20:00:23 <smooge> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure 20:00:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 5 20:00:23 2010 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:40 <smooge> #meetingname infrastructure 20:00:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 20:00:42 <mmcgrath> smooge: you going to take it in case I dropp off? 20:00:45 <smooge> #chairs mmcgrath 20:00:54 <smooge> #chair mmcgrath 20:00:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: mmcgrath smooge 20:01:02 <smooge> I thought you had dropped off 20:01:10 * mdomsch 20:01:17 <smooge> #topic Who is here 20:01:17 * nirik is around lurking in the back. 20:01:22 <mmcgrath> naw, I'm on right now, no telling when it'll drop again. bad modem :( 20:01:24 <onekopaka_laptop> explisions 20:01:27 * CodeBlock is here 20:01:31 <mmcgrath> I have my cell but it drops every now and then too 20:01:32 <onekopaka_laptop> explosions* 20:01:34 * mmcgrath here 20:02:25 <onekopaka_laptop> mmcgrath: comtrash is supposed to let you walk into the office and get a new one yourself 20:02:47 <smooge> #topic Agenda 20:03:01 * skvidal is here, too 20:03:01 <mmcgrath> I suppose I can call back and ask. Youd' think they'd have mentioned that when i said "I work from home with internet, when I don't have internet I starve my wife and child" 20:03:14 <smooge> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=milestone&keywords=~Meeting&order=priority 20:03:36 <onekopaka_laptop> mmcgrath: after the meeting, you could try that 20:03:58 <smooge> It won't work they get that all the time from people who are middle men for the mafia 20:04:27 <smooge> .ticket 2275 20:04:28 <zodbot> smooge: #2275 (Upgrade Nagios) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2275 20:04:34 <onekopaka_laptop> scandolous lies. 20:04:45 <onekopaka_laptop> CodeBlock: nagios person. 20:04:48 <CodeBlock> oh hey, that's me :P 20:04:51 <smooge> CodeBlock, is working on this 20:05:21 <CodeBlock> Well mmcgrath pointed out one problem, we were unable to issue commands through the web interface...and I think mmcgrath fixed it but he isn't sure how he did it 20:05:31 <CodeBlock> Other than that it's been working fine on -external 20:05:34 <onekopaka_laptop> not sure how he did it... 20:05:36 <onekopaka_laptop> hmm 20:06:07 <mmcgrath> I did kill that chicken 20:06:20 <onekopaka_laptop> in sacrifice to the nagios gods? 20:06:36 * onekopaka_laptop looks at the Tactical Overview 20:07:55 <onekopaka_laptop> may I press acknowledge for this Check Nagios on noc1 20:07:57 <CodeBlock> But yeah, it's been running for a few weeks on -external now, seems to be fine minus that glitch. Other than that, we're on hold until we upgrade noc01 to rhel6 20:08:13 <smooge> ok so after freeze 20:08:22 <smooge> ? 20:08:33 <onekopaka_laptop> after freeze seems like a good idea to me 20:08:52 <CodeBlock> smooge: Sure, that works 20:09:43 <smooge> .ticket 2277 20:09:44 <zodbot> smooge: #2277 (Figure out how to upgrade transifex on a regular schedule) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2277 20:09:48 * dgilmore is here 20:09:55 <onekopaka_laptop> oh boy is that one a problem 20:10:03 <smooge> Ok this is one that is about as painful as dealign with AGPL apps 20:10:16 <mmcgrath> I sent an email to various people as suggested by abadger1999 on the translations team interested in working with us on this and didn't hear back from anyone. 20:10:41 <onekopaka_laptop> that's rather bottom score 20:12:08 <onekopaka_laptop> I don't think they care about it. 20:12:31 <smooge> well I think we need to figure out their need/workflow and deal with it. 20:13:04 <smooge> but thats all managerial sounding so I need to go take my medicine :) 20:13:10 <mmcgrath> well, one part here is there's actually nothing to do at the moment. 20:13:50 <smooge> oh I though there was an update that needed to be done? Or was it because it required something old? 20:14:26 <mmcgrath> we're a release behind upstream but that release would have no benefit to the translators 20:14:30 <mmcgrath> that's my understanding at least. 20:14:31 <abadger1999> smooge: There's an update that could be done. 20:14:42 <abadger1999> Doesn't need to be done. 20:14:51 <onekopaka_laptop> but it can be. 20:14:58 <mmcgrath> the ticket was more about making sure those updates do get taken care of when there is one. 20:15:04 <abadger1999> <nod> 20:15:05 <mmcgrath> since the last one I think had a major lag time 20:15:17 <abadger1999> And was a pain to do when we got around to it. 20:15:51 <smooge> my guess is that the translators may not have people knoweledgable enough to be an owner (or if they are aren't swamped?) 20:16:31 <smooge> ok as mmcgrath said nothing really going on now. will 'deal' with it next meeting. 20:16:42 <smooge> anything else though from anyone? 20:16:56 <onekopaka_laptop> on translations? 20:17:03 <smooge> #topic Fedora 14 Alpha Freeze 20:17:04 <onekopaka_laptop> because that's a no from me 20:17:06 <mmcgrath> there won't be anything to do next meeting either. we need someone from the translations team to work with. 20:17:17 <abadger1999> If we think that we can manage a multi-version upgrade fine, we could close the ticket and deal with it when translations asks for an upgrade to a new version. 20:17:18 <onekopaka_laptop> mmcgrath: mhmm 20:17:37 <dgilmore> abadger1999: i kinda think we should keep close to upstream 20:17:55 <onekopaka_laptop> HEY! we're on the alpha freeze now ;-) 20:17:56 <dgilmore> however if there doing work thats going to hurt us we need to look at options 20:18:16 <mmcgrath> anyone know for sure if we slipped the alpha release? 20:18:21 <mmcgrath> poelcat: did we officially slip? 20:18:31 <poelcat> mmcgrath: no 20:18:33 <onekopaka_laptop> I don't know 20:18:38 <onekopaka_laptop> We didn't slip? 20:18:40 <smooge> cool. 20:18:40 <mmcgrath> poelcat: have we officialy not slipped? 20:18:43 <dgilmore> mmcgrath: i need to compose RC today 20:18:43 <poelcat> mmcgrath: i think we barely made it to RC 20:18:45 <mmcgrath> or still just waiting 20:18:47 <mmcgrath> k 20:18:55 <poelcat> a small miracle 20:19:10 <smooge> ok well we are currently in Freeze and will be looking at it til next week? 20:19:17 <poelcat> though its really hard to know at the start of the day when there is no info in the bugs 20:19:47 <mmcgrath> smooge: we could go through and get release tickets assigned: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/SOP/Release#Preparations 20:20:16 <dgilmore> of course i need my change requests approved so i can attempt to compose 20:20:29 <smooge> That is a seperate ticket for each correct? 20:21:28 <poelcat> dgilmore: how long does the compose take? 20:22:03 <mmcgrath> smooge: correct 20:22:11 <dgilmore> poelcat: im honestly not sure 20:22:37 <dgilmore> poelcat: im flying by the seta of my pants here a little 20:23:25 <nirik> looks like the f14 branched compose that just finished took about 2hours 45min 20:23:58 <dgilmore> nirik: its a whole different compose process 20:24:24 <nirik> yeah, for TC3... yep. 20:24:35 <dgilmore> making install isos and friends 20:24:50 <onekopaka_laptop> oh fun 20:24:54 <onekopaka_laptop> install isos 20:25:59 <mmcgrath> smooge: you making tickets or should we do that for next time? 20:26:46 <smooge> mmcgrath, I am trying to make tickets 20:27:08 <smooge> trac and me are dukuing it so maybe we should do that next time 20:27:08 <onekopaka_laptop> smooge: *trying*? 20:27:23 <mmcgrath> no worries, we can do it for next time 20:27:54 <onekopaka_laptop> great! 20:28:39 <smooge> Master ticket is 2311 20:28:42 <smooge> going down from there 20:30:22 <smooge> While I am trying to get trac to do stuff.. 20:30:25 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 20:30:34 <smooge> anything that people need to get going 20:30:39 <dgilmore> please bear with me 20:30:42 <onekopaka_laptop> blogs.fp.o! 20:31:06 <onekopaka_laptop> it has ugly ugly rewrites that seem excessive 20:31:18 <onekopaka_laptop> and I don't even understand them 20:31:31 <mmcgrath> onekopaka_laptop: how popular has blogs been? 20:31:50 <onekopaka_laptop> not popular 20:32:32 <onekopaka_laptop> it needs to be more popular 20:32:36 <mmcgrath> do we want to consider dropping it? 20:32:48 <mmcgrath> initially we took it on because insight was going to be based on it so there was economies of scale. 20:32:49 <onekopaka_laptop> groan. 20:32:58 <mmcgrath> now though it's its own app. 20:33:08 <mmcgrath> there doesn't seem to have been a big push for it. 20:33:17 <mmcgrath> just something to think about, we certainly don't have to decide now 20:33:40 <onekopaka_laptop> right now, the only issue is the broken logins 20:33:49 <mmcgrath> users can't log in? 20:33:53 <onekopaka_laptop> well 20:33:55 <onekopaka_laptop> when they do 20:34:00 <smooge> I would put it as less popular than say fpaste or fedora forums.. which we don't run 20:34:00 <mmcgrath> no wonder it's not popular :) 20:34:00 <onekopaka_laptop> it takes them to a broken link 20:34:14 <onekopaka_laptop> yeah 20:34:50 <mmcgrath> well something to consider in the future 20:35:12 <mmcgrath> onekopaka_laptop: do you know what is busted? 20:35:18 <mmcgrath> in the login I mean 20:35:20 <onekopaka_laptop> not really 20:36:02 <onekopaka_laptop> I know what happens 20:36:11 <mmcgrath> we can take a look after the meeting. 20:36:15 <onekopaka_laptop> okay 20:36:23 <smooge> mdomsch, are you here still? 20:36:35 <smooge> Do we still need to do task 5 Add MirrorManager repository redirects. ${version}-Alpha => ${version}. ${version}-Beta => ${version}. ${version+1} => rawhide. This directs Alpha and Beta users at the pending release, and the next version users at rawhide. MM's manage-repo-redirects script is used to do this. 20:36:37 <mdomsch> smooge: yes 20:37:13 <smooge> I remember that was one thing you had done automagically at one point and I kept asking you to do something that didn't need to be done 20:37:20 <mdomsch> smooge: yes, but I'll close it immediately as i pre-created them last round. 20:37:25 <smooge> ok 20:37:32 <smooge> I will open and assign to you 20:37:43 <mdomsch> the auto-repo-detection code broke at f14 branch for some reason 20:37:57 <mdomsch> hence the mirrorlists were broken for a couple days 20:39:02 <smooge> ah ok 20:39:52 <smooge> ok I think there are only 3 things for an Alpha 20:40:16 <smooge> # Verify mirror space (for all test releases as well) 20:40:16 <smooge> # Release day ticket and milestone (keep a log of who is doing what and notes) 20:40:16 <smooge> # Verify with rel-eng permissions on content are right on the mirrors. Don't leak. 20:40:35 <smooge> the rest are final release 20:40:43 <mmcgrath> smooge: the ones that are for final only are labeled as such 20:40:59 <mmcgrath> so I count 7 20:41:04 <smooge> Re-review Lessons Learned pages from previous release, be sure we aren't forgetting things we meant to do after the last release. 20:41:44 <smooge> New website? 20:41:59 <mmcgrath> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 20:43:19 <smooge> oh how do I get those on the meetings list? 20:43:50 <mmcgrath> we usually just do a keyword fedora-14alpha 20:44:04 <mmcgrath> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/9 20:44:08 <mmcgrath> then we edit that report to show them 20:47:45 <smooge> ok I think I will end the meeting and finish opening tickets 20:47:50 <smooge> #endmeeting