21:01:00 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Fedora Cloud 21:01:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 23 21:01:00 2010 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:01:12 <rbergeron> #meetingname Cloud SIG 21:01:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cloud_sig' 21:01:26 <rbergeron> #topic Roll Call! 21:01:31 * rbergeron is here 21:01:34 * mgoldmann waves 21:01:36 <jdarcy> Ho ho ho. 21:01:47 <mgoldmann> I think jdarcy wins 21:01:53 <rbergeron> ohhhhh, he does. 21:01:53 <obino> lol 21:01:59 * mmorsi is here 21:02:07 <jdarcy> Worst. Santa. Ever./ 21:02:09 <rbergeron> he's either in vegas or at the north pole. :) 21:02:15 * rbergeron grins 21:02:28 * jforbes is here 21:02:41 <mmorsi> just make sure santa doesn't get lost in the clouds :-p 21:02:45 <rbergeron> lol 21:02:53 <rbergeron> there's a santa gps tracker for those situations 21:03:02 <mmorsi> haha 21:03:14 <mgoldmann> now we know who invented GPS 21:03:25 <rbergeron> alrighty, let's get started. 21:03:29 <rbergeron> #topic EC2 21:03:37 <rbergeron> jforbes: anything intersting going on? :) 21:04:38 <jforbes> rbergeron: sadly no. I still need to get with dgilmore but his busy last week ran into mine this week. Hopefully I can catch him today so I can get something done over the break 21:05:16 <rbergeron> sounds good. 21:05:33 * rbergeron looks around for other comments/questions 21:06:20 <rbergeron> okay... moving on ;) 21:06:25 <rbergeron> #topic CloudFS 21:06:31 <rbergeron> jdarcy: what's the word 21:06:55 <jdarcy> Some progress, but not as much as I would have liked. Coming down with the Creeping Death didn't help. 21:07:20 * rbergeron is familiar with that affliction :( 21:07:20 <jdarcy> I created an infrastructure and some scripts for modifying GlusterFS volfiles automatically to do CloudFS things. 21:07:38 <jdarcy> I've started working on the quota translator. Distributed quota is kinda hard. 21:07:59 * rbergeron nods 21:08:20 <jdarcy> For now, quota will have to run client-side. Usage monitoring will run server side, so it's not like users will get away with anything even if they modify their code. 21:08:54 <jdarcy> Very soon after the break, some Gluster folks are coming to Westford. We'll discuss how to coordinate GlusterFS/CloudFS development, among other things. 21:09:06 <rbergeron> oooh. cool. let us know what comes of that 21:09:18 <jdarcy> Oh, and I might have attracted my first external developer - guy from Germany who wants to work on the encryption piece. 21:09:26 <jdarcy> That's about it, I think. 21:09:28 <rbergeron> nice! 21:09:32 <rbergeron> cool. thanks for the update. 21:09:50 <rbergeron> #topic deltacloud 21:09:58 <rbergeron> mmorsi: any updates? 21:10:04 <mmorsi> not a terrible lot to report 21:10:11 <mmorsi> development is going well, same w/ packaging 21:10:43 <rbergeron> anything outstanding in packaging that needs moving along? 21:11:12 <mmorsi> nothing insanely critical, there is still our package list, but we're making sure to package things as we go along 21:11:39 <rbergeron> awesome. :) 21:11:40 <mmorsi> eg created rpms for a a couple new gems which we recently added as deps 21:12:00 <mmorsi> personally i've been shoring up the security on deltacloud and revamping the installer / configuration tool 21:12:13 <mmorsi> so hopefully soon it'll be alot easier to install and configure for w/e scenario 21:12:51 <mmorsi> and as mentioned before we most likely will be submitting it (or at least parts of it) as a feature for F15, we want to make sure a couple more things are tightend up b4 we submit the feature 21:12:58 <mmorsi> but will get it in by the deadline next month 21:13:01 <rbergeron> sounds good. :) 21:13:24 <mmorsi> that about it, unless anyone else has any questions 21:13:28 * rbergeron is happy it's coming together :) 21:13:33 <mmorsi> same here :-) 21:13:51 <rbergeron> #topic any other business? 21:13:54 <mgoldmann> F15 will be a quite cloudy release :) 21:14:00 <rbergeron> OH 21:14:04 <mgoldmann> yah, quick update on BG 21:14:06 <rbergeron> #topic BoxGrinder 21:14:09 <rbergeron> yeah, sorry :) 21:14:16 <mgoldmann> there we go :) 21:14:18 * rbergeron has her head, uh, in the clouds 21:14:26 <mmorsi> mgoldmann: hopefully w/ little rain ;-) 21:14:42 <mgoldmann> BoxGrinder 0.7.0 was released 21:14:48 <mgoldmann> http://cloudpress.org/2010/12/19/boxgrinder-build-0-7-0-is-out/ 21:15:06 <mgoldmann> some things were fixes, especially for jforbes 21:15:17 <jdarcy> Oh, forgot to mention. CloudFS.org is up, even has content now. 21:15:39 <mgoldmann> we have now SElinux support for Fedora, no need to relabel the system and reboot 21:16:13 <mgoldmann> 0.7.0 is in updates-testing now 21:16:32 <mgoldmann> and I submitted rest of plugins to fedora so we'll have a full set of BG plugins in Fedora 21:16:39 <mgoldmann> now waiting for review 21:16:52 <mgoldmann> still 3 packages need to be reviewed 21:16:58 <mgoldmann> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=664111 21:17:00 <rbergeron> can you link them? 21:17:01 <rbergeron> oh 21:17:03 <mgoldmann> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=664113 21:17:07 <mgoldmann> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=652414 21:17:59 <mgoldmann> after approval for these packages - BoxGrinder feature will be finished 21:18:26 <rbergeron> #info BoxGrinder needs a few reviews to be feature-finished - give us a hand! 21:19:04 <mgoldmann> I think that's all from my side 21:19:11 <mgoldmann> unless you have questions 21:19:24 * rbergeron has nothing at the moment :) 21:19:27 * rbergeron looks around 21:19:45 <rbergeron> okay 21:19:49 <rbergeron> #topic Any other business? 21:20:05 <rbergeron> Anyone else have anything? 21:20:11 <rbergeron> Lots of folks already in holiday mode. 21:20:16 <mgoldmann> MERRY CHRISTMAS! 21:20:17 <mmorsi> twas the night before xmas and all was silent in the house ;-) 21:20:47 <rbergeron> alrighty then. 21:21:03 * rbergeron hopes everyone has a happy holiday. 21:21:10 <jdarcy> Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. :) 21:21:11 <mmorsi> yep same here, was good a year for fedora / cloud 21:21:14 <rbergeron> I think we are cancelling the meeting next week. :) 21:21:19 <rbergeron> mmorsi: indeed! it's come a long way. 21:21:28 <mmorsi> word 21:21:29 <mgoldmann> rbergeron: +1 21:21:31 <rbergeron> So I will see y'all in the new year 21:21:32 <mmorsi> happy holidays and see ya'll next year! 21:21:42 <rbergeron> mmorsi: jinx :) 21:21:43 <mgoldmann> thanks and see you! 21:21:44 <rbergeron> lol 21:21:48 <mmorsi> haha 21:21:49 <rbergeron> #endmeeting