#fedora-meeting: Fedora Insight (Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda)
Meeting started by stickster at 18:00:31 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll call (stickster, 18:00:39)
- Test site remains at:
http://publictest4.fedoraproject.org/drupal/ (stickster,
- Action item review (stickster, 18:04:17)
- http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-10-21/fedora-meeting.2010-10-21-18.06.html
<-- last week's notes (stickster,
- ACTION: stickster
review Footnotes module
(https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642858) (stickster,
- Advanced Help module still needs a review once
someone packages it (stickster,
- flexifilter review complete (Sparks_too,
- ACTION: stickster Do
a big-picture blog post of where we are and what we need people to
help us with, esp. getting some more Drupal intermediate-to-expert
folks or at least people who are willing to learn *and have time to
do so* (stickster,
- ACTION: pcalarco
define new node for top-level FWN issues page (stickster,
- ACTION: stickster
install Feeds module so we can try it out (stickster,
- Package details (stickster, 18:18:58)
- ACTION: Sparks_too
write email to logistics to get someone to explain the packaging
decisions in full to us dunces :-) (stickster,
- ACTION: stickster
email Hiemanshu to ask where our theme push is (stickster,
- Everyone's focused on F-14 right now but next
week we will be cranking up the engines again (stickster,
- All other business (AOB) - open floor (stickster, 18:34:02)
- ACTION: asrob See if
we have any alternatives or if there's a way to use Feeds *other*
than upgrading to EL-6 (stickster,
- ACTION: smooge Find
out if EL-6 upgrade is feasible, or maybe an approximate ETA, with
the understanding that we want to stay requirements driven, not
module driven (stickster,
Meeting ended at 18:52:06 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- stickster review Footnotes module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642858)
- stickster Do a big-picture blog post of where we are and what we need people to help us with, esp. getting some more Drupal intermediate-to-expert folks or at least people who are willing to learn *and have time to do so*
- pcalarco define new node for top-level FWN issues page
- stickster install Feeds module so we can try it out
- Sparks_too write email to logistics to get someone to explain the packaging decisions in full to us dunces :-)
- stickster email Hiemanshu to ask where our theme push is
- asrob See if we have any alternatives or if there's a way to use Feeds *other* than upgrading to EL-6
- smooge Find out if EL-6 upgrade is feasible, or maybe an approximate ETA, with the understanding that we want to stay requirements driven, not module driven
Action items, by person
- asrob
- asrob See if we have any alternatives or if there's a way to use Feeds *other* than upgrading to EL-6
- smooge
- smooge Find out if EL-6 upgrade is feasible, or maybe an approximate ETA, with the understanding that we want to stay requirements driven, not module driven
- Sparks
- Sparks_too write email to logistics to get someone to explain the packaging decisions in full to us dunces :-)
- Sparks_too
- Sparks_too write email to logistics to get someone to explain the packaging decisions in full to us dunces :-)
- stickster
- stickster review Footnotes module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642858)
- stickster Do a big-picture blog post of where we are and what we need people to help us with, esp. getting some more Drupal intermediate-to-expert folks or at least people who are willing to learn *and have time to do so*
- stickster install Feeds module so we can try it out
- stickster email Hiemanshu to ask where our theme push is
People present (lines said)
- stickster (115)
- asrob (24)
- Sparks_too (21)
- zodbot (7)
- smooge (5)
- Southern_Gentlem (4)
- rbergeron (2)
- gholms (1)
- Sparks (0)
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