13:20:42 <kaio> #startmeeting 13:20:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Mar 5 13:20:42 2011 UTC. The chair is kaio. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:20:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:20:50 <kaio> #meetingname famsco 13:20:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 13:21:49 <kaio> getting agenda 13:23:29 <kaio> #topic Review open action items 13:23:34 <kaio> anyth? 13:23:46 * gbraad think we should rename this meeting to Peanut Gallery Open Respect Committee! 13:24:21 <gbraad> nope 13:24:52 <igorps> Larry is not here, so we can move to "Draft a proposal to infra and board about easing out the process for applying for a subdomain on fc.o" 13:25:15 <igorps> gbraad, kaio: any news? 13:25:16 <gbraad> same for my topic, related to this 13:25:29 <igorps> ok 13:25:51 <kaio> will get back in coming week 13:25:56 <kaio> next 13:26:07 * kaio liknus posts about Ambassadors SOPs 13:26:56 <kaio> #action gbraad & kaio Draft a proposal to infra and board about easing out the process for applying for a subdomain on fc.o 13:27:34 <kaio> as liknus is not here, I put that to this week action also 13:27:44 <kaio> #action liknus posts about Ambassadors SOPs 13:28:08 <kaio> this has been done - kaio send email to fam list about 600 CD for APAC fam to spread 13:28:21 <kaio> got a couple of fam raised their hands 13:28:22 <igorps> we need new SOPs now 13:28:35 <igorps> Should we start to work on Rahul's topics until he come back? 13:28:47 <kaio> ++ 13:28:54 <igorps> yn1v: Did you email him again? 13:29:00 <yn1v> yes I did. 13:29:15 <yn1v> I didn 't get reply this time 13:29:49 <gbraad> I remember he already did some work for this. 13:29:49 <igorps> Ok, let's wait a bit more 13:30:00 <kaio> yn1v, could you please keep it updated, thx :) 13:30:10 <igorps> we need to know what is ready yet 13:30:19 <kaio> ok 13:30:43 <yn1v> kaio, yes... I will email him again. 13:31:19 <igorps> Maybe we will get a limesurvey instance on Fedora infra 13:31:31 <igorps> that would be very helpful for us 13:31:46 <kaio> igorps, cool thx, pls put that as action item 13:32:01 <yn1v> limesurvey was stuck on some libraries that were forked from upstream 13:32:16 <kaio> #chair igorps gbraad yn1v 13:32:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad igorps kaio yn1v 13:32:28 <igorps> yn1v: I hope it gets its way soon 13:32:47 <yn1v> lime survey as a fedora infraestructure service has been on hold for about one year 13:33:16 <yn1v> I will love to have such tool. Probably we need to push it a bit again 13:33:37 <igorps> #action igorps to check if a limesurvey instance would be helpful for FAMSCo survey 13:34:02 <igorps> There is an ongoing discussion on -advisory-list 13:34:58 <igorps> Even if not on our Infra we can still use limeservice.com 13:36:02 <yn1v> yes, and if we need extra questions beyond the free ones, It has been paid in the past 13:36:44 <igorps> good to know, yn1v 13:37:36 <gbraad> move on? 13:38:16 <igorps> #action yn1v will check with Rahul what he already has for the survey 13:38:42 <igorps> we can move to the next topic 13:39:38 <igorps> next one is from kaio 13:39:59 <kaio> igorps, 600 CDs? 13:40:04 <igorps> "Legal of Fedora Classroom" 13:40:43 <kaio> I think dramsey had been trying to push this among APAC. 13:41:10 <kaio> and there was a thread about which topics should be taught (globally) 13:41:47 <kaio> to make this happen we should plan the infra and list the people who wants to involve 13:41:58 <kaio> i.e. to teach and to be taught 13:42:12 <igorps> We are trying to figure out the same thing for LATAM 13:42:45 <igorps> I guess there are no legal issues here 13:43:03 <gbraad> Legal issues were related to the idea of 'RHCE' topics 13:43:05 <kaio> also another thing is about the "software/skills/knowledge of the tutor" 13:43:31 <gbraad> also keep Kevin in the loop of efforts 13:43:38 <igorps> gbraad: thanks for clarifying 13:43:53 <gbraad> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom_Help_Wanted 13:44:06 <kaio> gbraad, yes RHCE is demanded but need to be approved by RH if we need to teach it officially 13:44:14 <gbraad> I already discussed with him to be an instructor 13:44:17 <igorps> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom_Help_Wanted 13:44:18 <yn1v> there are some topics that may become 'complicated' like it happen with sqlninja 13:44:33 <kaio> I have RHCE but seems another cert/course need to be done before teaching 13:44:40 <gbraad> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRC/Classroom 13:44:45 <yn1v> but I don't think that will happen for latam or apac 13:45:15 <kaio> I think getting a "tutor" cert wont cost more than a RHCE cert. 13:45:22 <gbraad> I am still waiting for a reply of quaid and spevack about further efforts which are related to Fedora Classroom 13:45:57 <kaio> let's get this spinning 13:46:10 <gbraad> personally I am writing material which can be used by Fedora, but also by POSSE 13:46:31 <gbraad> I use it for my own classes I teach 13:47:30 <gbraad> BTW, I also reserved the url fedoraclassroom.org so we can use this if further actions are taken to improve the Classroom sessions 13:47:46 <yn1v> great! 13:47:46 <igorps> that's great gbraad 13:47:49 <gbraad> I think it is a good way to involve communities, but also provide that extra incentive for Fedora 13:49:14 <gbraad> I think we need to discuss a little morpe how we can involve this on a larger scale between, EMEA, APAC and LATAM/NA 13:49:31 <gbraad> I do see the option/needs of differents languages 13:49:58 <igorps> The only way is having classes on local languages 13:50:15 <igorps> but first we need to figure out what classes are desired 13:50:25 <gbraad> #action start the discussion of Fedora Classroom sessions 13:50:31 <igorps> and then put a schedule together 13:51:14 <igorps> I think we should keep this issue for next meetings as well 13:51:40 <igorps> so we can discuss how it is going 13:51:55 <gbraad> +1. I think we need to collect more info. move on? 13:52:04 <igorps> +1 13:52:52 <igorps> kaio: anything else to add to your topics? 13:54:10 <kaio> +1 I will check out about how to get me from RHCE to RHCE tutor. (seems need to get a cert about lab setup etc) 13:54:52 <kaio> #action kaio checks out how to get RHCE tutor and RHCX qualification 13:55:11 <igorps> thanks kaio 13:55:48 <kaio> igorps, hope I am still able to get it before RHEL6 as RHCE testing OS 13:56:16 <igorps> That would be nice! 13:56:38 <igorps> I would like you guys to know that our February report draft is place on the wiki: 13:56:47 <igorps> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_report_2011-02 13:57:08 <kaio> nice 13:57:51 <igorps> I'm wiling to publish it on Wednesday since I'll be off on the rest of the week 13:57:54 * gbraad suggests igorps to do a classroom about publican ;-) and add to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project/Course_for_New_Contributors 13:59:01 <igorps> gbraad: thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into that although I consider myself I publican newbie yet. :) 13:59:46 <gbraad> maybe being a newbie can help to make the gurus understand what to teach 14:00:19 <gbraad> ok, almost an hour. 14:00:25 <igorps> that would be a good approach for sure 14:00:43 <igorps> I'm done with my updates 14:02:07 <kaio> anyth need to update? 14:02:24 <yn1v> not on my side 14:02:28 <gbraad> nope 14:02:50 <kaio> so lets wrap the meeting up 14:03:09 <kaio> #kaio gets 600 CDs out of door by next week 14:03:24 <kaio> #action kaio gets 600 CDs out of door by next week 14:03:39 <kaio> thx guys and see you next week 14:03:44 <kaio> #endmeeting