04:01:18 <dramsey> #startmeeting APAC meeting 2010-12-18 04:01:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Dec 18 04:01:18 2010 UTC. The chair is dramsey. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:01:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:01:25 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 04:01:25 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 04:01:26 <dramsey> #meetingname APAC 04:01:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac' 04:01:29 <dramsey> .fas dramsey 04:01:30 <zodbot> dramsey: dramsey 'David Ramsey' <diamond_ramsey@hotmail.com> 04:01:35 <azneita> .fas azneita 04:01:35 <zodbot> azneita: azneita 'Heherson Pagcaliwagan' <herson@azneita.org> 04:01:38 <asmartgoat> .fas artg 04:01:42 <dramsey> #chair dramsey azneita tuanta asmartgoat 04:01:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: asmartgoat azneita dramsey tuanta 04:01:44 <zodbot> asmartgoat: xmartgroup 'Juan Pablo Garzon Talero' <juanpablogarzontalero@gmail.com> - asmartgoat 'Luke Martinez' <l32007luke@gmail.com> - johnhartgraves83 'John Hartgraves' <john.hartgraves83@gmail.com> - artgibbens 'Art Gibbens' <art.gibbens@gmail.com> - mhartgring 'Marco Hartgring' <marco.hartgring@gmail.com> 04:01:51 <asmartgoat> didn't work 04:01:56 <tuanta> :) 04:01:57 <asmartgoat> .fas asmartgoat 04:01:57 <zodbot> asmartgoat: asmartgoat 'Luke Martinez' <l32007luke@gmail.com> 04:02:11 <tuanta> it works fine now :) 04:02:35 <dramsey> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings/2010-12-18#Agenda 04:02:48 <maktrix> maktrix 'Mahay Alam Khan' <mahayalamkhan@gmail.com> 04:02:58 <dramsey> #topic Ambassador Pinging 04:03:03 <dramsey> Welcome Everyone 04:03:05 <dramsey> #topic News from FAmSCo 04:03:17 <tuanta> .fas maktrix 04:03:17 <zodbot> tuanta: mak 'Mahay Alam Khan' <mahayalamkhan@gmail.com> 04:03:29 <kaio> hi 04:03:34 <tuanta> hi, kaio 04:03:36 <dramsey> Hi Kaio 04:03:37 <kaio> new meeting time? 04:03:38 <kaio> tuanta☺ hi 04:03:43 <kaio> SAT only +P 04:03:43 <maktrix> hi kaio 04:03:43 <tuanta> you are in time today :) 04:03:45 <azneita> good timing kaio 04:03:45 <kaio> hi 04:03:47 <dramsey> Any news from FAmSCo? 04:03:48 <kaio> ha 04:03:49 <tuanta> great to see you all today 04:03:52 <asmartgoat> didn't you get the memo :) 4:00UTC :) 04:03:52 <kaio> I am just in front of p 04:03:54 <kaio> pc 04:04:20 <asmartgoat> do we have any news? 04:04:28 <kaio> I will remember XD 04:04:47 <kaio> yes 04:05:00 <tuanta> we have some FAmSCo members here 04:05:00 * azneita eagerly waits 04:05:12 <kaio> Cheryn (RH) got some freebies for LCA+FAD 04:05:41 <asmartgoat> yes, she has got money from RH to spend on swag! 04:05:43 <kaio> for media I have to get the aamount we want 04:05:50 <bckurera> hi all 04:05:55 <bckurera> sorry for being late 04:05:56 <dramsey> hi bckurera 04:06:00 <kaio> but this again relied on the attendants which I have not confirmed from local LUG 04:06:02 <tuanta> hi 04:06:06 <kaio> (or tech group) 04:06:08 <bckurera> is meeting over? 04:06:10 <kaio> bckurera☺ hi 04:06:12 <asmartgoat> kaio, i've had a chat to harish, i just need to tell him the number of media required 04:06:15 <tuanta> just started 04:06:15 <kaio> bckurera☺ yes it is over :P 04:06:25 <asmartgoat> its just began! 04:06:26 <azneita> lol 04:06:26 <asmartgoat> :) 04:06:32 <bckurera> .fas bckurera 04:06:33 <zodbot> bckurera: bckurera 'Buddhika Kurera' <bckurera@gmail.com> 04:06:38 <kaio> asmartgoat☺ yes this is what I have no idea about how many is enough 04:06:45 <kaio> .fas kaio 04:06:45 <zodbot> kaio: kaio 'Caius Chance' <me@kaio.net> 04:06:52 <bckurera> hello everyone 04:06:53 <asmartgoat> we'll bring it up later 04:06:55 <asmartgoat> :) 04:07:00 <azneita> +1 04:07:17 <kaio> asmartgoat☺ :) 04:07:34 <azneita> #info cheryn (rh) got some freebies for LCA+FAD 04:08:03 <azneita> #info harish needs final number for media production 04:08:05 <kaio> luke should we forward the list of freebies to mailing list? 04:08:06 <dramsey> Do we have a guesstimate of media for Harish? 04:08:28 <kaio> dramsey☺ I dont even know how many people will be at conference 04:08:33 <kaio> LCA 04:08:43 <dramsey> kaio, understood 04:08:43 <asmartgoat> we'll have to talk about that with cheryn 04:08:45 <kaio> for the FAD, Fedora people will be like 10 04:08:54 <kaio> asmartgoat☺ yes agree 04:09:02 <asmartgoat> #action Asmartgoat: talk to cheryn about amount of media required 04:09:13 <asmartgoat> #undo 04:09:13 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x160cbad0> 04:09:18 <asmartgoat> #action Asmartgoat: talk to cheryn about amount of media required for LCA 04:09:31 <asmartgoat> :) 04:09:48 <dramsey> So Cheryn will help with freebies and Harish with media? 04:10:02 <asmartgoat> yes. :) 04:10:03 <azneita> i'm not sure about openday attendance but i heard 500+ attendees for lca itself 04:10:27 <dramsey> Good 04:10:37 * azneita just overheard dgilmore and NA folks taking it up 04:10:55 <bckurera> what about crating more media and make it available for Am. 04:10:57 * dgilmore peeks in 04:11:02 * tuanta wish can attend LCA+FAD :) 04:11:04 <bckurera> i think still no one have F14 media 04:11:13 <dramsey> Sounds like azneita kaio and others will need to meet up with dgilmore 04:11:16 <dramsey> Hi dgilmore 04:11:21 <dgilmore> hi dramsey 04:11:34 <tuanta> .fas dgilmore 04:11:34 <zodbot> tuanta: ausil 'Dennis Gilmore' <dennis@ausil.us> - ausilfasclient 'Dennis Gilmore' <dennis@dgilmore.net> 04:11:41 <azneita> dgilmore, LCA attendees - 500+? 04:11:42 <asmartgoat> #info harish says that media will be ready starting next year 04:11:48 <maktrix> just to inform, I've produced F14 media localy in Bangladesh. 04:11:56 <bckurera> hi dgilmore 04:11:59 <dgilmore> i was told media was being shipped to RH brisbane y harish 04:12:01 <bckurera> u new to me 04:12:04 <azneita> good job maktrix 04:12:12 <dramsey> excellent news dgilmore 04:12:27 <asmartgoat> dgilmore: yes, we are trying to find out how much media we need though 04:12:28 <bckurera> yup 04:12:36 <dgilmore> asmartgoat: ok 04:12:53 <dgilmore> asmartgoat: i suggest you get a little more than you think will be needed for lca 04:13:00 <tuanta> great news, dgilmore 04:13:09 <dgilmore> that way it can be taken home by people to be handed out at local events 04:13:09 <bckurera> maktrix great 04:13:18 <bckurera> maktrix < how about the cost 04:13:23 <asmartgoat> yes, we will get an amount for kaio me and azneita and who else amb comes that doesnt have media 04:13:40 <dramsey> Unused media may be used for future Australian / APAC events 04:13:49 <asmartgoat> #action asmartgoat to get extra media for kaio, himself and azneita also other confirmed ambassador attendees 04:13:54 <azneita> do 1k seems sufficient? 04:13:58 <maktrix> bckurera: it's 30 Bangladesh Taka per DVD 04:14:08 <bckurera> #info maktri - produced F14 media localy in Bangladesh. 04:14:08 * azneita just floating a number 04:14:13 <bckurera> ohh its DVD cool 04:14:17 <bckurera> in USD pls 04:14:25 <maktrix> 1 US$ = approx. 70 BDT 04:14:48 <dgilmore> so ~40c a dvd 04:14:48 <maktrix> bckurera: let me check the rate and calculate 04:15:02 <asmartgoat> about 0.5 USD? 04:15:03 <dramsey> try rate calculations at www.xe.com 04:15:03 <bckurera> its ok i got the idea thanks maktrix 04:15:44 <asmartgoat> can we change topic please, dramsey? 04:15:48 <bckurera> onething what is the topic now 04:15:57 <maktrix> xe.com says 30.00 BDT = 0.425532 USD 04:15:57 <bckurera> are we still in FAmSCo news? 04:15:58 <azneita> famsco :) 04:16:01 <asmartgoat> news from famsco :) 04:16:08 <dramsey> Are we ready to move onward? 04:16:15 <azneita> +1 04:16:16 <dramsey> Sure, asmartgoat, we all have the chairs 04:16:16 <bckurera> one thing 04:16:17 <dramsey> #topic Report current Status of upcoming events 04:16:19 <tuanta> we have already moved :) 04:16:25 <bckurera> the price is high 04:16:48 <bckurera> per DVD cost is around .3 USD in bulk 04:16:52 <azneita> shall we go by events on the list? 04:17:11 <azneita> #topic FOSSin_2010 04:17:12 <maktrix> bckurera: we have only one / two produced in Bangladesh 04:17:24 <bckurera> ahh then ok :) 04:17:25 <asmartgoat> maktrix, is your media printed? with sleeves? 04:17:28 <dramsey> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FOSSin_2010 is now 04:17:43 <maktrix> asmartgoat: media is printed without sleeves 04:17:50 <azneita> it's owned by mether 04:17:53 <asmartgoat> ok. 04:18:16 <azneita> and it just happened :) 04:18:51 <azneita> reports should be coming in the next few days 04:19:01 <azneita> let's move along? 04:19:44 <dramsey> Sure 04:19:45 <dramsey> #topic FAD SL 2011 04:19:50 <dramsey> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Sri_Lanka_2011 04:19:55 <asmartgoat> Day one report is here http://harishpillay.wordpress.com/2010/12/16/foss-in-day-1-and-red-hat-enterprise-linux-6-launch/ 04:20:04 <bckurera> ohh nice 04:20:07 <asmartgoat> #info day 1 report by harish for FOSSin is here 04:20:09 <asmartgoat> #link http://harishpillay.wordpress.com/2010/12/16/foss-in-day-1-and-red-hat-enterprise-linux-6-launch/ 04:20:15 <bckurera> i have some updates 04:20:27 * asmartgoat loves updates. :) 04:20:31 <azneita> +1 04:20:34 <bckurera> we set a date in march 1st weel 04:20:37 <bckurera> week* 04:20:41 <dramsey> Fantastic 04:20:50 <azneita> great! 04:20:50 <tuanta> +1 04:20:52 <bckurera> so i am looking forward to start a ticket as soon i finalized all 04:21:03 <bckurera> hopefully this week 04:21:16 <bckurera> but before that i have to get some resources 04:21:19 <dramsey> bckurera, you can do it 04:21:28 <dramsey> What resources? 04:21:38 <asmartgoat> +1 04:21:47 <dramsey> Have you contacted mether and the fedora india ambassadors' list? 04:21:48 <bckurera> like CDs 04:21:52 * azneita got an SL applicant, maybe he can help 04:21:56 <bckurera> and also Am Wear 04:22:08 <bckurera> i ll talk about Am wear later r8 04:22:17 <bckurera> nice 04:22:28 <bckurera> azneita can i get his contacts 04:22:50 <azneita> of course 04:22:57 <bckurera> send them then 04:23:09 <bckurera> So 3 Am are working with me to the event 04:23:17 <dramsey> Great 04:23:19 <bckurera> callkalpa, drkmafia 04:23:34 <bckurera> so we ll have a great event 1st time in SL 04:23:36 <azneita> callkalpa is familiar 04:23:44 <bckurera> still date cannot be fixed sure 04:23:52 <bckurera> coz has to check with the university 04:23:59 <maktrix> bckurera: best wishes for your event 04:24:06 <bckurera> this can be done in Feb 04:24:07 <dramsey> Sounds like an action 04:24:09 <azneita> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Suresht 04:24:14 <bckurera> Colombo University 04:24:17 <azneita> ^^ that's him 04:24:35 <bckurera> BUT its is in 1st or 2nd Week in march 04:24:44 <bckurera> thanks azneita :) 04:24:51 <bckurera> so that is all about FAD SL 04:24:57 <bckurera> i am waiting FAD SL 04:25:05 <bckurera> but before that i need to finish Am wear 04:25:10 <dramsey> Good, anything else or next topic? 04:25:16 <bckurera> no you can move 04:25:19 <dramsey> #topic Other future APAC events. 04:25:19 <azneita> bckurera, you have a link? 04:25:28 <bckurera> please join any interested ppl with me 04:25:33 <bckurera> Fedora Am are welcome 04:25:34 <maktrix> ! 04:25:40 <bckurera> what link azneita> 04:25:42 <dramsey> please maktrix 04:25:51 <azneita> FAD SL, sorry 04:25:56 <maktrix> I am having an event on 20th December in Dhaka, Bangladesh 04:25:57 <bckurera> Bangladesh you can fly here 04:25:59 <asmartgoat> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Sri_Lanka_2011 04:26:09 <azneita> thanks 04:26:14 <maktrix> I'm going to talk in Jagannath Univeristy (25,000 students) 04:26:21 <maktrix> and going to distribute F14 media 04:26:32 <azneita> great numbers 04:26:44 <dramsey> Like in a couple days... 04:27:03 <azneita> yep, pretty tight schedule 04:27:09 <bckurera> good 04:27:09 <maktrix> azneita: the university have 25k students, but my talk will be in their central auditorium with seating capacity of 500 only 04:27:14 <azneita> are you done with prep 04:27:19 <tuanta> +1 maktrix 04:27:37 <bckurera> good work 04:27:40 <asmartgoat> +1 excellent 04:27:44 <azneita> understood maktrix 04:27:56 <dramsey> maktrix, well done. Best to you on your presentation 04:28:04 <maktrix> dramsey: thanks. 04:28:09 <bckurera> yup you can upload them 04:28:18 <asmartgoat> ^^ +1 04:28:20 <azneita> do you have the resources you need? 04:28:22 <dramsey> This is the first time I heard of this, if we discussed earlier, then this would be great topic for support 04:29:06 <azneita> +1 but I'm sure maktrix can pull it through 04:29:06 <maktrix> azneita: I've produced 1000 DVD, have sent bulk DVD to other ambassadors in Bangaldesh. And have more than 500 with me for the event 04:29:17 <maktrix> also producing T-Shirt, they will arrive in a day or two 04:29:42 <bckurera> great work really happy to hear 04:29:46 <asmartgoat> Yes +1 04:29:47 <maktrix> dramsey: I was just wondering, that my budget was approved by the last FAmSCo, 04:29:49 <azneita> +1 04:30:01 <maktrix> now there is new FAmSCo, will they reimburse? 04:30:02 <maktrix> :P 04:30:07 <dramsey> Is there a ticket? 04:30:11 <maktrix> yes 04:30:14 <bckurera> FAmSCo ppl here :) 04:30:21 <bckurera> Kaio :) 04:30:26 * azneita points to kaio and lcafiero :) 04:30:35 <dramsey> +1 bckurera and azneita 04:30:38 <asmartgoat> lcafiero / kaio, could you bring this back to next Famsco meeting 04:30:39 <lcafiero> what's the ticket number? 04:30:39 <asmartgoat> please 04:30:44 <maktrix> wait 04:31:06 <JamesM_SiteGen> What are the differences in boot speed with debian.6 with freeBSD kernal with fedora 14 04:31:30 <azneita> nice troll James :) 04:31:39 <lcafiero> ask that in #fedora, JamesM_SiteGen -- this is a meeting channel 04:31:41 <JamesM_SiteGen> troll?huh? 04:31:42 <asmartgoat> ill get OP 04:31:45 <dramsey> JamesM_SiteGen, good topic for #fedora 04:31:53 <JamesM_SiteGen> kk 04:31:56 <maktrix> Ticket #6 04:31:58 <dramsey> lcafiero, you well done. 04:32:12 <maktrix> it's within APAC request 04:32:23 * lcafiero is looking it up. 04:32:34 <azneita> try fedora-apac trac lcafiero 04:33:02 <azneita> ... and thanks a lot 04:33:36 <kaio> larry is budget manager now 04:33:58 <azneita> yep, i heard that too :) 04:33:59 <JamesM_SiteGen> And that was a meeting question, fedora speed vs debian speed. it needs to be descussed 04:33:59 <bckurera> yup got it 04:34:15 <asmartgoat> thats it james 04:35:03 <dramsey> maktrix, do you have an event wiki page? 04:35:12 <dramsey> if so, then link would be useful 04:35:15 <EvilBob> JamesM_SiteGen: You understand you are getting in the way of productivity for these people? 04:35:17 <maktrix> not until now 04:35:35 <asmartgoat> EvilBob; he's here just to be a pain at the moment 04:35:46 <dramsey> maktrix, when you have a URL then please send to mailing list then that would be useful. 04:35:50 <bckurera> ohh GOD please Ambassadors create pages in wiki and update it 04:35:53 <dramsey> Is there a URL now? 04:35:55 <bckurera> I am talking about events 04:36:02 <EvilBob> asmartgoat: Perhaps he is just confused the purpose of this meeting 04:36:10 <JamesM_SiteGen> kk i'm moving this question to #fedora-vs-debian 04:36:11 <maktrix> they have a FB event 04:36:15 <bckurera> no wiki page means no funding 04:36:23 <EvilBob> JamesM_SiteGen: Thank you 04:36:29 <dramsey> wiki page, then report... 04:36:42 <maktrix> dramsey: +1 04:36:48 <tuanta> +1 04:36:48 <bckurera> yes a MUST maktrix 04:36:50 <lcafiero> hang on, dramsey -- can I interject something here? 04:36:57 <dramsey> please, lcafiero 04:36:58 <bckurera> sure 04:37:00 <maktrix> but, my reimbursement is related with swag producing not with event 04:37:01 <lcafiero> OK, thanks. 04:37:16 <lcafiero> maktrix: have you made a reimbursement ticket for funds you've spent? 04:37:38 <maktrix> yes, I do opened and it got approved by susmit, spevack, kital 04:37:45 <bckurera> do we have a page for swag things 04:37:47 <bckurera> for APAC 04:38:17 <lcafiero> It is different than the one you pointed out. 04:38:48 <lcafiero> go to https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ and let us know how much you've spent. 04:39:12 <maktrix> lcafiero: +1 04:39:15 <lcafiero> Also, make a note of https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Reinbursements 04:39:20 <lcafiero> check that 04:39:33 <lcafiero> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Reimbursements 04:39:48 <lcafiero> And then if all else fails, ping me. 04:40:03 <bckurera> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Reimbursements 04:40:14 <maktrix> I know these :) have had received reimbursement on previous events 04:40:33 <azneita> do i also need to move tickets to famsco trac lcafiero? 04:40:39 <lcafiero> Ah, good. Bear in mind, too, that RH is working slowly because of the holidays. 04:40:53 <azneita> that's duly noted 04:40:56 <bckurera> bad to hear that 04:41:07 <maktrix> lcafiero: no prob. let's end the topic here for the time being and move forward 04:41:16 <lcafiero> I don't want to take up time with this -- azneita, let me take it up with you after the meeting, but yes. 04:41:23 <dramsey> :) Good information lcafiero ! :) maktrix, you have actions, sounds grand. you can do it 04:41:35 <dramsey> Move to next topic? 04:41:40 <azneita> hehe +1 04:41:41 <maktrix> +1 04:41:46 <dramsey> okay 04:41:46 * lcafiero will shut up now :-) 04:41:47 <dramsey> #topic Report current Status of upcoming events 04:41:54 <dramsey> #topic FAD brisbane + LCA 04:42:03 * asmartgoat celebrates 04:42:04 <bckurera> +1 04:42:11 <dramsey> FAD and LCA waving... 04:42:29 * azneita needs to make travel plans 04:42:39 <asmartgoat> lcafiero, is it possible for me to get my tickets reimbursed now? because im low on money and i could use that to buy accomodation :) 04:43:15 <lcafiero> I will check. 04:43:19 <asmartgoat> thank you 04:43:22 <tuanta> it usually takes about over 1 month to get a reimbursement ticket closed 04:43:26 <tuanta> it should be changed 04:43:37 <azneita> speaking of accomodation, i'm willing to share rooms if needed 04:43:45 <asmartgoat> january is spend month :( 04:43:49 <bckurera> yes tuanta +1 04:43:55 <tuanta> about 2 weeks or shorter 04:44:12 <lcafiero> so noted, tuanta 04:44:23 <dramsey> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_@_Brisbane_2011 04:44:24 <bckurera> #info azneita like to share rooms 04:44:59 <azneita> haha ^^ 04:45:10 <bckurera> is that funny :) 04:45:45 <azneita> yep but i get the idea so no prob 04:46:06 <azneita> asmartgoat, is there any things that needs work going to holidays 04:46:10 <bckurera> azneita its nice to see you 04:46:16 <azneita> or they can wait 04:46:22 <bckurera> i cant find you lat weeks in IRC 04:46:47 <bckurera> i think after holidays they should wait 1 month :) 04:46:47 <asmartgoat> they can wait, im moving house on christmas eve, so i'll be without internet until it is set up 04:46:52 <asmartgoat> but probably 2 weeks 04:47:03 <asmartgoat> i'll try get internet at relatives :) 04:47:09 <asmartgoat> relatives houses 04:47:35 <asmartgoat> hmm... we'll probably need a meeting 1 week before LCA 04:47:38 <dramsey> Where will asmartgoat and azneita be staying overnight prior to for the FAD? 04:47:50 <azneita> i am 04:47:56 <asmartgoat> i'll be at a nice hotel in the city 04:47:58 <asmartgoat> :) 04:48:04 <dgilmore> asmartgoat: ill be in BNE then 04:48:06 <asmartgoat> i can get cheap rates :) 04:48:21 <dgilmore> 1 week before LCA that is 04:48:49 <azneita> dgilmore, i'm flying in weekend before LCA 04:49:04 <dramsey> asmartgoat and azneita Are you all staying at the same hotel? 04:49:15 <asmartgoat> no i'm only staying one night btw 04:49:21 <kaio> anyone will be in conf? 04:49:21 <azneita> KageSenshi should be flying in around that time 04:49:27 <kaio> (not just open day) 04:49:38 <azneita> \o 04:49:52 <asmartgoat> dgilmore and azneita will be at conf 04:49:55 <azneita> jsmith will be there too 04:49:57 <asmartgoat> (i believe) 04:50:11 <azneita> kagesenshi too 04:50:16 <bckurera> LCA a big things for APAC am 04:50:22 <bckurera> so are you all readyyyyy 04:50:28 <asmartgoat> yes :) 04:50:35 <bckurera> nice 04:50:35 <kaio> azneita☺ you will be paid by yourself? 04:50:36 <asmartgoat> are you coming to LCA bckurera? 04:50:57 <bckurera> no i m nt 04:51:00 <azneita> nope kaio 04:51:16 <bckurera> lot of probs with flying 04:51:26 <azneita> it's supposed to be covered by my sponsorship 04:51:27 <kaio> who are going to conf are paid by FAm for entry? 04:51:40 <kaio> I want to go to conf but I dont have money 04:51:50 <azneita> let's ask kaio 04:52:21 <asmartgoat> kaio, sponsorship? 04:52:27 <azneita> i suggest opening a famsco ticket and wait out an approval 04:52:35 <bckurera> kaio you should be there r8 04:52:39 <azneita> in your case, i think it's ok 04:52:44 <azneita> :) 04:52:44 * dgilmore is a speaker 04:53:21 <azneita> is this a miniconf dgilmore? 04:53:27 <dgilmore> azneita: nope 04:53:36 <bckurera> it is LARGE 04:53:58 <azneita> must have skimmed over it, i'll go look again 04:54:28 <dgilmore> http://lca2011.linux.org.au/programme/schedule/view_talk/65?day=None 04:54:37 <dramsey> Sounds like azneita, kaio, and kagesenshi must meet up with dgilmore 04:55:08 * dgilmore is looking forward to meeting up with people 04:55:10 <azneita> +1 04:55:14 <bckurera> make plans before 1 2 weeks for the event 04:55:25 <bckurera> and v ll meet again after the event right 04:55:30 <dramsey> Has the passing of media from Red Hat Brisbane to the Fedora Ambassadors been determined? 04:55:40 <dramsey> place and time that is. 04:55:48 <asmartgoat> dramsey, harish is to send media :) 04:55:56 <asmartgoat> oh 04:55:57 <dramsey> Do who 04:56:03 <dramsey> s/who/who? 04:56:10 <azneita> i'll meet with kaio first thing 04:56:14 <asmartgoat> it'll be at the event, and we'll take bits of it home (we'll share :) ) 04:56:21 <azneita> he'll probably know who to look for :) 04:56:48 <dramsey> asmartgoat is only for the FAD correct? Not the LCA, right? 04:56:50 <kaio> I will at open day at least 04:57:00 <dramsey> Whoops, open day, too 04:57:05 <asmartgoat> im there for FAD and Open Day :) 04:57:10 <dramsey> Excellent 04:57:11 <asmartgoat> yeah :) 04:57:13 <kaio> yeah I am in fad also 04:57:14 <azneita> kaio: will need help with hotel 04:57:25 <asmartgoat> kaio: open day is free :) so please try :) 04:57:45 <azneita> but that can probably wait till jan, so just food for thought 04:57:50 <kaio> asmartgoat☺ surely will be in open day 04:58:04 <kaio> azneita☺ havent booked yet? 04:58:11 <asmartgoat> hotels are around $100 AUD per/night but good ones can be up to $130AUD per night 04:58:12 <azneita> just the flights 04:58:25 <asmartgoat> azneita, book the hotel now to save money :) 04:58:32 <kaio> ++ 04:58:45 <bckurera> yes booking early can save lot 04:58:48 <dramsey> remembers two weeks ago link - #link http://www.accorhotels.com/hotel-cms/gb/offers/offer-776.shtml 04:58:52 <azneita> i'm waiting word from kagesenshi 04:58:57 <dramsey> from asmartgoat posted. 04:58:57 <bckurera> money + time + confusion 04:59:17 <asmartgoat> not sure if thats outdated though 04:59:35 <asmartgoat> they are luxury hotel being cheap in that deal :) 04:59:43 <azneita> i'll confer with you guys offchannel later 04:59:47 <dramsey> W 05:00:00 <dramsey> Which hotel will you all be staying at? Or is that not determined? 05:00:06 <azneita> #action azneita: work out accomodations for LCA+FAD 05:00:18 <azneita> it's still to be determined 05:00:21 <bckurera> i think it is good you all get 2 gether and discuss about that 05:00:25 <asmartgoat> probably the accor for me 05:00:35 <bckurera> is fine rather taking this in the meetng 05:00:58 <dramsey> Understood 05:01:15 <bckurera> today meeting seems too slow guys and sleepy 05:01:16 <bckurera> :) 05:02:06 <dramsey> Other thoughts? 05:02:11 <bckurera> so can we move pls? 05:02:17 <tuanta> +1 05:02:17 <dramsey> I suggest at latest probably a January 16th meeting to make sure you all have your ducks in a row...one week prior may not be to your advantage. 05:02:23 <dramsey> I am good to move on. 05:02:28 <bckurera> APAC plans 05:02:31 <bckurera> media?? 05:02:36 <asmartgoat> +1 Dramsey 05:02:38 <dramsey> #topic APAC plans 05:02:43 <dramsey> Moving forward.... 05:02:48 <dramsey> Media, Swag and other needs. - Ambassador Wear - Other? 05:03:10 <bckurera> i want to talk about Am. wear 05:03:18 <azneita> ambassador wear: still waiting for funds 05:03:20 <tuanta> yes, please 05:03:31 <azneita> can't forward money i don't have :) 05:03:36 <bckurera> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bckurera/APAC-shirts 05:03:39 <asmartgoat> azneita, i'll be happy to pass funds across. if you give me your paypal :) 05:03:57 <bckurera> i tried to conact harish but not posssible 05:04:00 <azneita> you now have those? 05:04:08 <bckurera> ticket is approved from FAmSCo 05:04:15 <tuanta> good 05:04:19 <bckurera> and harish to pay azneita 05:04:35 <bckurera> i got quotations and a comany is choosen 05:04:47 <asmartgoat> final price? 05:04:52 <bckurera> i ll post the image of the receipt today night to the list 05:05:02 <azneita> i believe harish is india atm for fossin 05:05:06 <bckurera> not sure as the quntity is nt yet fixed 05:05:10 <azneita> i'll try again this week 05:05:15 <bckurera> me too 05:05:23 <bckurera> i need to get some to start 05:05:28 <bckurera> seems we dont have much time 05:05:49 <bckurera> one should be around 8 USD 05:05:59 <bckurera> please fill your need @ the wiki 05:06:18 <dramsey> bckurera, when is your stop date, in order to place order? 05:06:36 <bckurera> they need 15 days to complete the order 05:06:39 <azneita> from the wiki, i'm seeing orders all over the globe 05:06:41 <asmartgoat> Post to the list, but increase the price for out of apac shipping :) 05:07:04 <bckurera> shipping should be added too 05:07:14 <tuanta> +1 05:07:18 <bckurera> its varing on the country and amount 05:07:26 <azneita> we should make that clear so people will know what they're signing up for 05:07:27 <bckurera> NAD this is not only for APAC 05:07:30 <azneita> and for how much 05:07:33 <bckurera> so anyone can order 05:07:41 <bckurera> APAC get the priority 05:07:45 <tuanta> you should ship to one address per country 05:07:59 <bckurera> sure tuanta 05:08:03 <tuanta> then receiver will send out to others 05:08:12 <bckurera> as we got money from fedora 05:08:20 <bckurera> Am do not have to pay for it 05:08:29 <tuanta> yes, I know 05:08:43 <bckurera> so we have to decide 05:08:58 <bckurera> are we giving 2 Tshirts per Am or just one 05:09:13 <asmartgoat> i want two, but its preference :) 05:09:14 <bckurera> coz some ordered 2 peices 05:09:32 <bckurera> comeon Am 05:09:35 <bckurera> i need ideas 05:10:03 <dramsey> I see Air Mail to $6, is that per shirt or mailing? Also, would that be to Europe? 05:10:43 <tuanta> mailing fee should be per mailing, I believe that 05:10:45 <bckurera> no its for 10 05:11:00 <azneita> my suggestion is for us to move forward with production with initial money that we will get from famsco 05:11:04 <bckurera> actually it should be corrected 05:11:07 <bckurera> sorry for that 05:11:09 <asmartgoat> +1 dramsey. Bckurera, you have to consider International mailing. 05:11:25 <bckurera> yes sure 05:11:40 <bckurera> ok then we ll print some around 50 05:11:49 <bckurera> from the money we got from FAmSCo 05:11:52 <dramsey> Understood everyone...then content on the wiki must make sure...likes idea for initial production, move forward with production. What do you think? 05:12:53 <azneita> +1, sorry 05:12:59 <azneita> i'm slow :) 05:13:08 <maktrix> bckurera: is it possible to ship to bangladesh? 05:13:09 <tuanta> +1 05:13:09 <bckurera> anyway i try to get funds soon 05:13:22 <bckurera> y not maktrix 05:13:23 <bckurera> we can 05:13:30 <bckurera> its global 05:13:41 <bckurera> i think it is good i put a mail to the list 05:13:46 <azneita> the ticket was for $400 05:14:23 <azneita> and has been approved by spevack 05:14:23 <bckurera> yes 05:14:31 <tuanta> you should add the shipping fee to that ticket 05:14:38 <bckurera> still no payment 05:14:49 <bckurera> it is not possible 05:15:00 <bckurera> air ticket is varing 05:15:11 <bckurera> sorry 05:15:19 <bckurera> international mail fee 05:15:25 <bckurera> is varing 05:15:47 <bckurera> so we ll see 05:15:53 <azneita> it's a big undertaking for one person 05:15:57 <tuanta> but you still should have a rough estimation 05:16:12 <tuanta> I think so 05:16:16 <bckurera> as soon I got money, i ll proceed 05:16:24 <bckurera> and till that this open for discussions 05:16:38 <bckurera> we ll get the best thing we can do ok 05:16:42 <azneita> noted bckurera, i'll try to get hold of harish one of these days 05:17:01 <bckurera> so pls azneita try to get harish to the track and get money soon 05:17:08 <bckurera> we have to have wear in LCA 05:17:18 <azneita> duly noted 05:17:39 <bckurera> #action Payment for Am wear should be clarified ASAP - azneita 05:17:40 <azneita> #action azneita: Fedora Ambassador Wear funding 05:17:48 <azneita> #undo 05:17:48 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x16c66450> 05:17:53 <dramsey> Well done 05:18:21 <bckurera> so we are on the way :) 05:18:25 <tuanta> normally, you should have all receipts to get reimbursement; but this case, I think bckurera should have payment in advance 05:18:35 <asmartgoat> +1 tuan 05:18:41 <bckurera> yes i think so 05:18:48 <asmartgoat> #idea bckurera to get advanced payment if possible 05:18:51 <bckurera> coz the amount is hard to bear personally 05:19:07 <tuanta> so, you should have a rough estimation for all print + air mailing, bckurera 05:19:11 <dramsey> #chair bckurera 05:19:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: asmartgoat azneita bckurera dramsey tuanta 05:19:15 <azneita> the world is just slowing down for the holidays but we;ll get it done 05:19:26 <bckurera> the reason is harish cant get contacted 05:19:44 <bckurera> i m trying hard to finish this soon 05:19:56 <bckurera> coz then Am can wear tht for LCA and so on 05:19:58 <dramsey> May be follow up after new year to make sure all is well for LCA AM Wear 05:19:58 <tuanta> then someone should help bckurera to push Harish, Max and other responsible ones 05:20:08 <dramsey> +1 Tuan 05:20:15 <bckurera> azneita is with me 05:20:16 <maktrix> +1 05:20:20 <dramsey> bckurera you can do it! 05:20:20 <bckurera> BUT hard to contact :) 05:20:22 <azneita> agreed 05:20:26 <asmartgoat> +1 05:20:28 <bckurera> i rem that dramsey :) 05:20:30 <dramsey> azneita has good karma power! 05:20:33 <bckurera> thanks 05:20:45 <asmartgoat> bckurera, feel free to email us all 05:20:48 <asmartgoat> :D 05:20:54 <bckurera> sure i ll update all 05:20:56 <bckurera> ASAP 05:20:57 <asmartgoat> if you need any help :) 05:20:58 <dramsey> Additionally, true on estimate, may be add column to the wiki order and determine/con sider shipping...post to mailing list on deadline. You need a deadline. 05:20:59 <bckurera> with all details 05:21:00 <tuanta> #idea bckurera should have payment in advance for Polo shirts: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bckurera/APAC-shirts 05:21:09 <asmartgoat> +1 dramsey ^^ 05:21:15 <dramsey> #chair maktrix 05:21:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: asmartgoat azneita bckurera dramsey maktrix tuanta 05:21:30 <bckurera> with no funds how to set deadlines 05:21:32 <bckurera> thats the thing 05:21:57 <bckurera> So its all about TShirts 05:22:02 <dramsey> Without a deadline, then funds need is not known 05:22:16 <bckurera> i put a mail decribing all ot harish 05:22:17 <dramsey> Other way to look at it. 05:22:21 <bckurera> but still no hint 05:22:37 <bckurera> ok then we ll set a dead line 05:22:56 <bckurera> ANOTHER thing 05:22:56 <tuanta> it should have a deadline, I think 05:23:08 <bckurera> this is unisex 05:23:20 <bckurera> is it ok or we need to have difference for women? 05:23:27 <tuanta> I present a lot without a Fedora Am shirt :) 05:23:37 <bckurera> i ll set the deadline next wednesday 05:23:43 <tuanta> bckurera: no need, I think 05:23:43 <bckurera> any disagreements 05:23:53 <tuanta> +1 bckurera 05:23:53 <bckurera> femails raise your voise please 05:24:15 <kaio> -+ 05:24:17 <tuanta> bckurera, you meant: female 05:24:22 <asmartgoat> any females here? 05:24:31 <bckurera> yup sorry Female 05:24:34 <tuanta> :) 05:24:37 <asmartgoat> include that in the email :) 05:24:46 <bckurera> ok we ll see 05:24:50 <tuanta> no females here, I see 05:24:55 <bckurera> last date for ideas this wednesday 05:25:02 <dramsey> Well said, asmartgoat and tuanta on e-mail and deadline 05:25:08 <tuanta> magie from Philippines 05:25:08 <dramsey> Great bckurera 05:25:17 <bckurera> then I m finished 05:25:20 <bckurera> we can move on 05:25:23 <dramsey> Other thoughts, or media needs? 05:25:29 <dramsey> Swag? 05:25:32 <bckurera> one thing with media 05:25:39 <tuanta> I burnt media myself :) 05:25:42 <dramsey> Two more topics and we are like 85 minutes 05:25:42 <bckurera> hope you all know our magazine 05:25:51 <bckurera> FOSS User magazine 05:25:55 <asmartgoat> #idea bckurera to address APAC and other amb. in email about Shirts 05:26:07 <bckurera> this time there is an interview with gerard 05:26:15 <bckurera> our APAC FAmSCo 05:26:19 <bckurera> its in sinhala 05:26:31 <bckurera> i ll add the english version to the site and post the link to all 05:26:45 <bckurera> #link http://fossuser.lk 05:26:58 <dramsey> Great. 05:27:00 <maktrix> dramsey: 85 minutes ? :O 05:27:02 <bckurera> just check the latest release :) 05:27:08 <bckurera> can v move then? 05:27:26 <dramsey> yeah, maktrix... 05:27:34 <tuanta> :) 05:27:36 <dramsey> Sure 05:27:39 <bckurera> #info FAmSCo Bradd Gerard is in FOSS User magazine, check the interview 05:27:51 <bckurera> v r mooving 05:27:59 <dramsey> #topic Classrooms for APAC 05:28:04 <dramsey> Was entered by FranciscoD 05:28:13 <dramsey> Experienced/knowledgeable folks can take small classroom sessions to help other ambassadors. Discuss this? 05:28:20 <dramsey> duly noted, idea for future then 05:28:24 <dramsey> #idea Experienced/knowledgeable folks can take small classroom sessions to help other ambassadors. Discuss this? 05:28:37 <dramsey> Okay, next topic? 05:28:45 <bckurera> i m 1000000+ 05:28:59 <dramsey> #topic Open Floor 05:29:03 <tuanta> great, I can be both :)trainer and trainee 05:29:11 <bckurera> i m having some ideas 05:29:12 <dramsey> Tuan, yup! 05:29:14 <dramsey> - Brainstorming - Any Ideas that you have in your mind? 05:29:15 <dramsey> - How about developing our fellow APAC Ambassadors with Red Hat Training?!?!?!?! ==> dramsey 05:29:25 <dramsey> Go bckurera 05:29:26 <maktrix> +1 05:29:32 * asmartgoat wants to be the youngest person to get RHCSA 05:29:35 <asmartgoat> :D 05:29:40 <bckurera> please try to add Am to your social media network 05:29:43 <tuanta> :D 05:29:44 <dramsey> Get on the RHCE magazine... 05:29:46 <asmartgoat> i did the online assessment pretest :) 05:29:49 <bckurera> facebook or tweet 05:30:04 <dramsey> I there are URLs for some of the Social Media things already 05:30:06 <asmartgoat> ah, costs to much. if someone could get me in it would be cool though :) 05:30:08 <bckurera> that help us to develop the network and be KIT 05:30:14 <dramsey> Facebook for sure, twitter, too 05:30:31 <bckurera> so please ad others and keep in touch 05:30:46 <bckurera> coz the more we need each other it is easy to develop the project 05:30:58 <bckurera> then we ll feel fedora is our home and we are one family 05:31:16 <bckurera> this is my idea :) 05:31:38 <bckurera> AND again please update wiki with all details about what you all doing 05:31:43 <bckurera> evnts and anything 05:31:57 <bckurera> and help me in FAD SL too :) 05:32:05 <bckurera> thats all for today 05:32:12 <bckurera> i spoke a lot now :D 05:32:13 <asmartgoat> i have something 05:32:19 <tuanta> :) 05:32:22 <asmartgoat> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:APAC 05:32:36 <asmartgoat> #info all APAC ambassadors related links in that catagory please 05:32:37 <asmartgoat> :) 05:32:38 <dramsey> Go asmartgoat 05:32:39 <bckurera> IS there any new Ambassadors today? 05:32:40 <dramsey> very nice 05:33:16 <tuanta> I am too old :( 05:33:21 <tuanta> :D 05:33:24 <bckurera> v know that 05:33:44 <bckurera> one asked to join to the meeting in the list 05:34:09 <bckurera> ok then seems we are done 05:34:15 * azneita needs to travel soon 05:34:20 <asmartgoat> yes bckurera i remember that 05:34:29 <bckurera> azneita please KIT 05:34:29 <dramsey> thank you azneita 05:34:35 <bckurera> need your support 05:34:35 <asmartgoat> have we completed this eventful meeting? 05:34:43 <dramsey> Last thought - 05:34:44 <dramsey> asmartgoat, the North America http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-12-08/famna.2010-12-08-02.01.log.html 02:34:33 * herlo would like to suggest we put 'Fedora takes the RHCE' on the budget for Q1 or Q2 05:35:04 <tuanta> great idea 05:35:11 <tuanta> I love that also 05:35:13 <dramsey> The North American Ambassadors are '...02:37:18 <herlo> the plan is to get some to apply and have FAmSCo or something approve applications based upon some criteria, then send 8-10 people per quarter to take the classes and/or exam(s) ... 05:35:24 <bckurera> if FAm can get some discount with RHCE it is great 05:35:27 <bckurera> what u all think 05:35:29 <dramsey> Yes, tuanta 'Tuan' would be good 05:35:35 <azneita> +1 dramsery 05:35:42 <maktrix> +1 dramsey 05:35:45 <dramsey> Tbhat is it from me 05:35:47 <asmartgoat> yes Dramsey! 05:35:49 <azneita> i'll go ahead 05:35:53 <tuanta> +1. thanks :) 05:35:53 * asmartgoat will watch this 05:36:03 <bckurera> what about my idea 05:36:03 <dramsey> I am ready to end meeting, okay? 05:36:04 <bckurera> ???? 05:36:12 <dramsey> What idea bckurera? 05:36:31 <bckurera> if FAm can get some discount with RHCE it is great 05:36:35 <bckurera> what all think 05:36:43 <tuanta> I think this should be the best time for all of us 05:36:44 <dramsey> Sounds like an action 05:36:51 <asmartgoat> cool! 05:37:08 <dramsey> Discount is start, coverage would be best 05:37:14 <maktrix> +1 05:37:14 <tuanta> so the next bi-weekly meeting should take at every 4:00 UTC on Saturday 05:37:14 <bckurera> #action some discount to FAm in RHCE 05:37:20 <dramsey> #idea (14:36:18) bckurera: if FAm can get some discount with RHCE it is great 05:37:22 <bckurera> OH good 05:37:36 <dramsey> Other thoughts? 05:37:36 <bckurera> oh god we have to fix a time 05:37:44 <bckurera> why the time change suddenly 05:38:05 <bckurera> so every saturday 400 UTS is set now? 05:38:15 <dramsey> People asked and polled, that is reason... 05:38:19 <dramsey> I am flexible 05:38:21 <dramsey> Other thoughts? 05:38:25 <asmartgoat> UTC :) 05:38:29 <bckurera> then time ok fixed 05:38:31 <asmartgoat> im done 05:38:47 <bckurera> sunday moved to saturday :D 05:39:08 <dramsey> I have in the past year and a half, deltaed the timeframe at least four times, people wanted on different times. 05:39:16 <dramsey> Sure. 05:39:23 <bckurera> no disagreements :) 05:39:24 <dramsey> Anything else? End meeting? 05:39:29 <bckurera> can we end this now 05:39:31 <bckurera> +1 05:39:34 <tuanta> yes, end now 05:39:40 <bckurera> nice meeting thanks for all being here 05:39:45 <dramsey> 5 05:39:46 <bckurera> see you all in the next meeting 05:39:46 <dramsey> 4 05:39:46 <dramsey> 3 05:39:47 <dramsey> 2 05:39:48 <tuanta> great to see all you today 05:39:48 <dramsey> 1 05:39:50 <dramsey> 0.5 05:39:52 <dramsey> 0 05:39:55 <tuanta> :) 05:39:58 <dramsey> Thank you all for attending 05:39:58 <dramsey> #endmeeting