19:01:02 <stickster> #startmeeting Insight 19:01:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 27 19:01:02 2011 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:04 <stickster> #meetingname Insight 19:01:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'insight' 19:01:08 <stickster> #topic Roll call! 19:01:18 * stickster 19:01:46 <asrob> hi 19:02:07 <averi> hi! 19:02:10 <stickster> Hi averi! 19:02:22 * stickster gives it another minute or two 19:02:28 <averi> sure 19:02:39 * averi finishes a fast thing in the meantime 19:02:48 <stickster> Today may end up being somewhat short. I am in the middle of a TON of tasks to get ready for FUDCon and to be gone from $DAYJOB for a few days :-) 19:04:21 <stickster> At the same time, I'm hoping that if pcalarco, smooge, schendje, and a couple other people are around, we may be able to push a bunch of remaining tasks to completion while there :-) 19:04:29 <stickster> OK... let's see where we stand with packages 19:04:42 <stickster> #info Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda 19:04:45 <stickster> #topic Packaging 19:05:12 <stickster> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=662103&hide_resolved=1 19:06:30 <stickster> According to the InsightReviews, almost completely done -- waiting for some rename reviews to be built for EL-6, and that's it 19:06:42 <stickster> And a couple of asrob's packages to make it to stable, but that should happen soon 19:06:57 <stickster> #info We need people to install and test the packages. Please take some time to do so if you haven't already 19:07:00 <asrob> I hope that 19:07:47 <averi> stickster: I would do that but I have no handy systems at home (e.g I can't use them for tests) 19:08:11 <stickster> averi: Do you have access to virtualization on them? 19:08:24 <stickster> These packages can be tested easily on virtual guests 19:09:21 <stickster> averi: ? 19:10:02 <averi> unfortunately I didnt set up virtualization stuff on them, but I can see if I can get a virtual server around (e.g I'll buy it) 19:10:17 <stickster> averi: Are they running Fedora? 19:10:30 <averi> stickster: fedora and centos 19:10:33 <stickster> If so, you can just 'yum groupinstall Virtualization' 19:10:52 <asrob> stickster: anyway, thanks for the SSH access, you can delete that ;) 19:10:54 <stickster> You shouldn't be paying for a virt product when you have one at your disposal for free :-) 19:11:00 <stickster> asrob: OK, will do -- glad it helped 19:11:01 * VileGent directs averi to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Virtualization_Quick_Start 19:11:06 <stickster> VileGent: Thank you! 19:11:12 <averi> are the package to test all drupal-related? 19:11:26 <averi> * packages/packages 19:11:28 <stickster> #info Anyone who wants to test packages can do so on a virtual guest. Consult http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Virtualization_Quick_Start for information 19:11:34 <stickster> averi: Yes 19:11:54 <stickster> averi: If you need hints on how to proceed at any point, just ask a question in #fedora-mktg 19:12:04 <VileGent> stickster, maybe we can get sometesting done this weekend as well 19:12:07 <stickster> Let people know you're helping with Insight testing 19:12:12 <stickster> VileGent: Yes! Good one 19:12:26 <stickster> #idea Get people to do requisite testing at FUDCon this weekend 19:12:31 <VileGent> i am here and building a drupal vm as we speak 19:12:34 <stickster> brilliant 19:12:58 <VileGent> so get you rear here 19:13:07 <averi> stickster: ok, and, the packages to test are into fedora's repo? or is there a separate repo for our testing needs? 19:13:23 <stickster> averi: They are in the updates-testing repo at this point 19:13:42 <stickster> The only thing I don't know is whether drupal-cck and drupal-views are available on EL-6 yet 19:13:49 <stickster> er, drupal6-cck and drupal6-views 19:14:00 <stickster> VileGent: It's up to Delta and Old Man Winter at this point 19:14:28 <stickster> asrob: Partially on topic -- if you have additional Drupal module packages to submit (for the top-10 thing) just drop a note to the list with bug numbers 19:14:30 <averi> stickster: ok, great, thanks for the info :) 19:14:36 <stickster> asrob: I'll be glad to help with reviews 19:15:10 <stickster> Anything else we need to talk about wrt. packaging? 19:15:17 <asrob> stickster: okay, thanks ;) 19:15:35 <asrob> nothing 19:16:39 <averi> asrob: could you please point me to the top-10 list please? 19:16:40 * stickster notes useful command: 19:16:41 <stickster> bugzilla query -p Fedora -c 'Package Review' -t NEW,ASSIGNED --boolean_query='short_desc-substring-drupal' 19:16:55 <asrob> averi: sure, http://drupal.org/project/usage 19:16:59 <averi> thanks 19:17:04 <asrob> np 19:17:05 <stickster> #topic Development 19:17:14 <stickster> OK, to sum up some list conversation -- 19:17:37 <stickster> averi and asrob, you guys are working together to do two things, correct me if I'm wrong: 19:17:56 <stickster> (1) *document* the things asrob has built on his sandbox on our wiki pages 19:18:08 <stickster> (2) *port* those changes over to publictest4.fedoraproject.org/drupal 19:18:21 <averi> exactly 19:18:26 <asrob> yep 19:18:30 <asrob> schendje: hi 19:18:37 <schendje> asrob: hi :) 19:18:41 <stickster> asrob: averi: The purpose of those wiki pages is so that anyone in the community, starting with a Drupal sandbox, can basically duplicate our whole setup 19:18:43 <stickster> Hi schendje! 19:18:52 <schendje> hi stickster, sorry i'm a bit late 19:19:06 <stickster> It's important that like every other Fedora work in progress, we make it possible for other people to learn from and build on what we're doing 19:19:10 <stickster> no problem schendje 19:19:22 <stickster> We are talking about development stuff now, we can cover theme at the same time I think :_) 19:19:28 <averi> stickster: I absolutely agree with this point 19:19:28 <asrob> stickster: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Insight_customizations_to_Drupal 19:19:37 <asrob> stickster: I have modified this a little bit 19:19:41 <stickster> Fantastic 19:19:56 <asrob> but I'm going to write all that I did it 19:20:23 <averi> asrob: is that the relevant page to be modified? 19:20:33 <averi> asrob: e.g the one stickster is talking about 19:20:36 <stickster> This is fantastic asrob -- just what I was looking for! 19:21:00 <stickster> #info asrob already contributed some additional docs on the customizations, he gets an extra beefy miracle 19:22:03 <gholms> Extra beefy, eh? 19:22:08 * gholms gives asrob a hotdog 19:22:12 <asrob> :) 19:22:22 <stickster> THE MUSTARD INDICATES PROGRESS 19:22:24 <asrob> averi: I think yes, it is 19:22:37 <averi> we should add to the list the contact module with every information about the team and how to contact / contribute 19:22:56 <asrob> +1 19:23:11 <asrob> that isn't enabled now 19:23:20 <averi> yup, was testing it yesterday 19:23:21 <stickster> +1 19:23:36 <stickster> asrob: You can add that as an admin, I believe 19:23:56 <averi> and there should be a little forum / comment zone where people can send out their comments about any new issue etc 19:23:59 <stickster> #agreed Enable Contact module (in core) and add details on team wiki page and how to contact/contribute 19:24:00 <asrob> stickster: I'll do it 19:24:11 <stickster> #action asrob Enable Contact module and fill in appropriate stuff 19:24:13 <stickster> Great! 19:24:31 <averi> asrob: is the forum module good for it? 19:24:41 <stickster> I don't think we're looking for a forum on this site. 19:24:55 <averi> no, not a real forum, mostly a comment zone 19:24:55 <asrob> averi: registered user can comment to story content type 19:25:24 <stickster> averi: The purpose of the Insight site -- at least at this stage -- is to allow custom aggregation, editing, and publishing of FWN and Planet material 19:25:24 <averi> ok, looks enough then 19:25:30 <stickster> Cool 19:25:44 * stickster doesn't want to grow our scope quite yet, we need to finish what we're doing first :-) 19:26:00 <averi> :) 19:26:01 <stickster> schendje: Did you want to talk about theming? I saw some feedback on the list that was headed your way 19:26:24 <schendje> yep, but i only scanned it quickly 19:26:25 <asrob> averi: check the permissions on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Insight_customizations_to_Drupal ;) 19:26:32 <stickster> #info stickster is taking a free-form approach to today's meeting since he was short on prep time due to FUDCon 19:26:34 <schendje> and i haven't made any more changes to the theme this week 19:27:05 <stickster> schendje: Some of us (me and pcalarco at least!) are planning to get together at FUDCon to spend dedicated hack time on Insight 19:27:09 <stickster> schendje: Are you intereseted? 19:27:15 <schendje> absolutely 19:27:24 <stickster> We're going to aim for Sunday afternoon right after lightning talks. 19:27:40 <schendje> sounds good to me, i'll try to be there 19:27:41 <asrob> awesome, are you here? I want to join ;) 19:27:42 <stickster> Pascal leaves Monday around lunchtime, so Sunday's better for him 19:27:58 <stickster> asrob: We will be live on #fedora-fudcon and if we need to move to another room we'll announce it there 19:28:02 <stickster> We may just use #fedora-mktg for that purpose 19:28:08 <asrob> cool 19:28:26 <stickster> #agreed We'll get together Sunday afternoon (GMT -7, PHX local) to work on Insight. 19:28:51 <stickster> #agreed We'll let everyone know our IRC room, look for us in #fedora-fudcon throughout. 19:29:46 <stickster> #info stickster, pcalarco, schendje should be there, others are welcome! 19:30:41 <asrob> stickster: I have enabled Contact module on pt4 19:30:47 <stickster> Great 19:30:54 <stickster> asrob: As far as documenting customizations... one of the most painful is to put in the permissions settings in a table :-) But let's make sure to do that too 19:31:35 <asrob> ;) 19:31:47 <stickster> Setting that up the first time was... wow :-D 19:32:26 <stickster> What else do we need to discuss today, in advance of getting together on Sunday? 19:33:17 <asrob> hm, something is wrong 19:33:20 <averi> stickster: where pt4 going live will be moved? insight.fp.org? 19:33:31 <stickster> averi: Either that, or fp.org/insight 19:33:33 <asrob> stickster: I cannot edit the user permissions 19:33:41 <stickster> asrob: Hm, you did apply for cmsadmins? 19:33:56 <asrob> stickster: yep, I'm an administrator 19:34:29 <averi> stickster: I've created my FakeFAS user yesterday, forgot to let you know 19:35:21 <averi> stickster: and btw why did you set up pt permissions on fakefas and not on the official fas system? 19:35:52 <stickster> asrob: Aha, the permissions are not allowed for anyone != uid 1 19:35:56 <stickster> asrob: I'll fix that :-) 19:36:08 <asrob> stickster: okay ;) 19:36:16 <stickster> asrob: Fixed 19:36:48 <stickster> averi: pt4 is connected to FakeFAS because the Infrastructure team only wants integration with the real FAS by the production systems 19:36:56 <stickster> averi: All test systems should be using FakeFAS 19:37:07 <asrob> stickster: there is a small problem, we don't use any spam blocking modules 19:37:10 <averi> ok, that's explains it 19:37:45 <stickster> asrob: Yes, but no one should be able to post a comment unless they authenticate 19:38:13 <stickster> asrob: Currently anonymous users can only view, not comment 19:38:15 <asrob> hm, it's true as well 19:38:42 <stickster> If spammers are getting FAS accounts, we have a bigger problem! :-) 19:38:50 <asrob> :) 19:38:50 <averi> ^^ 19:39:33 <stickster> averi: I'll go find your account and get you admin access 19:39:55 <averi> stickster: thanks, it is 'averi' 19:40:14 <stickster> averi: OK, done! 19:40:24 <averi> asrob: when should we start importing the changes from your sandbox to pt4? 19:40:30 <averi> stickster: thanks :) 19:40:45 <asrob> averi: I don't know 19:40:52 <asrob> stickster: what do you think? 19:41:04 <asrob> after meeting? or on Sunday? 19:41:04 <averi> stickster: there is a great work to do about themes 19:41:06 <stickster> asrob: averi: Any time. Just make sure to document what you're changing. 19:41:22 <stickster> asrob: averi: If you do it before Sunday, we can check it over first thing 19:41:29 <stickster> That will mean more time for us to do other stuff 19:41:37 <averi> stickster: what caused most problems while i was testing was the theme 19:41:39 <stickster> If we wait until Sunday, that will cut into the hack time 19:41:57 <averi> stickster: as reported into the post i sent to the list 19:42:05 <stickster> asrob: averi: I think it's fine to put the theme on, but we should not set it as the default theme for everyone 19:42:19 <stickster> Whatever helps people test is fine. 19:42:23 <stickster> That's what the test box is for :-) 19:42:31 <asrob> ;) 19:42:52 <averi> stickster, asrob: I'll see if i can hack the theme a bit as well 19:43:11 <averi> i.e moving away the login form making it smaller, new banner etc 19:43:13 <asrob> averi: after meeting can we work together to port my sandbox before Sunday? 19:43:24 <averi> asrob: sure 19:43:27 <asrob> cool 19:43:42 <averi> asrob: just have to get something to eat and have a shower and I'm ready to start :) 19:43:50 <asrob> averi: ;) 19:43:56 <stickster> COOL! 19:44:09 <stickster> #action asrob and averi will port all changes from asrob's sandbox to pt4 before Sunday 19:44:24 <asrob> stickster: what about modules? can you install them? 19:44:25 <stickster> #info stickster will be on planes all day tomorrow and unavailable 19:44:30 <stickster> asrob: Yes, I will do that 19:44:47 <stickster> #action stickster Install remaining modules 19:44:50 <stickster> #undo 19:44:50 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x2b025dc20650> 19:44:52 <stickster> #action stickster Install remaining modules on pt4 19:45:02 <stickster> Anything else before we adjourn then? 19:45:18 <asrob> nothing 19:45:21 <averi> guess not, going for dinner now, asrob: be back later 19:45:27 <asrob> averi: okay 19:45:38 <asrob> see you later on #fedora-mktg 19:45:45 <averi> sure, cheers 19:46:05 <averi> thanks stickster and have a good trip tomorrow 19:46:37 <stickster> Thanks averi :-) 19:46:42 <stickster> OK, thanks everyone! 19:46:44 <stickster> #endmeeting