:08 <nirik> #topic F13 16:14:27 <nirik> So, f13 is coming up fast. More folks showing up running beta+updates, etc. 16:14:34 <mock> \o/ 16:14:42 <nirik> I would like to propose we do a release party in #fedora-social again... 16:14:49 <mock> \o/ 16:14:50 <fenris02> using @announce would almost work 16:15:10 <nirik> so, point people who just want to party on the release there... 16:15:43 <fenris02> good times to be had :) 16:15:52 <Khaytsus> nirik: ie: The nonsense about how cool the new shade of blue is can go to -social and the real upgrade/install issues can be resolved in the main channel? 16:16:07 <nirik> right. 16:16:11 <mock> it is a cool color blue 16:16:26 <nirik> so, if folks want to blog or start playing up release party in social that would be great. 16:16:49 * mock puts "lotsa bacon" on his party grocery list 16:17:38 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 16:17:43 <nirik> Anything for open floor? 16:18:12 <nirik> Oh, I'll note that I am doing a classroom session on f13 features at 10 May, 2010 at 01:00 UTC. 16:18:22 <daMaestro> This might have been covered, but are we going registered only for the release? 16:19:19 <fenris02> it's currently that way, is there a need to change it before the release? 16:19:40 <daMaestro> Yeah, I see we are currently +r, but just wondering what the plan is for the release. 16:20:06 <daMaestro> I'd like to not ban new users and rather just be zero tolerance towards anyone not using #fedora correctly. 16:20:12 <fenris02> the troll count has been significantly lower with +r ... 16:20:25 <EvilBob> the noise level is a lot better 16:20:26 <nirik> daMaestro: last we revisted it, we decided to leave it as is... 16:20:40 <nirik> I would say we could use more people paying attention to #fedora-unregistered. 16:20:50 <nirik> help people register, point to social for release party, etc. 16:20:50 <EvilBob> IMO we should leave it as it is, the -unregistered channel is working well 16:20:56 <daMaestro> Okay, sounds good. Yes we will want to have some people in #fedora-unregistered 16:21:02 <fenris02> registering is trivial and takes a minute. but that seems to be sufficient to keep a large portion of spammers out 16:21:20 <daMaestro> Do we also have +o or otherwise in there? 16:21:24 <EvilBob> 113 of us in there right now 16:21:34 * nirik pays attention to it as time permits, but it's almost always trolls and spammers active. 16:21:48 <nirik> daMaestro: yep. Should be the same list as #fedora, if not, let me know and I can fix it. 16:22:10 <daMaestro> nirik, K. I don't have access but I do see some of you guys do. 16:22:17 <nirik> daMaestro: I can add you if you like. 16:22:20 <EvilBob> I also have super bot powers in there also 16:22:32 <daMaestro> If we have a bot in there that I can use to boot, that is fine. 16:23:21 <nirik> yeah, fedbot is there. 16:23:29 <daMaestro> K, sounds good. 16:23:37 <EvilBob> the only time we have to boot fromt here is when someone has network issues 99% of the time 16:23:48 <nirik> ok, anything else? or shall we all go harrass the Board? 16:23:49 <EvilBob> part/join flooding 16:24:12 * mock grabs his pitchfork... 16:25:08 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone. 16:25:09 <EvilBob> I have a request 16:25:13 <nirik> #endmeeting