#fedora-meeting: Fedora Insight (agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda)

Meeting started by stickster at 18:00:57 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (stickster, 18:01:08)
  2. Last week's action items (stickster, 18:03:39)
    1. http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-10-07/fedora_insight.2010-10-07-18.00.html (stickster, 18:03:52)
    2. stickster emailed hiemanshu but didn't get an answer -- this presumably means his intarwebz are still down. (stickster, 18:04:42)
    3. stickster got some Drupal books and has started studying (stickster, 18:04:53)
    4. stickster got smooge and the new guy Sven Lankes connected with a list of modules, Sven has even packaged some! (stickster, 18:05:11)
    5. ACTION: pcalarco Figure out solution to putting all beats for a FWN issue together on a page (stickster, 18:06:35)
    6. ACTION: pcalarco to reuse blog post text from Sparks_too to recruit on Ambassadors list (stickster, 18:06:47)
    7. ACTION: stickster Complete the function to autofill titles in fwnbeat content type (stickster, 18:07:09)

  3. Drupal status (stickster, 18:07:17)
    1. Once again we're not likely to be in time for final change deadline but our main holdups seem to be the theme and these two pieces of technical work (pcalarco - Views change, stickster - FWN beat type completion) (stickster, 18:08:16)
    2. Packaging modules just got a shot in the arm thanks to Sven, hopefully smooge has a little time to steal his spec files and put up a couple remaining modules for review (stickster, 18:09:39)
    3. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/logistics/2010-October/000788.html <-- check out the awesomeness (stickster, 18:10:01)
    4. IDEA: stickster will review smooge's packages if Sparks_too can take the ones Sven just did (referenced in link above) (stickster, 18:13:24)
    5. ACTION: Sparks_too Talk to ianweller to find a good review to study, then review Flexifilter module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642856) (stickster, 18:20:10)
    6. ACTION: stickster review Footnotes module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642858) (stickster, 18:20:24)
    7. ACTION: stickster assign Advanced Help module review following completion (stickster, 18:20:50)

  4. View for FWN (stickster, 18:21:20)
    1. ACTION: stickster ping pcalarco on list to see if he's made any headway, otherwise keep studying Views in his new books and try to pitch in (stickster, 18:22:54)

  5. Drupal Book Club (stickster, 18:25:21)
    1. a set of Pro Drupal Development (Apress), Front End Drupal, and Using Drupal (O'Reilly) run about $95 at Amazon (stickster, 18:25:47)
    2. All were well reviewed on Amazon too (stickster, 18:26:41)

  6. Readiness/schedule (stickster, 18:30:36)
    1. IDEA: We are not likely to make the final change deadline, should we reset schedule to stage after F14 release? (stickster, 18:30:57)
    2. ACTION: stickster Do a big-picture blog post of where we are and what we need people to help us with, esp. getting some more Drupal intermediate-to-expert folks or at least people who are willing to learn *and have time to do so* (stickster, 18:53:50)
    3. ACTION: pcalarco Embed into groups.drupal.org, create a Fedora group, and possibly join others -- then make noise to attract some like-minded souls (stickster, 18:57:19)

Meeting ended at 19:00:13 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. pcalarco Figure out solution to putting all beats for a FWN issue together on a page
  2. pcalarco to reuse blog post text from Sparks_too to recruit on Ambassadors list
  3. stickster Complete the function to autofill titles in fwnbeat content type
  4. Sparks_too Talk to ianweller to find a good review to study, then review Flexifilter module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642856)
  5. stickster review Footnotes module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642858)
  6. stickster assign Advanced Help module review following completion
  7. stickster ping pcalarco on list to see if he's made any headway, otherwise keep studying Views in his new books and try to pitch in
  8. stickster Do a big-picture blog post of where we are and what we need people to help us with, esp. getting some more Drupal intermediate-to-expert folks or at least people who are willing to learn *and have time to do so*
  9. pcalarco Embed into groups.drupal.org, create a Fedora group, and possibly join others -- then make noise to attract some like-minded souls

Action items, by person

  1. pcalarco
    1. pcalarco Figure out solution to putting all beats for a FWN issue together on a page
    2. pcalarco to reuse blog post text from Sparks_too to recruit on Ambassadors list
    3. stickster ping pcalarco on list to see if he's made any headway, otherwise keep studying Views in his new books and try to pitch in
    4. pcalarco Embed into groups.drupal.org, create a Fedora group, and possibly join others -- then make noise to attract some like-minded souls
  2. Sparks_too
    1. pcalarco to reuse blog post text from Sparks_too to recruit on Ambassadors list
    2. Sparks_too Talk to ianweller to find a good review to study, then review Flexifilter module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642856)
  3. stickster
    1. stickster Complete the function to autofill titles in fwnbeat content type
    2. stickster review Footnotes module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642858)
    3. stickster assign Advanced Help module review following completion
    4. stickster ping pcalarco on list to see if he's made any headway, otherwise keep studying Views in his new books and try to pitch in
    5. stickster Do a big-picture blog post of where we are and what we need people to help us with, esp. getting some more Drupal intermediate-to-expert folks or at least people who are willing to learn *and have time to do so*

People present (lines said)

  1. stickster (107)
  2. smooge (27)
  3. Sparks_too (15)
  4. pcalarco (9)
  5. rbergeron (7)
  6. zodbot (6)
  7. jsmith (1)

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