19:33:20 <tremble> #startmeeting EPEL 19:33:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 25 19:33:20 2010 UTC. The chair is tremble. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:33:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:33:30 <tremble> #chair nirik smooge 19:33:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: nirik smooge tremble 19:33:44 <tremble> #topic Roll Call 19:33:50 * nirik is sorta around. 19:33:51 * stahnma here 19:33:55 <stahnma> for 30 minutes 19:33:55 * tremble is here. 19:33:56 * nb is sort of around too 19:35:09 <tremble> #topic agenda 19:35:14 <tremble> * Matters Arising: 19:35:15 <tremble> * - Rubygem rack 19:35:15 <tremble> * - Broken Deps in Stable 19:35:15 <tremble> * Bug List 19:35:15 <tremble> * Conflicting Packages Policy 19:35:15 <tremble> * EPEL support cycle 19:35:17 <tremble> * Open Floor 19:35:18 * abadger1999 here 19:35:33 <tremble> Anything else people want to add? 19:35:39 <stahnma> looks good to me 19:35:43 <nb> not i 19:36:03 * nirik has nothing. 19:36:14 <tremble> #topic Rubygem rack 19:36:25 <stahnma> rack update: I updated the package. I sent a note to epel-annoucen and the ruby sig. I expect everything to go fine. 2 weeks, push to stable and done. 19:36:30 <tremble> I believe this is in testing now? 19:36:40 <stahnma> it has +1 karma already too :) 19:36:59 <nirik> cool. Is there any easy way for interested folks to test it? 19:37:16 <tremble> #info New version in testing, announce message sent, already has positive karma 19:37:38 <stahnma> hmm, not super easy, or at least not in a way that I would consider a good test quickly. ' 19:38:00 * maxamillion is here 19:38:03 <maxamillion> late ... but here 19:38:08 <stahnma> i mean very basic stuff is easy to test, but I am more concerned about any potential API breakage or odd rails/sinatra bugs 19:38:18 <stahnma> or even passenger/puppet master 19:38:19 <nirik> yeah, ok 19:38:53 <stahnma> I'd more inclined to leave it testing for the full two weeks, even if it gets enough karma 19:38:57 <maxamillion> stahnma: there any rails apps that could be deployed on the old version, then upgraded and test functionality post upgrade? 19:39:15 <stahnma> maxamillion: possibly, but not if they're using the rails we ship in EPEL. 19:39:23 <stahnma> the rails in EPEL is too old to even be rack-aware 19:39:23 <maxamillion> stahnma: ah 19:39:31 <maxamillion> :( 19:39:41 <stahnma> I don't know of anybody using the epel 5 version of rails anymore 19:40:01 <stahnma> but again, it has abi/api breakage when moving from 2.2 to 2.3.8 19:40:08 <stahnma> stupid ruby 19:40:27 <stahnma> we might have to look at rails 2.2 with some of the CVEs though 19:40:34 <stahnma> I thought I might tackle that next 19:40:56 <stahnma> anyway, that's all for this topic from me 19:41:05 <tremble> #info Next on stahnma's ruby hit list... rails... 19:41:29 <tremble> #topic Broken Deps in stable 19:41:40 <stahnma> rack fixes the last of the ruby ones in epel5 19:41:49 <nirik> I was out last week, so I didn't untag anything last week... 19:41:52 <stahnma> I need to find a way to weed out the centos vs rhel artifacts 19:42:00 <tremble> #info rack fixes the last of the ruby ones in epel5 19:42:02 <stahnma> I just haven't put forth the time 19:42:17 <tremble> #info need to weed out the centos/rhel artifacts still 19:42:19 <stahnma> it's also still on my todo list to mail individual maintainers 19:42:25 <stahnma> rather than just the epel lists 19:42:27 <nirik> I can poke some more on the el5 ones. 19:42:35 <nirik> and start on the el4 ones too. 19:42:35 <stahnma> and also to add x86_64 at least 19:42:57 <stahnma> still not sure on ppc, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there 19:43:03 <tremble> With the broken updates in testing, do we want to consider unpushing them and mailing owners when doing so? 19:43:17 <stahnma> i would vote to finish all cleanup in stable first 19:43:26 <nirik> we could. I don't think testing is as important as stable tho. 19:43:33 <tremble> To prevent anything new turning broken up in stable 19:43:36 <nirik> yeah, I would say lets clean up stable, then move on to testing. 19:43:41 <stahnma> then hopefully we can start usign the stable scripts in testing and have it move from there 19:44:45 <tremble> #info General consensus that we should tidy up stable, then look at testing. 19:45:03 <tremble> Any other thoughts or shall we move on? 19:45:10 <nirik> #action nirik will work on untagging/cleaning up deps as possible this week. 19:45:42 <nirik> move on 19:46:08 <tremble> (making a vague attempt today to put enough in info and actions that the short zodbot logs are useful...) 19:46:16 <tremble> #topic Buglist 19:46:45 <tremble> #info Currently stands at 189 19:47:26 * stahnma closed 1 this week 19:47:28 <stahnma> ;) 19:47:32 * tremble smiles 19:47:43 <tremble> Think I closed off at least one... 19:47:46 <stahnma> I'm still meeitng the minimum :) 19:48:28 <nb> minimum? 19:48:49 <tremble> nb: We're trying to get 1 per person closed off each week, 19:49:02 * nirik slacked, but was gone on vacation. ;) 19:49:03 <nb> oh ok 19:49:06 <stahnma> it's not much, but it's better than zero 19:49:45 <tremble> nb that combined with a little triage has dropped the queue down rather drastically from where it was 2 months ago. 19:50:52 <tremble> #info If anyone wants help on bugs they should feel free to post to the epel-devel mailing list or to ask on #epel and there's a couple of us willing to lend a hand if possible. 19:51:38 <tremble> #topic Conflicting packages policy 19:51:50 <tremble> Anyone remember where everything got with this one? 19:52:00 <nirik> yeah, I thought we decided it last week didn't we? 19:52:50 <nirik> packages shouldn't conflict. If that means you have to configure it to use one over the other, note that in a README.fedora 19:53:08 <tremble> #info packages shouldn't conflict. If that means you have to configure it to use one over the other, note that in a README.fedora 19:53:29 <nirik> at least I thought thats what we decided... 19:53:30 <tremble> I had this vague memory that we took it back to the list... 19:53:30 <nirik> at least for now. 19:53:41 <tremble> or off onto #epel 19:54:17 <nirik> I think derks was going to do that... 19:54:26 <nirik> but then we got more info after the meeting perhaps? 19:55:14 <tremble> Yeah I think there was a discussion on #epel were it was pointed out that there are valid use cases for having both installed 19:55:19 <nirik> dunno. we could wait for derks to decide? 19:55:43 * stahnma has to leave early. I'll catch up on scrollback later 19:55:45 <stahnma> thanks 19:56:04 <abadger1999> I think that nirik's recollection is correct. The specific case had the specific example of an admin configuring multiple apaches that can use the different modules. 19:56:12 <nirik> right. 19:57:11 <tremble> Okay so let's leave it as above (basically conflicts should be strongly avoided as per Fedora) and move on? 19:57:44 <nirik> sounds fine to me. 19:58:05 <tremble> #topic EPEL support cycle 19:59:02 <tremble> As with the conflicts policy I think we sent it back to the list? But didn't hear much? 19:59:33 <nirik> yeah. 19:59:40 <nirik> I didn't have a chance to reply there either... 19:59:56 <nirik> there was definite pushback about not allowing new packages to el5 once el6 is released tho. 19:59:58 <tremble> With a consensus that if we can't get the updates from RH we'd stop supporting it in EPEL 20:00:55 <tremble> #info People generally agreed we wouldn't go to a hard "no new packages" policy for EPEL-5 as sooon as RHEL-6 is available. 20:02:13 <tremble> #topic open floor 20:02:41 <tremble> Any one got anything? 20:02:56 <nirik> is there anything else we should do on epel6? seems el6 is in rc mode, so release might happen before too long. 20:03:19 <tremble> #topic Open floor (EPEL-6) 20:04:08 <nirik> we could do a final email to folks who didn't build and say that we will allow others to take over their packages if not built soon? 20:04:16 <tremble> There was a general agreement before that we should attempt to get packages as up to date as possible prior to RHEL6 GA... 20:04:50 <tremble> The big issue with that one has been the whole Workstation/Server split that meant some packages weren't available. 20:05:01 <nirik> yeah. 20:05:16 <nirik> perhaps we will know soon if there will be a productivity channel? 20:05:48 <tremble> I suspect we'll have to wait for GA for such an announcement. 20:06:01 <nirik> see also https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-engineering-services/ticket/41 if anyone would like to help trac in epel6. 20:07:52 <tremble> So we may want to leave EPEL in the "rawhide" style state for say 1 month post GA? Give people 2 weeks post GA to build then allow people to pickup packages that haven't been built? 20:08:26 <nirik> yeah, that might work... or well, they could just build and use updates like normal at that point... 20:09:05 <nirik> it would be nice to announce epel6 around the same time as rhel6/centos6. 20:09:20 <nirik> perhaps we could keep doing beta until centos6 is released? that would likely be a month or so. 20:09:32 <tremble> Well I don't expect Centos-6 for a month or so... 20:09:38 <tremble> (post GA) 20:10:15 <tremble> 5.5 took a month or so IIRC and this is a bigger step. 20:10:25 <nirik> yeah, not sure. 20:11:24 <nirik> well, we can ponder it and decide later. ;) 20:11:41 <tremble> Send an email to the list? 20:12:26 <tremble> or not worth it yet? 20:13:45 <tremble> #info We need to think about when we want to leave "beta" state and start requiring updates 20:14:04 <tremble> Any other open floor topics? 20:14:13 * nirik has nothing. 20:15:01 <tremble> Closing in 1 minute... 20:16:03 <tremble> #endmeeting