#fedora-meeting: Fedora Insight (agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda)
Meeting started by stickster at 18:00:57 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll call (stickster, 18:01:08)
- Last week's action items (stickster, 18:03:39)
- http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-10-07/fedora_insight.2010-10-07-18.00.html
- stickster emailed hiemanshu but didn't get an
answer -- this presumably means his intarwebz are still down.
- stickster got some Drupal books and has started
studying (stickster,
- stickster got smooge and the new guy Sven
Lankes connected with a list of modules, Sven has even packaged
some! (stickster,
- ACTION: pcalarco
Figure out solution to putting all beats for a FWN issue together on
a page (stickster,
- ACTION: pcalarco to
reuse blog post text from Sparks_too to recruit on Ambassadors
list (stickster,
- ACTION: stickster
Complete the function to autofill titles in fwnbeat content
type (stickster,
- Drupal status (stickster, 18:07:17)
- Once again we're not likely to be in time for
final change deadline but our main holdups seem to be the theme and
these two pieces of technical work (pcalarco - Views change,
stickster - FWN beat type completion) (stickster,
- Packaging modules just got a shot in the arm
thanks to Sven, hopefully smooge has a little time to steal his spec
files and put up a couple remaining modules for review (stickster,
- http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/logistics/2010-October/000788.html
<-- check out the awesomeness (stickster,
- IDEA: stickster will
review smooge's packages if Sparks_too can take the ones Sven just
did (referenced in link above) (stickster,
- ACTION: Sparks_too
Talk to ianweller to find a good review to study, then review
Flexifilter module
(https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642856) (stickster,
- ACTION: stickster
review Footnotes module
(https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642858) (stickster,
- ACTION: stickster
assign Advanced Help module review following completion (stickster,
- View for FWN (stickster, 18:21:20)
- ACTION: stickster
ping pcalarco on list to see if he's made any headway, otherwise
keep studying Views in his new books and try to pitch in
- Drupal Book Club (stickster, 18:25:21)
- a set of Pro Drupal Development (Apress), Front
End Drupal, and Using Drupal (O'Reilly) run about $95 at
Amazon (stickster,
- All were well reviewed on Amazon too
- Readiness/schedule (stickster, 18:30:36)
- IDEA: We are not likely
to make the final change deadline, should we reset schedule to stage
after F14 release? (stickster,
- ACTION: stickster Do
a big-picture blog post of where we are and what we need people to
help us with, esp. getting some more Drupal intermediate-to-expert
folks or at least people who are willing to learn *and have time to
do so* (stickster,
- ACTION: pcalarco
Embed into groups.drupal.org, create a Fedora group, and possibly
join others -- then make noise to attract some like-minded
souls (stickster,
Meeting ended at 19:00:13 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- pcalarco Figure out solution to putting all beats for a FWN issue together on a page
- pcalarco to reuse blog post text from Sparks_too to recruit on Ambassadors list
- stickster Complete the function to autofill titles in fwnbeat content type
- Sparks_too Talk to ianweller to find a good review to study, then review Flexifilter module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642856)
- stickster review Footnotes module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642858)
- stickster assign Advanced Help module review following completion
- stickster ping pcalarco on list to see if he's made any headway, otherwise keep studying Views in his new books and try to pitch in
- stickster Do a big-picture blog post of where we are and what we need people to help us with, esp. getting some more Drupal intermediate-to-expert folks or at least people who are willing to learn *and have time to do so*
- pcalarco Embed into groups.drupal.org, create a Fedora group, and possibly join others -- then make noise to attract some like-minded souls
Action items, by person
- pcalarco
- pcalarco Figure out solution to putting all beats for a FWN issue together on a page
- pcalarco to reuse blog post text from Sparks_too to recruit on Ambassadors list
- stickster ping pcalarco on list to see if he's made any headway, otherwise keep studying Views in his new books and try to pitch in
- pcalarco Embed into groups.drupal.org, create a Fedora group, and possibly join others -- then make noise to attract some like-minded souls
- Sparks_too
- pcalarco to reuse blog post text from Sparks_too to recruit on Ambassadors list
- Sparks_too Talk to ianweller to find a good review to study, then review Flexifilter module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642856)
- stickster
- stickster Complete the function to autofill titles in fwnbeat content type
- stickster review Footnotes module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642858)
- stickster assign Advanced Help module review following completion
- stickster ping pcalarco on list to see if he's made any headway, otherwise keep studying Views in his new books and try to pitch in
- stickster Do a big-picture blog post of where we are and what we need people to help us with, esp. getting some more Drupal intermediate-to-expert folks or at least people who are willing to learn *and have time to do so*
People present (lines said)
- stickster (107)
- smooge (27)
- Sparks_too (15)
- pcalarco (9)
- rbergeron (7)
- zodbot (6)
- jsmith (1)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.