20:12:04 <liknus> #startmeeting EMEA Ambassadors Meeting 20:12:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 23 20:12:04 2011 UTC. The chair is liknus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:12:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:12:15 <liknus> #topic Roll Call 20:12:26 <liknus> welcome all to the EMEA Ambassadors Meeting 20:12:32 <liknus> please state your name :) 20:12:34 <kital> JoergSimon 20:12:36 <liknus> .fas ppapadeas 20:12:36 <zodbot> liknus: ppapadeas 'Papadeas Pierros' <ppapadeas@gmail.com> 20:12:39 <misaakidis> .fas misaakidis 20:12:41 <zodbot> misaakidis: misaakidis '' <misaakidis@yahoo.gr> 20:12:48 <zoltanh7211> .fas zoltanh721 20:12:48 <zodbot> zoltanh7211: zoltanh721 'Hoppár Zoltán' <hopparz@gmail.com> 20:13:19 <liknus> today's agenda can be found here : 20:13:28 <liknus> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2011-02-23 20:13:37 <liknus> lets start on the topics 20:13:46 <liknus> #topic Announcements 20:14:03 <liknus> So on FAmSCo we have a couple of things that we did during this month 20:14:15 <liknus> the ambassadors schedule is finalized: 20:14:23 <liknus> http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-15/f-15-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:14:47 <liknus> and we will discuss later on our EMEA specific tasks 20:15:07 <liknus> also we kickstarted the effort of building Ambassadors SOPs : 20:15:16 <liknus> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors_SOPs 20:15:31 <liknus> And feel free to contribute on that with edits and comments 20:16:15 <liknus> Also we are heading towards the selection of the FUDCon EMEA 2011 location 20:16:28 <liknus> and the biddings are open till March 15th 20:16:34 <liknus> more on that later on 20:16:45 <liknus> Any other announcement? 20:17:20 <liknus> ok moving on : 20:17:35 <liknus> #topic F14 Media production 20:17:38 <liknus> ping cwickert 20:18:11 <liknus> So after a long period of sorting out the budget problem and trademark issues we now have the "OK" to produce our media 20:18:38 <liknus> Unfortunately Cristoph is not available to help is sort it out right now but I will pursue it 20:18:52 <liknus> #action liknus pings cwickert on media production 20:18:57 <liknus> Anything more on that? 20:19:17 <liknus> moving on: 20:19:20 <liknus> #topic FUDCon EMEA Bid process 20:19:20 <kital> liknus: make a good lesson learned afterwards ;) 20:19:43 <liknus> So on the Bid process the procedure is simple 20:19:56 <liknus> The bidding towns have to have an entry on this page : 20:20:21 <GeroldKa> bonsoir 20:20:32 <kital> hola senore 20:20:55 <zoltanh7211> üdvözlet Gerold 20:22:08 <liknus> cannot find the page :S 20:22:57 <kital> liknus right now there is only one old for emea from last year 20:23:07 <kital> the general process 20:23:08 <kital> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_bid_process 20:23:22 <liknus> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_and_FAD_locations 20:23:26 <liknus> here it is : 20:23:29 <liknus> ^ 20:23:33 <kital> liknus: yes that is the old one right? 20:23:49 <liknus> yeap 20:23:50 <kital> the new bids should be done like here 20:23:53 <kital> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:LATAM_2011_Bid_Panama 20:24:02 <liknus> exactly thanks kital 20:24:25 <liknus> So right now we have the Paris team trying to find out if they will bid... 20:24:43 <liknus> and also the Brno team that is willing to host the FUDCon inaga 20:24:47 <liknus> again* 20:25:03 <liknus> Any other updates on that? 20:25:14 <GeroldKa> ! 20:25:21 <zoltanh7211> ! 20:25:31 <misaakidis> ! 20:25:42 <liknus> GeroldKa, 20:25:42 <kital> so famsco can decide what location according to some values 20:25:43 <kital> https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?hl=de&key=tJN3ZgmqZ07GujYrcvUz-LQ&authkey=CM607IkH&hl=de#gid=0 20:26:06 <liknus> kital, the descision is up to fudcon planning group 20:26:13 <GeroldKa> I must also talk with fab, because we are thinking also to step in 20:26:22 <liknus> fantastic 20:26:30 <liknus> please do so GeroldKa :) 20:26:32 <GeroldKa> and organise FAD beside Red Hat Partner Summit in Dublin in June 20:26:35 <kital> liknus since when? 20:26:47 <GeroldKa> but as I said 20:27:17 <GeroldKa> first I need to talk with fab and we are collecting pro and con for that location and then want to talk with Red Hat 20:27:20 <GeroldKa> eof 20:27:23 <kital> last period for Latam fudcon it was decided the process was organized by the planning group but FAmSCo is the place to decide 20:27:53 <kital> ping jsmith 20:27:57 <liknus> "While the decision on the winning bid is ultimately made by the majority budget sponsors, the FUDCon planning committee (made up of the FPL, FAmSCo, and other interested community members) works together with the majority budget sponsor to choose the best location. " 20:28:23 <kital> i can read famsco here ;) 20:28:36 <liknus> yeap but not only FAmSCo :) 20:28:40 <liknus> anyways 20:29:10 <liknus> zoltanh7211, 20:29:41 <zoltanh7211> I think is it a good opportunity to start something at here at Hungary 20:29:45 <zoltanh7211> BUD 20:30:46 <zoltanh7211> So, I think I (we with Kital) will do the resarch, and I make the offer 20:30:50 <zoltanh7211> eof 20:30:57 <liknus> Nice :) 20:31:10 <liknus> So glad to hear we will have multiple bids :) 20:31:10 <kital> zoltanh7211 and me will do work on the bid on the weekend 20:31:19 <liknus> thanks kital and zoltanh7211 20:31:21 <liknus> misaakidis, 20:31:26 <misaakidis> if it can wait until November/December, it can also be hosted in Limassol, Cyprus, but I will need much help as I am the only ambassador there. well, we will have the support of my university and other students 20:31:48 <kital> Budapest would be around October 20:31:49 <misaakidis> eof 20:32:03 <liknus> NOV DEC will go really close to FUDCON NA 20:32:10 <liknus> this is not advisable I guess 20:32:25 <liknus> but still misaakidis so nice to hear you are willing to bud for that 20:32:48 <misaakidis> would be nice to see you all in Cyprus! 20:32:48 <liknus> possibly we can host at least a FAD on the upcoming community of Cyprus :) 20:32:57 <misaakidis> sure! 20:33:07 <misaakidis> eof 20:33:10 <liknus> I will help by all means on that 20:33:12 <liknus> thanks misaakidis 20:33:16 <liknus> moving on : 20:33:26 <liknus> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:33:32 <liknus> http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-15/f-15-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:34:05 <liknus> so next item on our schedule is the inital meetings for media production 20:34:21 <liknus> I know it seems weird (beacause we do not even have the F14) 20:34:45 <liknus> but I am determined that planning ahead will make sure that the F14 situation wont happen again 20:35:32 <liknus> most of the Ambassadors specific tasks of the Schedule will be done throughout April and May (towards the release of F15) 20:36:08 <liknus> And I (on behalf of FAmSCo) will be responsible to make sure everything happens according to plan 20:36:18 <zoltanh7211> ! 20:36:20 <liknus> Any questions ? 20:36:22 <liknus> zoltanh7211, 20:36:48 <zoltanh7211> Could we get reminders on this? Like for the meetings? 20:38:03 <liknus> of course there will be reminders and nudges zoltanh7211 20:38:04 <liknus> :) 20:38:10 <zoltanh7211> thx 20:38:11 <liknus> Anything more on that? 20:38:14 <zoltanh7211> eof 20:38:18 * cwickert is here 20:38:22 <cwickert> ! 20:38:24 <jsmith> kital: pong 20:38:39 <liknus> cwickert, welcome :) now that you are here... how is the media production going? 20:38:53 <cwickert> it is going but... 20:39:05 <cwickert> no multi desktop dvd this time 20:39:14 <cwickert> we still need to figure out some issues 20:39:37 <liknus> concerning the multi DVD? 20:39:41 <cwickert> yes 20:39:52 <kital> jsmith: unping - sorry was about the decissionmaking for fudcon emea - if you plan to leave it to famsco like for latam 20:40:01 <cwickert> the multiboot-media-creator is currently being redone in python 20:40:26 <jsmith> kital: It'll be a combination of FAMSco, FPL, and Comm Arch representative from RH :-) 20:40:33 <cwickert> F14 media should be ready in time for CLT 20:40:35 <kital> jsmith: but liknus showed me the official wording already 20:40:46 <kital> jsmith: yep 20:41:11 <cwickert> may I continue? 20:41:30 <t2hot> sorry, I'm late 20:41:38 <liknus> cwickert, go ahead 20:42:02 * liknus waves to t2hot 20:42:07 <cwickert> ok, what about the F15 media? liknus, you wanted to add something on this? 20:42:16 <cwickert> what meeting? 20:42:54 <liknus> on inital evaluation of the F14 process and setting owner and deadlines 20:43:11 * cwickert is confused now 20:43:24 <cwickert> IMHO this should happen as part of normal ambassadors meetings 20:43:35 <liknus> this will be the case 20:43:40 <cwickert> the dedicated meeting on media was only necessary because the process was stuck 20:43:57 <liknus> the item in schedule is there to remind that this should be part of regular meetings 20:44:10 <cwickert> ok, I will get updated quotes then and we can file a ticket for the budget 20:44:22 <cwickert> in fact I think we can already file the ticket now I think 20:44:28 <liknus> (most of the items concerning the regional teams will be handled in their meetings, like this one) 20:44:45 <liknus> everything in time cwickert 20:44:58 <liknus> lets get F14 out of the way first 20:45:05 <liknus> so anything more on that people? 20:45:12 <cwickert> nope, eof 20:45:17 <t2hot> ? 20:46:10 <liknus> t2hot, 20:46:58 <t2hot> Just wondering if spending on f14 media is still justified considering the timeframe for F15 release ... a month away? 20:47:27 <t2hot> eof 20:47:27 <liknus> t2hot, release in within May 20:47:31 <cwickert> ! 20:47:36 <kital> ! 20:47:42 <liknus> and also we have events ahead of us 20:47:54 <liknus> possibly a reduced number can be justified 20:47:56 <liknus> cwickert, 20:47:58 <cwickert> t2hot: look at the events page, we have a lot and big events in March and April 20:48:06 <cwickert> in fact I already ordered less 20:48:10 <cwickert> eof 20:48:12 * kital just wanted also point to reduce the number 20:48:18 <cwickert> :) 20:48:21 <t2hot> ! 20:48:27 * cwickert can read your thoughts 20:48:50 <liknus> t2hot, 20:48:58 <liknus> nice to know cwickert + kital 20:49:35 <t2hot> sorry, ,mixing the dates for Gnome3 release up ... 20:49:40 <t2hot> eof 20:49:57 <cwickert> ! 20:50:22 <liknus> cwickert, 20:50:45 <cwickert> gnome 3 is another important thing: we might want to keep some F14 media even after F15 is out because gnome will horribly broken and doesn't run on many devices 20:51:02 <cwickert> so if we have some F14 media left after the F15 release, this is not a bad thing 20:51:04 <cwickert> eof 20:51:20 <liknus> cwickert, nicely noted... although I think that most machines will be ok 20:51:29 <liknus> moving on people? 20:51:45 * cwickert loughs out loud on liknus ;) 20:51:48 <t2hot> *attending this meeting on a Gnome3 machine ....hehehehe 20:52:09 <liknus> t2hot, nice! 20:52:15 <liknus> ok people 20:52:22 <liknus> we are approaching one hour meeting 20:52:38 <liknus> shall we dive in the Goal #4 or not? 20:52:50 <liknus> (it will bring a long discussion) 20:53:11 <liknus> I believe it can wait (and announced properly) for the next meeting 20:53:21 <liknus> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:53:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:53:23 <kital> liknus: lets take it for the next meeting it is a long term goal 20:53:38 <liknus> Everyone in favor for slipping it to the next meeting? 20:53:41 <liknus> +1 for me 20:53:44 <cwickert> +1 20:53:47 <zoltanh7211> +1 20:53:47 <misaakidis> +1 20:54:02 <zoltanh7211> Let it be the first theme 20:54:05 <liknus> #agreed Goal #4 discussion will be slipped for the next meeting 20:54:11 <liknus> zoltanh7211, will do 20:54:15 <liknus> #topic Open Floor 20:54:20 <liknus> I will end the meeting in 2 mins 20:54:37 <liknus> Thanks all for attending, it was indeed a productive meeting :) 20:54:54 <misaakidis> ! 20:55:06 <liknus> misaakidis, 20:55:08 * t2hot ... wondering the conclusion on dual-layer DVD (f14) order 20:55:28 <misaakidis> This semester I will be in Madrid, Spain 20:55:40 <misaakidis> if you need anything, let me know! 20:55:51 <liknus> t2hot, cwickert will sort out the creation tool problem and procede with production 20:56:05 <liknus> misaakidis, maybe you can activate more the Spanish community! 20:56:16 * t2hot thanks liknus 20:56:23 <liknus> ok people it was nice talking to you today :) 20:56:28 <cwickert> t2hot: lets discuss this after the meeting 20:56:35 <zoltanh7211> Thank you guys 20:56:38 <liknus> #endmeeting