23:00:40 <Sparks> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings
23:00:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 13 23:00:40 2010 UTC.  The chair is Sparks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
23:00:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
23:00:40 <Sparks> #meetingname Fedora Docs
23:00:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs'
23:00:40 <Sparks> #topic Roll Call
23:00:47 * Sparks is here
23:00:57 * bethlynn is here
23:01:05 * jjmcd 
23:01:38 <bethlynn> wow, jjmcd, welcome back
23:01:52 <Sparks> jjmcd: Welcome!  Have you introduced yourself on the list yet?
23:02:01 <jjmcd> thanx - stull catching up
23:02:04 <jjmcd> ;-)
23:02:39 <Sparks> jjmcd: We should talk...  I may have flung your processes around a bit while you were gone.
23:02:48 <jjmcd> I gather
23:02:54 <jjmcd> I'm sure we'll survive
23:03:27 <jjmcd> But I won't be able to invest much energy until the weekend so best to wait until then
23:03:27 <Sparks> I may have made a few additions to the release notes...
23:03:38 <Sparks> Yeah
23:03:46 * Sparks gives everyone a few more minutes
23:04:39 * rudi_ is here
23:06:05 <Sparks> Okay, lets get started.
23:06:20 <Sparks> .topic Follow up on last week's action items
23:06:27 <Sparks> #topic Follow up on last week's action items
23:06:36 <Sparks> jjmcd to document the process of translating non-English source guides
23:06:47 <Sparks> I'm assuming I should table that.  Maybe until after F14 release?
23:06:52 <jjmcd> no progress but still on the list
23:06:59 <Oxf13> oh hey, timely meeting
23:07:01 <jjmcd> Yeah, prolly next few weeks will be nuts
23:07:11 <rudi_> Sparks -- yeah
23:07:16 <jjmcd> hi Jesse
23:07:19 <Oxf13> I'm speaking out of turn, because I won't likely be around, but now is the time to get that "final" build of the release notes into F14 and through bodhi.
23:07:30 <Sparks> #action jjmcd to document the process of translating non-English source guides <- Tabled until after F14 release.
23:07:31 <rudi_> Our experience with this first book will be very useful as a pathfinder :)
23:07:48 <Sparks> Oxf13: One second...
23:07:53 <Sparks> #topic Release Notes
23:07:59 <Sparks> Oxf13 jjmcd Go ahead
23:08:31 <Oxf13> 10/19 is when we're supposed to start release candidate compose
23:08:36 <jjmcd> Oxf13, what is the date?  I've been out of town and don't even have my schedule updates
23:08:40 <jjmcd> Roger that
23:08:44 <Oxf13> the release notes should be /through/ bodhi and marked as stable prior to that
23:09:26 <jjmcd> Oxf13 - we've simplified the process quite a bit, and documented it ;-), so it should be simple
23:09:44 <jjmcd> But I'm probably not much available for a couple more days
23:09:55 <jjmcd> So Eric will have to do it :-))
23:10:01 <Oxf13> ok
23:10:04 <Sparks> wow
23:10:30 <Sparks> #info Release Notes should be through bodhi and marked as stable prior to 19 October
23:10:56 <Oxf13> If you get a chance, whomever does the build should note the build in ticket https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/4163
23:11:27 <jjmcd> #link https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/4163
23:11:42 <Sparks> #info After building Release Notes a note should be sent to https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/4163
23:11:51 <jjmcd> supah
23:12:34 <Sparks> Oxf13: Anything else?
23:12:40 <Oxf13> nope
23:12:45 <Sparks> Okay, thanks for the reminder
23:13:43 <Sparks> jjmcd: Okay, just a few things from me.
23:14:29 <Sparks> #info Additional texts were added to the Release Notes last Sunday, Monday, and today.
23:15:10 <Sparks> The updates were NOT put into the Release Notes so those source files need to be linked into the book wherever the appropriate location.
23:16:08 <Sparks> jjmcd: Can you put in the changes?
23:16:28 <jjmcd> I can't promise until after tomorrow
23:16:50 <jjmcd> Hope so, but significant risk
23:17:05 <Sparks> Is there time to update the POTs?
23:17:34 <jjmcd> Don't know.  I haven't done my October calendae
23:18:12 <jjmcd> Hey, I'm just back from two weeks in the stone age.  Like those miners, a little disoriented
23:18:27 <Sparks> It would be good to have those strings translated.
23:18:32 <Sparks> heh
23:19:05 <jjmcd> If you want to write L10N I can kick off the job, but I don't know where we are on the expected POTs
23:19:31 <Sparks> Well, we can call this the LAST pots, right?
23:19:32 <jjmcd> I'm sure there was a scheduled update, and at least one more after release
23:19:39 <jjmcd> Well, zero day
23:20:22 <Sparks> Okay, lets work this out after the meeting.
23:20:25 <jjmcd> There is a release notes update scheduled for the day after release
23:20:35 <Sparks> Anyone have anything else about the Release Notes?
23:22:10 <bethlynn> nothing that I haven't already said in #fedora-docs
23:22:16 <Sparks> #topic Guide Status
23:22:24 <Sparks> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_guide_goals_for_F14
23:23:35 <Sparks> #info Amateur Radio Guide has been trimmed down to only the completed sections, posted on docs.fp.o, and submitted to L10n
23:23:49 <Sparks> #chair jjmcd
23:23:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks jjmcd
23:24:06 <jjmcd> That is way cool
23:24:22 * rudi_ is a little behind schedule on getting drafts up
23:24:30 <rudi_> But is working to catch up
23:24:40 <Sparks> Yeah, I was tired of letting it just sit there.  We need to give that guide some love.
23:24:47 <Sparks> rudi_: Let me know how I can help
23:24:57 <rudi_> Sparks -- thanks! And congrats on the ARG :)
23:25:03 <rudi_> Release early and release often! :)
23:25:45 <Sparks> #info Cloud Guide has been established and Sparks will be obtaining information from the Cloud SIG to populate this guide.
23:26:02 <rudi_> Oh! nice! :)
23:26:38 <bethlynn> I'm confused. Why is the ISO burning section on guide goals page. Is someone writing a guide for that? or are they just open tickets?
23:27:19 <Sparks> bethlynn: That's a guide.
23:27:54 <jjmcd> http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/14/html/Burning_ISO_images_to_disc/index.html
23:28:32 <Sparks> Anyone else have any guide questions or updates?
23:29:40 <Sparks> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets
23:29:46 <Sparks> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84
23:30:09 <Sparks> #info 96 open tickets
23:30:40 <Sparks> #info 38 new tickets
23:31:02 <Sparks> #topic Open discussion
23:31:07 <Sparks> Anyone have anything?
23:31:12 <jjmcd> yep
23:31:20 <Sparks> jjmcd: Go ahead
23:31:37 <jjmcd> While I was offline I managed to make another minor tweak to the docs menu
23:31:55 <jjmcd> However, I still need 3 things, some of which rudi might help with
23:32:29 <jjmcd> 1) The SRPM includes the database which should be d/l-ed from git.  But I don't know how to grab a single file without cloning the huge repo
23:32:54 <jjmcd> 2) The db is pretty uneven.  I wonder if rudi has some insight into cleaning that up
23:33:18 <jjmcd> 3) my Perl is pretty lame.  Someone who is actually good at Perl could make it a lot better, but it does work
23:33:59 <Sparks> heh
23:34:01 <jjmcd> Sparks, the one tweak you didn't see is that the %{version} from the .spec now determines which version menu instead of ha=rdcoding it in the perl
23:34:20 <rudi_> 2 -- yes -- I'm in the process of rebuilding much of the site. As books get rebuilt, they will get more standardized
23:34:27 <jjmcd> Cool
23:34:35 <bethlynn> What exactly is missing the SOP of https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/4163 ?
23:35:05 <rudi_> 1 -- I'm not understanding the issue; and I don't know of a way to check out a single file from git
23:35:16 <rudi_> 3 -- the person good at Perl is not me :)
23:35:20 <bethlynn> Is there a proceedure beyond Sparks and/or jjmcd telling the rpm builders to have at it?
23:35:39 <jjmcd> bethlynn, yes, I don't have the link handy, but it requires packager privs
23:35:59 <jjmcd> which is what I was looking at on fasinfo
23:36:19 <jjmcd> rudi_, well, it works even if the perl is homely
23:36:49 <jjmcd> and the actual build time is invisible in the rpmbuild anyway, so it is only elegance we gain
23:37:09 <bethlynn> Is there a proceedure for declaring the release notes rpm build ready?
23:37:23 <bethlynn> ^ is offering to help ^
23:38:14 <jjmcd> basically, when we think it is soup, in practice that has meant when I say it is soup.  Not the right answer, but usually by release time nobody else wants to touch it
23:38:27 <jjmcd> bethlynn, I was thinking of walking someone through the process
23:38:33 <jjmcd> We need more people to have done it
23:38:41 <jjmcd> in case I get eaten by a raptor
23:39:47 <jjmcd> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Getting_the_release_notes_to_Bodhi
23:40:39 <bethlynn> ok. I'm eager to help but I don't have much time in the next 2 weeks. I can offer this Saturday. Most evenings next week 10/18-22 or Friday 10/22 during the day
23:41:27 <jjmcd> Looks like almost all the steps need packager  We need to do this a few days before the 19th, and Saturday is a day I will almost certainly be available
23:42:40 <jjmcd> But unfortunately, there are only a few things you can do without a packager badge.  On the other hand, they are the big hurdle steps, so maybe worthhwhile
23:43:03 <bethlynn> ok jjmcd, please drop me an email at bethlynn@fedoraproject.org to setup when you want another set of eyeballs... I'll even document what we are doing as we are doing
23:43:31 <jjmcd> That would be great.  You are EDT? (Pittsburg if I recall)
23:43:39 <bethlynn> yup
23:44:02 <jjmcd> cool
23:44:38 <Sparks> Okay, anything else?
23:44:53 * rudi_ is also good for emergency packaging
23:45:03 <rudi_> But cannot commit to anything non-emergency right now :(
23:45:06 <jjmcd> uitstekend
23:45:39 <jjmcd> with luck I'll get the XML straight Friday and we can make an RPM Saturday
23:46:02 <jjmcd> We will need testers standing by for karma
23:46:26 <jjmcd> So get your sticks ready to test on Saturday
23:46:33 * Sparks will be out of town this weekend
23:46:38 <jjmcd> :-(
23:47:05 <jjmcd> Well, if we got me and bethlynn, perhaps we can recruit one more victim
23:47:24 <Sparks> :)
23:47:41 <jjmcd> bethlynn, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Giving_a_document_karma
23:48:19 <Sparks> Okay, anything else?
23:50:13 <Sparks> Okay, we'll go ahead and close the meeting.
23:50:25 <Sparks> Thanks, everyone, for coming out tonight.
23:50:57 <jjmcd> Thanks Sparks
23:51:09 <Sparks> #endmeeting