20:59:30 <dgilmore> #startmeeting 20:59:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Feb 4 20:59:30 2011 UTC. The chair is dgilmore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:59:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:59:40 <dgilmore> #meetingname releng 20:59:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 20:59:48 <dgilmore> #topic init 21:00:05 <dgilmore> ping anyone here for the releng meeting 21:01:14 <dgilmore> nirik: abadger1999: skvidal: notting; ox013 21:01:19 <skvidal> yes? 21:01:23 * skvidal is here 21:01:29 <dgilmore> skvidal: any interest in the releng meeting? 21:01:40 <skvidal> whatcha got? 21:01:56 <dgilmore> getting ready for F-15 alpha 21:02:07 * notting is here 21:03:40 * nirik is around 21:03:52 <nirik> I have a few items: 21:03:56 <dgilmore> lets get started 21:04:01 <nirik> * can we add xfce/lxde to the dvd. 21:04:11 <nirik> * 2 folks want to help out with overrides. 21:04:18 <dgilmore> #topic add xfce/lxde to the dvd 21:04:34 <notting> i don't know. can we? 21:04:42 <nirik> so, not sure how much space we have... but I think it shouldn't take too much. 21:04:53 <notting> (aka, test it, make sure it fits :) ) 21:05:08 <dgilmore> as long as we can get it in under a dvd size im ok with it 21:05:36 <nirik> christoph identified a few things that we could possibly move off if needed: 21:05:39 <nirik> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/xfce/2011-January/000304.html 21:06:06 <dgilmore> nirik: ok so lets add it and see how we do 21:06:15 <dgilmore> and then do some pruning if needed 21:06:19 <nirik> ok. I'll be happy to work on making it fit. 21:06:36 <nirik> I thought we had some room, but it probibly all went away. 21:06:43 <dgilmore> i need to do some test composes 21:06:52 <dgilmore> so lets get it in before i do that 21:06:59 <nirik> ok, that would be great. 21:07:06 <nirik> is that in spin-kickstarts? 21:07:28 <dgilmore> #agreed we will work to get xfce and lxde on the install dvd 21:07:31 <dgilmore> nirik: yep 21:07:51 <dgilmore> #topic people helping with overrides 21:08:00 <notting> although... does this mean that rel-eng is in charge of designing the dvd 'spin'? 21:08:16 <dgilmore> notting: i thought we already were 21:08:31 <notting> that seems odd 21:08:40 <notting> what are we designing it for? :) 21:08:42 * abadger1999 here now 21:08:56 <nirik> notting: good question. ;) 21:09:11 <dgilmore> notting: well its not so much desiging it as putting bits on it 21:09:26 <nirik> people who wish to install from install media, not live spins... 21:10:03 <notting> right, but there has been some discussion about maybe making the DVD the default option. so i'm a little leery about us being the sole deciders if that's the case 21:10:21 <dgilmore> qa wants releng to make 4 desktop livecds for qa for alpha, beta and ga. i think its ok to include those 4 desktops on the install dvd 21:11:08 <nirik> notting: yeah, if that comes to pass perhaps it should be some higher level group, but not sure what. 21:11:18 <dgilmore> nirik: fesco 21:11:49 <nirik> could be I suppose. 21:11:59 <notting> not to mention assorted side discussions @ fudcon about how spins could work in the future. but i suspect we can burn that bridge when we come to it 21:12:03 <nirik> I guess the constraint is dvd size. 21:13:45 <dgilmore> so if nothing else what we consider the 4 official desktops, should be installable via the install media 21:13:58 <nirik> so, I think making this small change makes sense to me now... but if things change around, we should revisit. 21:14:08 <dgilmore> im fine with that 21:14:41 <notting> i'm not sure we've ever made that distinction, but... sure? 21:14:47 <dgilmore> nirik: CodeBlock was one person wanting to help with overrides right? 21:14:53 <dgilmore> who was the other? 21:14:59 * nirik goes to look. 21:15:51 <nirik> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/rel-eng/2011-January/011399.html 21:16:03 <nirik> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/rel-eng/2011-January/011405.html 21:16:06 <notting> i am all for people to help with buildroot overrides 21:16:11 <nirik> nb and tomspur 21:16:15 <notting> i am even more for someone to write an app to do it automatically 21:16:31 <nirik> yes, auto app would be great. 21:16:53 <nirik> perhaps with autoexpire. ;) 21:17:04 * dgilmore is all for the auto app with an auto expire 21:17:17 <tibbs> What kind of app? 21:17:20 <nirik> in the mean time, shall we have these 2 folks help out? 21:17:47 <tibbs> I like writing little utilities like that; let me know if I can help. 21:17:57 <skvidal> tibbs: there are 2 sides to the app 21:18:03 <nirik> tibbs: it needs to take a request for a buildroot override, make sure it looks sane, tag it in and after some time or when the update goes to stable, untags it. 21:18:11 <dgilmore> tibbs: something that lets them use fas credentials to request the override, applies it and then udoes it later 21:18:15 <skvidal> one side you populate the data in a web page (most likly) 21:18:25 <skvidal> the other side sucks the data out of the db and does the override 21:18:31 <skvidal> then expires the override after a bit 21:18:49 <tibbs> Don't want to derail your meeting, but it doesn't sound to terribly difficult. 21:18:56 <tibbs> too. 21:19:17 <dgilmore> tibbs: np 21:19:18 <skvidal> tibbs: it shouldn't be - just needs the time to do the app and stow the data 21:19:39 <nirik> dunno if we would want it also to do blocks and such... 21:19:47 <dgilmore> tibbs: id like it to keep track of who and when an override is created 21:19:55 <skvidal> tibbs: I started on something before the holiday break and then, like many things, got pushed onto other higher priority interrupts 21:20:04 <dgilmore> nirik: that really needs integrating into pkgdb 21:20:18 <nirik> dgilmore: true... and unblock with unretire 21:20:28 <dgilmore> yep 21:21:00 <dgilmore> nirik: i think im ok with granting override permissions 21:21:31 * nirik thinks nb and tomspur will do fine. I'll be happy to help them... 21:21:54 <dgilmore> ok for now ill give them override perms 21:22:04 <dgilmore> #topic releng apps 21:22:13 <nirik> dgilmore: shall I reply to them? or would you like to? 21:22:19 <dgilmore> so we have a few areas we could use some development work 21:22:24 <dgilmore> nirik: i will 21:22:38 <nirik> dgilmore: thanks. 21:23:29 <dgilmore> someone wanting to get started in releng could definetly help with doing some work on pkgdb to block and unblock pkgs, 21:23:43 <dgilmore> perhaps the override stuff could be added to bodhi 21:23:57 <dgilmore> create a update and have a checkbox for an override 21:24:01 <dgilmore> or some such thing 21:24:12 <dgilmore> or it could be stand alone 21:25:14 <dgilmore> there is lots of ways we could do it 21:25:43 * nirik nods 21:26:03 <dgilmore> #topic F-15 alpha 21:26:13 <dgilmore> so alpha is coming up very soon 21:26:51 <dgilmore> one of the things listed in the feature pages is a mass rebuild for gcc46 21:26:57 <nirik> and with it the f15 branch. 21:27:18 <notting> it would be polite to do the mass rebuild before the branch 21:27:25 <dgilmore> having spoken to jakub he said that gcc46 really doesnt require a mass rebuild 21:27:32 <dgilmore> notting: right 21:27:49 <dgilmore> i think that the xz changes might make it worth doing the mass rebuild 21:27:58 <dgilmore> but we will need to do it next week 21:28:09 <dgilmore> since mass branching is right around the corner 21:28:32 <nirik> which were the xz changes? newer version with different format? 21:28:42 <dgilmore> different format 21:29:09 <dgilmore> notting: do you know exactly what the xz format change was? 21:29:38 <notting> the output changed in a compatible way 21:29:45 <notting> i.e., old xz can read the output 21:29:52 <notting> but it's not byte-for-byte the same as what it used to produce 21:29:57 <notting> hence, deltas exploded 21:30:14 <dgilmore> ok 21:30:16 <nirik> so what does a rebuild there get us? deltas would still explode? 21:30:31 <dgilmore> nirik: updates wont explode 21:30:42 <notting> yes, that. 21:31:24 <dgilmore> if the original release has the old format and update the new format we wont be able to make a propper delta for an update 21:32:39 <dgilmore> 2011-02-15 is the alpha freeze date 21:32:58 <dgilmore> so we have about 10 days to do a mass rebuild 21:33:11 <nirik> right, so things that haven't been rebuilt since new xz won't get deltas in f15 updates... 21:33:32 <dgilmore> nirik: right 21:34:09 * nirik supposes thats worth it. But most things that get lots of updates and thus are good to have deltas of, already have rebuilt since then... 21:35:03 <nirik> I suppose we could also just target things that haven't already rebuilt. 21:35:11 <notting> do we have any other big changes (aside from boost?) 21:35:40 <nirik> 2010-10-25 was when the new xz landed. 21:35:40 <dgilmore> n n 21:36:20 <dgilmore> notting: boost gcc-4.6 21:36:43 <nirik> new rpm, but thats already in and doesn't need mass rebuild. 21:36:56 <tibbs> In theory.... 21:37:36 <tibbs> I'm not sure anyone's comprehensively looked at how the new rpm's dependency generation works. 21:37:45 <tibbs> Well, how well it works. 21:38:26 <dgilmore> there could be some fun there 21:38:32 <dgilmore> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/15/FeatureList 21:38:49 <dgilmore> boost is listed as 40% complete 21:39:04 <dgilmore> which i would think makes it to early for a mass rebuild 21:39:21 <nirik> they are landing later today 21:39:24 <dgilmore> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/15/FeatureList Fedora 15 feature list 21:39:25 <nirik> they said on the devel list. 21:39:29 <dgilmore> nirik: ok 21:39:46 <nirik> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2760766 21:41:07 <dgilmore> nirik: ok. cool 21:41:23 <dgilmore> so what are everyones thoughts on a mass rebuild starting monday 21:41:31 <abadger1999> fine with me 21:41:32 <dgilmore> it would be alot of work at short notice 21:42:46 <nirik> looks like about 1/2 the packages would need it... 21:42:49 <nirik> ish 21:43:08 * rbergeron needs to update that list and is doing it in short order here, btw. 21:43:19 * rbergeron is finally functional after fudcon! woot 21:43:39 <dgilmore> nirik: yeah. id have to write something this weekend to give us a list of things not built with the new xz or gcc-4.6 21:43:51 <dgilmore> to not build absolutely everything 21:44:27 <dgilmore> #info we will do a mass rebuild starting monday 21:44:49 <dgilmore> #tasks dennis to send out a notification to devel-announce@ after meeting 21:44:52 <nirik> yeah, looks like about ~5700 packages need rebuild for xz at least. 21:45:10 <dgilmore> #topic open floor 21:45:21 <dgilmore> anyone have anything they want to bring up? 21:46:05 * nirik has not got anything. 21:46:32 <dgilmore> ok ill close up in 30 21:47:57 <dgilmore> #endmeeting