19:31:57 <nirik> #startmeeting EPEL (2011-05-02) 19:31:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 2 19:31:57 2011 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:31:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:31:57 <nirik> #meetingname epel 19:31:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 19:31:58 <nirik> #topic init process/agenda 19:31:58 <nirik> #chair smooge tremble 19:31:58 <nirik> EPEL meeting ping abadger1999 rsc stahnma tremble dgilmore smooge nb maxamillion tremble Jeff_S 19:31:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: nirik smooge tremble 19:32:26 <stahnma> hi 19:33:13 <dgilmore> hola 19:33:36 <nirik> I had just a few things today: broken deps reports, epel and ius, and packages shipped in epel for arches rhel doesn't ship on. 19:33:59 <nb> oh im here 19:34:03 <CodeBlock> o/ 19:35:13 <nirik> anyone have other topics? or shall we start in? 19:35:26 <stahnma> sounds good to me 19:35:46 <nirik> #topic Broken dep reports 19:35:57 <nirik> ok, so the first round of broken dep reports went out this weekend. 19:36:07 <nirik> I've seen a few commits fixing things too. 19:36:12 <nirik> so, sounds like people got the emails. 19:36:18 <stahnma> i got them 19:36:55 <nirik> cool. ;) 19:37:06 <nirik> as far as I know they are accurate. 19:37:11 <nirik> they should run every week now. 19:37:12 <stahnma> seems like it 19:37:58 <nirik> anything more on broken deps? or shall we move on? 19:38:44 <nirik> #topic EPEL and IUS 19:38:50 <nirik> so there was some talk about this on the list. 19:39:11 <nirik> basically that IUS would be the place for things that replaced rhel packages (ie can conflict) 19:39:36 <nirik> there was some more talk about bringing IUS into the EPEL setup, but it's unclear to me what advantages that has. 19:40:06 <stahnma> so would IUS be for namespaced things also? Like python26 19:40:09 <stahnma> ? 19:40:47 <nirik> well, IMHO, no. 19:40:47 <dgilmore> python26 doesnt conflict 19:40:58 <nirik> things that don't conflict can be in epel... 19:41:20 <nirik> but do we have any desire to work with pulling IUS into our setup? I don't even know if they want that... ;) 19:42:28 <stahnma> I don't know what the advantage would be really 19:42:44 <stahnma> and I'm not sure how stringent they are on packaging guidelines and such 19:43:02 <stahnma> the lower barrier to entry may be part of their appeal for packagers?/? 19:43:07 <nirik> well, the one listed in the thread was that epel had a 'name' ie, was well known and IUS was another repo they had to talk management into using 19:43:17 <stahnma> <--- pure speculation 19:43:47 <nirik> anyhow, I guess we can't/shouldn't do anything until we hear from them... we can see if derks can join our next meeting. 19:43:48 <stahnma> unless it would bring in more active manpower for epel, I can't see a huge upside... 19:43:58 <stahnma> as the infrastructure of epel is overtaxed today 19:44:04 <stahnma> infrastructure team that is 19:44:09 <abadger1999> <nod> 19:44:46 <stahnma> I mean, I hate fragmentation as much as the next guy, but throwing more work at epel without any more help doesn't seem good 19:45:02 <nirik> yeah. 19:45:04 <stahnma> (this being said from a complete slacker) 19:45:06 <stahnma> ;) 19:45:13 <nirik> well, lets table this until we can get IUS folks imput... 19:45:17 <stahnma> ok 19:45:46 <abadger1999> When fedora.us existed as an addon to RHL, there was supposed to be a separate repo for things that replaced core components... but I don't htink it got sufficient manpower to get off the ground. 19:46:01 <abadger1999> nirik: +1 19:46:05 <nirik> yeah, maintaining stuff is not fun/easy. ;) 19:46:11 <nirik> (at least sometimes) 19:46:19 <nirik> ok, moving along... 19:46:40 <nirik> #topic Packages that RHEL ships only on a subset of arches 19:47:03 <nirik> So, we have some packages where rhel only shipped them on one arch... and we said we could ship them to provide them on the other arches. 19:47:13 <nirik> I'm going to try and generate a list of these. 19:47:17 <dgilmore> we have to build and ship them on all arches 19:47:20 <nirik> I think we need to keep track of them much better. 19:47:26 <nirik> dgilmore: yeah. 19:47:28 <dgilmore> so should take steps to make sure our evr is lower 19:47:49 <nirik> right. Should have a guidelines section for them and a list of them. 19:48:16 <nirik> right now it's unclear how many there are or if maintainers are doing the right thing with them. 19:49:25 <nirik> so, I will generate a new list and we can go from there. 19:49:38 <nirik> Unless someone else would like to do it. :) 19:49:41 * stahnma makes a note to only maintain noarch packages from now on ;) 19:51:38 <nirik> #action nirik will make a list 19:51:41 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 19:51:45 <nirik> anything for open floor? 19:52:52 * nirik listens to the silence. ;) 19:52:59 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone! 19:53:01 <nirik> #endmeeting