14:01:07 <jskarvad> #startmeeting PowerManagement 14:01:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 2 14:01:07 2011 UTC. The chair is jskarvad. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:28 <jskarvad> Hi all 14:01:37 <jskarvad> at first the good news: 14:02:04 <jskarvad> Our "Power Management improvements for Fedora 15" has been recently accepted by FESCo. 14:02:43 <jskarvad> So we should also prepare the PM test day. 14:03:35 <jskarvad> I described the very early ideas of test procedures on the feature page 14:04:13 <jskarvad> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/PowerManagementF15 14:05:01 <jskarvad> It targets the basic functionality of powertop, tuned, suspend/hibernate and bug reporting srcipt for pm-utils. 14:05:13 <jskarvad> I will create draft document later. 14:05:39 <jskarvad> If you have any other ideas, feel free to propose them. 14:06:40 <jskarvad> I would also like to incorporate automatic benchmark, because it is good opportunity to get stats for a lot of different HW configurations. 14:07:38 <jskarvad> The idea is to run the prepared benchmark with and without tuned laptop-battery-powersave profiel (or possibly throughput-performance/laptop-battery-powersave) and let users to upload the results for comparison. 14:08:51 <jskarvad> It could focus on laptop users and use ACPI battery for estimation of power consumption. 14:09:11 <jskarvad> But it has drawbacks: the precision of such method is low. 14:09:49 <jskarvad> Another problem is that such test needs to be run for a long time (30 mins per test seems to be an minimum) which could annoy the testers. 14:09:56 <jskarvad> So good test load should be prepared. 14:10:37 <jskarvad> Currently I have some in-house created test loads and I am also playing with the DOTS and Phoronix testsuite. 14:11:20 <jskarvad> So I will be able to prepare "something", but it would require some time. 14:11:47 <jskarvad> I will focus more on this idea after the Developer Conference as I am busy now with other tasks. 14:13:28 <jskarvad> Next topic: I have quick checked the current state of tuned across the tips from lesswatts.org. 14:13:53 <jskarvad> Currently we have a lot of them but there is a room for improvement. 14:14:30 <jskarvad> We do not have the sched_smt_power_savings. 14:15:27 <jskarvad> It should be good for light load scenarios, but it could also have performance issues for other scenarios. 14:15:53 <jskarvad> It should be more investigated, but it could be candidate for laptop-battery-powersave 14:17:22 <jskarvad> We also do not handle the "Wake On LAN". But I think we could not change it, because the user settings could be overridden which is really bad. 14:18:38 <jskarvad> For the other RF things (e.g. rfkill, turning off bluetooth, etc.) I would also let it as is. 14:19:12 <jskarvad> But we also do not handle the irqbalance and I think we could. 14:19:51 <jskarvad> We could start the irqbalance service (if present) in power save profiles, because it can affect the power consumption. 14:20:49 <jskarvad> And finally, we also do not handle the hda_intel power savings and it is disabled by default, so it is also good candidate for addition. 14:23:12 <jskarvad> Another thing to note: jvcelak has recently added into tuned the udev rules for tunings of the CFQ scheduler for the non ATA block devices. 14:23:53 <jskarvad> For such devices it tunes the slice_idle and quantum parameters for better performance. 14:25:01 <jskarvad> I have checked the power consumption on various benchmarks (DOTS, active idle, compilation, pack/unpack, multi seq/random R/W...) and it seems there is no visible negative influence on power consumption. 14:26:05 <jskarvad> This feature got into tuned-0.2.19 14:27:14 <hanzz_> jskarvad: btw, is there any page which describes what could be done by some volunteers ;)? 14:27:49 <hanzz_> jskarvad: I mean to have something like http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GSoC_2010 14:28:32 <jskarvad> there is similar page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/PowerManagement 14:28:40 <jskarvad> but it needs updating 14:29:02 <jskarvad> but, this is a good point, thanks 14:29:26 <hanzz_> jskarvad: I mean it should be clearer to see "where we are and we we're going to do" :) 14:30:38 <hanzz_> jskarvad: finally found the good page ;) http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Summer_Coding_2010_ideas 14:30:46 <hanzz_> some TODO like this one 14:31:24 <jskarvad> I got it, I am going to put something similar on our wiki 14:32:47 <hanzz_> would be great :) btw, we can find out some ideas for soc 2011 (I believe fedora will participate) too :) 14:33:49 <jskarvad> it is very good idea 14:38:16 <jskarvad> I will try to write down some ideas 14:38:24 <fenrus02> jskarvad, is there a reason not to start irqbalance? 14:40:35 <jskarvad> currently, I am not aware of any, but I didn't performance testing 14:40:55 <fenrus02> fair enough. thanks. 14:41:05 <jskarvad> that's why I proposed it for laptop-battery-powersave 14:41:14 <jskarvad> tuned profile 14:41:19 <jskarvad> to be safe 14:44:03 <jskarvad> That's all from my today's agenda, any more comments? 14:45:43 <jskarvad> OK, thanks all for participating. 14:46:09 <jskarvad> #endmeeting