00:01:02 <zoglesby> #startmeeting Fedora Docs Project - Agenda https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 00:01:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 3 00:01:02 2011 UTC. The chair is zoglesby. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:01:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:01:12 <zoglesby> #topic roll call 00:01:16 <jhradilek> <-- 00:01:41 <zoglesby> that makes two for Europe... 00:01:48 <jhradilek> :-)) 00:02:48 <jhradilek> I just hope other continents are represented too. :-) 00:02:57 <zoglesby> did my reminder get sent out today? I don't see it in my sent mail for some reason 00:03:17 <jhradilek> I didn't get any. 00:03:30 <zoglesby> uggg 00:04:03 <zoglesby> I will have to look at that 00:04:50 <zoglesby> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 00:05:28 <zoglesby> Since jjmcd is not here we are not going to get an answer on any of this 00:05:40 * Gearoid|grdryn is here (late) 00:05:45 <zoglesby> so we will talk about it agaon next week 00:06:02 <zoglesby> #action jjmcd to follow up with fedora-bookmarks packager 00:06:24 <zoglesby> #action jjmcd and nb to come up with a redirect plan 00:06:35 <nb> oh /me is here for roll call 00:06:49 <nb> but i haven't talked to jjmcd 00:07:24 <zoglesby> #action rudi to review guides schedulew 00:07:34 <rudi> Done! 00:07:39 <zoglesby> nb: okay, thanks! I think it has been a busy week for everyone 00:07:46 <zoglesby> rudi: no issues noted? 00:08:03 <rudi> Only one small anomaly (a translation item that's in the docs schedule) 00:08:15 <rudi> But otherwise, I'm happy to sign off on that ;) 00:08:46 <zoglesby> wonderful 00:09:17 <zoglesby> anyone else have any issues with the schedule? 00:10:40 <jhradilek> Not yet. :) 00:10:47 <zoglesby> okay moving on then 00:10:53 <zoglesby> #topic Guide Status 00:11:59 <zoglesby> I have not seen anyone step up to replace jjmcd on the RN so that may end up being a team effort, but hopefully someone will take charge as things progress 00:12:50 <zoglesby> any other guide updates this week? 00:14:15 <zoglesby> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 00:15:12 <zoglesby> The only thing I have here is that we have lots of bugs that are still in the NEW status that could use some updating 00:15:29 <zoglesby> jjmcd: welcome! 00:15:32 <jjmcd> Hey 00:15:50 <jjmcd> sorry I forgot between the nuke exercise yesterday and the blizzard today totally forgot 00:16:11 <zoglesby> no worries, my email failed to send 00:17:41 <zoglesby> so this week, I am going to try and scrub open bugs and update the status to reflect what is actually going on with them 00:19:03 <zoglesby> #topic Open floor discussion 00:19:08 <zoglesby> Anything else? 00:21:07 <zoglesby> Alright, that was a short one, thanks for coming have a great night 00:21:15 <jjmcd> Thanks, Zach 00:21:18 <zoglesby> #endmeeting