17:04:36 <Oxf13> #startmeeting Release Engineering 17:04:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jul 30 17:04:36 2010 UTC. The chair is Oxf13. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:04:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:04:46 <Oxf13> #meetingname fedora-releng 17:04:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-releng' 17:04:53 <Oxf13> #topic roll call 17:05:20 <Oxf13> ping: notting lmacken wwoods rdieter_work dgilmore spot poelcat 17:05:24 * lmacken here 17:05:37 * spot is here 17:05:41 * dgilmore is here 17:06:11 * jsmith lurks 17:07:14 * poelcat 17:07:57 * wwoods here 17:08:14 * nirik is lurking 17:09:48 <Oxf13> #info present is lmacken spot dgilmore poelcat wwoods and jsmith, nirik 17:09:58 <Oxf13> I suspect notting will join us in a moment. 17:10:02 <Oxf13> #topic dist-git 17:10:06 <Oxf13> so yeah, that happened. 17:10:20 <dgilmore> woohoo 17:10:32 <pjones> hey, so, dist-git... seems to be up and running. 17:10:32 <dgilmore> im sure we will have a busy few weeks ahead of us 17:11:25 <Oxf13> yep 17:11:34 <Oxf13> I've got some tickets rolling in for fedpkg bugfixes and enhancements 17:12:03 <dgilmore> seems we have lots of git newbies also 17:12:06 <Oxf13> and ran into the first real "gotcha" (I had been testing with a non-standard git config and didn't notice a problem with local branches not matching name of remote branches for 'push' tasks, but come on git!) 17:13:05 <Oxf13> all in all though, I don't see us rolling back 17:13:52 <stickster> Thanks to the folks involved for their hard work on this changeover. 17:13:52 * dgilmore either 17:13:59 <Oxf13> #info seems to be working, not rolling back. 17:14:14 <Oxf13> don't want to spend a lot of time on this topic, so we can move on. 17:14:21 <dgilmore> ok 17:14:21 <Oxf13> #topic Fedora 14 Branched 17:14:28 <Oxf13> so yeah, that happened too 17:14:38 <Oxf13> #info git is branched for f14 17:14:40 <dgilmore> first branched compose underway? 17:14:44 <Oxf13> not yet 17:14:52 <Oxf13> I'm going to be working on that once I get through email backlog 17:15:11 <Oxf13> but I was right that we shouldn't need any sort of outage to do branching in the future. 17:15:14 <notting> Oxf13: oops. 17:15:25 <Oxf13> there might be a small race condition, but I think it's mostly harmless 17:16:08 <Oxf13> I think the right course of action is to lock the current dist-foo tag, create the new target, start the git branching and walk away 17:16:24 <Oxf13> people might not be able to build until their package is branched and they do a git pull, but that's it 17:17:22 <dgilmore> Oxf13: that seems fine 17:17:29 <Oxf13> #info branched compose to be started manually in a few hours 17:19:36 <Oxf13> We owe a test compose too, which I do after branched compose 17:19:44 <Oxf13> #topic Fedora 14 Alpha 17:20:00 <Oxf13> #info Fedora 14 Alpha Test Compose 1 due... yesterday. Will do it after branched compose finishes 17:20:04 <dgilmore> we start trying to compose alpha now right 17:20:28 <Oxf13> Alpha is going to be rough. With boost, python2.7, and systemd all landing I'm not confident that we can get everything working in time 17:20:45 <Oxf13> dgilmore: no, the first target attempt for composing alpha is Tuesday 17:21:04 <dgilmore> ok 17:21:19 <dgilmore> i have systemd working here 17:21:27 <dgilmore> but cant update to python2.7 17:21:31 <notting> test compose is simply branched compose + isos? 17:22:26 <Oxf13> notting: yes 17:24:24 <Oxf13> Anything else on Alpha? 17:24:56 <dgilmore> nope 17:25:12 <Oxf13> Ok. 17:27:20 <Oxf13> #topic open floor 17:28:12 * gholms|work congratulates everyone involved on a relatively smooth dist-git rollout 17:28:46 <Oxf13> thanks! 17:29:59 <Oxf13> ok, looks like that's all we have for today, thanks for coming! 17:30:03 <Oxf13> #endmeeting