16:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2010-10-28) 16:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 28 16:00:01 2010 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:01 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 16:00:01 <nirik> #topic init process 16:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 16:00:11 <nirik> who all is around for the irc support sig meeting? 16:00:13 * dcr226 16:00:46 * Southern_Gentlem 16:00:52 * Lnxmad_ ! 16:01:17 * thomasj here 16:01:46 <EvilBob> Bacon 16:02:11 <nirik> ok, lets go ahead and get started... 16:02:19 <nirik> #topic Week in review 16:02:19 <nirik> http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html 16:02:47 <nirik> anything anyone would like to point out from last week? 16:02:55 <nirik> it's been pretty quiet from what I have seen. 16:03:12 <nirik> Next week will be F14 release... I expect it to be a bit more active then. :) 16:03:21 <EvilBob> Lots of bullshit users taking up a lot of bandwidth for no reason 16:03:24 * mock is late 16:03:42 <dcr226> been busier toward the end of the week, so its picking up for release time I think 16:04:00 <dcr226> repo problems about 10 hours ago for a bit (f14), returning 403#s 16:04:08 * nirik should be around for release day. Will probibly also post about doing a release party in #fedora-social again... 16:04:26 <Southern_Gentlem> nirik, we are already seeing some crying that nvidia driver not working in f14 16:04:45 <nirik> not working? or not available yet? 16:04:52 <Southern_Gentlem> not working 16:05:02 <nirik> huh. ok. 16:05:06 <Southern_Gentlem> propieritary 16:05:13 <EvilBob> Users with crying that it's our problem that nvidia's old driver does not support our current xorg 16:05:21 * nirik shrugs. I guess have them file at bugzilla.rpmfusion.org 16:05:24 * dcr226 thinks its a good time to note, that the new fpaste --sysinfo includes loads of 3D and GPU info 16:06:38 <nirik> ok, if nothing else for week in review, will move on. 16:06:47 <nirik> #topic Tickets 16:06:48 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/report/1 16:07:08 <nirik> 3 tickets this week. 16:07:15 <EvilBob> I am pretty sure it has been mentioned before but oping yourself as a form of intimidation is sad. If the situation is bad enough you need ops then kick/ban whatever. 16:07:26 <nirik> #14 fedora 13 wireless issues - https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/14 16:07:41 <dcr226> EvilBob, its worked for me before fwiw 16:07:59 <nirik> kudos for dcr226 there on the wireless issue. 16:08:06 <EvilBob> It's like pointing a gun, if you are willing to do so you better be damn willing to kill something, IMO anyhow. 16:08:11 <dcr226> EvilBob, otoh, its also sparked folks off in the past towards me so *shrug* 16:08:13 <Lnxmad_> not the gun thing again.. 16:08:21 <dcr226> thanks nirik 16:08:43 <nirik> #16 - success with opensource nvidia drivers :) - https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/16 16:08:49 <nirik> again dcr226++ 16:09:23 <nirik> #15 pleased with channel - https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/15 16:09:37 <nirik> This one was for kronos003 being helpfull. 16:09:55 <nirik> EvilBob: yeah, I would mostly agree. 16:10:52 * Southern_Gentlem motions to close the tickets 16:10:52 <nirik> anyone have anything further on tickets? 16:11:03 <nirik> anyone want to step up to close them out this week? 16:11:09 <Southern_Gentlem> i will 16:11:23 <nirik> thanks Southern_Gentlem 16:12:11 <nirik> So far almost all the feedback has been positive. Do remember to point people who seem to be having issues/bad time at it too... negative feedback can help us learn and improve too. 16:13:25 <nirik> #topic Community Working Group 16:13:36 <nirik> The board is forming a Community working group. 16:13:44 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Rdieter/Draft_Fedora_Community_Working_Group 16:14:20 * rdieter lurks for comments or questions 16:14:52 <nirik> it's not fully clear what it's job/mandate will be yet, but it seeks to improve communication and try and and help in any of the various community areas. 16:15:03 <Sonar_Gal> If it's going to put rules and regulations on IRC expect most op's to leave 16:15:16 <EvilBob> The Fedora Police... Yay! 16:15:18 <nirik> They are also looking for nominations to it: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/advisory-board/2010-October/009547.html 16:15:35 <nirik> Sonar_Gal: thats not my understanding of what it will do. 16:15:39 <rdieter> EvilBob: remember, you said you may want to be on it. :) 16:15:39 * mock gets an application to the fedora police academy 16:16:16 <dcr226> rdieter, could you give an example of a scenario where the group would function? 16:16:25 <mock> EvilBob: you and me can be partners. we'll do good cop, bad cop. 16:16:42 <EvilBob> rdieter: Hopefully it will be comprised mainly of realistic and logical parties 16:16:48 <rdieter> to be clear job-wise, the group will largely define their own job. what ever it takes to improvie community relations, help minimize/resolve any conflict 16:17:41 <rdieter> partner with existing support groups, sigs, committees 16:18:46 <nirik> rdieter: so it would be above most of the existing groups, and be a place people could go to if the existing feedback/support channels didn't resolve their issues? 16:19:00 <EvilBob> How long is "membership"? How is the first round of members decided? and from there on out? 16:19:12 <rdieter> nirik: that's a fair assessment 16:19:22 <rdieter> EvilBob: the group has an initial charter of one year 16:19:37 <rdieter> initial members will be appointed by the board 16:19:58 <rdieter> hope to get that done within a week or 2 16:20:02 <EvilBob> So after the first year it's effectiveness would be re-assessed? 16:20:15 <rdieter> EvilBob: yes (or it will just go away) 16:20:52 <EvilBob> So how do I get on the list? 16:20:55 <dcr226> rdieter, the initial members will assumedly be nominated by the community though? 16:20:56 <EvilBob> ;^) 16:21:03 <rdieter> the kde project implemented this a couple years ago with some good results, from which I shamelessly borrowed the idea 16:21:45 <rdieter> dcr226: yes, nominations open 16:21:56 <dcr226> cool 16:22:03 <nirik> anyhow, we should nominate folks we think would work well on this... and try and work with the new group as we can on irc related issues. 16:22:07 <rdieter> (though I do try to contact each nominee asking them if they're interested of course, prior to consideration by the board) 16:22:25 <dcr226> rdieter, for sure 16:22:57 <nirik> I just wanted to bring it up here to announce it's existance and see if some folks from our community would like to participate. 16:23:07 <Southern_Gentlem> thus the call for self nomination 16:23:16 <nirik> any other questions on this topic? 16:23:33 <EvilBob> How does the nomination happen? 16:23:42 <dcr226> Southern_Gentlem, self nomination? surely that can't happen? 16:23:43 <EvilBob> send to the list? Call someone? 16:23:49 <rdieter> EvilBob: just tell me or any board member, that you're interested 16:23:58 <EvilBob> I have rdieter's number if anyone needs it... 16:24:23 <EvilBob> rdieter: Sign me up then 16:24:32 <rdieter> EvilBob: gotcha, thanks. 16:24:50 * dcr226 +1's for EvilBob 16:25:08 <nirik> thanks for answering questions on this rdieter 16:25:17 <EvilBob> Thanks Rex 16:25:37 * rdieter yays 16:25:40 * tk009 thinks it is an interesting idea but to vague atm 16:25:41 <nirik> anything more on this? or shall we move on? 16:25:57 <EvilBob> Keep them doggies rollin' 16:26:04 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 16:26:11 <nirik> Anyone have anything for open floor? 16:26:14 <nirik> hicham: you had something? 16:26:33 <EvilBob> I kind of blurted mine out during the weekly review 16:26:46 <hicham> nirik : how does nomination work ? 16:27:21 <nirik> hicham: good question. First, I think we were not adding any new ops for a bit because we wanted to get a feedback process in place. That is now in place... so should we open up things again? 16:27:26 <EvilBob> hicham: One of the existing ops asks you if you are interested and more or less sponsors you 16:27:36 * mock thought nomination was the act of nomming one's food to completion 16:27:45 <dcr226> nirik, open it back up I think 16:27:53 <EvilBob> nirik: I would +1 the reopening 16:28:02 <nirik> any objections to re-opening things? 16:28:04 <Southern_Gentlem> +1 reopening 16:28:09 * nirik is fine with that 16:28:49 <nirik> #agreed Will reopen to new operator's now that we have a feedback process in place. 16:29:07 <Lnxmad_> what are the reqs? 16:29:11 <EvilBob> nirik: the process I described above will still be the standard? 16:29:22 * hicham likes the feedback process 16:29:32 <dcr226> Lnxmad_, you get nominated and voted in 16:29:38 <nirik> EvilBob: I think that may be what we agreed on last, but I would have to check back on old meetings. We should really write up a wiki page. 16:29:49 <dcr226> Lnxmad_, nominations are done by existing ops, as is the voting 16:30:26 <nirik> step 1) be active in #fedora and show that you can handle keeping the channel running smoothly. 16:30:34 <EvilBob> Self nominations or asking for ops is discouraged I think more or less by freenode 16:30:51 <nirik> step 2) get an existing op to feel that you would be good to help out with operator duties. 16:30:53 <EvilBob> I would have to check the ppages 16:31:06 <nirik> step 3) existing ops vote and you are approved, or try again in a while. 16:31:33 <Lnxmad_> Thanks nirik 16:32:06 <EvilBob> Someone has to be willing to stick their neck out for you more or less 16:32:36 * dcr226 wonders if the nominations are still in the meeting, or on the ml 16:32:51 <thomasj> ML IIRC 16:33:03 <Southern_Gentlem> noms can be in meeting 16:33:27 * mock noms bacon during the meeting 16:33:35 <nirik> also, we never figured out voting rules really. ;) 16:33:50 <Lnxmad_> thats a biggy 16:34:27 <nirik> I think it's good to nominate in public (mailing list or meeting) and have a week for questions/pondering and then vote in public (meeting) the following week. 16:34:34 <EvilBob> nirik: a two week voting period, requesting votes be sent to the list 16:34:36 * dcr226 motions to freeze nominations until we're all totally agreed on the rules around voting 16:34:45 <dcr226> s/agreed/clear maybe 16:34:46 <Lnxmad_> second 16:34:57 <nirik> yeah, probibly wise. 16:35:06 <Sonar_Gal> I agree 16:35:09 <EvilBob> nirik: that will allow ops not able to make the meeting to have a voice 16:35:12 * nirik notes when he says 'list' he means list, not the alias. 16:35:18 <dcr226> nirik, we probably all have the same idea, but I think its good to clarify it 16:35:24 <nirik> yeah, agreed. 16:35:41 <nirik> would anyone like to wite up some possible proposals for us to look at ? 16:36:03 <EvilBob> I still disagree with handling peoples dirty laundry in public 16:36:06 <dcr226> I will 16:36:22 <dcr226> proposal that is, not handle dirty laundry :-p 16:36:25 <EvilBob> You -1 someone then they are all "Why do you hate me" 16:36:43 <EvilBob> too much drama 16:36:50 <nirik> well, I'll note that all other fedora goups vote in public. 16:36:56 <Lnxmad_> weekly ops meetings... 16:37:04 <Lnxmad_> dicuss in there 16:37:06 <nirik> ie, fesco for provenpackager/sponsors, etc. 16:37:12 <Lnxmad_> discuss* 16:37:31 <nirik> I dislike private meetings. Fedora is a open project. 16:37:56 <EvilBob> the board has private meetings 16:38:03 * dcr226 de-registers #fedora-broomcupboard 16:38:16 <nirik> yeah... wish they didn't. :) 16:38:42 <Lnxmad_> I guess it doesnt matter 16:38:44 <nirik> I guess I can try and write up some ideas for next week... pretty busy tho, so not sure how far I will get. 16:38:48 <Lnxmad_> people know when they are not liked anyway 16:38:57 <Lnxmad_> no problem talking about them... 16:39:00 <Lnxmad_> infront of them 16:39:13 <DiscordianUK> apologies 16:39:52 <EvilBob> Yeah, we are all busy this week 16:40:06 <nirik> well, you can say "sorry I don't feel you are ready for this" rather than "I hate you because: $dirty laundry". 16:40:17 <Lnxmad_> +1 16:40:29 <EvilBob> DiscordianUK: you did not miss much, we asked for objections to resuming nominations for new ops 16:40:31 <Lnxmad_> show respect 16:40:40 <EvilBob> no commen 16:40:41 <EvilBob> t 16:40:49 <DiscordianUK> ahhh ok 16:40:51 <Lnxmad_> only you bob.. 16:40:54 <EvilBob> lol 16:40:57 <Lnxmad_> :p 16:41:03 <nirik> anyhow, I'll try and draft some ideas. 16:41:08 <nirik> anything else for open floor? 16:41:27 <EvilBob> nirik: Lets push that out to two weeks to address it again 16:41:46 <nirik> yeah, we need to come up with a known/written up plan. 16:41:56 <EvilBob> nirik: next week we will have too much time taken up with the release day autopsy 16:42:12 <nirik> possibly. we can see if we have anything by then. ;) 16:42:26 <Sonar_Gal> yeah holiday weekend for anyone with kids this weekend and release next week 16:42:47 <nirik> oh? oh yeah... that holiday. ;) 16:42:57 <Lnxmad_> turkey day 16:43:07 <nirik> ok, will close out in minute if nothing else comes up. 16:43:10 <EvilBob> Lnxmad_: you're a turkey everyday 16:43:22 <Lnxmad_> turkey bacon? 16:43:26 <Sonar_Gal> Lnxmad_, Candy weekend 16:43:33 <EvilBob> bacon on turkey 16:43:38 <Lnxmad_> yum 16:43:45 <nirik> #endmeeting