20:00:35 <smooge> #startmeeting infrastructure 20:00:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 4 20:00:35 2010 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:49 <smooge> #chair mmcgrath 20:00:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: mmcgrath smooge 20:00:55 <goozbach> yay! meeting 20:00:56 * nirik is hanging around. 20:00:59 <smooge> #meetingname infrastructure 20:00:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 20:01:10 <smooge> #topic Robot Roll Call 20:01:19 <smooge> crowbot here 20:01:44 * CodeBlock[s] here 20:01:48 * waltJ is still awake 20:01:51 * ninjazjb here 20:01:52 * goozbach here 20:02:09 <CodeBlock[s]> heading to class though; be back in about 5 20:02:19 <smooge> ah the wonders of technology. 20:02:26 <CodeBlock[s]> XD 20:02:33 <smooge> the ability to do something constructive in class 20:02:38 <CodeBlock[s]> i know! :D 20:02:44 <smooge> #topic Release 14 cycle 20:02:52 <smooge> ok the release happened on tuesday 20:02:59 <CodeBlock[s]> smooge: It's a personal health class; I think I can handle discussing something I care about while I learn to not smoke. 20:03:18 <abadger1999> :-) 20:03:20 * mdomsch needs a sugar+caffiene kick, bbiab 20:03:25 <smooge> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/9 20:04:01 * skvidal is here 20:04:04 <skvidal> sorry for the delay 20:04:20 <smooge> the only tickets open at the moment are lessons learned, two web tickets, and I missed closing 11->archives 20:04:42 <smooge> how did the release go for people? 20:04:48 <skvidal> quiet for me 20:05:00 <nirik> went fine... smooth release 20:05:12 <goozbach> from an outsider's perspective it went really well 20:05:22 <goozbach> preupgrade worked like a charm 20:05:35 <ninjazjb> Mine as well 20:05:54 <smooge> ok lessons learned: 1) mmcgrath wrote a nice checklist that if followed works. 20:06:51 <smooge> anything else? 20:07:14 <smooge> ok next topic 20:07:32 <smooge> #topic adding a new report to the trac 20:07:47 <smooge> I am going to add a meeting keyword and report 20:08:36 <smooge> I am not as good as Glorious Leader at keeping things separated to keep meetings going. 20:09:14 <smooge> Next week I would like to get some tickets reviewed and added to the meeting so we can go through and fix and/or close our old ones 20:09:35 <smooge> #topic download server changes 20:09:56 <smooge> Ok this will affect sugar fix mdomsch the most 20:10:21 <smooge> but we have new hardware in PHX2 and soon in RDU that will be moving upstream downloads to. 20:10:51 <mdomsch> ? 20:10:52 <smooge> I am hoping to get them configured next week and hten we can move over in December for PHX2 and January for RDU 20:10:54 <mdomsch> hi 20:11:14 <smooge> basically RHIT's download servers will be phased out and replaced with Fedora download servers 20:11:24 * mdomsch hears angels singing 20:11:37 <smooge> too much sugar in the coffee 20:12:01 <mdomsch> oh to be in control of all our own download servers... 20:12:19 <smooge> we will still be using RHIT's netapps in RDU and PHX2 but the front ends will be ours. 20:13:06 <smooge> so I will be helping mdomsch in what he wants and using lessons learned from warthog9 to get things set up 20:13:48 <smooge> ok questions? 20:13:59 <nirik> nice. 20:14:01 * nirik cheers 20:14:06 <mdomsch> #idea we will need a new rsync module for the combination of epel, enchilada, and archive content 20:14:09 <mdomsch> that's a good time to do it 20:14:27 <nirik> fedora-bellgrande ? 20:14:35 <mdomsch> now that they're all on the same underlying netapp file system 20:14:48 <mdomsch> tengallon 20:15:00 <mdomsch> bbiab 20:15:43 <smooge> spew 20:15:53 <smooge> spew-stew 20:16:22 <smooge> #topic updating hardware 20:16:29 * CodeBlock[s] has returned 20:17:04 <smooge> we also have some replacement hardware that has arrived in PHX2 to update our soon to be out of warranty boxes. 20:17:38 <smooge> I am looking for help on best way to play the update-two-step. 20:17:59 <smooge> as in we have xen01 going away and new hardware for it. How to migrate its children etc. 20:18:13 <smooge> also do we put RHEL-5 on the new box or go to RHEL-6 and KVM? 20:18:46 <smooge> I would like to make 1 box a RHEL-6 box so we can move a fas onto it. 20:18:54 <CodeBlock[s]> If 6, let's...make sure it doesn't reboot randomly like fas does ^^ 20:19:04 <smooge> Mainly to see if we get rid of our nightly frak storms 20:20:36 <skvidal> smooge: okay - so I do have one problem with that, personally 20:20:48 <skvidal> there is nothing in our charter to suggest we need to be QA for rhel 20:20:48 <smooge> ok 20:20:53 <skvidal> and we're down one person 20:21:43 <skvidal> to me 20:21:57 <skvidal> it makes more sense to fallback to rhel5 until the rhel6 thing gets sorted 20:22:03 <smooge> yeah. I don't plan to move too much to EL-6.I think FAS is currnelty EL-6 due to various libs not being in EL-5 20:22:05 <skvidal> but not make it be a nightly mess until then 20:23:00 <waltJ> what about RHEL-5 and KVM ? 20:24:29 <smooge> can't remember if KVM is tech-preview or fully supported in EL-5. Been doing too much EL6 stuff lately 20:25:11 <waltJ> think it is supported but a quite old version. not sure. 20:25:44 <ninjazjb> I thought it was fully supported as of 5.4 20:26:26 <smooge> the bigger issue though is that FAS is still EL-6 and would require a bunch of work to make it EL-5 (I believe). abadger1999 ? 20:26:28 <abadger1999> smooge: Yeah, that's the story for fas. Rather than backporting all sorts of stuff, we went to rhel6. 20:27:16 <abadger1999> We could theoretically start rebuilding all of those packages for el-5 and stick them in the infrastructure repo. 20:27:20 <skvidal> the issue we have is that hosts are rebooting nightly(?) and we don't have a real good cause 20:28:16 <abadger1999> I don't know what all the packages are, though -- and it would be a big change from what we're running now since we have the rhel6 stack underneath it which means tons of things all the way down to python itself will be different. 20:28:18 <smooge> the cause seems to be el-6 kernel in xen 20:28:38 <skvidal> okay 20:28:56 <skvidal> so - could we also do rhel6 on the bare metal + kvm to support fas? 20:29:26 <smooge> that was what I was thinking for one of the new boxes. 20:29:40 <skvidal> that seems like a good plan to me 20:29:45 <abadger1999> <nod> 20:29:54 <waltJ> +1 20:29:55 <skvidal> if we can reasonably verify that rhel6 + kvm makes it all work 20:29:56 <smooge> we have it currently on xen13 but that hardware has had MULTIPLE replacemtns so I have not tried it there 20:30:09 <skvidal> understood 20:30:10 <skvidal> the new boxes 20:30:12 <abadger1999> Minimize the update to just what we have problems with now to see if it makes things better. 20:30:16 <skvidal> what's the blockers there? 20:31:02 <smooge> boxes need to be racked and wired. new names/ip addresses given to them. 20:31:18 <skvidal> okay 20:31:23 <smooge> systems then need to be 'built' and configured 20:31:32 <skvidal> nod 20:31:42 <smooge> we have an excellent new sysadmin in the PHX2 facility so that won't be a problem 20:31:58 <skvidal> great. Do they have an ETA? 20:32:22 <smooge> the boxes arrived last week. He is working on the download servers currnetly. 20:32:40 <smooge> I will need to open a new ticket and see about getting it done in the next 2 weeks. 20:33:40 <smooge> so quick question.. do we want to call them xenXX or something else? 20:33:52 <smooge> kvm is NOT a good name. 20:34:04 <skvidal> virt##? 20:34:09 <waltJ> vmXX ? 20:34:10 <skvidal> virthost## 20:34:22 <skvidal> since they are not guests 20:34:33 <goozbach> virthost makes sense 20:35:13 <smooge> and for the silly geek question.. C arrays or Fortran arrays :) [eg start with 00 or 01?] 20:35:43 * skvidal doesn't care 20:36:00 <skvidal> but if anyone changes the frelling width of the numbers they will taste wrath :) 20:36:09 <skvidal> looks like 01 is what we use all over 20:36:13 <skvidal> bastion01 20:36:15 <skvidal> puppet01 20:36:16 <skvidal> people01 20:36:20 <skvidal> let's stick w/that 20:36:44 <smooge> yeah. I can rename xen13 to virthost00 since its crap hardware :). 20:37:02 <skvidal> umm 20:37:05 <skvidal> wait why? 20:37:17 <skvidal> just call it 01 20:37:18 <skvidal> or 0N 20:37:24 <skvidal> whatever the next number is 20:37:35 <skvidal> why break track with what we do everywhere else? 20:39:13 <smooge> sorry I was being silly. 20:39:20 <skvidal> oh - I didn't catch the joke 20:39:42 <smooge> np my humour is rough.. which means the pain medicine is wearing off. 20:39:52 <smooge> ok i think htat is it at the moment. 20:39:58 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 20:40:14 <goozbach> I'd like to introduce myself 20:40:19 <smooge> hello goozbach 20:40:22 <smooge> how are you? 20:40:35 <goozbach> I've been using fedora for a good long while and wanna join in on the infrastructure fun 20:40:39 <goozbach> so I 20:40:45 <goozbach> am looking for a sponsor 20:40:49 <ninjazjb> hello 20:41:04 <goozbach> smooge: doing well. excited to be here 20:41:16 <goozbach> I've already signed up for the infra list 20:41:27 <goozbach> is there anything else I need to do to get started? 20:42:38 <smooge> well say hi on the list, find out what you would work on, and listen regularly on #feodra-admin and #feodra-noc for problems 20:42:42 <CodeBlock[s]> goozbach: take a look on https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/report/1?sort=created&asc=0 and see if anything sparks your interest basically 20:43:17 <smooge> Our big issues will be keeping up documentation, figuring out where things are not clear, and making them more clear. 20:43:37 <goozbach> I've already read the "getting started" guide. 20:44:09 <smooge> ninjazjb, is a new fellow too and so is waltJ. CodeBlock is actually turning into an old-timer :). 20:44:26 * ninjazjb waves 20:44:46 <goozbach> welp, I've joined both channels, I'll craft an email to the list. 20:45:46 <ke4qqq> smooge: mind if I make an announcement? 20:46:07 <CodeBlock[s]> smooge: :D 20:46:27 <smooge> ke4qqq, sure 20:46:35 <CodeBlock[s]> smooge: I've had so much fun here, I don't plan on leaving any time soon... if I'm not yet, I will soo be an old-timer ;) 20:46:41 <CodeBlock[s]> soon* 20:46:47 <smooge> ke4qqq, I mean "I do not mind if you make an announcement." 20:47:06 <ke4qqq> So, FAmSCo manages a bit of budget and we regularly don't spend it all. In addition there's talk of us taking on more of Fedora's budget responsibilities. 20:47:41 <smooge> cool 20:48:01 <ke4qqq> And rather than effectively lose that which we don't spend, (which we recognize as lost opportunity) we wnat to make sure that other groups in Fedora know they can come obtain resources. So if you need something to help your efforts in Fedora, please don't hesitate to ask 20:48:20 <ke4qqq> Be that attending a conference like LISA or Pycon, or some piece of hardware. 20:48:37 <CodeBlock[s]> smooge: can we tackle/discuss infra #2461 (it has the meeting keyword, not sure if you saw it) 20:48:48 <smooge> ok ke4qqq where to ask? 20:48:55 <ke4qqq> I'll send a message to the list about this as well, but wanted to get it in front of you. 20:49:09 <ke4qqq> smooge: the easiest way is to talk to a famsco member or a ticket on famsco's trac 20:49:12 * ke4qqq goes to get a link 20:49:27 <ke4qqq> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ 20:49:32 <ke4qqq> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ 20:49:36 <smooge> thanks 20:49:45 <ke4qqq> EOF - thanks smooge 20:50:23 <smooge> your welcome. I look forward to seeing about USENIX stuff :) 20:50:41 <smooge> CodeBlock, ok ticet 2461 20:50:47 <smooge> .ticket 2461 20:50:48 <zodbot> smooge: #2461 (Allow some people outside of sysadmin-main to increase people01 quotas) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2461 20:51:28 * CodeBlock[s] talks briefly 20:51:58 <CodeBlock[s]> I see requests for that quite a lot, and I'd like to help with that/be able to increase those... mmcgrath said that maybe we could allow -tools to do that or something along those lines 20:53:06 <skvidal> it's a sudo thing - it's not hard 20:53:14 <skvidal> though we don't get many requests 20:53:25 <skvidal> and I don't remember when the last one went un-answered for more than like an hour 20:53:30 <CodeBlock[s]> skvidal: I see quite a lot on the tracker for those 20:53:44 <skvidal> CodeBlock[s]: un fulfilled? 20:53:55 <smooge> skvidal, since you deal with this a lot.. this looks workable just a policy and guidelines issue and then dealing with people02 when it comes up. 20:54:07 <nirik> oh, I have something to mention I guess too. 20:54:07 <skvidal> smooge: yah - I'm fine with that 20:54:17 <CodeBlock[s]> skvidal: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2421 https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2423 https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2411 20:54:18 <skvidal> and added people02 back onto my todo list too 20:54:22 <CodeBlock[s]> three that have gone for days 20:54:31 <skvidal> CodeBlock[s]: hmm - I hadn't seen them 20:54:33 <skvidal> which is odd 20:54:35 <skvidal> b/c I get the emails 20:54:38 * skvidal grumbles 20:54:44 <smooge> me either.. so looks like another issue to deal wioth 20:55:31 <smooge> #action find out where email tickets are going 20:55:42 <smooge> #action work on SOP and policy 20:55:48 <skvidal> 'assigned to nobody' 20:56:24 <smooge> we have 3 minutes untiul the cloud meeting 20:56:28 <nirik> looking at ticket 2413: Does http://fpaste.org/pb0j/ look like everything to do to rename that list? 20:56:52 * nirik is happy to have folks look and give feedback out of band. 20:57:14 <CodeBlock[s]> smooge: is -tools going to be allowed to do that then, or what? 20:57:33 <CodeBlock[s]> sorry I'm kind of fading in and out here between class and here 20:57:48 <smooge> CodeBlock, a) probably yes. b) need to figure out changes first 20:58:01 <CodeBlock[s]> smooge: alright sounds good 20:58:01 <smooge> one last thing 20:58:08 <smooge> meeting time next week 20:58:14 <smooge> I would like to keep it at the same UTC 20:58:25 <smooge> does that work or kill people? 20:58:35 <goozbach> WFM 20:58:37 <goozbach> :) 20:58:43 <CodeBlock[s]> mmm, that would be what EST? 20:58:57 * CodeBlock[s] adds the 4 hours in his head I guess 20:59:06 <CodeBlock[s]> well 20:59:10 <CodeBlock[s]> it's +1 hour right? 20:59:12 <CodeBlock[s]> ble 20:59:15 <CodeBlock[s]> bleh* have to go 20:59:17 <smooge> correct 20:59:21 <smooge> see you 20:59:28 <smooge> rbergeron, you ready to take over? 20:59:44 <smooge> ok I am going to end this and put it on the list 20:59:48 <smooge> see you next week. 20:59:52 <smooge> #endmeeting