21:00:29 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Fedora marketing 21:00:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 30 21:00:29 2010 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:36 <rbergeron> #meetingname Fedora Marketing 21:00:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing' 21:00:43 <rbergeron> #topic Roll Call! 21:03:28 * Southern_Gentlem 21:03:37 <rbergeron> hey there, southern_gentlem ;) 21:04:06 * rbergeron will hold it open a few minutes. 21:04:16 * stickster lurks 21:05:02 * rbergeron pokes stickster with a stick 21:05:04 <rbergeron> ;) 21:05:27 <Southern_Gentlem> i just want to bring up one thing cause i have to run 21:06:17 <rbergeron> southern_gentlem: go for it. 21:06:17 <Southern_Gentlem> during the Marketing FAD it was brought up to have ambassadors ask questions at the booth 21:06:39 <Southern_Gentlem> is there a list of question anywhere 21:07:00 * jsmith lurks 21:07:00 <rbergeron> wait, to have ambassadors ask questions of... people who come to the booth? 21:07:04 * rbergeron tries to get out her memory from march 21:07:07 <Southern_Gentlem> and is there a set of quesitons for f14 and are any planned for f15 21:07:08 <jsmith> Sorry folks... tied up in a phone call :-( 21:07:23 <Southern_Gentlem> rbergeron, yep 21:07:54 <Southern_Gentlem> like one of them was what one word can you use to describe Fedora 21:07:55 <rbergeron> southern_gentlem: I don't think we did anything to that effect. I will have to dig around in archives to see. 21:08:10 <rbergeron> southern_gentlem: ahhhhhh. 21:08:29 <Southern_Gentlem> you remeber that now dont you 21:08:40 <rbergeron> I think we were talking about doing that in the context of maybe having... post-it notes available, or something like that? 21:08:48 <Southern_Gentlem> yep 21:08:57 * rbergeron recalls that we tried to do that in the rht raleigh elevator, and just had our paper stolen. 21:09:21 <rbergeron> :) 21:09:40 <Southern_Gentlem> exactly 21:09:41 <rbergeron> What do you thin kwould be the best way to pass that information off to ambassadors? 21:09:55 <rbergeron> If you're going to an event, let us know and we'll send you post-it notes and a list of questions we'd like answers to? 21:10:09 <rbergeron> Since a lot of ambassadors don't always have the event box? 21:10:17 <rbergeron> or.... is there some other way that is easier? 21:10:34 <Southern_Gentlem> wiki page with notes to famsco 21:10:56 <rbergeron> hmm. okay 21:11:13 <Southern_Gentlem> dont have to be postit note just a list of answers would work 21:11:23 <Southern_Gentlem> from the ambassadors 21:11:25 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to craft some thoughts on "how to gather information from event attendees through ambassadors" relating to discussions we had at Marketing fad last march 21:11:37 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to pass along to FAmSCo when she figures it out 21:12:18 <Southern_Gentlem> and at the shows i did this year i completely forgot about it untill last night 21:12:36 <rbergeron> ahhh. 21:12:50 <rbergeron> Southern_Gentlem: I'll see what we can come up with. 21:13:05 <rbergeron> I think we may have made some good questions at the Marketing FAD, and just didn't get them all passed along to ambassadors. 21:13:12 <rbergeron> Or a process for dealing with it. 21:13:19 <Southern_Gentlem> exactly 21:13:40 <Southern_Gentlem> get it to the grunts on the front lines 21:13:48 <rbergeron> lol 21:13:52 <rbergeron> cool. well thank you :) 21:14:29 <rbergeron> #topic F15 Marketing Schedule 21:15:13 <rbergeron> I just wanted to pass this along: 21:15:17 <rbergeron> #link http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-15/f-15-marketing-tasks.html 21:15:29 <rbergeron> Now, I realize this might sound funny since I'm officially doing the schedule now. 21:15:40 <rbergeron> But, I'm looking for feedback from people in marketing other than myself on things like: 21:15:47 <rbergeron> (a) does this schedule make sense 21:16:07 <rbergeron> (b) are there any activities that we are doing that we want to adjust on the schedule, or even not do anymore 21:16:21 <rbergeron> (c) are there new things we want to do that aren't here at all? 21:16:43 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to send a mail to the mailing list regarding schedule and if it looks kosher for marketing. 21:16:44 <stickster> rbergeron: One suggestion... for things like Line 13, it might be helpful to break that into actual tasks, i.e. "Do such-and-such," as opposed to a task name that doesn't say what the action is 21:17:16 <rbergeron> stickster: yeah, line 13 is kind of ugly. 21:17:22 <rbergeron> I don't remember it being that ugly, truth be told ;) 21:17:25 <stickster> heh 21:17:29 * rbergeron goes back and looks at old schedules 21:17:47 <stickster> We have an SOP so breaking it up may not be too difficult -- should I drop a line to the list to kick that off? 21:17:56 <rbergeron> and also, things like... getting rid of the slogan selection. 21:18:03 <rbergeron> stickster: that would be excellent. 21:18:40 <stickster> #action stickster Kick off discussion on how to break up Line 13 on marketing schedule into definitive tasks 21:18:57 <jsmith> I'd like to see some more detail on Feature profiles 21:19:07 <jsmith> Instead of just having one line item, break it up into 21:19:22 <jsmith> o make plan for Feature profiles (number of profiles, topics) 21:19:26 <rbergeron> stickster: I think that you / jared could be particularly helpful there as far as synchronizing with Kara, if feature profile owners are going to continue owning the crafting of the blogs that go out on the red hat press blog. 21:19:27 <jsmith> o set feature profile schedule 21:19:43 <jsmith> o plan feature profile format (blogs / videos) 21:19:52 <jsmith> o Feature Profile 1 due 21:19:54 <jsmith> o Feature Profile 2 due 21:19:56 <jsmith> o Feature Profile 3 due 21:19:59 * rbergeron notes that we really only wind up having as many feature profiles as we have volunteers, more or less 21:20:16 * stickster copies jsmith's words into email and kills two birds with one stone :-) 21:20:26 <jsmith> Awesome :-) 21:20:44 <rbergeron> and i mean as far as detailing that synchronization with kara 21:20:56 <jsmith> On line 25, I'd like to make sure we're all clear on what that means 21:20:59 <rbergeron> ie: "talk to kara on X date about $featureprofilethings" 21:21:16 <jsmith> because there was a lot of confusion with regards to who was doing the screen shots, etc. 21:21:26 <rbergeron> so line 24/25? 21:21:40 <rbergeron> #info need more clarification around items 24 and 25 on schedule 21:21:59 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to seek out volunteer on list to work out the screenshots process, ownership, etc. 21:22:04 <jsmith> Correct 21:22:27 <rbergeron> I think line 26 has always been somewhat mysterious to me. 21:23:04 <rbergeron> "brief news distribution network" <--- stickster, mether, any idea where that's from or what it relates to? 21:23:34 * rbergeron wonders if anyone else has seen the marketing evolve over more than a few cycles 21:23:46 <mether> I think i suggested a app 21:23:55 <mether> that submits fedora news to different linux news sites 21:23:56 <stickster> rbergeron: That's something that wonderer typically wants to work on each cycle (among other people) -- getting Fedora material out to community news outlets 21:24:19 <mether> we do this manually now 21:24:37 <stickster> mether: An app sounds like a great idea, who's going to write it? 21:24:42 <rbergeron> and what is the manual process? some people just send things out, or translate it, etc? 21:24:57 <mether> stickster, students come for projects all the time 21:25:02 <mether> shouldn't take much time 21:25:08 <mether> i will try to find someone 21:25:10 <stickster> rbergeron: Combination of translation where needed, and then sending to regional community news outlets for release 21:25:37 <stickster> mether: Sounds like the beginnings of a plan, should rbergeron write you in to manage that project then? 21:25:39 <rbergeron> mether: since you had some thoughts, would you mind writing a note to the list with some thoughts in general? 21:25:44 * rbergeron and stickster battle over mether 21:25:49 <rbergeron> lol 21:25:52 <stickster> rbergeron: +1, good enough for me 21:26:06 <mether> i will drop a mail later 21:26:12 <rbergeron> mether: awesome. thanks! 21:27:46 <rbergeron> #action mether to write to list about "brief news distribution network" item on marketing schedule, ideas for app, possible student contribution. 21:28:05 <rbergeron> any other immediate schedule feedback? I will concatenate these notes into the mail I send out. 21:29:13 * rbergeron looks around 21:29:20 <rbergeron> okay. 21:29:32 <rbergeron> #topic Need to cycle Marketing wiki for F15. 21:30:23 <rbergeron> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing 21:30:32 <rbergeron> Sooo - there are a few things we need to do here. 21:30:56 <rbergeron> The first one being that we need to cycle the main page deliverables, which... well, it looks like someone awesome has done that, or the template did it for us, one of the two. 21:31:22 <rbergeron> perhaps the wiki did it for us, it looks like. 21:31:24 <rbergeron> in any case: 21:31:57 <rbergeron> each of the pieces in deliverables needs to have (a) their page created, and (b) content / basic template dropped in. 21:32:08 <rbergeron> I think it would be awesome if we could actually have an SOP around doing this, as well. 21:32:48 * rbergeron wonders if anyone is interested in helping out, or maybe taking a wiki page or two and then contributing to the SOP about those one or two wiki pages and how they updated them / refreshed them for the cycle. 21:33:25 <jsmith> I can help out, if I know enough about what I'm doing to be useful 21:33:37 * rbergeron grins 21:34:11 <rbergeron> so what i would do is this: 21:34:21 <rbergeron> #info Thoughts on refreshing a wiki page: 21:34:46 <rbergeron> #info (1) Go to the wiki page linked in F15 deliverables, and click to "create this page" when you go to it. 21:35:09 <rbergeron> #info (2) Look at one of the early revisions of the F14 version of that deliverable and see how it was set up for a template. 21:35:29 <rbergeron> #info (3) Copy that over to a yet-to-be-determined-or-named SOP page. 21:35:48 <rbergeron> jsmith: Would it help if I set out some ideas in email, and set up an SOP page with places to basically dump in template text 21:35:51 <rbergeron> ? 21:36:28 <jsmith> rbergeron: Absolutely! 21:36:30 <rbergeron> okay. 21:36:46 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to set up a fillable SOP page for cycling marketing wiki. 21:37:04 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to lay out some steps so that poeple can grab wiki pages as they see fit to help update them for f15 and SOP them at the same time. 21:37:54 <rbergeron> Any other thoughts? 21:38:43 <rbergeron> #topic Any other business? 21:38:56 * rbergeron holds the floor open for any other impending awesome things going on. 21:43:45 * rbergeron will close out in a minute if there's nothing more :) 21:44:28 * stickster has zippo 21:44:42 <pingou> how can one use : https://admin.fedoraproject.org/zarafa/ ? 21:45:21 <rbergeron> pingou: I think most of the details are at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zarafa 21:45:28 <rbergeron> though I haven't actually tried it myself. 21:46:07 <rbergeron> oh, maybe the details aren't there. 21:46:20 <pingou> rbergeron: i am more like, I can log in this instance using my fas credential, but there is no email since my @fp.o is an alias 21:46:22 <rbergeron> pingou: the best place to ask is probably in #fedora-admin. 21:46:40 <pingou> oups 21:46:42 <pingou> indeed 21:46:48 <pingou> mixted up my tab 21:46:51 <rbergeron> :) 21:47:06 <rbergeron> alrighty. 21:47:10 * rbergeron is going to end it ;) 21:47:16 <rbergeron> Thanks for coming, all! 21:47:18 <rbergeron> #endmeeting