16:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2010-06-10) 16:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 10 16:00:01 2010 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:01 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 16:00:01 <nirik> #topic init process 16:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 16:00:11 <nirik> who all is around for a irc support sig meeting? 16:00:21 * dcr226 waves 16:00:23 <DiscordianUK> I am here 16:00:25 <plarsen> hello 16:00:40 <Sonar_Gal> hello 16:02:28 * nirik will wait another min for folks to wander in. 16:02:41 <fenris02> 16:04:07 <mock> o/ 16:04:10 <nirik> ok, I guess we should go ahead and get started in. 16:04:17 <nirik> #topic fedora-social guidelines 16:04:32 <nirik> I didn't really hear any feedback from the proposed guidelines from last week. 16:04:41 <nirik> They are in the #fedora-social topic... 16:04:54 <DiscordianUK> I was happy with the change 16:05:10 * mock was happy with the bacon 16:05:12 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Social_Channel_FAQ 16:05:50 <nirik> I think there was a bit of feedback about the politics/religion thing... (ie, remove it as sometimes they are ok discussions). 16:06:03 <dcr226> well, the freenode guidelines are mentioned 16:06:13 <nirik> yeah. 16:06:30 <dcr226> don't think it needs labouring beyond that 16:06:35 <plarsen> you can't really discuss "vim vs. emacs" without talking religion 16:06:50 <nirik> ok, I can strike that section then... 16:07:30 <nirik> we can of course amend this moving forward... 16:07:57 <DiscordianUK> if need be 16:08:18 <DiscordianUK> I don't see much need for policing of -social 16:08:36 <plarsen> nirik, would adding a reference to #fedora saying that's where the official help/support is for Fedora? 16:08:41 <fenris02> DiscordianUK, only gaurd to match freenode policy imho 16:08:43 <mock> what about a note of discussions getting out of hand could be intervened by ops 16:08:51 <DiscordianUK> fenris02:+1 16:09:05 <nirik> plarsen: well, if it's a fedora related question... might not be. 16:09:19 <nirik> mock: well, then you get into 'what is out of hand' ? 16:09:24 <DiscordianUK> as a matter of curiousity who does have ops there? 16:09:30 * dcr226 thinks having it in the faq and having -social ops is enough 16:09:30 <DiscordianUK> I know I do 16:09:39 <fenris02> DiscordianUK, /cs access #channel list 16:10:03 <plarsen> nirik, I was more thinking something as an overview of the channels available - and how the differs so you know where to post your issue? 16:10:17 <nirik> well, there is a smaller list of ops there... but there are a number of fedora ops who have access via fedbot. 16:10:31 * DiscordianUK nods 16:10:45 <nirik> plarsen: ah, yeah, might be nice to have some kind of 'channel guide' thing with info on a bunch of them. 16:10:52 <mock> nirik: more of a feel, but i believe an op could discern that if they read a few lines. 16:11:00 <DiscordianUK> I use fedbot 16:11:05 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate#IRC 16:11:20 <ardchoille> Someone made a statement in -social about "we come here to take a break from #fedora" and I feel that goes a long to explain that support q's don't belong in -social 16:11:25 <plarsen> ahhh, there it is. 16:11:43 <mock> nirik: if there's a lot of yelling and throwing of objects and slappings 16:11:46 <nirik> mock: yeah, but that gets very subjective... I think it's better to use the freenode offtopic guidelines. 16:11:52 * dcr226 adds #fedora-women to his favourite channels list 16:12:06 <fenris02> stalking? 16:12:16 <dcr226> >:-) 16:12:39 <nirik> I suppose we could add something about disrupting the channel? 16:12:57 <mock> what qualifies for that? 16:13:05 <fenris02> displaying graphic and horrific images is certainly on the list of abusive things in -social 16:13:25 <dcr226> nirik, don't think its needed for -social at all, there is faq's, ops, and regular -social occupants to do that imo 16:13:36 <DiscordianUK> That breaches freenode guidelines anyway 16:13:47 <nirik> well, I guess that falls under the freenode offtopic anyhow. 16:14:00 <fenris02> DiscordianUK, yes, but someone ignored it a while ago i'm told. 16:14:03 <nirik> "various forms of antisocial behavior" 16:14:31 <nirik> anyhow, I think this is a good start... 16:14:35 <dcr226> nirik, +1 16:14:39 * Southern_Gentlem 16:14:42 <nirik> lets make it active and adjust if need be? 16:14:47 <DiscordianUK> +1 16:14:58 <fenris02> 16:15:23 <nirik> any objections? ;) 16:15:56 * mock doesn't want to be objectable 16:16:15 <nirik> #agreed will put the #fedora-social faq in place and adjust as needed moving forward. 16:16:27 <nirik> #topic Week in Review 16:16:39 <Southern_Gentlem> nirik, did we make Sonar_Gal an op in social? 16:16:41 <nirik> http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html 16:17:02 <nirik> Southern_Gentlem: was going to get to ops nominations in a bit. ;) 16:17:16 <nirik> we didn't yet I don't think... 16:17:38 <fenris02> didnt? oh. thought we had 16:18:05 <dcr226> afaik, it was in the nominations last week, and you were waiting for any objections nirik 16:18:09 * DiscordianUK is unsurprising down in the weekly stats 16:18:29 <nirik> it was a pretty busy week... but nothing vastly out of the ordinary that I can think of. 16:18:41 <nirik> aside from mharris being so active again. ;) 16:18:58 <DiscordianUK> It's good to see him back 16:19:02 <dcr226> don't think he slept for 3 days 16:19:11 <DiscordianUK> He's a wealth of experience 16:19:43 <Southern_Gentlem> and sarcasim 16:19:47 <nirik> ok, anyone have anything to note from the last week then? or shall we move along? 16:20:22 <mock> speaking of... 16:20:57 <nirik> indeed. ;) 16:21:25 <Sonar_Gal> :) 16:21:59 <nirik> ok, moving along then... 16:22:06 <nirik> #topic Op nominations 16:22:55 <ardchoille> Who is allowed to vote in these nominations? 16:23:00 <nirik> As far as Sonar_Gal for fedora-social, I wasn't sure she was willing to serve.... Since she is, I'm +1 to that... She's active in there and will help out nicely. 16:23:00 <dcr226> ops 16:23:10 <nirik> ardchoille: ops in the indicated channel. 16:23:11 <dcr226> Sonar_Gal, +1 16:23:20 <DiscordianUK> +1 16:23:25 <plarsen> If I have a vote, I'm for +1 too 16:23:35 <nirik> we collect feedback via email over the week, and then vote in the next meeting. 16:23:53 <thomasj> Are wwe voting Sonar_Gal right now? 16:23:55 <thomasj> *we 16:23:57 <mock> was there any mod to the bot for a @frying_pan function? 16:23:58 <nirik> thomasj: yeah. 16:24:03 <thomasj> +1 to Sonar_Gal 16:24:04 <nirik> mock: ha. 16:24:17 * mock submits there needs to be 16:24:22 * dcr226 is happy to build one 16:24:39 * dcr226 so long as he gets currency on its output 16:24:58 <Sonar_Gal> :) 16:25:02 <mock> dcr226: you be part of the test group :) 16:25:11 * DiscordianUK chuckles 16:25:20 <dcr226> mock, so long as I'm allowed back in afterwards :D 16:25:31 <nirik> Southern_Gentlem: any vote here? I think you already said +1 last week. 16:27:10 <nirik> anyhow, no objection, so I think this passes... 16:27:25 <nirik> #agreed Sonar_Gal to help op #fedora-social. 16:27:32 <nirik> ok, next up... dcr226 16:27:36 * dcr226 ducks 16:27:45 <mharris> +1 for SG 16:28:04 <DiscordianUK> for #fedora or both that and -social? 16:28:14 <nirik> DiscordianUK: for fedora. 16:28:17 <DiscordianUK> +1 16:28:21 <thomasj> dcr226 as fedbot op or full? 16:28:36 * thomasj missed a bit 16:28:43 * plarsen abstains .... wouldn't be right to vote here. 16:29:09 <nirik> thomasj: we could do either. I think it gets confusing tho to have people who are just ops via the bot... unless people think it's a good way to do a probationary period or something. 16:29:10 <Southern_Gentlem> +1 Sonar_Gal 16:29:25 <Southern_Gentlem> Sonar_Gal, has been around along time 16:29:32 <DiscordianUK> It is confusing 16:29:36 <thomasj> nirik, is he already fedbot op? 16:29:39 <Southern_Gentlem> i think she should have full op in #social 16:29:48 <nirik> thomasj: nope. 16:29:51 <thomasj> ah ok 16:30:01 <mharris> Although people might start conspiracy theories if most ops nicks abbreviate to "SG". :) 16:30:12 <DiscordianUK> I suggest dcr226 as a channel op in #fedora 16:30:18 <DiscordianUK> for now 16:31:00 <Southern_Gentlem> mharris, never been a problem bifore when anvil me and sonar_guy where the only ones active 16:31:12 <thomasj> +1 for fedbot op for dcr226. Though if people think he might be ok for full, no real objections here. Except maybe the short time. 16:31:29 <nirik> I think dcr226 has been doing a great job... I'm +1 to making him an op, but ok with just adding to bot for a week as a trial period. 16:31:33 <mharris> Southern_Gentlem: just trying to be funny :) 16:31:39 <Southern_Gentlem> give both 30 days trail with the bot then we can move from there 16:31:49 <plarsen> About bot only - once you've used it once, I think it won't be a problem not having the real hat ... 16:31:49 <DiscordianUK> I'll support that 16:32:06 <nirik> well, what would say should be allowed via the bot then? 16:32:11 <Southern_Gentlem> +1 16:32:27 <thomasj> 30 day trial sounds fine. +1 16:32:34 <mharris> Using a bot to op would be the preferred method no? ;) 16:32:39 <nirik> yeah, it is. 16:32:41 <mharris> Cloaked bot actions. 16:32:56 <mharris> Unless it advertises who did it in messages 16:33:03 <DiscordianUK> It doesn't 16:33:13 <mharris> ah, sounds sweet :) 16:33:14 <nirik> but the confusion then is: can the person vote on other ops? can they change needed things that are not via the bot in channel? (not that we have to do that very often) 16:33:37 <plarsen> mharris, if the op has warned in channel about a given behavior and then the bots executes, is there really a need to advertise more than that? 16:33:47 * zcat peeks in 16:33:59 <nirik> so, restricted to what? ban/kick? 16:34:17 <mock> zcat: poke 756,1 16:34:27 <mharris> plarsen: no, I'm all in favour of all op actions in all channels being cloaked by default. It helps to mitigate retaliation, DoS attacks, /msg whining, etc. 16:34:28 <DiscordianUK> That's 90% of all that's needed 16:34:42 <zcat> mock, hey, you sunk my &battleship 16:34:52 <mharris> Of course, then the bot is hip for DoS potentially :) 16:34:59 <plarsen> mharris, I think we agree then ;) I thought you wanted the message to contain the nick of the op that caused the action. 16:35:37 <mharris> plarsen: naw, I like the idea of a channel bot that priv people can do cloaked op operations 16:35:41 * dcr226 can count on less than 2 fingers the number of times he would actually have used it anyway fwiw 16:36:01 <nirik> ok, I will look and see if we can config the bot this way. I think we can. 16:36:04 <nirik> ok, on to plarsen. ;) 16:36:19 <mharris> dcr226: yeah, same here. There's only one person that I'd have +b'd in #f-s in recent times for sure. 16:36:32 <nirik> I think he also has been doing a good job and active. +1 here to the same setup as dcr226. 16:36:34 <mharris> And others ended up banning him several times anyway so... :) 16:36:39 <DiscordianUK> +1 16:36:43 <dcr226> mharris, think its the same person 16:36:54 <mharris> +00000001b 16:37:00 * plarsen tries to not look too conspicurate 16:37:18 <mharris> dcr226: fenris02? 16:37:24 <dcr226> lulz 16:37:26 <DiscordianUK> i had to op up in f-s once to ban someone who was bouncing 16:37:27 <mharris> just kidding :) tweek* 16:37:30 <thomasj> +1 to plarsen with the same setup as dcr226 16:37:53 <mharris> ah yes, having ops to stomp on bouncings would be nice at times. 16:38:27 <mharris> perhaps an @antibounce command would be suitable for that, with exponential fallback 16:38:31 <Southern_Gentlem> DiscordianUK, you jusyt not quick enough 16:38:52 <DiscordianUK> Southern_Gentlem, I was learning 16:39:05 <dcr226> well, I can probably sort a plugin to pickup on say 5 entries in 60 seconds? mharris 16:39:17 <nirik> anyhow, any objections on plarsen? 16:39:27 <DiscordianUK> No objections 16:39:43 <nirik> congrats to Sonar_Gal, dcr226, plarsen. Use your powers sparingly and wisely. 16:39:57 <Sonar_Gal> nirik, Thanks 16:39:59 <nirik> #agreed dcr226 and plarsen will be added to the bot setup for 30days. 16:39:59 <DiscordianUK> yes congrats all three of you 16:40:07 <dcr226> thanks all :) 16:40:10 <mharris> ie: if someone is @antibounce'd, they're given a /msg from the bot indicating their client is auto-rejoining too frequently and they need to fix it, followed by an n minute ban, if they rejoin after that, and rejoin again within 'm' seconds, then they're booted again for n*2 seconds, etc. until they sort out the problem 16:40:14 * Southern_Gentlem bounceing in and out $dayjob 16:40:19 <plarsen> Thank you all 16:40:39 <mharris> In fact, it'd be nice to have the bot just autodetect that happening to people and auto-autobounce them 16:40:56 <nirik> #topic Bot news 16:40:57 <DiscordianUK> Mmm not sure about auto 16:41:01 <dcr226> mharris, yeah, thats what I was on about 16:41:09 <nirik> so, dcr226 wrote up a simple plugin this last week... 16:41:17 <mharris> I like auto stuff 16:41:22 <zcat> mharris, the first 10 joins/parts per hour are free... 16:41:27 <nirik> it allows someone to notify ops about a problem. 16:41:35 <nirik> @ops help help! 16:41:52 <nirik> this will send a note to #fedora-ops channel 16:41:54 <nirik> that looks like: 16:41:58 <nirik> <fedbot> Hello, nirik says could someone take a look at issues in #fedora-meeting, (orig message : 'help help!') 16:42:07 <plarsen> I like that feature 16:42:10 <mock> nice 16:42:14 <DiscordianUK> That seems a good idea 16:42:23 <nirik> this should allow us to have people notify ops about a issue/problem, so someone can look at it. 16:42:36 <nirik> we need to add it to the wiki page and start otherwise advertising it's existance... 16:42:38 <mharris> @ops nirik is giving away all the bot secrets! 16:42:48 <nirik> unless folks have problems with the way it's setup now. ;) 16:42:56 <DiscordianUK> a possible DOS vector though 16:43:07 <dcr226> it has a limit DiscordianUK 16:43:09 <nirik> well, it's subject to the same limits as other commands. 16:43:11 <mharris> nirik: bummer, it doesn't mention all ops IRC nicks to kick in client side alerts 16:43:14 <DiscordianUK> okay 16:43:21 <dcr226> but still, yes - the same as the bot generally 16:43:22 <nirik> so it will ignore someone who does it too many time. 16:43:27 <DiscordianUK> okay 16:43:32 <nirik> also, we can set it to ignore people who abuse it. 16:43:32 <dcr226> nirik, if fedbot using twisted? 16:43:49 <nirik> dcr226: for it's connection method? I would have to look... 16:44:00 <mock> blacklist 16:44:16 <dcr226> nirik, if not, it probably wise - ddos can be non-trivial if it can run that many threads 16:44:18 <mock> with great power comes great responsibility --uncle ben 16:44:20 <nirik> no, it's using Socket. 16:44:40 <plarsen> gotta go afk for a few. 16:44:42 <dcr226> mock, that was Sun Tzu 16:44:55 <mharris> nirik: I'd propose snarfing the op list from ACCESS #foo LIST, and adding everyone's nicks to the msg sent to #fedora-ops, although some people might be using an alternate nick compared to what they're flagged in the access lists. 16:44:59 * mock saw spider-man instead of reading sun tzu 16:45:15 <dcr226> Heh 16:45:17 <nirik> mharris: well, there is a pingall command that would ping everyone in that channel. 16:45:18 <Southern_Gentlem> i think in the #ops channel is plenty 16:45:29 <dcr226> +1 16:45:31 <DiscordianUK> I think the channel is enough 16:45:44 <DiscordianUK> I sit in there if I'm around 16:46:10 <nirik> mharris: this is also a memoserv command that can send to all ops... but that also is messy... someone may have taken care of the issue and 5 others still get it and start looking into it. 16:47:21 <nirik> anyhow, lets try just to channel for now, and can adjust if need be. 16:48:06 * dcr226 notes that this particular plugin doesn't require any string. @ops is enough to trigger it 16:48:51 <nirik> right. 16:48:54 <nirik> #topic Open floor 16:48:58 <nirik> anything for open floor? 16:49:17 <mharris> You guys are too low tech. I was thinking of an SIP plugin that dials everyone's FAS chat number with the text message from the @ops command translated to speech via festival. 16:49:26 <mharris> It's 2010! Think big! 16:49:55 <nirik> ha. ;) 16:50:13 <dcr226> mharris, asterisk's manager api works well for that 16:51:13 * nirik will close out the meeting in a few if nothing else comes up. 16:51:37 * mock has nothing 16:51:43 <DiscordianUK> Nor me 16:51:55 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone! 16:51:58 <nirik> #endmeeting