20:58:47 <brunowolff> #startmeeting spins-sig 20:58:47 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 16 20:58:47 2010 UTC. The chair is brunowolff. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:58:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:58:52 * nirik is here. 20:59:04 <brunowolff> #meetingname spins-sig 20:59:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'spins-sig' 20:59:18 <brunowolff> #topic Who's here? 20:59:27 * brunowolff is here. 21:00:12 <brunowolff> Side note - I am using a different IRC client today and possibly could be slow or mess up due to this. 21:00:28 <brunowolff> #topic trac admin 21:00:54 <brunowolff> I didn't see a message from kanarip, but I notice that both nirik and I have 21:01:12 <brunowolff> admin access to the spin-kickstarts trac instance. 21:01:27 <brunowolff> At some point I'll get updated milestones created. 21:01:52 <brunowolff> What is generally policy for old milestones? Just leave them or can they be deleted? 21:02:01 <nirik> I would say leave them for history. 21:02:07 <brunowolff> Ok. 21:03:02 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will create updated milestones in the spin-kickstarts trac instance and leave the old ones around. 21:03:22 <brunowolff> #topic Pushing livecd-tools 033-2 to F13 and F12? 21:03:41 <brunowolff> Any reason I shouldn't pust livecd-tools 033-2 to F13 and F12? 21:04:00 <nirik> sounds ok to me, as long as they get karma/etc... 21:04:07 <brunowolff> With a fixed squashfs-tools 4.0 and that, people should be able to make livecds 21:04:11 <nirik> would allow people to make f14/rawhide images. 21:04:14 <brunowolff> for f14 on those systems. 21:04:45 <brunowolff> Yeah, I wasn't going to rush it out of testing. It just that its more than just 21:05:03 <brunowolff> bug fixes, but I was hoping not to have to split stuff out. 21:05:35 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will get 033-2 out for F13 and f12 to enable use with F14 repo. 21:05:37 <nirik> as long as it's not changing the interface or the like in an incomptible way I think it should be ok. 21:06:05 <brunowolff> I don't believe so; though some new things were added. 21:06:21 <brunowolff> #topic nightly build status? 21:06:35 <nirik> lets see... 21:06:43 <brunowolff> I know games is broken waiting on Wesnoth to move to updates, but how are other spins doing/ 21:06:59 <nirik> everything else is composing. 21:07:08 * nirik doublechecks. 21:07:27 <brunowolff> I am guessing that once we get an RC accepted the freeze on moving stuff to updates 21:07:44 <brunowolff> will be lifted and the Wesnoth update is likely to be available in time. 21:08:02 <brunowolff> Though I may need to bug some more people to give it + karma. 21:08:03 <nirik> yeah. 21:08:13 <nirik> there's going to be a flood of stable updates. 21:08:55 <brunowolff> #info Most spins are OK. Games is waiting on Wesnoth, but will probably be OK in time. 21:09:29 <brunowolff> #topic Some place to put development ks files? 21:09:44 <nirik> do we need such a place? 21:09:51 <brunowolff> The Music spin guys asked about someplace to do shared development of their ks 21:10:10 <brunowolff> file in advance of it being approved. It seems to me that there should be 21:10:17 <brunowolff> a place for that kind of thing. 21:10:34 <nirik> humm... 21:10:36 * nirik ponders. 21:10:47 <brunowolff> I think expecting people to provide their own shared space is a bigger hurdle 21:11:09 <brunowolff> than need be. If it was just one person they can pretty easily handle updates. 21:11:11 <nirik> well, ks files are pretty small. 21:11:32 <nirik> a fedorapeople space would work, except permissions of all the people involved could be no good. 21:12:14 <brunowolff> Even for the spin-kickstarts gitrepo we'd need to give all of the relevant 21:12:17 <nirik> I don't think we really want to add a bunch of people to spings git. 21:12:29 <brunowolff> developers access before their spin was approved. 21:12:58 <nirik> yeah. 21:12:59 <brunowolff> Maybe they could just use a wiki page with the source? 21:13:09 <nirik> yeah, you can attach as well... 21:13:23 <nirik> I wonder if there are free git sites that would work? github? 21:14:00 <brunowolff> github would probably work, but might be overkill. 21:14:48 <nirik> yeah. 21:15:08 <brunowolff> It seems like we don't want to give out spin-kickstarts access in advance. 21:15:27 <nirik> I don't think we do. 21:15:30 <brunowolff> I think I'll suggest wiki for preapproval if shared update access is needed and 21:15:38 <brunowolff> the team doesn't have anything else. 21:15:55 <nirik> ok 21:16:17 <brunowolff> #agreed New spin teams should not get spin-kickstarts access before their spin is approved by the Spins SIG. 21:17:00 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will add a note for new spins about using the wiki for shared update location if needed. 21:17:28 <nirik> sounds good. 21:17:45 <brunowolff> #topic When to change repos in ks files? 21:18:20 <brunowolff> The repos need to get changed between branch and rawhide, once each per dev cycle. 21:18:25 <fenris02> the music spin is a disaster still. 21:18:34 <brunowolff> Do you have good feelings when we should be doing this? 21:19:00 <nirik> I'd be find changing them at branch time + at release time 21:20:31 <brunowolff> OK. I'll work with that. There is some interaction between our branch and this. 21:20:57 <nirik> the nightly compose script just seds the files as needed. 21:21:13 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will write up a repo adjustment proposal for review in a later meeting. 21:21:19 <brunowolff> #topic testing 21:21:47 <brunowolff> I haven't gotten any further here. I got sick after geting back from my trip 21:21:54 <brunowolff> and am still behind on stuff. 21:22:03 <nirik> bummer. ;( Hope you're feeling better... 21:22:15 <brunowolff> I'm mostly better now. 21:22:29 <brunowolff> I still plan to have it done by beta. 21:22:48 <brunowolff> #topic livecd-tools devel more active lately 21:23:04 <nirik> yeah, noticed that... good news. ;) 21:23:15 <brunowolff> I think you have probably noticed, but others might not. It seems that livecd-tools 21:23:39 <brunowolff> is getting more development effort lately. Jasper is particularly enthusiastic. 21:24:38 <brunowolff> #topic Did anything important happen while brunowolff was on vacation? 21:24:51 <nirik> I tried to hold meetings, but not much happened. ;( 21:24:53 <brunowolff> Is there anything I need to know from when I was on vacation? 21:25:08 <brunowolff> I tried to follow a few things. 21:25:18 <nirik> adamw provided a patch to fix xdriver= handling. 21:25:54 <nirik> also he fixed firstboot on live media 21:26:05 <nirik> I fixed mandb / makewhatis. 21:26:08 <adamw> note i haven't tested if it works post-installation, because i can't install a test live instance; kvm fails with vesa. 21:26:17 <brunowolff> Did those all get committed? 21:26:23 <nirik> brunowolff: yep. 21:26:27 <adamw> i don't actually know what code path is supposed to get hit to ensure post-install configuration is right if you boot live with xdriver=foobar and then install. 21:27:02 <brunowolff> Getting an 034 livecd-tools out soon is high on my list of things to do. 21:27:46 <brunowolff> There was enough interest in getting some fixes in 033, that I am still going to 21:28:16 <brunowolff> push that tonight. But I'll also get the next release in F13 and F12 testing. 21:28:57 <brunowolff> #topic Open 21:29:15 * jsmith just wants to add a quick "Keep up the good work!" 21:29:21 <brunowolff> I think that I covered everything I wanted to go over today from the Agenda. 21:29:30 * nirik doesn't have anything further today. 21:29:47 <brunowolff> Just remember doing this good work is keeping me from doing other good work. 21:29:57 <nirik> thanks jsmith, although it's all brunowolff, IMHO. ;) 21:29:58 <brunowolff> I am still hoping to get replaced. 21:30:19 <jsmith> brunowolff: That's the Fedora way -- train your replacements :-) 21:30:27 * jsmith hopes to get replaced as well 21:30:38 <fenris02> jsmith, hah. so who are you training now? :) 21:31:13 <jsmith> fenris02: The real question is "*How many* are you training now?" 21:31:39 <brunowolff> Well I don't think spins is actively training anyone. I am trying to get some 21:31:55 <brunowolff> better documentation to help with training new volunteers. 21:32:23 <brunowolff> We need a charismatic leader instead of a cynical that would rather be doing more coding. 21:33:40 <brunowolff> That sounds like the end of today's meeting. 21:34:04 <nirik> thanks for running things brunowolff 21:34:06 <brunowolff> nirik: Thanks for continuing to provide techincal and moral support. 21:34:25 <brunowolff> #action brunowolff will send out meeting notes. 21:34:33 <brunowolff> #endmeeting