21:00:48 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Cloud SIG 21:00:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 21 21:00:48 2010 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:54 <dgilmore> jgreguske: i will 21:00:58 <rbergeron> #meetingtopic Cloud SIG 21:01:23 * rbergeron looks around to see if anyone's about 21:01:30 <rbergeron> jforbes :) 21:01:31 * jforbes is about 21:01:46 <rbergeron> awesome. it may be just us, i'm not sure 21:01:53 <rbergeron> #topic EC2 status 21:02:00 <rbergeron> anything fun to update us on, jforbes? 21:02:00 * obino is about? 21:02:06 <rbergeron> hey obino :) how goes it? 21:02:10 <obino> good thanks 21:02:23 <smooge> here and about 21:02:25 <obino> what does anyone's about means? :D 21:02:34 <obino> what one is doing? 21:02:50 <rbergeron> if you're nearby, in the room, in the channel :) 21:02:50 * jgreguske waves 21:03:00 <rbergeron> heya jgreguske. and smooge :) 21:03:06 <obino> thx 21:03:17 <smooge> needs to see a man about a dog and will be back 21:04:23 <mdomsch> I've been trading mails with Amazon re yum repo hosting 21:04:32 <mdomsch> which is to say, i asked, they said they'd get back to me 21:04:36 * skvidal listens 21:04:47 <skvidal> oh 21:04:52 <skvidal> that's not very interesting 21:04:55 <mdomsch> they apparently do have a tool they use to sync yum repos into S3, but they're not sure if they can give it to us to use 21:04:58 <jforbes> mdomsch: I was copied on those emails, right? or are there others? 21:05:05 <mdomsch> jforbes: you were yes 21:05:36 * skvidal wonders what special about a yum repo on s3 vs any other data 21:05:41 <jgreguske> Not to be judgmental, but if we want to get info from Amazon, push hard before the US holidays & shopping season start 21:05:50 <jgreguske> because that is a big time for them 21:05:56 <jforbes> right, so nate is good about trying to get us info, but there is a bit O red tape 21:06:09 <mdomsch> skvidal: only that it's a file store, you can do puts and gets, but there's no file system to walk... 21:06:11 <jforbes> jgreguske: I doubt so much for the EC2 folks 21:06:21 <mdomsch> so you have to know what you put into it 21:06:24 <skvidal> ok 21:06:26 <jforbes> All I wanted was a server instance for Christmas 21:06:43 <jgreguske> jforbes: that's what a little bird on the inside told me :) 21:07:00 <mdomsch> so the common tools like rsync are useless with S3 21:07:49 <jforbes> Isnt there an S3 fuse? 21:08:12 <mdomsch> jforbes; yes, but by accounts it's useless for large amounts of data 21:08:16 <jds2001> probably slow as can be. 21:08:39 <jds2001> we'll have F14 up there by the time 21:08:42 <jds2001> F15 comes along :D 21:09:49 <rbergeron> :) 21:10:07 <rbergeron> jforbes: aside from contacting humanz at amazon ... any other issues at this point? 21:10:54 <jforbes> rbergeron: nope, just doing test composes daily at this point to make sure we are in sync with the F14 test composes and dont get any surprises 21:11:18 <rbergeron> okay. 21:11:31 <rbergeron> Do we need to get with some documentation and such for people who intend to use it? 21:11:49 <jforbes> Probably so, yes 21:11:51 <rbergeron> sparks has said he'd be willing to help out, but he needs a frame of reference to get started from 21:12:08 * rbergeron looks for sparks to see if he's around 21:12:16 <jforbes> Okay, if you can point him at me, this is basically my number 1 priority over the next week 21:12:40 <rbergeron> Okay. 21:12:54 <rbergeron> He's sent a few mails to the mailing list, but I can poke him more generally in your direct direction 21:13:10 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron poke sparks to talk to jforbes about docs 21:13:18 <rbergeron> #chair jforbes 21:13:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: jforbes rbergeron 21:14:24 <jds2001> is it as simple as "point at AMI, boot"? 21:15:16 <rbergeron> jds2001: I have no clue ;) 21:15:24 <jds2001> also, this is a somewhat orthognal question, but are there plans to integrate EC2 into libvirt (I realize that it's *slightly* outside the libvirt domain, but somehow withn it) 21:15:25 <jforbes> jds2001: Yes, but we need pointers to the Amazon docs for people who have no clue what EC2 is, and perhaps a bit of background on the login/permissions/etc 21:16:19 <jforbes> jds2001: I asked that about 18 months ago, and was told that it was a good idea, but have not checked on the direction there. These days there are other tools which might be more suited 21:17:04 * jds2001 not a C coder or would help with it :) 21:18:07 <rbergeron> okay. jforbes, i shot a mail to you and sparks about docs. 21:18:23 <jforbes> Thanks, will take it from there 21:19:11 <rbergeron> mdomsch: do you know when / if we'll find out about the aforementioned sync yum tool stuff, or if it's critical for us to have? 21:19:37 <mdomsch> rbergeron: it's not critical, it's really nice to have though, as it'll cut down on end user's costs 21:20:41 <jforbes> I would really like the full infrastructure piece (yum repos and such) to be a feature of F15, and hopefully done early 21:21:02 <rbergeron> okay. but no eta or anything on that info, at this point 21:21:45 <rbergeron> #info mdomsch to wait for amazon to let him know on yum repo hosting and tools 21:22:10 <rbergeron> #info jforbes would really like the full infrastructure piece (yum repos and such) to be a feature in F15 and hopefully done early :) 21:22:26 <rbergeron> okay. Anyone else have any commentary / questions / status on EC2 stuff? 21:23:06 * rbergeron shall move on 21:23:11 <rbergeron> #topic Any other business? 21:23:18 * rbergeron looks around 21:23:26 <mdomsch> openstack 1.0 released today 21:23:42 <mdomsch> anyone know if the packages are in rawhide yet? 21:24:59 <rbergeron> I'm not sure how up to date the packages are we have offhand. And we only have the swift portion, not the nova portion. 21:25:16 * rbergeron goes and looks 21:25:58 <mdomsch> swift was last built 07-Sept 21:26:06 <mdomsch> is anyone working on this? 21:26:51 <mdomsch> silas owns it 21:27:05 <mdomsch> .fasinfo silas 21:27:06 <zodbot> mdomsch: User: silas, Name: Silas Sewell, email: silas@sewell.ch, Creation: 2008-08-29, IRC Nick: silassewell, Timezone: US/Mountain, Locale: en, Extension: 5113527, GPG key ID: , Status: active 21:27:10 <zodbot> mdomsch: Approved Groups: cla_fedora cla_done packager fedorabugs gitpyjigdo 21:27:14 * rbergeron goes to look in cloud channel for him 21:27:55 * mdomsch is going to the OpenStack Design Conference in a couple weeks. 21:28:04 <mdomsch> It's in San Antonio, so I can just drive down for the day 21:28:18 <rbergeron> ah. they're good guys. 21:28:38 * rbergeron will ping silassewell on the list and see what his plans are 21:28:44 <rbergeron> unless you want to :) 21:29:32 <rbergeron> i'd like to get nova going as well, but it's a lotta packaging work. 21:29:40 <mdomsch> what does it need? 21:30:05 * Sparks is here 21:30:22 <rbergeron> http://nova.openstack.org/getting.started.html#dependencies 21:31:09 <rbergeron> iirc, ke4qqq took a look at it and while we have most of the dependencies covered, a lot of the code was looking like bundled libraries and that type of thing that would need to be undone. 21:31:22 <mdomsch> uh huh 21:31:25 <rbergeron> (my apologies if my recollection is incorrect, which has been known to happen on occasion) 21:31:30 <mdomsch> IPy we already have 21:31:37 <mdomsch> twisted we already have 21:31:59 <mdomsch> tornado we already have 21:32:10 <mdomsch> boto we already have 21:32:31 <rbergeron> yeah - we have most of it covered as far as dependencies, i think with the exception of redis 21:32:32 <mdomsch> so yes, some time, but not new packages 21:32:58 <mdomsch> redis-2.0.3-1.fc15.src.rpm 21:33:26 <rbergeron> heyyyy, where'd that come from 21:33:55 <mdomsch> so, we undo the vendoring, and we're good 21:34:03 <rbergeron> oh, silas, it appears 21:34:28 <mdomsch> I'd love a "yum groupinstall openstack" 21:34:54 <rbergeron> silassewell :) thanks for coming over 21:35:00 <rbergeron> we were just talking about openstack stuff 21:35:19 <silassewell> cool 21:35:48 <rbergeron> mdomsch pointed out that openstack 1.0 went out today 21:35:50 <mdomsch> traceback: http://fpaste.org/NvAq/ 21:36:17 <silassewell> yeah, there are a lot of deps missing for the compute (nova) package, I've got a lot of them already packaged but haven't submitted them for review yet 21:37:27 <rbergeron> silassewell: anything we can do to help along? 21:38:26 <silassewell> I'm need reviewers once I get stuff up and obviously people to test 21:38:27 <silassewell> I'll need* 21:38:33 <prabindatta> link for openstack: https://launchpad.net/swift/+download 21:38:48 <silassewell> Swift is already packaged 21:38:53 <silassewell> nova is what you want 21:38:54 <silassewell> https://launchpad.net/nova/+download 21:39:31 <silassewell> is there a wiki page I should track my status or something? 21:40:04 <rbergeron> that would be *awesome* - if you want, you can just plop it on the cloud wiki page and if we need to break it out into something separate, we can. 21:40:11 <mdomsch> or if you need help with reviews 21:40:25 <rbergeron> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud_SIG#Current_Projects 21:40:51 <rbergeron> I think some people list their ticket numbers for things to be reviewed, so we can see them easily (in other parts ofthe project) 21:41:34 <rbergeron> whatever you're comfortable with, basically - just make it easier to help others help you, more or less :) 21:41:35 <silassewell> ok, I'll create a page at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud_SIG/OpenStack and start getting it all organized 21:41:53 <rbergeron> #action silassewell to make wiki page for tracking OpenStack status 21:42:01 <rbergeron> thanks :) 21:42:12 <rbergeron> mdomsch: do you think that's something that we could do in F15 as a feature? 21:42:25 <mdomsch> absolutely 21:42:26 <rbergeron> (assuming manpower is around) 21:42:33 <mdomsch> that's a great idea 21:42:50 * rbergeron would love to see a bunch of cloud-sig features in F15 21:43:01 <mdomsch> the more server focus for F15, the better 21:43:02 <rbergeron> deltacloud is on that list too 21:43:07 <mdomsch> yep 21:43:18 <rbergeron> and I know they're working on getting things packaged up as well 21:43:44 <rbergeron> #link http://deltacloud.org/page/Packaging_list 21:44:34 <rbergeron> mdomsch: any other F15 thoughts? :) 21:44:48 * rbergeron would like to start recruiting that stuff sooooooon 21:45:14 <jgreguske> after dgilmore tests out spin-appliance in koji, I'll propose image building as an F15 feature too 21:45:46 <rbergeron> #info Would be great to see OpenStack and Deltacloud as features in F15 21:45:53 <mdomsch> jgreguske: awesome. That's a great feature in the openSUSE Build Service, and it's great to have it in koji too 21:46:07 <jgreguske> agreed 21:46:10 <rbergeron> #info jgreguske would like to propose image building as an F15 feature as well, after dgilmore tests out spin-appliance in koji 21:47:01 <jgreguske> I've been watching the boxgrinder project with interest too, there may be future integration work with Koji there too, depending on how it goes 21:47:06 <rbergeron> Excellent. Feel free to drop your thoughts on it in email to the list, jgreguske - I think momentum on the list helps us out in general in finding community folks to help out. 21:47:12 <jgreguske> but that's 2011 or so I think 21:47:24 <jgreguske> rbergeron: noted 21:47:31 <rbergeron> Yes, I know marek has been starting on packaging that as well (boxgrinder) 21:48:40 <rbergeron> sparks: i didn't mean to ignore you - i was talking to jforbes about documenting stuff on EC2, so I sent you two an email so you could get more acquainted ;) 21:49:01 <Sparks> rbergeron: Awesome. I just got home and logged in. 21:49:09 <rbergeron> coolio. 21:49:15 <rbergeron> Okay. Anything else? 21:50:20 <rbergeron> silassewell: if you do have any packages that need reviewing in the near-term - poke the mailing list and maybe we can find some folks to help out there, or reference the wiki page you're going to work on with the info. Would probably help out as far as finding some helpers :) 21:50:59 <silassewell> rbergeron: will do 21:51:00 * rbergeron will close out the mtg in a few minutes if nobody else pipes up 21:53:32 <rbergeron> alrighty then. :) 21:53:36 <rbergeron> Thanks for coming, everyone :) 21:53:41 <rbergeron> #endmeeting