16:00:55 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL 2010-05-07 16:00:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri May 7 16:00:55 2010 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:00 <smooge> Hello everyone 16:01:16 <tremble> Hola 16:01:34 <smooge> well this will be a quick meeting. 16:01:44 <smooge> the star of the show is once again dgilmore 16:01:46 <tremble> All the best ones are. 16:01:57 <smooge> who has started branching and making things pretty 16:01:58 * skvidal listens 16:02:01 <smooge> we have an EPEL-6 16:02:10 <smooge> and it has puppet in it 16:02:17 <smooge> and koji 16:02:19 <nirik> morning. 16:02:30 <smooge> now we need to start making sure the rest of the stuff needed ot make packages is there 16:02:54 <tremble> Is there going to be a mass build, or do you want us to fire our own off? 16:03:10 <smooge> dgilmore, ping? do you have a moment? 16:03:36 * nirik realizes he didn't add the xfce packages to that branch page. Oh well, I guess I can do them later. 16:03:47 <smooge> I am not sure, but I don't want to do a mass build until we know that we aren't making any problems with F-13 16:04:19 <tremble> Ah non-%{?dist} packages? 16:05:21 <nirik> well, we should make sure 13 ships/is done/etc... before we hammer the buildsystem with our builds. ;) 16:05:28 <dgilmore> smooge: whats up 16:05:43 <smooge> hi we are congratulating you on your lack of sleep and work on EL-6 16:05:49 <smooge> and had some questions 16:06:07 <dgilmore> smooge: shoot 16:06:11 <dgilmore> not litterally 16:06:42 <dgilmore> I need to send out a outage notification for mass branching 16:06:46 <smooge> ok 1) mass rebuild or 2) fire off packages 16:07:54 <dgilmore> I think we should leave it for maintainers to do 16:08:08 <dgilmore> since we dont have a good way to order the builds 16:08:33 <dgilmore> though we could start some reounds of mass builds after say 2-3 weeks 16:08:57 <nirik> we will need to detect ones that never get done at some point. 16:08:57 <nirik> but that should be possible. 16:08:57 <smooge> I think that sounds good 16:09:13 <smooge> we don't know how close EL-6beta1 will look like EL-6beta2 16:09:31 <smooge> I think a mass build should happen after beta2 16:10:34 <dgilmore> no idea what updates are going into beta2 16:10:51 <nirik> is there going to be a public beta2? 16:10:56 <smooge> no idea 16:11:00 * tremble hopes so 16:11:12 <tremble> There seem to be aacraid issues with b1 16:11:39 <smooge> the RHEL-6 people have plans inside of strategies wrapped in projects 16:11:57 <smooge> you think one thing is going to happen and BAM 16:12:21 <smooge> anyway... we should start firing off builds of things and see how they will go 16:12:40 <smooge> dgilmore, our builds will go into epel-testing for 6 correct? 16:12:54 <dgilmore> smooge: incorrect 16:13:10 <dgilmore> builds will go to dist-6E-epel 16:13:31 <smooge> ok 16:13:40 <smooge> and then after that 16:13:44 <dgilmore> they will then be composed into a repo at http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/beta/6/ 16:13:51 <dgilmore> and all the mirrors 16:14:07 <nirik> we are not using bodhi for this beta period right? 16:14:17 <dgilmore> right no bodhi until ga 16:14:41 <dgilmore> each compose will result in an email to the list with changes 16:14:51 <dgilmore> similliar to how rawhide is done 16:14:57 <nirik> we might need to yank some packages before GA... things that built but are borken 16:15:08 <dgilmore> it wont be automated as we need to manually sign rpms 16:15:17 <dgilmore> nirik: correct 16:15:38 <dgilmore> before GA we will make sure anything with broken deps gets pulled out 16:15:47 <dgilmore> it will then need a bodhi update created 16:15:52 * nirik nods. 16:16:05 <nirik> dgilmore: let me know if you want me to help any with pushes/signing/etc. 16:16:21 <tremble> What are the perms requirements to running make build ? 16:16:30 <dgilmore> nirik: will do. 16:16:40 <dgilmore> nirik: we are using sigul to sign EL-6 16:16:47 * nirik would be happy to get trained up in doing all that at some point. 16:16:51 <nirik> cool. 16:16:53 <dgilmore> tremble: packager 16:17:35 <dgilmore> we could do automated pushes but they would not be signed 16:17:37 <tremble> So I should be able to build deps to my packages that I don't own? 16:17:40 <dgilmore> id rather sign things 16:17:46 <dgilmore> tremble: correct 16:18:01 <dgilmore> when things are branched you need to do "make tag build" 16:18:09 <dgilmore> branching does not do the tagging 16:18:30 <tremble> dgilmore Ah, so you'd need commit on that package, so you could tag 16:18:55 <nirik> yes, signing is good/preffered by me too. Happy to help with that. 16:19:04 <nirik> I'm not sure tagging needs commit. 16:19:06 <dgilmore> tremble: yeah 16:19:14 <nirik> I guess it should 16:19:33 <dgilmore> tremble: feel free to ping me or nirik or smooge to tag for you if needed 16:19:49 <tremble> dgilmore: Ok, will do. 16:19:53 * smooge bwas? I can tag? I can tag! 16:20:10 <dgilmore> smooge: your a provenpackager i assume 16:20:15 <smooge> no 16:20:31 * smooge watches everyone else bwas 16:20:55 <smooge> so I think it will have to be dgilmore and nirik :) 16:22:03 <smooge> ok well does anyone have any other issues for EL-6? 16:23:44 * nirik doesn't think so 16:24:12 <smooge> #topic EL-5 items 16:24:37 <smooge> are there currently any EPEL-5 issues people know of? People tested python26? 16:26:04 <nirik> it's working ok for me here. ;) 16:26:13 <smooge> ok cool 16:26:23 <smooge> #topic EL-4 items 16:26:35 <smooge> I don't have anything here right now... 16:27:01 <smooge> #topic EL-3 16:27:20 <smooge> nothing here except a reminder its EOL in October :) 16:27:22 <nirik> ha. 16:27:26 <smooge> ok I think we can end meeting 16:27:29 <skvidal> el3 16:27:32 * skvidal shudders 16:27:43 <smooge> its ok skvidal we have a python26 for it 16:27:55 * tremble laughs 16:27:58 <smooge> my last job is still 60% running on el-3 16:28:00 * nirik has some clients with el3 boxes still. ;( Migrating them away tho. ;) 16:28:49 <skvidal> smooge: good thing you don't work there :) 16:29:24 <smooge> I think its 60% el-3, 35% el-4 and 5% el-5 16:29:56 <smooge> they actually have some apps that require el-3 because of the 2.4 kernel of all things 16:30:55 <smooge> ok I think we can say we have hit the bottom of the barrel 16:31:17 <smooge> be back next friday with el-6 results, el-5 python26 fun, el-4 tests and el-3 happiness 16:31:20 <smooge> #endmeeting