00:00:01 <jjmcd> #startmeeting Fedora Docs Project - Agenda https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 00:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 27 00:00:01 2011 UTC. The chair is jjmcd. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:00:10 <jjmcd> #topic roll call 00:00:13 * jjmcd 00:00:40 * sgordon is here 00:00:46 * rudi is here 00:00:54 * grdryn is here 00:01:16 * Gearoid == grdryn 00:01:20 <jjmcd> Ahhhhh, that looks more familiar 00:01:31 <Gearoid> lol 00:01:39 <jhradilek> <-- 00:02:16 <jjmcd> I kinda thought Zach might wander in all sleepy-eyed 00:02:40 <jjmcd> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 00:03:10 <jjmcd> o jjmcd to get with Sparks and resolve resource issues 00:03:13 <jjmcd> done 00:03:22 <jjmcd> o jjmcd and nb to come up with a redirect plan 00:03:25 <jjmcd> not done 00:03:36 <jjmcd> o jjmcd to follow up with fedora-bookmarks packager 00:03:39 <jjmcd> not done 00:03:51 <jjmcd> #action jjmcd to follow up with fedora-bookmarks packager 00:03:59 <jjmcd> #action jjmcd and nb to come up with a redirect plan 00:04:04 <jjmcd> almost forgot that bit 00:04:13 <jjmcd> o rudi to review guides schedule 00:04:40 <rudi> not done :( 00:04:47 <jjmcd> #action rudi to review guides schedule 00:05:05 <jjmcd> o jjmcd to post to the list to recruit a release notes leader 00:05:07 <jjmcd> done 00:05:18 <jjmcd> o zoglesby to prepare a draft job descrip/recruiting doc for Tempe, jjmcd to review 00:05:23 <jjmcd> done and done 00:05:46 <jjmcd> ANything we missed on action items or questions? 00:06:31 <jjmcd> #topic Fedora 15 Schedule 00:06:45 <jjmcd> OK, Robyn said she reworked the schedule 00:07:02 <jjmcd> But is having "technical difficulties" getting it posted so I haven't seen the changes 00:07:11 <jjmcd> But I presume they are minor 00:07:24 <jjmcd> Any questions or issues with the F15 schedule? 00:08:09 <jjmcd> moving on 00:08:19 <jjmcd> #topic Release Notes 00:08:47 <jjmcd> I see zoglesby has cleared out the beats and I saw some potential for new beat writers on the channel today 00:09:05 <jjmcd> But we need some new leadership 00:09:14 <jjmcd> Is anyone willing to step up? 00:09:35 <jjmcd> It isn't the horrible job it used to be 00:10:22 <jjmcd> poelcat has REALLY cleaned up the schedule, nb has automated lots of stuff 00:10:45 <jjmcd> We'll have to do some behind-the-scenes arm twisting! 00:10:53 <jjmcd> Sooo, who is going to Tempe? 00:11:06 * jjmcd sadly, will not 00:11:55 <sgordon> i believe robyn is 00:12:06 <jjmcd> I guess if we don't have any Docs folks there can't be much of a hackfest! 00:12:18 <sgordon> i have met a few fedora peeps at linux.conf.au this week 00:12:19 <jjmcd> Oh yeah, robyn reminds us four times a day on facebook 00:12:21 <sgordon> which has been good 00:12:24 <sgordon> haha 00:12:34 <jjmcd> Oh good deal 00:13:02 <jjmcd> Lets move on to guides 00:13:13 <jjmcd> #topic Guide Status 00:14:02 <jjmcd> Does anyone have any issues? Need any help? 00:14:08 <jjmcd> I know it's early yet 00:14:13 <Gearoid> I took AG last release, but I haven't had a chance to look at it this time yet 00:15:04 <jjmcd> Gearoid, I suspect it will be pretty simple. Shouldn't be huge changes 00:15:36 <jjmcd> Anything else about guides? 00:15:40 <Gearoid> yeah, I hope so. The major difficulty I had last time, was that a lot of the accessibility tools don't like my hardware 00:15:55 <sgordon> i have continued to fail at actually putting some content into the cloud guide 00:16:02 <sgordon> hoping to do it now my lca talk is out of the way 00:16:11 <Gearoid> If there isn't much to do on it, I might be able to help out in other areas 00:16:36 <jjmcd> I continue to chip away at the ARG, but its just a bit at a time 00:17:03 <jjmcd> OK, anything else on guides? 00:17:47 <jjmcd> Now, surprise topic courtesy of shaunm 00:17:51 <jjmcd> #topic Open Help Conference 00:18:00 <jjmcd> shaunm, would you like to tell us about this 00:18:09 <shaunm> Sure 00:18:49 <shaunm> I'm putting together a conference for people working on help and documentation in open source and community-based projects 00:18:54 <shaunm> http://openhelpconference.com/ 00:19:04 <jjmcd> #link http://openhelpconference.com/ 00:19:23 <shaunm> And I like Fedora, so I like inviting you to everything :) 00:19:41 <shaunm> there is hackfest space available as well, if you're interested 00:20:17 <jjmcd> I went to the "Desktop Help Summit" last year and, other than the snow, it was great meeting folks from other projects 00:20:34 <nb> depending on how many people, etc, we may be able to get famna/famsco to sponsor fedora contributors 00:20:41 <shaunm> I'm hoping for no snow in June 00:20:47 <jjmcd> Probably little risk of snow in the wueen city in June 00:20:54 <jjmcd> queen city - sheesh 00:21:07 * Gearoid loves snow 00:21:15 <nb> If anyone is interested in going, let me know 00:21:44 <nb> #info possibility of Fedora sponsoring contributors to attend Open Help Conference, contact nb if interested 00:21:48 <jjmcd> shaunm, will there be space for, like, an ambassadors booth? 00:21:57 <jjmcd> #chair nb 00:21:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: jjmcd nb 00:22:11 <nb> jjmcd, well, we could do that, or we can sponsor contributors just to attend events that will be helpful to their area of fedora 00:22:15 <shaunm> jjmcd: I'm not planning on having booth space 00:22:23 <jjmcd> OK 00:22:35 <shaunm> It's bigger than the Desktop Help Summit, but smaller than some of the huge conferences you might have been to 00:22:36 <nb> like i think codeblock is going to python conference 00:23:12 <shaunm> If you do want to do a hackfest though, I'd like to know by the beginning of March 00:23:30 <jjmcd> I think most of the folks here right now are from far away, but hopefully folks will read the notes 00:23:37 <shaunm> because I have to reserve extra rooms, and the venue already thinks I'm crazy 00:24:28 <jjmcd> Do you anticipate we'll see many of the perps from Chicago? 00:25:06 <shaunm> jjmcd: Most of them, yeah 00:25:26 <shaunm> I haven't heard from Rich in a long while, and Paul is pretty busy these days 00:25:41 <shaunm> But I'm pretty sure Phil, Milo, and Jim will be there 00:25:45 <jjmcd> Seems like Jim shows up everywhere 00:26:10 <jjmcd> But it sounds like I better get in practice. Seems like Cincinnatti has bars 00:26:25 <shaunm> Besides that, I've got folks from FreeBSD and Mozilla coming so far 00:26:36 <jjmcd> good deal 00:26:40 <shaunm> We have bars, yes 00:26:54 <shaunm> though sadly no blues clubs 00:27:07 * jjmcd gave his first "professional" paper in Cinci 00:27:35 <jjmcd> OK, any questions on the help conference? 00:28:22 <jjmcd> Thanks Shaun 00:28:26 <jjmcd> Moving on 00:28:28 <jjmcd> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 00:28:40 <jjmcd> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 00:29:44 <jjmcd> I'm being slow getting to that page. Looks like we swatted a couple since last week 00:29:59 <jjmcd> Does anyone need any help with bugs? 00:30:10 <jjmcd> nb, you and I still need to talk through redirects 00:30:29 <jjmcd> Also, we should talk about the draft builds I do of RNs 00:30:43 <jjmcd> So a new RN guy can have those done behind the scenes 00:30:56 <CodeBlock> nb | like i think codeblock is going to python conference 00:30:58 <CodeBlock> indeed, :) 00:31:33 <CodeBlock> sorry, bit late, jsut glanced at irc and saw the ping. ;) 00:31:35 * jjmcd has always liked pythons, they're kinda cuddly, if a bit cold 00:32:26 <jjmcd> Anything else on bugs? 00:32:43 <jjmcd> #topic Open floor discussion 00:33:01 <jjmcd> Does anyone have anything for the good of this august body? 00:33:28 <jjmcd> I presume everyone is caught up on the Sparks / zoglesby notes on the list 00:34:25 <jjmcd> Anything? 00:34:38 <Gearoid> Yeah, congrats to zoglesby on the new role 00:34:52 <jjmcd> Yes, and many thanks to Zach for stepping up 00:35:17 <Gearoid> and thanks to Sparks for the awesome job he has done as outgoing leader 00:35:37 <jjmcd> Things really improved under him, didn't they 00:35:52 <jjmcd> One things we might be thinking of 00:36:12 <jjmcd> This is a tough time for a meeting for a lot of folks, although anything else seems worse 00:36:30 <jjmcd> If anyone has any brainstorms on how we can improve, please offer them on the list 00:37:07 <jjmcd> Zach will be back in EST in a couple months, but we seem to have a lot of Europeans and BNEers lately, and this isn't the best for them 00:37:39 <Gearoid> what's BNE? 00:37:43 <jjmcd> Brisbane 00:37:47 <Gearoid> ah 00:38:03 <jjmcd> You know, those upside-down guys 00:39:03 <jjmcd> The Aussies come in early in the morning and the Europeans in the wee hours 00:39:25 <jjmcd> OK, anything else? 00:39:36 <Gearoid> I will be back in europe come June 00:39:53 <jjmcd> Ahhh. Hope you're a late night kinda guy 00:40:18 <jjmcd> I think its about 0130 CET 00:40:34 <jjmcd> Thanks, everyone 00:40:40 <jjmcd> #endmeeting