20:00:19 <mmcgrath> #startmeeting infrastructure 20:00:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 9 20:00:19 2010 UTC. The chair is mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:29 <mmcgrath> #meetingname infrastructure 20:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 20:00:33 <mmcgrath> #topic who's here? 20:00:35 * mmcgrath is 20:01:15 * CodeBlock 20:02:07 <mmcgrath> we'll wait a bit longer 20:02:22 * nirik is lurking 20:02:53 <mmcgrath> Ok then 20:02:59 <mmcgrath> #topic Beta freeze 20:03:11 <mmcgrath> Reminder to everyone, the beta release is scheduled for 2010-09-28 20:03:17 <mmcgrath> that means we'll be change freezing NEXT WEEK! 20:03:22 <mmcgrath> on the 14th 20:03:51 <mmcgrath> anyone have any major changes going in before then? 20:03:52 <mmcgrath> lmacken: ? 20:03:53 <mmcgrath> abadger1999: ? 20:03:56 <mmcgrath> smooge: ? 20:03:57 * mdomsch 20:04:00 <mmcgrath> mdomsch: ? 20:04:09 * jsmith has nothing 20:04:12 <mdomsch> I hotfixed the one bug I knew about 20:04:14 <abadger1999> mmcgrath: hey. 20:04:40 <mdomsch> there's a second I could also hotfix, if skvidal and geppetto really care 20:04:48 <skvidal> huh? 20:04:51 <skvidal> ah 20:04:54 <mdomsch> the metalink empty XML doc 20:04:58 <smooge> hrtr 20:05:00 <mmcgrath> mdomsch: well, if you do could you do it before the the 14th :) 20:05:00 <mdomsch> but nothing major 20:05:01 <smooge> here 20:05:03 <smooge> sorry 20:05:06 <skvidal> mdomsch: not major, no 20:05:18 <smooge> beta freeze next week. need to open a lot of tickets on things 20:05:29 <smooge> I am doing updates before then and will be rebooting boxes tonight 20:05:37 <smooge> skvidal, wont be here next week 20:05:50 <smooge> and I am not planning on any other changes 20:06:45 <mmcgrath> k, in that case we'll move on 20:06:50 <mmcgrath> #topic Zarafa calendaring 20:07:01 <mmcgrath> So, I've got zarafa deployed in production - https://admin.fedoraproject.org/zarafa/ 20:07:09 <mmcgrath> I've only got a couple of more things to do to it before it's "ready" 20:07:12 <mmcgrath> I'd like some testers. 20:07:19 <skvidal> what's testing entail 20:07:22 <mmcgrath> anyone have calendaring needs they could test? 20:07:30 <nirik> cool. ;) 20:07:42 * nirik notes we could/should calendar the meetings in this channel. 20:07:47 <mmcgrath> skvidal: mostly using the web interface to make calendars, using ical and caldav with some external app (like sunbird) 20:08:13 <skvidal> ah okay 20:08:29 <mmcgrath> so are there any voulnteers there I could work with? 20:08:43 <mmcgrath> if not I'll email the list. 20:08:48 * nirik can try and play with it time permitting. 20:08:53 <skvidal> mmcgrath: so 20:08:57 <skvidal> I can think of some folks we know 20:09:00 <skvidal> who use calendars a lot 20:09:04 <Oxf13> I could probably test it 20:09:05 <skvidal> and maybe it might be worth asking 20:09:12 <Oxf13> with lightening an with my android 20:09:12 <skvidal> poelcat, jsmith, stickster 20:09:14 <nirik> might also be worth pinging poelcat to look at it. 20:09:14 <skvidal> folks like that? 20:09:17 <nirik> yeah. 20:09:20 <mmcgrath> skvidal: yeah I'll ping them after the meeting. 20:09:30 <mmcgrath> maybe poelcat and I could put a few public calendars together. 20:09:51 * jsmith would be happy to look at it 20:10:04 <mmcgrath> jsmith: k, I'll meet up with you after the meeting. 20:10:07 <jsmith> I've been known to torture calendaring systems :-) 20:10:10 <mmcgrath> I need to write some docs down. 20:10:27 <mmcgrath> Anyone have any other questions or comments on that? 20:10:57 <Southern_Gentlem> mmcgrath, i will gladly try to load the FAMna events into it if you want 20:11:51 <mmcgrath> Southern_Gentlem: excellent, that'd be helpful. I don't think you'll be able to actually login yet 20:11:55 <mmcgrath> but soon. 20:11:57 <mmcgrath> ok, moving on 20:11:59 <mmcgrath> #topic Updates 20:12:03 <mmcgrath> smooge: how goes the updates? 20:13:56 * mmcgrath assumes smooge is busy with the actual updates. 20:14:09 <mmcgrath> #topic FAS + FreeIPA 20:14:17 <mmcgrath> So I'm starting to evaluate this again. 20:14:27 <mmcgrath> a few things have changed since we last looked at it. 20:14:34 <mmcgrath> mostly A) their stack has come together quite a bit more 20:14:43 <mmcgrath> and B) we've started to have issues managing internal aspects of FAS. 20:14:48 <mmcgrath> particularly as far as scale goes. 20:14:56 <mmcgrath> abadger1999: is that a fair assessment? 20:15:21 <smooge> I am working on updates 20:15:23 <abadger1999> I'm not sure -- I'd certainly like to have less code that we maintain, though. 20:15:31 <smooge> sorry had to deal with 4 boxes needing persoanl attention 20:15:40 <smooge> everything else has worked with func-yum 20:15:43 <abadger1999> mmcgrath: What are we trying to scale nad does freeipa scale it better? 20:15:44 <mmcgrath> smooge: no worries, don't let us destract you, we do this every week :) 20:16:02 <mmcgrath> abadger1999: I'm working on testing that, I got all the groups imported (no memberships) working on users now. 20:16:07 <mmcgrath> Then memberships 20:16:16 <smooge> oh I want to be distracted by FAS+FreeIPA 20:16:30 <mmcgrath> So for those of you not familiar with FreeIPA, it'd give us kerberos, ldap and ssl management. 20:16:39 <mmcgrath> although the current version doesn't support _user_ certificates. 20:16:55 <mmcgrath> everyone seems to think that's in the future and wouldn't be hard for us to add via a patch. 20:17:04 <mmcgrath> But here's the problem... 20:17:17 <mmcgrath> I don't think we can force kerberose or ssl auth in very many places if anywhere. 20:17:51 <jsmith> :-/ 20:18:02 <mmcgrath> there will be users that cannot use kerberos 20:18:17 <mmcgrath> some places, for example, may not allow outbound port 88 (which is used to request kerberos tickets) 20:18:21 <mmcgrath> but we can set it up as an option. 20:18:23 <dgilmore> mmcgrath: ssl we have a better chance of forcing 20:18:37 <mmcgrath> dgilmore: agreed, but only for developers. 20:18:44 <mmcgrath> we wouldn't get away with that on public sites like fedorahosted. 20:18:44 <dgilmore> mmcgrath: right 20:19:00 <mmcgrath> so in some respects, these options will complicate how we design the "total system" 20:19:05 <mmcgrath> but, the benefits are this 20:19:14 <mmcgrath> the internal systems basically all get handed over to some other team to manage. 20:19:21 <mmcgrath> I mean the development of them. 20:19:30 <mmcgrath> which would allow us to focus on other things 20:19:41 <mmcgrath> FAS as we know it would become a thin client / wizard sitting on top of freeIPA. 20:19:53 <mmcgrath> and IMHO one nice feature is we could expose ldap directly. 20:20:05 <mmcgrath> people could manage groups directly from ldap if they were so inclined. 20:20:16 <mmcgrath> and using ACI's they'd only be able to manage gruops they were an admin of. 20:20:30 <dgilmore> mmcgrath: yeah. i think there are a lot of plusses for the extra complexity 20:20:30 <mmcgrath> the biggest workflow difference that I can think of is I'm thinking about getting rid of -sponsors. 20:20:45 <mmcgrath> but I'll be bringing that to the advisory board for further discussion. 20:20:54 <mmcgrath> basically we'd have group and group-admins 20:20:55 <mmcgrath> and that's it 20:21:40 <mmcgrath> but that's more of a policy discussion so once I know exactly how that'd work, I'll take it to FAB for discussion since I know it'll be a change for everyone. 20:22:16 <mmcgrath> ok, any questions or comments on that? 20:22:48 <mmcgrath> allrighty 20:22:52 <mmcgrath> in that case #topic open floor 20:22:57 <mmcgrath> anyone have anything they'd like to discuss? 20:24:21 <mmcgrath> ok, well I'll close in 30 20:24:33 <jsmith> I'll add my "Thanks for everything you do" 20:24:40 <mmcgrath> jsmith: ditto brotha. 20:24:46 <jsmith> We certainly couldn't do it without a rockin' Infrastructure team 20:25:00 <jsmith> And I know that infra doesn't always get the appreciation it deserves 20:25:08 <mmcgrath> thanks jsmith 20:25:08 <jsmith> So thanks :-) 20:25:13 <mmcgrath> ok, back to work everyone! 20:25:14 <CodeBlock> :) 20:25:15 <mmcgrath> #endmeeting