13:06:57 <liknus> #startmeeting FAmSCo Meeting 2010-1-15 13:06:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jan 15 13:06:57 2011 UTC. The chair is liknus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:06:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:06:58 <kaio> sure 13:07:02 <kaio> .fasinfo kaio 13:07:03 <zodbot> kaio: User: kaio, Name: Caius Chance, email: me@kaio.net, Creation: 2008-09-10, IRC Nick: kaio, Timezone: Australia/Brisbane, Locale: en, Extension: 5114286, GPG key ID: 17BEFCFA, Status: active 13:07:04 <liknus> #meetingname famsco 13:07:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 13:07:08 <zodbot> kaio: Unapproved Groups: art 13:07:11 <liknus> #topic Rollcall 13:07:12 <zodbot> kaio: Approved Groups: freemedia cvsl10n famsco cla_fedora cla_done fedorabugs hgflies packager cla_redhat ambassadors l10n-commits @packager-zh 13:07:18 <gbraad-china> .fas gbraad 13:07:19 <zodbot> gbraad-china: gbraad 'Gerard Braad (吉拉德)' <fedora@gbraad.nl> 13:07:23 <liknus> .fas ppapadeas 13:07:24 <zodbot> liknus: ppapadeas 'Papadeas Pierros' <ppapadeas@gmail.com> 13:07:25 <igorps> .fas igorps 13:07:26 <lcafiero> .fasinfo lcafiero 13:07:29 <zodbot> igorps: igor 'Igor Pires Soares' <igor@projetofedora.org> 13:07:33 <zodbot> lcafiero: User: lcafiero, Name: Larry Cafiero, email: larrycafiero@cruzio.com, Creation: 2008-05-17, IRC Nick: lcafiero, Timezone: US/Pacific, Locale: en, Extension: 5105587, GPG key ID: , Status: active 13:07:37 <zodbot> lcafiero: Approved Groups: famsco cla_fedora cla_done ambassadors news 13:07:49 <liknus> Hello everyone once again :) 13:07:57 <liknus> our todays agenda can be found here : 13:08:03 <liknus> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda 13:08:14 <liknus> Lets begin :) 13:08:23 <liknus> #topic Past Action Items 13:08:31 <liknus> #topic Ambassadors FAQ 13:08:55 <igorps> We are almost finishing this one 13:09:02 <liknus> igorps, has done a fine job on our FAQ and pending some minor changes we should be ready to annouunce it on Monday 13:09:12 <liknus> igorps, you think it is possible? 13:09:27 <liknus> can you take care of the announcing or shall I do it? 13:09:49 <igorps> I will change some things according to your suggestions yet 13:09:58 <igorps> liknus: I can do the announcement 13:10:09 <liknus> igorps, excellent :) thanks igorps... 13:10:15 <igorps> but i'd rather do it by Tuesday 13:10:24 <lcafiero> also, i have one request 13:10:25 <liknus> #action igorps Finalizes FAQ and announces it next week 13:10:30 <igorps> Is it ok? 13:10:37 <liknus> totally fine with me 13:11:03 <igorps> lcafiero: what request? 13:11:20 <liknus> (please people interupt me you feel we are going fast) 13:11:27 <gbraad-china> igorps, I have not been able to look at our list a lot this week. but what was the conclusion of the RH employees/office topic? removed? 13:11:47 <liknus> gbraad-china, removed as most of us agreed on that 13:11:51 <igorps> gbraad-china: that question os removed 13:11:58 <gbraad-china> liknus fine with me, keep the pace. 13:11:59 <igorps> was* 13:12:10 <liknus> lcafiero, ? 13:12:12 <lcafiero> igorps: the faq is great and I would only change one thing -- and that would be to "americanize" the language, and I can do that. 13:12:26 <gbraad-china> explain? 13:12:27 <liknus> lcafiero, hehe :) +1 for me 13:12:33 <lcafiero> meaning changing the "-ise" to "-ize" where applicable 13:12:40 <gbraad-china> since when is American an official language ? ;-) 13:12:40 <igorps> lcafiero: sure I was about to ask that 13:12:43 <lcafiero> I don't want to sound territorial 13:13:03 <liknus> lcafiero, totally understanable... EN_US is our default 13:13:16 * gbraad-china is just kidding. please do 13:13:19 <igorps> lcafiero: I need a native English speaker to review it, for sure 13:13:21 <liknus> everyone in favor of that? 13:13:25 <liknus> +1 for me 13:13:28 <gbraad-china> +1 13:13:31 <igorps> +1 13:13:51 <liknus> #agreed use EN_US in all our texts 13:13:58 <liknus> thanks lcafiero for that :) 13:14:00 <liknus> ok moving on : 13:14:02 <lcafiero> OK. 13:14:18 <liknus> #topic Monthly reports 13:14:31 <liknus> igorps, will take care of these two months (Dec, Jan) 13:14:38 <liknus> igorps, anyting on that? 13:14:58 <igorps> I started to outline our report 13:15:16 <igorps> I send a mail about that 13:15:27 <igorps> if you have any suggestions you can tell me 13:15:46 <liknus> Saw that igorps :) seems nice to me as is... lets go for it and we can have feedback foe the next one 13:15:58 <liknus> s/foe/for 13:16:04 <liknus> everyone ok with that? 13:16:12 <igorps> One of mu ideas is starting the report for the two last months 13:16:23 <igorps> I mean one report for Dec/Jan 13:16:26 <gbraad-china> s/mu/my 13:16:31 <igorps> :) 13:16:48 <gbraad-china> combined? 13:16:49 <liknus> hm... I think sticking to monthly reports is important in retrospective 13:17:03 <gbraad-china> -1 13:17:19 <gbraad-china> I have to agree with liknus here 13:17:20 <igorps> liknus: I we can do it monthly starting from February 13:17:34 <liknus> igorps, temporarily seems ok 13:17:36 <gbraad-china> rather less content in a monthly report than a combined one 13:17:43 <liknus> but not to take it as granted :) 13:18:00 <igorps> my point this that there were not much activity in December and January 13:18:05 <liknus> cause it is our first it can be combined... (we are still learning the ropes) 13:18:11 <igorps> due to holidays 13:18:33 <igorps> so I can publish it right after FUDCon Tempe 13:18:45 <liknus> Ok who is in favor of Dec/Jan combined and then continue Monthly ? 13:18:48 <liknus> +1 for me 13:18:53 <igorps> +1 13:18:54 <gbraad-china> this would suggest the summer holidays for most (july/aug-sept) could alos be combined ? :-s 13:18:59 <gbraad-china> -1 13:19:22 <liknus> gbraad-china, not exactly..many release parties are happening then 13:19:30 <liknus> this should be a one off 13:19:42 * gbraad-china is still disagreeing 13:19:43 <liknus> just to help igorps on his taks 13:19:49 <liknus> task* 13:20:01 <gbraad-china> lcafiero and kaio? 13:20:02 <liknus> lcafiero, kaio on that? 13:20:03 <igorps> gbraad-china: don't know with middle year holidays are that common around the world 13:20:08 * liknus smilies 13:20:22 * kaio thinking 13:20:44 <gbraad-china> you could still assist him. I am disagreeing cause I can 13:20:46 <gbraad-china> ;-) 13:21:03 * kaio thinks if monthly decided, it should be all monthly, so does bi-monthly 13:21:24 <liknus> igorps, is that so much trouble to have Dec and Jan seperately? 13:21:38 <lcafiero> sorry, I think either way is fine. I will go with what the group decides on this. 13:21:47 <igorps> Not at all 13:22:02 <igorps> I can publish the December issue before FUDCon 13:22:23 <liknus> igorps, can you please do that? 13:22:45 <igorps> but I will need quickly information about your regions 13:22:51 <liknus> #agreed Jan Dec reports will be published separately 13:23:05 <liknus> igorps, ok just ask specific info on the list 13:23:05 <liknus> :) 13:23:06 <liknus> ok? 13:23:10 <igorps> sure 13:23:12 <igorps> no problem 13:23:14 <liknus> nice 13:23:16 <liknus> moving on: 13:23:23 <gbraad-china> igorps ok 13:23:27 <liknus> #topic Events page 13:23:40 <liknus> we have a blocker on our mediawiki update : 13:23:42 <liknus> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2563 13:23:50 <liknus> I am following that closely 13:24:09 <liknus> #topic F-15 Ambassadors Schedule 13:24:37 <liknus> Robyn is super busy with preparing FUDCon, so she did not have the chance to push the final publication 13:24:53 <liknus> I am pinging her and hopefully we can have it really soon 13:25:09 <gbraad-china> at worst this would be another weekend 13:25:29 <liknus> after that i should write a wiki article (and post) explaining tasks and seek some feedback on that 13:25:35 <liknus> everyone ok with that? 13:25:49 <gbraad-china> +1 (= ok) 13:25:50 <igorps> ok, liknus 13:26:04 <liknus> #topic Ambassadors SOPs 13:26:17 <kaio> +1 13:26:24 <liknus> SOPs are in place and my duty is to deliver some basic ones till next meeting 13:26:34 <liknus> (I will :) i promise) 13:26:53 <liknus> if everyone wants to help out on this just create a new one on our wiki 13:27:03 <lcafiero> +1 13:27:10 <liknus> I created an SOP on creating SOP :P 13:27:20 <liknus> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Creating_a_Ambassadors_SOP 13:27:24 * igorps is going to link some SOPs from the Ambassadors FAQ either 13:27:25 <gbraad-china> recursive fun? 13:27:39 <liknus> so feel free to join the wiki fun :) 13:27:44 <liknus> moving on ? 13:28:15 * gbraad-china suggests to remove the (we are freaks). 13:28:22 <liknus> ok lets move to Board Goals 13:28:31 * liknus noted gbraad-china suggestion 13:28:39 * liknus will do that asap 13:28:45 * gbraad-china should remain professional from our side 13:28:53 <gbraad-china> ok, board goals 13:28:57 <liknus> #topic Board Goals 2011 13:29:13 <liknus> so to accommodate our discussion I created this page : 13:29:22 <liknus> http://piratepad.net/fedorafbg2011 13:29:26 <gbraad-china> however this was not noted in the agenda 13:29:28 <liknus> So just to sum up 13:29:44 <liknus> gbraad-china, I just did... thats why :) 13:30:17 <liknus> Full list of goals that were set by our Board can be found here : 13:30:18 <liknus> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Board_meeting_2010-12-13 13:30:47 <liknus> out of those some were explained and prioritized 13:30:48 * gbraad-china suggests when editing the piratepad, please enter your name 13:30:54 <liknus> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Board_goals_2011 13:31:16 <liknus> So Board needs our opinion/feedback/suggestions on that 13:31:39 <liknus> I suggest we start by examining the ranked goals one by one 13:31:52 <liknus> and then move to suggesting possible alternations or new ones 13:32:00 <liknus> ok with that everyone? 13:32:18 <igorps> keep in mind that we are also going to meet with them this Monday 13:32:32 <igorps> liknus: +1 13:32:33 <liknus> igorps, thanks for noting it :) 13:32:43 <gbraad-china> what do you mean igorps? 13:33:09 <igorps> gbraad-china: we will have a meeting with the board 13:33:13 <liknus> members of Famsco are invited to attend the board meeting 13:33:25 <liknus> to express our views on the Goal 13:33:30 <liknus> goals* 13:33:37 <liknus> ok lets go : 13:33:39 <gbraad-china> igorps time of meeting? 13:33:55 <liknus> #topic Goal 1 : Improve and simplify collaboration 13:34:19 <liknus> 19:00 UTC 13:34:45 <lcafiero> I think that is fine. 13:34:56 <lcafiero> There is no objection to that obviously 13:35:05 <liknus> I believe that having all those expressed as examples is confusing 13:35:15 <igorps> btw it would be nice to have a reminder on our list before 13:35:36 <liknus> goals should have specific deliverables and then "ways to achieve" them 13:35:44 <liknus> igorps, noted :) 13:35:55 <liknus> #action liknus sends reminder on the list for the board meeting 13:36:23 <liknus> lcafiero, what about suggesting to have clear structure of deliverables and actions needed under each goal? 13:36:34 <kaio> I will be 5am and this takes 1 of 2 dark sleeps away from the week (I am night shift job at the moment). 13:36:39 <igorps> liknus: I guess the examples are just to make clear who could be accountable for those goals 13:37:15 <liknus> maybe we can turn "could' to "should" 13:37:16 <liknus> :) 13:37:28 <igorps> :) 13:37:29 <igorps> +1 13:37:39 <gbraad-china> +1 13:37:59 <liknus> ok so we can have a suggestion here that states : 13:38:11 <gbraad-china> local ambassador meetups 13:38:27 <liknus> Each Goal should have deliverables and Action items 13:38:31 <liknus> sounds nice? 13:38:42 <liknus> (this applies to all goals) 13:38:44 <lcafiero> +1 13:38:46 <igorps> sounds great 13:38:56 <gbraad-china> +1 13:39:01 <liknus> ok I am talking notes 13:39:02 <liknus> :) 13:39:17 <liknus> #idea Each Goal should have deliverables and Action items 13:39:26 <liknus> now on first goal 13:39:58 <liknus> I would in addition to final example suggest the meeting on all SCo once per year on our FUDCon 13:40:43 <liknus> Sounds plausible? 13:40:50 <kaio> oh you +1 13:40:51 <liknus> Will it improve collaboration? 13:41:02 <kaio> s/oh you// 13:41:26 <igorps> Sounds plausible to me and this is something we can achieve this year yet 13:41:52 <liknus> lcafiero, kaio ? 13:42:04 <lcafiero> agreed 13:42:13 <kaio> agree 13:42:27 <gbraad-china> i think it is s/meeting on all/meeting of all ? 13:42:31 <liknus> yeap 13:42:39 <gbraad-china> yes 13:42:43 <gbraad-china> agree 13:42:47 <liknus> ok I made the addition to piratepad 13:43:29 <liknus> possinbly to different FUDCons? 13:43:43 <igorps> liknus: what do you mean? 13:43:43 <liknus> so we can enhance other FUDCon s too? 13:43:51 <liknus> lets say... : 13:43:57 <gbraad-china> you mean cross regions pollination ? 13:43:59 <gbraad-china> ;-) 13:44:01 <liknus> FESCo to FUDCON ApAC 13:44:14 <liknus> FAMSCo to FUDCON LATAM 13:44:15 <liknus> etc 13:44:21 <gbraad-china> +1 13:44:24 <liknus> (and change each year) 13:44:30 <igorps> +1 13:44:37 <liknus> that way we will improve the quality of regional FUDCONs 13:44:38 <liknus> :) 13:44:45 <igorps> sounds like a good approach 13:44:45 <lcafiero> +1 13:44:56 <gbraad-china> it is not something we should have to agree upon beforehand. just hope it would happen all the time 13:45:16 * gbraad-china hopes others understand what I mean 13:45:34 <liknus> gbraad-china, if we set it as a goal then future Fudcons will have it in mind to at least form one SCo 13:45:46 <igorps> Having a meeting of all SCos at one FUDCon would be really hard 13:45:58 <igorps> so this approach is really plausible 13:45:59 <gbraad-china> IMO FAmSCo should go to LATAM, APAC and EMEA 13:46:13 <gbraad-china> ;-) 13:46:30 <liknus> rotating SCos around the world seem like a nice way to enhance FUDCons 13:46:39 <gbraad-china> it is. +1 13:46:51 <liknus> and because SCos are not many people it is financially feasible :) 13:47:05 <gbraad-china> especially a good ideal for pushing new regions forward 13:47:16 <liknus> nice 13:47:19 <igorps> FUDCon LATAM will be in May, it is a good idea to try this out there 13:47:32 <liknus> seems nice to me 13:47:41 <liknus> Another thing : 13:47:53 <liknus> on this Goal there is Scheduling Platform 13:48:03 <liknus> I think it is crucial for Ambassadors 13:48:14 <liknus> shall we try to stress it on Monday meeting? 13:48:28 <liknus> (no need to rephrase it.. just stress out importance) 13:48:52 <lcafiero> yes 13:49:02 <igorps> +1 13:49:08 <liknus> ok nice 13:49:26 <liknus> Shall we move to goal #3 ? 13:49:32 <liknus> (original numbering) 13:50:02 <igorps> ok, let's move on 13:50:08 <lcafiero> yes 13:50:17 <liknus> #topic Goal 3 :Improve and encourage high-quality communication 13:50:21 <liknus> so on this one : 13:50:30 <gbraad-china> make people aware of the VoIP capabilities and make use of it when possible. 13:50:44 <liknus> gbraad-china, nicely noted 13:50:49 <liknus> add it to piratepad 13:51:17 <gbraad-china> liknus: done 13:51:21 <liknus> also on "Running meetings teaching" we can take responsibility of it: 13:51:47 <liknus> by creating our SOP and organize a classroom 13:51:57 <gbraad-china> +1 13:51:59 <liknus> (also FUDCON workshops seems nice) 13:52:07 <liknus> so Shall we take ownership? 13:52:19 <kaio> +1 13:53:09 <lcafiero> +1 -- but i want to say something about SOPs: I hope we don't micromanage too much when writing them. 13:53:41 <gbraad-china> I agree with lcafiero. SOPs should be tips and merely guidelines 13:53:50 <liknus> lcafiero, totally agreed :) 13:54:08 <liknus> lcafiero, please make sure you punch me if I cross the line 13:54:30 * gbraad-china gives a preventitive slap in the face with a fish 13:54:43 * liknus hurts :P 13:54:50 <liknus> ok anything more on this Goal? 13:55:04 <gbraad-china> liknus, just know: "micromanagement hurts even more" 13:55:43 <igorps> we should make sure that ambassadors report the events 13:55:45 * lcafiero wouldn't punch you, but i might say "ahem." 13:56:00 <liknus> ahem seems nice :) 13:56:04 <liknus> igorps, indeed 13:56:14 <igorps> sometimes we lack event reports 13:56:20 <liknus> but this is a Ambassadors goal 13:56:27 <liknus> (not Fedora global wise) 13:56:44 <liknus> we can indeed make sure it happens in our project :) 13:56:59 <igorps> I know, just pointing out that we can achieve that to improve this goal inside Ambassadors :) 13:57:04 <kaio> +1 less formal ones on wiki 13:57:08 <liknus> These goals are about Fedora wide issues 13:57:30 <liknus> igorps, ok :) 13:58:30 <liknus> moving on? 13:58:50 <igorps> +1 13:58:54 <gbraad-china> please do, but still thinking about goal #3 13:59:03 <liknus> #topic Goal 4 : Ease of joining 13:59:16 <liknus> I think this is our territory :) 13:59:33 <liknus> Ambassadors tasks involve helping people choose a project and join it :) 13:59:47 <liknus> So I believe we should take full ownership of this one 13:59:58 <gbraad-china> I personally think it is not easy to find stuff on the fedorahosted 14:00:43 <liknus> so based on the examples given we shall assess the situation and solve the problems by providing workarounds and solutions 14:00:55 <liknus> seems rational? 14:01:34 <lcafiero> yes 14:01:36 <igorps> Raising the role of ambassadors as a first point of contact seems good to me 14:01:38 <liknus> We shall have a meeting (all invited) 14:01:45 <igorps> not only for media and websites 14:01:58 <liknus> and then ask Q like "Is that accessible... is that easy?" etc 14:02:10 <gbraad-china> ok 14:02:13 <liknus> igorps, agreed make the change 14:02:20 <igorps> also for identifying contributors profiles and guide them 14:02:37 <liknus> ok so : 14:02:42 <lcafiero> +1 14:02:56 <igorps> this example is just too generic 14:03:06 <liknus> proposing FAmSCo takes ownership of Goal4 and organize a meeting to begin working on that 14:03:11 <liknus> (n issues raised) 14:03:26 <liknus> seems like nice way to put it on Monday? 14:03:49 <igorps> sure, the board will definitively be interested in that 14:04:47 <lcafiero> indeed 14:05:18 <gbraad-china> emphasize the importance of FedoraCommunity.org domain and make this easy to host at the Fedora Infrastructure as this can enhance the visibility for newcomers 14:05:31 <liknus> gbraad-china, the one you now write is appropriate to the next goal 14:05:38 <liknus> "Global presence" 14:05:46 <gbraad-china> related to local and regional communities we have. 14:06:16 <gbraad-china> moved 14:06:36 <liknus> nice :) 14:06:44 <liknus> ok anything more on Goal 4? 14:07:23 <liknus> ok moving on: 14:07:24 <lcafiero> no, i think it's clear 14:07:49 <liknus> #topic Goal #11 : Expand global presence 14:08:21 <liknus> I think that FUDCON in APAC is of outmost importance 14:08:40 <liknus> and also FADs in Africa (to result on FUDCONs in the future) 14:08:53 <liknus> ok lets start by this : 14:09:21 <liknus> emphasizing FADs as mock up events of FUDCONs (generally) 14:09:29 <liknus> and specifically ... 14:09:38 <liknus> FUDCON APAC in 2011 14:09:59 <liknus> and FAD Africa in 2011 (we have it already in Ghana as all shows) 14:10:09 <liknus> show* 14:10:24 <kaio> +1 14:10:35 <lcafiero> right +1 14:10:37 <igorps> +1 14:11:01 * kaio does want fudcon apac 14:11:44 <igorps> In addition to the FUDCon we should have more FADs in LATAM as well 14:12:11 <liknus> more FADs is noted and must be stressed out 14:12:14 <gbraad-china> I see monthly meetings for Ambassadors as a way to push for more user interaction and exposure, but also potentials for the FAD. 14:12:23 <liknus> Organize a FAD SOP ? 14:12:25 <igorps> +1 14:12:59 <liknus> gbraad-china, we have biweekly regional meetings 14:13:10 <gbraad-china> wow... I wish! 14:13:18 <liknus> FAD SOP seems a nice way to help doing a FAD? 14:13:36 <liknus> gbraad-china, ok "make sure regions have their biweekly calls " 14:14:02 <gbraad-china> "Stimulate participation with LUGs" 14:14:27 <lcafiero> right -- as one that heads a lug, i think this is important 14:14:43 <liknus> ok nice :) 14:14:50 <liknus> anything more on that goal? 14:15:18 <gbraad-china> no 14:15:30 <liknus> ok nice moving on 14:15:42 <liknus> #topic GOAL #12: Improve education & skill sharing in community 14:16:33 <liknus> I have really no remark here :P 14:16:53 <gbraad-china> create standardized documents to teach essentials for programming, participate in translation, quality assurance 14:17:23 <gbraad-china> or at least a collection people can use. 14:18:00 <igorps> Having Fedora Classrooms sessions in different languages are something we need to pursue 14:18:01 <gbraad-china> part of this is of course already the idea of SOPs, but the classrooms deliver a lot of valuable information that can be combined 14:18:07 <lcafiero> right. it should also be noted that at the apac meeting yesterday (or earlier today) that we discussed having sessions around the rh certification tests 14:18:29 <igorps> specially for technical stuff such programming and QA 14:18:53 <liknus> ok so end up with SOPs and classrooms 14:18:58 <liknus> (seems nice to me) 14:19:29 <igorps> in LATAM we are trying out a Moodle solution 14:19:47 <igorps> we will share experiences about how it goes 14:19:53 <liknus> SOPs are already noted on the goal (so does classroom) 14:20:00 <liknus> igorps, please : 14:20:05 <igorps> it might be valuable for other regions 14:20:08 <liknus> general NOTE to LATAM : 14:20:23 <liknus> please follow up with us on infrastructure 14:20:35 <liknus> test things so we can see them globally :) 14:20:47 <gbraad-china> note to LATAM, prevent fragmentation of information. 14:21:00 <liknus> we love that you do stuff but let us know what and how you do that 14:21:04 <gbraad-china> information flow is VERY important within the community. prevent to create an insular situation 14:21:07 <liknus> also do them in a way we can use :) 14:21:22 <liknus> I really adore the LATAM activity 14:21:31 <liknus> but I want to see that combined with ours :) 14:21:44 <gbraad-china> agree with liknus on this 14:21:49 <liknus> (and this is something that happens on ALL FOSS communities :) ) 14:21:51 <igorps> sure, of course everyone is invited to try it out 14:21:59 <igorps> we are starting it yet 14:22:04 <liknus> Gnome, KDE, Mozilla etc 14:22:13 <liknus> igorps, do that on our infrastructure 14:22:20 <liknus> on Fedora's servers etc 14:22:27 <igorps> and trying different approaches on how we can do it better 14:22:30 <liknus> ok no worries... just a side note :) 14:22:36 <gbraad-china> igorps, I believe in general language is not the issue for participation. but stressing it, might make it (hope you understand this) 14:22:57 <igorps> gbraad-china: I totally agree 14:23:17 <liknus> igorps, :) nice we are waiting to see more *intergration* from LATAM side 14:23:17 <liknus> :) 14:23:35 <liknus> ok anything to add on our last Goal? 14:24:06 <liknus> ok moving on : 14:24:10 <liknus> two things left : 14:24:35 <liknus> any new goals? and who shall express our additions/suggestions on the board at Monday 14:24:46 <liknus> #topic Any other Goals? 14:25:05 <liknus> I think that having 5 firm ones are more than enough to move us through 2011 14:25:34 <lcafiero> +1 14:25:34 <liknus> I know that there are many things that can be pursued but sticking to 5 and having them done seems more appropriate 14:25:43 <lcafiero> If more come up, we can deal with them then 14:26:09 <liknus> also I think that this is going to happen each year so we can move other things next year 14:26:13 <gbraad-china> I agree, as most of them are also noted in the overall goals page. we can still try to push for these within Ambassadors. like goal #5 ;-) 14:26:23 <liknus> everyone ok with that? 14:26:25 <igorps> liknus: sure, fragmentation would not be good here either 14:26:38 <igorps> +1 14:26:40 * liknus agrees with gbraad 14:26:45 <liknus> +1 for me 14:27:38 <lcafiero> +1 of course 14:27:47 <liknus> #agreed Sticking to these 5 Goals seems OK so we can accomplish them by the end of 2011 14:27:51 <liknus> ok nice :) 14:27:54 <liknus> moving on? 14:28:01 <gbraad-china> move on 14:28:21 <liknus> #topic Who speaks to the board 14:28:32 <liknus> Monday we will have the meeting with the board 14:28:49 <liknus> of course if we can attend all of us it would be the best 14:29:21 <liknus> but even if more than one attends then we shall let one express our views and the others can act supportively or explaining 14:29:23 * gbraad-china is converting the time 14:29:32 <liknus> (otherwise it should be chaos) 14:29:49 <liknus> now that we are agreed on goals I think that it would be easy 14:30:04 <liknus> So : who will attend the meeting 14:30:06 <liknus> I will 14:30:11 <igorps> Me too 14:30:35 <liknus> lcafiero, gbraad-china kaio ? 14:30:39 * gbraad-china thinks it is unlikely he can attend: 03:00 ?!??? 14:30:52 <lcafiero> I will be there. 14:32:46 <gbraad-china> kaio? 14:36:26 <gbraad-china> As I expected 14:36:34 <gbraad-china> kaio, ping? 14:36:34 * liknus back 14:36:36 <liknus> sorry for the disconnection :( 14:36:38 <liknus> so : where were we? 14:36:40 <liknus> on who speaks.. 14:36:42 <liknus> #chair kaio 14:36:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: kaio liknus 14:36:52 <liknus> (just in case) 14:37:02 <liknus> #chair gbraad-china lcafiero 14:37:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad-china kaio lcafiero liknus 14:37:03 <gbraad-china> we had no reply from Kaio 14:37:12 <liknus> on who? 14:37:18 <liknus> I am willing to 14:37:29 <gbraad-china> I think it is liknus lcafiero or igorps 14:37:34 <lcafiero> on the meeting? 14:37:38 <lcafiero> I will be there. 14:37:42 <liknus> yeap on Monday meeting 14:37:49 <liknus> ok so 3 of us 14:38:03 <liknus> and who shall present our suggestions? 14:38:32 <igorps> liknus: you :) 14:38:38 <gbraad-china> liknus 14:39:02 <liknus> :P 14:39:10 <liknus> Everyone ok with that? 14:39:16 <gbraad-china> I have +1 14:39:20 <igorps> +1 14:39:50 <gbraad-china> remove the I have part 14:40:23 <lcafiero> yes 14:40:29 <liknus> #agreed liknus speaks on board meeting about FAmSCo Suggestions and proposals 14:40:31 <liknus> ok :) 14:40:37 <liknus> So 14:40:44 <liknus> #topic Open Floor 14:40:52 <liknus> next meeting next Saturday 14:41:12 <liknus> by then we shall discuss SOPs, Schedule and have our FAQ finalized 14:42:02 <gbraad-china> Harish introduced himself recently on the FAmSCo list, He is now more involved as he is member of the COmmunity Architecture Team. I had the pleasure to meet with him this week 14:42:02 <lcafiero> right. we can discuss on the mailing list. 14:42:41 <liknus> lcafiero, please *please* pursue our open tickets 14:42:53 <kaio> which day for the meeting to board? 14:43:00 <gbraad-china> we have discussed some issues about the contributions of APAC and China in special and how to deal with it. We have a lot of work ahead, but I take them as pleasant challenges 14:43:01 <liknus> most of them are just reimburshments done right away 14:43:02 <lcafiero> Yes, i now have the keys to the vault. 14:43:10 <igorps> kaio: Monday 14:43:11 <liknus> lcafiero, :P 14:43:14 <lcafiero> So I will start on tickets today. 14:43:23 <liknus> gbraad-china, nice 14:43:27 <liknus> lcafiero, thanks :) 14:43:28 <lcafiero> Max and I are going to set up a system at FUDCon. 14:43:37 <gbraad-china> I noticed some already had to be extended for the deadline 14:43:49 <kaio> lcafiero☺ I am a ticket for LCA entry in trac urgently. 14:43:51 <liknus> lcafiero, keep us updated ... we have a major upset and problem in EMEA on that 14:44:06 <liknus> kaio, most of us are... 14:44:07 <liknus> :P 14:44:13 <lcafiero> Yes, I know there are many urgent tickets. 14:44:25 <liknus> my ticket from Octomber is still there :) 14:44:36 <kaio> liknus☺ okay.. about 10 days away from that, no even sure if I still can buy ticket 14:44:47 <liknus> anyway ... lcafiero take it easy and focus on 3rd party ones... mine can wait 14:45:09 <liknus> ok i shall end this meeting 14:45:13 <lcafiero> so noted, liknus 14:45:26 * lcafiero goes back to sleep 14:45:30 <liknus> Thanks all for attending ) 14:45:33 <lcafiero> thanks, all. 14:45:36 <liknus> #endmeeting