#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2010-07-20)

Meeting started by nirik at 19:30:04 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (nirik, 19:30:04)
    1. kylem notting and mclasen indicated they would be unable to attend today. (nirik, 19:30:50)
    2. ajax also unable to attend (nirik, 19:31:43)

  2. #351 Create a policy for updates - status report on implementation (nirik, 19:34:51)
  3. #382 Implementing Stable Release Vision (nirik, 19:36:57)
  4. #409 Feature Request: GNUstep (nirik, 19:41:37)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:Features/GNUstep has some info (nirik, 19:42:38)
    2. Feature is approved. (nirik, 19:50:24)

  5. #423 F14Feature: GoldLinkerDefault - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/GoldLinkerDefault (nirik, 19:50:33)
    1. will revisit later in the meeting hopefully with jlaw around. (nirik, 19:52:35)

  6. #432 Add new FPL to fesco list (nirik, 19:52:46)
    1. AGREED: will re-add stickster for a bit. (nirik, 19:54:42)

  7. #439: dist-git rollout plan (nirik, 19:56:33)
    1. http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/webfiles/ (nirik, 20:13:26)
    2. AGREED: Go forth and GIT. Move forward at F14 branch time with a migration. (nirik, 20:21:00)

  8. Till Maass unavailable (nirik, 20:21:39)
  9. #431 Exception for Recoll bundling other libraries modified (nirik, 20:26:21)
    1. AGREED: exception granted in this case. (nirik, 20:29:19)

  10. #433 F14Feature: CryptographyInKernel - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/CryptographyInKernel (nirik, 20:29:26)
    1. AGREED: Feature is approved. (nirik, 20:37:51)

  11. #434 F14Feature - DNSSEC_on_workstations - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/DNSSEC_on_workstations (nirik, 20:38:32)
    1. will ask questions of feature owner and revisit next week. (nirik, 20:40:57)
    2. ACTION: mjg59 to ask for more input on this feature. (nirik, 20:43:08)

  12. #435 F14Feature: F14EclipseHelios - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/F14EclipseHelios (nirik, 20:43:11)
    1. AGREED: Feature is approved. (nirik, 20:45:39)

  13. #436 F14Feature: KDE45 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/KDE45 (nirik, 20:45:45)
    1. AGREED: Feature is approved. (nirik, 20:47:20)

  14. #437 F14Feature: MemoryDebuggingTools - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/MemoryDebuggingTools (nirik, 20:47:27)
    1. AGREED: Feature is approved. (nirik, 20:49:22)

  15. #438 F14Feature: Ruby_1.87 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Ruby_1.8.7 (nirik, 20:49:29)
    1. will gather more info and revisit next week. (nirik, 20:55:15)

  16. Open Floor (nirik, 20:56:03)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild (dmalcolm, 20:57:15)

  17. Python 2.7 mass rebuild (nirik, 20:57:15)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild (dmalcolm, 20:57:19)

  18. Open Floor (nirik, 21:14:49)

Meeting ended at 21:17:10 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. mjg59 to ask for more input on this feature.

Action items, by person

  1. mjg59
    1. mjg59 to ask for more input on this feature.

People present (lines said)

  1. nirik (173)
  2. pjones (79)
  3. Oxf13 (74)
  4. mjg59 (43)
  5. cwickert (38)
  6. SMParrish (24)
  7. zodbot (17)
  8. dmalcolm (13)
  9. sgrubb (9)
  10. drago01 (6)
  11. gholms (4)
  12. mdomsch (4)
  13. mitr (3)
  14. stickster (3)
  15. dgilmore (3)
  16. skvidal (2)
  17. hicham (2)
  18. lmacken (1)
  19. Southern_Gentlem (1)
  20. mclasen (0)
  21. kylem (0)
  22. ajax (0)
  23. notting (0)

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