20:00:09 <mmcgrath> #startmeeting Infrastructure 20:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 10 20:00:09 2010 UTC. The chair is mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:11 <mmcgrath> #topic Who's here? 20:00:15 * skvidal is here 20:00:17 <smooge> here 20:00:17 * jokajak is here 20:01:05 * a-k is 20:01:08 * rigeld2 is here 20:01:15 <dgilmore> hola 20:01:30 * sijis is here 20:01:38 <mmcgrath> lets get started 20:01:40 * nirik is lurking 20:01:43 <mmcgrath> #topic 5.5 upgrade 20:01:48 <mmcgrath> so this went pretty well 20:01:54 <mmcgrath> smooge: any outstanding issues? 20:02:36 <smooge> no outstanding issues 20:02:39 <smooge> beyond moksha 20:02:39 <dgilmore> did we migrate to postgesql 8.4? 20:03:00 <smooge> I did not myself. I think Mike may have done so on stg 20:03:16 <mmcgrath> dgilmore: we did in staging but not in production 20:03:23 <mmcgrath> lmacken: ping, any news on the updated moksha rpms? 20:03:37 <mmcgrath> it's blocking our upgrading bapp1 20:03:48 <dgilmore> mmcgrath: ok 20:04:06 <mmcgrath> dgilmore: so far no problems. 20:04:09 * mdomsch 20:04:13 <mmcgrath> there was one issue but I haven't been able to reproduce it 20:04:25 <dgilmore> ok 20:04:34 <mmcgrath> the problem happened on publictest3 but not in staging. 20:04:42 <smooge> oh? 20:05:16 <mmcgrath> smooge: yeah, the fedora user lost writes to two sequences. 20:05:19 <mmcgrath> a grant statement fixed it 20:05:26 <mmcgrath> so even if that happens in production, it's an easy fix. 20:05:37 <mmcgrath> Ok, anyone have any questions on that? 20:05:57 <a-k> I might have one later on pub test 3 for you 20:06:01 <a-k> But now right now 20:06:03 <smooge> no the only issues I had was I bumped dgilmore off in a middle of an upgrade. 20:06:23 <a-k> But not right now (oops) 20:06:30 <smooge> and app1 had a problem after a downgrade to Django 20:06:53 <mmcgrath> k 20:06:57 <mmcgrath> #topic Outage this weekend 20:07:04 <mmcgrath> so I'm pretty sure there is going to be a PHX outage this weekend. 20:07:06 <smooge> outage? 20:07:06 <mmcgrath> I'm not sure the times yet 20:07:11 <mmcgrath> just that there's PHX2 work going on. 20:07:17 <smooge> oh I wasn't aware of that 20:07:25 <mmcgrath> smooge: I wasn't either until Oxf13 told me :) 20:07:34 <mmcgrath> so I poked around a bit. 20:07:35 <smooge> great 20:07:50 <mmcgrath> I think it's supposed to be short but I'm still waiting for the official outage notification on the internal list that work is going on. 20:07:55 <mmcgrath> so everyone be aware it's coming 20:07:57 <mmcgrath> whatever it is ;) 20:08:06 <mmcgrath> #topic db2 20:08:22 <mmcgrath> If I figure out what time it is, I'm going to set an outage that starts a bit early because db2 is almost out of disk space. 20:08:25 <mmcgrath> I'm going to give it some more 20:09:08 <smooge> ah cool. how much more do we need 20:09:10 <rigeld2> mmcgrath: growing disks can be done online right? or is it policy not to do so? 20:09:30 <mmcgrath> rigeld2: not easily, the only way I know of to grow online is by adding another disk to the server, then on the server adding it. 20:09:48 <mmcgrath> If you grow a disk image, the underlying guest doesn't realize the disk is bigger so it can't be grown. 20:09:59 * lmacken arrives a bit late, due to a long concall 20:10:09 <mmcgrath> rigeld2: if you know how to do it please let me know because I've been trying to get it to work for a long time without success. 20:10:11 <rigeld2> mmcgrath: on the guest, fdisk should see the new space, but I've never dealt with kvm/xen 20:10:17 <mmcgrath> rigeld2: it doesn't :( 20:10:27 <rigeld2> ah, ignore me then. Sorry. 20:10:31 <mmcgrath> I thought maybe re-scanning the scsi bus and stuff. 20:10:32 <smooge> yeah it won't until it has been 'rebooted.' 20:10:33 <dgilmore> mmcgrath: ive not found a way to trigger a rescan of the disk on a guest so it call all be done online 20:10:44 <smooge> I have tried various ways and ended up with odd system 20:10:45 <mmcgrath> you'd think that would work by now :( 20:10:56 <mmcgrath> ahwell 20:11:00 <mdomsch> grow it, then reboot the guest 20:11:08 <rigeld2> (sorry for the sidetrack) 20:11:19 <mmcgrath> rigeld2: no problem at all it is good to check in on stuff like that from time to time. 20:11:24 <mmcgrath> lmacken: any word on moksha? 20:11:44 <lmacken> do we have a SOP on growing guest disks? I've been meaning to do that for one of my own 20:11:53 <lmacken> mmcgrath: yeah, so I'll have a new moksha at least pushed to staging today 20:11:59 <lmacken> I'm still trying to track down a problem with a handfull of unit tests that fail with our RPMs but work fine in a virtualenv. 20:12:07 <lmacken> Ended up writing a tool to compar 20:12:07 <lmacken> e versions of eggs in two different python site-packages try and track things do 20:12:12 <lmacken> wn 20:12:14 <mmcgrath> lmacken: k, sounds good. Give us a shout when bapp1 is ready 20:12:17 <lmacken> will do 20:12:24 <mmcgrath> ok, next topic 20:12:28 <mmcgrath> #topic CDN 20:12:43 <mmcgrath> so, without much pomp, Fedora's CDN is mostly deployed now. 20:12:53 <mmcgrath> you get to a proxy server based on GEO dns 20:13:18 <smooge> it seems to be going well 20:13:40 <mmcgrath> Also, I've got some pretty good etags, caching, gzipping and expiration headers on some content like on docs.fedoraproject.org, start.fp.o and just regular fedoraproject.org 20:13:47 <mmcgrath> if you have a moment, go to http://start.fedoraproject.org/ 20:13:50 <mmcgrath> and see how quick it loads :) 20:14:11 <mmcgrath> same with http://fedoraproject.org/ 20:14:19 <mmcgrath> still work to be done but we're getting there. 20:14:25 <mmcgrath> yslow certainly likes our new setup 20:14:27 * jokajak claps 20:14:46 <lmacken> very nice 20:14:55 <sijis> awesome 20:15:09 <mmcgrath> sijis: though I did just notice on start.fp.o we're advertising F12 instead of F13 :) 20:15:28 <mmcgrath> anywho, I've never gone though this cdn process before so anyone that has any expertise in it please do step forward and help out. 20:15:43 <sijis> mmcgrath: that was changed. weird. 20:15:47 <mmcgrath> it's been an interesting project to work on learning about etags, when they're good when they're bad, how to deal with expiration headers properly, etc. 20:15:48 <rigeld2> mmcgrath: You might have the most expertise :p 20:16:07 <a-k> My start.fp.o has f13 20:16:09 <rigeld2> mmcgrath: I'm getting f13 on start.fp.o 20:16:18 <mmcgrath> rigeld2: yeah it dawns on me most people outsource that sort of thing to akamai 20:16:19 <sijis> mine is showing f12. 20:16:26 * ianweller messed with yslow and handling a lot of that stuff before, but not nearly as extensively as this 20:16:39 <ianweller> and with a weird web host that does weird things. :/ 20:16:45 <rigeld2> ProxyServer: proxy3.fedoraproject.org 20:16:48 <rigeld2> has f13 20:16:53 <mmcgrath> ianweller: yah it's pretty nice. Some of our pages have a score of 99/100 once yslow and the site were properly configured :) 20:17:01 <mmcgrath> anywho, we can investigate that a bit more later. 20:17:04 <ianweller> mmcgrath: rockin'! 20:17:07 <mmcgrath> anyone have any questions or concerns on it? 20:17:32 <mmcgrath> the tricky thing here is it involves changes and checks everywhere in the stack. 20:17:39 <mmcgrath> it's not just like an apache thing or just a webpage thing 20:17:56 <mmcgrath> anywho, I'm going to get an SOP printed out and hold a training session like I did with puppet a year or two ago. 20:17:57 <mdomsch> does it change how we manage DNS entries? 20:18:07 <mmcgrath> It's not complicated, it's just large so it needs to be thought of that way. 20:18:14 <mmcgrath> mdomsch: it only changes how we manage geodns entries. 20:18:24 <mmcgrath> so, for example, torrent doesn't change but fedoraproject.org does. 20:18:25 <smooge> no it looks well 20:18:47 <mmcgrath> mdomsch: I'll do an SOP for that too but check out modules/bind/files/master/ 20:18:56 <mmcgrath> you'll see some new directories in there that are the geo based ns files. 20:19:08 <mmcgrath> it's not a perfect setup, but it is a good step forward 20:19:13 <mdomsch> it sure feels faster 20:19:45 <mmcgrath> mdomsch: yeah my first hope was that start.fedoraproject.org loaded instantly and it pretty much does. 20:20:06 <mmcgrath> we'll have to go through application by application and sometimes page by page to make sure it's all working 20:20:18 <mmcgrath> but I'm getting pretty good at finding and fixing issues 20:20:30 <mmcgrath> it'll get harder with our turbogears stack since that's actually doing work :) 20:20:39 <smooge> we just need a couple of partners in Asia and we will have a good set 20:20:55 <mmcgrath> smooge: yeah I'm thinking one in asia, one in SA and one in africa would do us a lot of good 20:21:19 * mmcgrath just got an email 20:21:24 <mmcgrath> looks like the outage will be on June 12th. 20:21:27 <smooge> ok 20:21:56 <smooge> I will be available most parts of that day I believe 20:21:56 <mmcgrath> anywho, anyone have any other questions or comments about the CDN stuff? 20:22:14 <mmcgrath> I'm also planning on giving a talk about this at the next FUDCon for those that can make it :) 20:22:31 <mmcgrath> alrighty 20:22:46 <mmcgrath> That's really all I had for the day 20:22:59 <mmcgrath> #topic Search Engine 20:23:01 <mmcgrath> a-k: any updates? 20:23:16 <a-k> There are a few minor candidates to check out yet 20:23:25 <a-k> But I think the major ones are the four in pub test right now 20:23:38 <a-k> I can send a summary to the list when I get the others done 20:23:45 <mmcgrath> a-k: yeah I look forward to reading them 20:23:56 <mmcgrath> some of us have checked them all out but it's hard to remember which ones did what:) 20:24:17 <a-k> Xapian and nutch are the ones that had trouble with unicode 20:24:22 <mmcgrath> yeah 20:24:33 <a-k> mnoGoSearch is the one that didn't want to compile on 64-bit 20:24:45 <a-k> And DataparkSearch is just way slow 20:24:52 <ianweller> heh. 20:24:57 <a-k> I'll save the details for an email 20:25:16 <mmcgrath> sounds good 20:25:25 <mmcgrath> anyone have anything else? 20:25:28 <mmcgrath> if not 20:25:30 <mmcgrath> #topic open floor 20:25:37 <mmcgrath> anyone have anything to discuss at all? 20:26:01 <smooge> I am working on zikula at the moment 20:26:08 * mdomsch will be mostly offline from June 23 - July 18 20:26:25 <smooge> I have really come to dislike php 20:26:31 <mmcgrath> smooge: :) 20:26:31 <rigeld2> I've come to like python :) 20:26:38 <mmcgrath> mdomsch: hopefully for vacation? 20:26:43 <mmcgrath> mdomsch: oh! that reminds me 20:26:47 <mmcgrath> I'll be in training next week. 20:26:50 <mmcgrath> and summit the week after 20:26:54 <rigeld2> and I need to apologize for being worthless for the past week and a half - work is destroying my life atm 20:27:02 <mdomsch> mmcgrath: certainly some of it is. I'll be at Red Hat Summit from Wed night through Friday 20:27:02 <mmcgrath> I mentioned this at a meeting a couple weeks back but then didn't mention it again :) 20:27:12 <mmcgrath> mdomsch: well I'll see you there :) 20:27:12 * smooge pulls out his Alexander Haig suit and declares he will be in charge 20:27:36 <mmcgrath> rigeld2: that's ok, $work happens :) 20:27:52 <jokajak> i would like to be able to contribute more towards mod_security, but i'm not sure where to go from where i'm at 20:28:11 <mmcgrath> mdomsch: BTW you were right about which pxe image to select. 20:28:33 <mmcgrath> jokajak: we got you in sysadmin-web right? 20:28:37 <smooge> jokajak, where is it currently? 20:28:39 <jokajak> mmcgrath: correct 20:28:45 <jokajak> smooge: on my machine only 20:28:54 <mmcgrath> jokajak: k, are you going to be around tomorrow sometime? 20:29:01 <mmcgrath> I'll get you in how to deploy it in staging for a few days. 20:29:08 <mmcgrath> then we can push what you have to production 20:29:09 <jokajak> mmcgrath: yes 20:29:28 <rigeld2> oh yeah - python-mechanize rocks face. In case you werent aware. PSA. 20:29:39 <smooge> jokajak, well lets work on getting it onto a pt, then into staging 20:30:01 <jokajak> smooge: i'll deploy it wherever you guys instruct me 20:30:12 <jokajak> i'm not currently in sysadmin-test 20:30:15 <mmcgrath> rigeld2: :) thanks for that 20:30:35 <mmcgrath> jokajak: yeah lets meet up tomorrow and we'll get a solid plan together. 20:30:54 <mmcgrath> smooge: I ended up having him skip publictest for security reasons. 20:30:55 <jokajak> awesome 20:31:06 <mmcgrath> though we can do a restricted publictest host that'd be like staging if we want. 20:31:22 <mmcgrath> my concern was him doing tests through it and passing usernames and passwords through the pt host which is something we try to avoid 20:31:28 <mmcgrath> anywho, for Friday 20:31:32 <mmcgrath> anyone have anything else to discuss? 20:32:31 <mmcgrath> alrighty, we'll close in 30 20:32:41 <smooge> mmcgrath, oh ok 20:33:04 <smooge> mmcgrath, I was going to do a publictest to make sure I have the zikula stuff working correctly 20:33:13 <smooge> ooooh 20:33:34 <mmcgrath> sure 20:33:40 <mmcgrath> I think one existed at one point, I'm sure it could use a rebuild 20:33:46 <mmcgrath> smooge: any timeline on that yet? 20:34:22 <smooge> I am working on the module and hope to have it done tonight. The big issue is the dump from mysql and loading it up to the db.stg systems. 20:34:42 <smooge> I will need help with that 20:34:58 <mmcgrath> sure thing 20:35:03 <mmcgrath> just let me know what I can do 20:35:32 <mmcgrath> Ok, if there's nothing else we'll close in 30 20:36:39 <mmcgrath> #endmeeting