23:00:22 <sparks> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 23:00:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 19 23:00:22 2010 UTC. The chair is sparks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:00:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:00:34 <sparks> #meetingname Fedora Docs 23:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 23:00:40 <sparks> #topic Roll Call 23:00:42 * sparks 23:00:45 * stickster 23:00:47 * jjmcd 23:00:50 * rudi is here 23:00:59 * Emad78 made it, false alarm 23:01:03 <noriko> hi 23:01:09 * bcotton is here 23:01:15 <sparks> #chair jjmcd 23:01:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: jjmcd sparks 23:01:19 <sparks> #chair stickster 23:01:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: jjmcd sparks stickster 23:01:52 <sparks> Looks like a good group so far. 23:01:57 * Gearoid is here 23:02:47 <sparks> Okay, lets get started 23:03:10 <sparks> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 23:03:35 <sparks> stickster: You have the first two items. 23:04:07 <stickster> sparks: nb did #1 23:04:17 <stickster> Unfortunately #2 is hard to figure out what it is 23:04:39 <sparks> I THINK #2 is the idea that I sent to the list yesterday 23:05:08 <sparks> So that would be complete as well. 23:05:08 * stickster locates idea 23:05:10 <stickster> Yup 23:05:12 <sparks> ke4qqq: Are you here? 23:05:21 <stickster> Neat, I did none of my action items, yet they're still done. 23:05:32 <stickster> That's either total failure or completely brilliant leaership. 23:05:38 <stickster> *leadership 23:05:51 <sparks> stickster: yes 23:05:51 <sparks> :) 23:05:56 <jjmcd> didn't David do those right after the meeting? 23:06:16 <sparks> maybe although his second item might become moot 23:06:32 <stickster> sparks: Right, because removal of 'docs' when docs is someone's CLA+1 knocks out their email and fpeople services. 23:06:38 * radsy is here 23:06:40 <stickster> Which would be a terrible idea. 23:06:54 <sparks> radsy: Welcome! 23:07:13 <stickster> Or at least semi-terrible. 23:07:15 <sparks> Anything else before we move on? 23:07:20 <stickster> nada 23:07:30 <sparks> #topic Schedule review 23:07:46 <sparks> #link http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-13/f-13-docs-tasks.html 23:07:52 * stickster notes that we are *GO* for RC3 -> Final 23:08:05 <jjmcd> way cool 23:08:23 <sparks> Excellent! 23:08:46 <sparks> Looks like we are down to #54 through56 23:09:29 <sparks> jjmcd: I think you are the only one that would have 0-day updates. Are they square? 23:09:39 <jjmcd> All the content bugs are swatted, just waiting for stragglers before updating docs.fp.o 23:10:23 <sparks> Cool 23:10:50 <sparks> So all guides should be pushed to docs.fp.o the day before the release. 23:11:01 <stickster> Yes, Monday evening would be the right time to do that 23:11:29 <sparks> rudi: Will you be adding the F13 content to the webpage? 23:11:30 <rudi> I've been keeping all guides up-to-date in the Publican-2.0 branch 23:11:45 <jjmcd> cool 23:12:08 <rudi> jjmcd -- I'll need to run at least you through updating that 23:12:16 <sparks> rudi: me too 23:12:19 <jjmcd> roger 23:12:34 <rudi> And you Sparks -- the SG and AG have some special problems :) 23:12:48 <sparks> Don't I always have special problems? 23:12:58 <rudi> <vbg> 23:13:08 <sparks> rudi: Let's hit that later in the Guide topic. 23:13:12 <rudi> Yep 23:13:15 <sparks> Anything else for the schedule? 23:14:09 <sparks> #topic Release Notes 23:14:10 <stickster> Nope, I think publication is our most important thing on the horizon 23:14:20 <jjmcd> OK, busy time 23:14:43 <jjmcd> stickster had manually added some new icons for release notes he got from Design 23:15:09 <jjmcd> I sent an update last week, and I manually updated the rpm because there were some things up in the air 23:15:16 <stickster> jjmcd: Yes, eventually we would want to get those integrated into the publican-fedora package. 23:15:32 <jjmcd> Sooner than eventually, actually 23:15:46 <rudi> Can do 23:16:04 <jjmcd> After some emails with Mo and Spot, we decided to rename fedora-release-notes.png to fedora-documentation.pmg 23:16:08 <jjmcd> png 23:16:21 <jjmcd> they will be included in an upcoming release of fedora-logos 23:16:24 <stickster> jjmcd: Was that on the list? 23:16:40 <jjmcd> Well, you mentioned fedora-logos 23:16:41 <nb> Have we talked about the group changes yet? 23:17:00 <sparks> nb: not yet 23:17:02 <jjmcd> OK, so anyway, f-l won't get updated for a bit 23:17:27 <stickster> Right, which is why I went ahead and entered them into the packaging for fedora-release-notes. 23:17:28 <jjmcd> but in the interim, I'm adding handling those new icons to d-p-r so that anyone who builds a guide or whatever will have them 23:17:56 <jjmcd> Once we get them into f-l, d-p-r won't have to provide them, only mention them in the .desktop 23:18:22 <stickster> OK 23:18:22 <jjmcd> Seems like a hundred other things happened but that's all I can think of 23:18:54 <jjmcd> I figure another upate rpm around the weekend, maybe later to catch some new translations 23:19:27 <jjmcd> Oh, another thing 23:19:50 <jjmcd> stickster mentioned some time back that it would be better if d-p-r were "in Fedora" 23:19:58 <nb-phone> Hopefully my connection will work now 23:20:01 <jjmcd> I wondered about that since the audience is so limited 23:20:21 <jjmcd> But Spot agreed with stickster so post GA I'll be going through that 23:20:47 <stickster> Fedora is supposed to be self-hosting, which is the reason for wanting it to be included in our repos. 23:21:05 <stickster> You shouldn't need anything from a non-Fedora source in order to build anything that's part of Fedora. 23:21:23 <jjmcd> I like that. I guess sometimes I keep my head down a little too much 23:21:44 <stickster> I think there's still an argument to be made that there's easier solutions than an entirely separate tool just to do some builds 23:22:25 <jjmcd> Well, it really isn't rocket science to do manually, but d-p-r makes it easier 23:22:27 <stickster> specfile changes should be easy for many maintainers to make 23:22:45 <sparks> We've always had separate tools... what's one more? :) 23:22:50 <stickster> And if they depend on d-p-r, then you need to be able to program in C *and* be a maintainer of that toolset to make changes 23:23:13 <stickster> Generally, packaging changes should only require someone to edit a specfile, tag and rebuild. 23:23:29 <jjmcd> THe heck of it is, most of it would be easier in bash, I just don't know how to do recursion in bash 23:23:43 <jjmcd> ANd without recursion you would put some constraints on the guides 23:23:50 <stickster> My experience on this team says that when we get away from doing things like the rest of packaging, we are making things harder for ourselves and for other contributors. 23:25:04 <jjmcd> OTOH, automation=consistency which makes things easier 23:25:19 <sparks> stickster: True but we are generating our own source and d-p-r combines multiple sources together so it isn't that similar to other programs. 23:25:33 <sparks> jjmcd: +1 23:26:30 <stickster> I like the automation part. 23:26:46 <stickster> We'll look at this post-GA. 23:26:50 <stickster> bash recursion is possible. 23:27:06 <jjmcd> And unlike other teams, we are doing the same thing over and over. Two publican docs are more alike than two random applications 23:27:18 <jjmcd> stickster, I expect it may be, I just don't know how 23:28:02 <jjmcd> We might even get away without it, but descending into random depth directories is a logical application 23:28:23 <jjmcd> Not an issue with release notes which doesn't have screenshots 23:28:26 <stickster> Let's move on, because otherwise this technical discussion will consume the rest of the meeting :-) 23:28:31 <jjmcd> yeha 23:28:39 <jjmcd> I think we got RN coered 23:28:43 <sparks> Okay, anything else on this topic? 23:28:44 <jjmcd> covered - sheesh 23:28:55 <stickster> That's the important and awesome part :-) 23:29:00 <sparks> yes 23:29:10 <sparks> jjmcd: How many completed languages now? 23:29:33 <jjmcd> still holding at 12, although maybe hebrew soon 23:30:15 <sparks> #info Release Notes translated into 12 languages, may include Hebrew 23:30:22 <sparks> Okay, let's move on. 23:30:37 <sparks> #topic Guide Status 23:30:58 <sparks> Anyone have anything the need to/want to talk about in regards to their guide? 23:32:25 <sparks> Am I to assume that all the guides are ready to go? 23:32:57 <sparks> Okay, then... moving on... 23:33:15 <sparks> #topic git repo conversion 23:33:22 <sparks> nb: We're here. 23:33:28 <nb-phone> I am here.... Mainly 23:33:32 <sparks> :) 23:33:47 <sparks> Okay, so this is what we need to decide, and vote on, tonight. 23:33:56 <nb-phone> Looks like we are pretty much decided on 3 groups 23:34:18 <sparks> #idea Three Groups: One general to say you are a member, one for repo access, one for docs.fp.o access. 23:34:19 <nb-phone> Docs, docs-committers and docs-publishers 23:34:32 <nb-phone> Is anyone -1 to this? 23:34:34 <sparks> Discussion, anyone? 23:35:02 <bcotton> i think we've discussed this about as much as can be productive. i give it my +1 23:35:04 <jjmcd> I've been following the discussion on the list and pretty much agree with it 23:35:25 <Emad78> Yup +1 23:35:34 * stickster is +1 23:35:37 <nb-phone> docs-publishers may in the future be able to give people access to build those packages 23:35:37 <sparks> Okay... All in favor - +1 23:35:38 <jjmcd> +1 23:35:44 <sparks> +1 23:35:51 <nb-phone> But that part will come later maybe 23:35:55 <nb-phone> +q 23:36:14 <nb-phone> +1 23:36:35 <sparks> #agreed Three FAS Groups: One general to say you are a member of the Docs Project, one for repo access, one for docs.fp.o access. 23:36:45 <nb-phone> I will of course coordinate with the doc owners that need their doc moved under docs/ 23:36:46 <Gearoid> +1 23:36:52 <nb-phone> Naming ideas? 23:36:58 <jjmcd> That is a huge improvement. Thanks nb! 23:37:09 <nb-phone> I suggest docs, docs-committers and docs-publishers 23:37:24 <nb-phone> Or do we want -writers or -editors or something 23:37:47 <sparks> the original ones you suggested is good to me 23:37:56 <jjmcd> I kinda like editors and publichser 23:38:13 <jjmcd> sounds a little less scary than committers 23:38:26 <sparks> Docs, Docs-Editors, Docs-Publishers 23:38:29 <stickster> -writers makes it clear that it's open to anyone to write. Editors sound more important. 23:38:41 <jjmcd> yeah 23:38:43 <stickster> and thus a higher expectation is set, which may not be the message we're trying to send 23:38:54 <sparks> Docs, Docs-Writers, Docs-Publishers 23:39:04 <nb-phone> My intent unless someone suggests otherwise is to add people that are a member of git groups to committers/editors and the people who had commit access to the website previously to publishers 23:39:08 <nb-phone> I like writers 23:39:08 <jjmcd> So, Docs-Writers, Docs-Editors, Docs-Publishers 23:39:30 <nb-phone> jjmcd: Docs, writers, publishers 23:39:43 <nb-phone> docs group membership I don't plan to change 23:40:26 * jjmcd is so pleased to get awy from 63 groups that you could call them docs, arcturus and sirius and I'd be happy 23:40:46 <nb-phone> Can everyone do me a favor please? If you are an admin in a git group for docs, please upgrade me to admin 23:40:58 * sparks can do that 23:41:05 <nb-phone> So I can remove the members when it is transferred to the new groups 23:41:18 <jjmcd> good deal 23:41:32 <sparks> #action sparks to upgrade nb to admin in git groups 23:41:50 <nb-phone> Does anyone object to me having a FAS admin use their powers if I can't find an admin in some groups? 23:42:07 <nb-phone> Like elections guide is currently sponsorless iirc 23:42:31 <sparks> Do we have an election guide? 23:42:37 <stickster> sparks: We do 23:42:40 * sparks doesn't think that one is a Docs guide 23:42:41 <stickster> I posted a temp copy of it 23:42:52 <stickster> I think we should bring it into Docs too. 23:42:59 <stickster> It needs to be upgraded to new Publican anyway. 23:43:03 <nb-phone> It was nigelj's but he is gone 23:43:04 <sparks> nb-phone: use whatever you need to make it all happy. 23:43:09 <stickster> nb-phone: Correct. 23:43:15 <stickster> ke4qqq owns the repo, I'm waiting to be sponsored 23:43:28 <stickster> Then I can upgrade it properly 23:43:57 <nb> am back on here now 23:44:01 <nb> sparks, can you #agreed that? 23:44:10 <nb> (that an accounts group member can assist if needed) 23:44:35 <nb> i should be able to find admins in most groups 23:44:45 <sparks> nb you can #agreed ... 23:44:46 <sparks> :) 23:44:48 * jjmcd has no prob but is only admin for a few groups so nb will have admin to those pretty quickly 23:44:55 * nb doesn't think he can if he isn't chair 23:45:07 <nb> .addchair freenode #fedora-meeting nb 23:45:07 <zodbot> nb: Error: '#fedora-meeting' is not a valid nick. 23:45:13 <nb> .addchair freenode nb #fedora-meeting 23:45:13 <zodbot> nb: (addchair <channel> <network> <nick>) -- Add a nick as a chair to the meeting. 23:45:21 <nb> .addchair #fedora-meeting freenode nb 23:45:21 <zodbot> nb: Chair added: nb on (#fedora-meeting, freenode). 23:45:39 <nb> #agreed an "accounts" group member can use their power to help with the group transition if needed 23:45:46 * nb forgot he could do that 23:45:55 * nb thinks that is about all 23:46:03 <nb> i may have some implementation questions in #fedora-docs later 23:46:16 <sparks> nb: Great! 23:46:41 <sparks> Anyone have any questions or any more discussion on this topic? 23:47:06 <nb> FYI I intend to do the group changes first, and then coordinate the moving into docs/ with the owners afterwards 23:47:50 <sparks> nb: Can you/are you going to create the new groups, populate the new groups, then change the permissions on all the repos? 23:47:52 <noriko> I have a couple of questions 23:48:06 <sparks> noriko: go ahead 23:48:25 <nb> sparks, i will create docs-writers and docs-publishers, then populate the new groups, change the permissions, then de-populate the old groups 23:48:27 <noriko> for GA announcement, is this right timing? 23:48:28 <nb> basically 23:48:42 <sparks> nb: perfect 23:48:52 <nb> that way no one should lose access at any time 23:48:56 <sparks> noriko: Can you give us just a minute? 23:48:58 <nb> and of course no downtime 23:49:05 <noriko> yes :-)) thank you 23:49:08 * sparks hearts no downtime 23:49:23 <nb> im also working on the docs.stg.fedoraproject.org 23:49:32 <nb> which should be about fixed, hopefully tonight 23:49:45 <rudi> Yay! 23:50:03 <rudi> Once that's in place, what do we need to do before I ask nb to push the button? 23:50:13 <rudi> (and switch branches) 23:51:19 <sparks> rudi: I don't know 23:51:30 <nb> do we want to look into making docs-publishers be able to build the docs? 23:51:40 <nb> from what i was told it is possible, although will require a little more work 23:51:40 <sparks> I think so 23:51:48 <rudi> nb -- not really more work 23:51:52 <rudi> I just need to train them up 23:51:55 <nb> the DB supports it, but we need to add a frontend to pkgdb to support adding groups 23:51:57 <rudi> and they'll need Publican 1.99 23:52:01 <sparks> publishers should be able to do everything they need to do 23:52:02 <nb> rudi, well, they have to have acls in pkgdb 23:52:14 <rudi> nb -- yeah, for the next stage 23:52:20 <nb> yeah, that will be the next stage 23:52:22 <rudi> Not for the way things stand right now 23:52:35 <nb> rudi, yeah, right now we can just add them manually 23:52:41 * stickster has a bunch of different projects using stg. and is hopelessly confused -- rudi, what exactly is happening on docs.stg.fp.o? Is that where you're setting up the Publican-based docs publishing? 23:52:54 <nb> stickster, i am trying to set up the Publican-2.0 branch to publish to docs.stg 23:53:04 <nb> stickster, right now rudi puts the Publican-2.0 branch up on a pt 23:53:09 <stickster> aha 23:53:16 <rudi> Actually, that's not quite right 23:53:34 <rudi> the stuff on pt8 is just a demo and really old and somewhat broken 23:53:42 <rudi> The Publican-2.0 branch is complete 23:53:45 <rudi> and working :) 23:53:53 <rudi> And up-to-date (as of yesterday anyway) 23:53:59 <rudi> It's ready to rolll 23:54:13 <rudi> I'd just like everyone to be able to see it on a stage somewhere 23:54:33 <rudi> Before nb pushes the button to have d.fp.o sync from that branch 23:54:39 <rudi> instead of from master like it does now 23:54:55 <rudi> (and we also need to get that 404 redirect in place or we'll have chaos) 23:55:03 <rudi> (nb did you see that ticket?) 23:55:12 <nb> rudi, actually what we will do is merge Publican-2.0 into master 23:55:31 <nb> rudi, we could have it sync from Publican-2.0, but that's not really optimal 23:55:41 <rudi> Yeah; better still 23:55:50 <rudi> So we see Publican-2.0 on the stage... 23:56:00 <rudi> Look furiously for show-stopper problems 23:56:02 <nb> yeah 23:56:10 * stickster saw that rudi put in a ticket for the 404 redirect 23:56:16 <nb> rudi, i will take a look at that 23:56:23 <rudi> And barring that, merge Publican-2.0 into master.. OK :) 23:57:20 <nb> working 23:57:27 <nb> now i just have to eliminate the hotfixes in puppet :) 23:57:31 <nb> #link http://docs.stg.fedoraproject.org/en-US/index.html 23:57:38 <nb> well, you don't have to have the en-US 23:57:42 <nb> i just copy and pasted it 23:58:05 <sparks> rudi: Why are the "blue" colors different? 23:58:08 <rudi> w00t! :) 23:58:21 <rudi> sparks -- where and where? 23:58:53 <sparks> At the top of that page... in the lefthand column the blue looks darker than the "Fedora Documentation" banner on the right column 23:59:10 <rudi> yeah; that top-left logo comes from the Docs project wiki page 23:59:17 <rudi> We can re-do that logo 23:59:31 <sparks> Okay 23:59:36 <sparks> Other than that, I like it. 23:59:48 <rudi> Also note that the link to the archives doesn't work on the stage 00:00:24 <stickster> That's pretty hawt 00:00:25 <rudi> You can get there manually from here though -- http://docs.stg.fedoraproject.org/archive/en-US/index.html 00:00:29 <stickster> modulo the weird flashy bit 00:00:58 <sparks> stickster: when you click the guides? 00:01:04 <stickster> right 00:01:10 <rudi> I think when the TOC first loads? 00:01:16 <stickster> At least in Firefox on F13 x86_64 00:01:18 <nb> do we want it to happen pre-GA? 00:01:31 <sparks> FF on F13 i386, too 00:01:34 <nb> we are frozen, but i can put in a change request 00:01:37 <stickster> But it works, and it's less manpower intensive! 00:01:39 <stickster> rock on 00:02:13 <sparks> I'm good with using this for the release 00:02:17 <nb> it'd be nice if we could get it in pre-GA 00:02:17 <sparks> no need waiting, IMHO 00:02:27 <rudi> The other quirk is that the "Contributor Documentation" is forced to have a version number 00:02:40 <nb> i'll write up a change request and send it to the infra list and try to get 2 +1's 00:02:50 <rudi> there's an RFC in progress on Publican list for how to deal with this 00:02:52 <nb> i have to get 2 sysadmin-main or releng members to approve it to change it in production 00:03:05 <nb> actually the only change we have to get approved technically is adding /public_html to the end of DocumentRoot 00:03:47 <rudi> Translators are already busy localising the Welcome page :) 00:03:58 <stickster> neat 00:04:13 * stickster is going to have to fly the coop shortly 00:04:16 <nb> so is it #agreed to try to get the new site up pre-GA? 00:04:31 <sparks> yes 00:04:50 <rudi> (+1 from me obviously :) ) 00:04:52 <nb> #agreed nb will put in a change request to get the new docs site in production before F-13 is released 00:05:37 <sparks> okay, anything else on this topic? 00:05:44 <nb> not from me 00:06:11 <sparks> noriko: You still here? 00:06:18 <noriko> ypyp 00:06:29 <sparks> #topic GA Announcement 00:06:32 <sparks> noriko: go ahead 00:06:42 <noriko> 1. Making new wiki page is relevant to add translation, such as https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_13_announcement/ja? 00:06:42 <noriko> 2. Create a collection of links to the translation pages in main GA Announcement page is relevant? If so where, top on the page? 00:06:42 <noriko> 3. String frozen or still moving? 00:08:11 <stickster> 1. The announcement duplicates much of what is in the release notes. I would say it's only relevant if contributors need a translated copy for a local mailing list or forum where en-US wouldn't work 00:09:02 <stickster> 2. If creating links, I would put a note in the top of the document, explaining and pointing to a list of links for translated copies at the bottom of the document 00:09:30 <stickster> 3. I think the strings are frozen, but it is not guaranteed. This document never gets officially frozen and turned into Publican copy. 00:09:55 <stickster> The release announcement is created so that we have something to send out on the official Fedora announcement mailing list. 00:10:45 <stickster> We also send a link or copy to various community news sites and journalists who don't pick up Red Hat press releases, but still may want to issue news about the release 00:10:49 <stickster> eof 00:11:10 <stickster> oh wiat 00:11:12 <stickster> *wait 00:11:41 <stickster> I would also note that the Release Notes are still the canonical text for all changes, and this announcement is mainly a distillation of that material. 00:11:49 <stickster> Okay, now really: 00:11:49 <stickster> eof 00:12:12 <nb> oh, also, FYI I intend to make doc-owners administrators, and then they can make who they want as sponsors 00:12:21 <nb> i think, unless someone else has ideas? 00:12:32 <nb> since you have to be an admin to make someone else a sponsor 00:12:35 <noriko> okay, thanks for all of your detalied information. stickster 00:12:44 <stickster> I hope that helped 00:12:48 <noriko> I will bring this info back to the team, and let the team to decide. 00:13:08 <noriko> yes, it is very helpful :-)) 00:13:28 * stickster has to go afk 00:13:36 <stickster> Awesome job, everyone! 00:14:10 <sparks> noriko: Is that everything you needed to know? 00:14:16 <noriko> btw, is any cut line for translation? 00:14:37 <sparks> cut line? 00:14:38 <noriko> say rel-ntoes, ja is 88% now. is this to be included in the site or not? 00:14:42 <sparks> oh 00:15:08 <sparks> I think we do 90% but if the translators want it pushed then we'll push it 00:15:10 <jjmcd> noriko, we will be making another rpm over the weekend and ppushing to the web Monday 00:15:11 * noriko feels not resource for ja to complete further for f13 00:15:52 <jjmcd> If you want it published at 80% that is fine 00:16:07 <noriko> jjmcd: say if the cutline is 75% say, Indonesian may be encourage to work a little more. 00:16:14 <jjmcd> but after the F11 exercise we have been leaning closer to 100% 00:16:16 <noriko> which is currently 71% 00:16:45 <jjmcd> Well, if they get to 75% and want it published at 75%, let me know and I will make it so 00:16:52 <noriko> no meaning of 75% though from me. 00:17:04 <jjmcd> But if, like fr-FR, they want it to be 100% then we will wait for 100% 00:17:10 <noriko> jjmcd: ok. thanks 00:17:26 <noriko> jjmcd: you are right 00:17:36 <jjmcd> Given no guidance from the translators we are doing 90% 00:18:03 <sparks> Okay, anything else? 00:18:09 <noriko> oh, ok. very good to know :-) 00:18:15 <noriko> no from me 00:18:23 <sparks> okay... moving on 00:18:26 <jjmcd> We may do he-IL at a very low percentage 00:18:54 <sparks> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 00:18:58 <noriko> jjmcd: indeed, they seems workng hard. 00:19:07 <sparks> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&classification=Fedora&product=Fedora%20Documentation&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED 00:19:20 <sparks> #info 93 active bugs 00:19:47 <sparks> #info 16 new bugs 00:20:33 <sparks> I think we should make it a priority to work on these bugs after the release 00:20:48 <jjmcd> yikes netsplit 00:20:53 <sparks> handy 00:21:05 <jjmcd> Most of the RN bugs are F11 or 12 00:21:18 <sparks> jjmcd: Can you close them as WONTFIX? 00:21:32 <jjmcd> The F11's yeah, but I may yet fix the F12's 00:21:51 <jjmcd> I think there may be an F7 there, too 00:22:11 <sparks> Do you want me to do a mass closure on tickets older than F12? 00:22:39 <jjmcd> Probably makes sense 00:22:53 <jjmcd> I don't intend to do an F11 update, or an F7 00:23:00 <sparks> jjmcd: Okay, I'll do that. 00:23:18 <sparks> #action sparks to close all RN bug tickets that are for F11 or prior 00:23:27 <sparks> Anyone have anything else? 00:23:58 <sparks> #topic All other business 00:24:04 <sparks> Okay, anyone have anything else? 00:24:16 <jjmcd> where's the beer and pizza? 00:24:33 <sparks> Ummm.... right over here! 00:25:23 <sparks> If there's nothing else... 00:25:28 <sparks> I'll close the meeting. 00:26:27 <sparks> Thanks for everyone's participation 00:26:33 <sparks> #endmeeting