05:01:10 <tagoh> #startmeeting i18n 05:01:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 6 05:01:10 2011 UTC. The chair is tagoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:01:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:02:03 <juhp> hi 05:02:07 <epico_laptop> hi 05:02:24 <tagoh> #meetingname i18n 05:02:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:02:34 <tagoh> #topic agenda 05:02:45 <tagoh> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2011-01-06 05:02:58 <tagoh> hi guys 05:03:03 <dueno> hi 05:03:10 <paragan> hi 05:03:27 <fujiwarat> hi 05:03:30 <tagoh> happy new year everone, this is a first meeting this year for fedora-i18n 05:03:46 <juhp> :) 05:04:19 <dingyichen> hi 05:05:16 <tagoh> ok, let's get started 05:05:19 <tagoh> #topic F15 05:06:23 <tagoh> feature submission deadline is coming the end of this month 05:07:10 <juhp> what features do we have so far? 05:07:33 <juhp> I think pravins submitted typing-booster 05:07:38 <tagoh> aha 05:08:01 <juhp> not sure if ibus will be ready in time but hope so 05:08:51 <tagoh> btw GNOME3 is in the feature list: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Gnome3 05:08:58 <juhp> aha 05:10:40 <juhp> dconf replaces gconf? 05:11:31 <tagoh> looks like so 05:11:57 <juhp> is gnome-shell optional in gnome3? 05:13:11 <juhp> tagoh: are there any implications for imsettings btw? 05:13:52 <tagoh> guess they want to make it default? something described in Contingency Plan 05:13:53 <juhp> (I meant ibus-table above btw) 05:14:03 <juhp> aha 05:14:30 <tagoh> fwiw for rawhide breakage: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2011-January/147612.html 05:14:50 <tagoh> we may need some volunteers for ibus-fbterm? 05:16:56 <juhp> .whoowns ibus-fbterm 05:16:56 <zodbot> juhp: dchen 05:18:26 <dingyichen> juhp, I will do it. :-) 05:18:51 <juhp> thanks 05:18:55 <tagoh> would be nice to see more features from us if any 05:19:04 <juhp> mm yeah 05:19:52 <juhp> I still think some font/rendering config tool would be nice - even if it is not a Feature 05:20:30 <juhp> though with all the gnome3 flux perhaps it is not the ideal time - dunno - or maybe it is :) 05:21:12 <tagoh> sure. that may be good to bring up on fonts list perhaps? 05:21:38 <juhp> yeah if someone wants to pick it up 05:22:23 <tagoh> still think of working upstream as one of desktop preference though 05:23:00 <juhp> great 05:23:20 <tagoh> for last action item: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_i18n_default_fonts 05:23:22 <juhp> yeah that might be best 05:23:35 <tagoh> just wrote up a draft of testcase for default fonts 05:24:38 <tagoh> guess we may need more for test event? 05:25:39 <tagoh> will check the default fonts list I've posted before and update the testcase 05:26:30 <juhp> cool 05:26:56 <tagoh> fyi - http://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f14-defaultinstalledfonts.html 05:28:07 <tagoh> once validating, we may need to go back fonts packages to satisfy aliases 05:28:08 <juhp> nice page 05:28:20 <tagoh> if something is missing 05:28:57 <tagoh> anyway, anything else for f15? 05:29:29 <juhp> tagoh: is it just for default installed fonts packages? 05:29:49 <tagoh> juhp: for certain language yes 05:30:08 <pravins> hi 05:30:09 <tagoh> not looking at optional etc 05:30:13 <juhp> ok 05:30:49 <tagoh> or we may want to update comps perhaps 05:31:34 <juhp> ok - I think for thai for example only waree is installed by default 05:31:36 <tagoh> anyway 05:31:49 <juhp> sure let's move on 05:32:03 <tagoh> ok 05:32:22 <tagoh> we could discuss more later topic if you like 05:32:27 <juhp> sure 05:32:33 <tagoh> #topic Package Updates 05:34:23 <tagoh> any packages you may want some volunteers to spotlight for testing? 05:36:03 <tagoh> nope? 05:37:33 <pravins> no, package update from me as well :) 05:37:56 <tagoh> ok, move on then 05:38:06 <tagoh> #topic Fonts and Rendering 05:39:25 <tagoh> just fyi, charset/langset editing feature in fontconfig is finally accepted and committed. that will be available in next release hopefully 05:39:29 <juhp> tagoh: perhaps I can follow on about your font table - so is it with all language group installed? 05:39:44 <juhp> tagoh: very nice - congrats 05:39:50 <juhp> saw your tweet for that too :) 05:39:56 <tagoh> juhp: thanks :) 05:40:16 <tagoh> guess we could fix some bugs with it 05:40:39 <juhp> great 05:40:52 <juhp> tagoh: do you think it will land in f15? 05:41:07 <juhp> or is it already in rawhide? 05:41:08 <tagoh> dunno. we could ask 05:41:11 <juhp> sure 05:41:43 <juhp> it would need some font package updates? 05:41:57 <tagoh> juhp: font table with the packages marked as default/mandatory in comps 05:42:04 <tagoh> juhp: right 05:42:05 <juhp> aha 05:42:18 <juhp> ok 05:42:53 <juhp> tagoh: so including language groups or not? :) 05:43:18 <tagoh> including 05:43:26 <juhp> aha right ok 05:43:40 <juhp> makes sense then 05:44:07 <tagoh> it has consistent status regardless of groups right? 05:44:09 <juhp> tagoh: do you have a script to generate the table btw, or is it by hand? 05:44:19 <juhp> yeah I guess so 05:44:30 <tagoh> yes - mentioned that in the mail I've posted to fonts list :) 05:44:38 <juhp> ah right - missed that 05:44:48 <juhp> any responses? 05:45:03 <tagoh> yep, nim-nim did 05:45:51 <tagoh> not yet have a time to do; he suggested to merge it into fontspackage 05:47:17 <tagoh> anything else updates for fonts/rendering? 05:47:51 <tagoh> how about lohit? 05:48:00 <juhp> cool 05:49:18 <juhp> pravins: ^ 05:49:45 <tagoh> or harfbuzz-ng thing? :) 05:50:06 <pravins> juhp: not done any update on lohit 05:50:41 <pravins> oops did upstream release of lohit-devanagari 2.4.4 last year :) 05:50:59 <tagoh> cool 05:51:15 <pravins> it has all the updated including locl feature, new rupee symbol, kashmiri characters 05:51:31 <tagoh> nice 05:52:07 <pravins> i am looking into harfbuzz-ng 05:52:44 <pravins> problem is not know which we should take as a base for development, i guess Jonathan did some initial work for indic shaper 05:53:04 <pravins> so should use that as a base or old harfbuzz 05:53:10 <juhp> pravins: it is not public yet? 05:53:17 <pravins> i will post mail today to list 05:53:52 <pravins> juhp: i think not 05:53:58 <pravins> i will ask today 05:54:13 <juhp> great 05:54:34 <tagoh> ok, anything else? 05:55:57 <tagoh> ok, let's move on 05:56:02 <tagoh> #topic ibus 05:56:46 <tagoh> any updates? 05:57:21 <tagoh> guess topic should be changed to input method but anyway 05:57:29 <juhp> should we talk about typing-booster? 05:57:42 <tagoh> sure 05:58:05 <juhp> I think paragan already took the ibus review 05:58:12 <juhp> I can probably do the scim one 05:58:19 <tagoh> aha. cool 05:58:49 <juhp> pravins: I guess main issue is getting ibus-table up to scim-tables parity 05:58:55 <juhp> ? 05:59:40 <pravins> juhp: not understood 05:59:53 <pravins> are you thinking to merge both packages? 06:00:34 <juhp> am I confused? 06:00:46 <juhp> pravins: not particularly - though that might make sense yes 06:00:52 <juhp> mozc does that 06:01:21 <juhp> it was the first thing that crossed my mind admittedly :) 06:01:23 <pravins> juhp: presently both has differences 06:01:47 <juhp> pravins: anyway I was just referring to the problems with ibus-table 06:02:27 <juhp> pravins: anything you want to add? 06:02:46 <juhp> or mention 06:03:06 <pravins> juhp: i think it will good if we can develop new engine for indic 06:03:19 <juhp> right 06:03:32 <juhp> so better to fork now you mean? 06:03:39 <tagoh> merging both may be good if there are any common data between both and can be separate platform specific thing 06:03:40 <pravins> for indic we need some extra features, those are not required for present ibus-tables 06:03:53 <pravins> if possible we can surely merge 06:03:53 <juhp> pravins: the data is different? 06:04:12 <pravins> for one language using many Database is one idea 06:04:15 <juhp> actually I would suggest to separate the data and IMEs if possible 06:04:36 <pravins> yes 06:04:37 <juhp> pravins: I mean different data for scim and ibus? 06:04:41 <tagoh> juhp: that's what mozc does right 06:04:47 <juhp> ok 06:05:16 <pravins> data is same, just there are some extra headers in ibus-tables 06:05:23 <juhp> right 06:05:48 <tagoh> though we have separate packages for anthy, scim-anthy, ibus-anthy, uim-anthy say 06:06:00 <pravins> tagoh: aha 06:06:05 <juhp> on the other hand once ibus is working well, dunno if scim is so high priority - though doesn't hurt to have it of course 06:06:28 <tagoh> guess it may be up to upstream 06:06:29 <pravins> juhp: yes, exactly 06:06:54 <pravins> concentrating more on ibus is important 06:07:45 <pravins> once naveen complete policykit we can discuss on it more 06:08:18 <tagoh> ok 06:08:48 <pravins> tagoh: done from my side 06:10:22 <tagoh> one quick update from me - just built imsettings-1.0.0-1.fc15 yesterday. not so much visible changes made though, restructuring APIs etc 06:10:39 <tagoh> will push im-chooser with it today 06:10:54 <tagoh> anything else on input method? 06:12:17 <tagoh> or any topics we've missed in agenda 06:12:47 <tagoh> otherwise let's close the meeting shortly 06:15:33 <tagoh> ok, thanks everyone for meeting. hope you'll be happy this year! 06:15:37 <tagoh> #endmeeting