23:06:03 <nb> #startmeeting fedora docs 23:06:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 11 23:06:03 2011 UTC. The chair is nb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:06:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:06:08 <nb> #meetingname docs 23:06:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs' 23:06:16 <nb> #chair jjmcd 23:06:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: jjmcd nb 23:06:30 <nb> #topic Roll call 23:06:32 * nb 23:06:40 * jhradilek is here. 23:06:44 * rudi_ is here 23:06:44 * jjmcd 23:07:43 <nb> #topic draft guide status and buildsystem status 23:07:45 <nb> rudi_, ? 23:07:48 <nb> and jjmcd maybe? 23:08:03 <rudi_> Frustratingly close! 23:08:09 <jjmcd> Sorry, I can't help much here 23:08:16 <rudi_> I'm having trouble with the sqlite database 23:08:37 <jjmcd> The db itself or the perl around it? 23:08:42 <rudi_> Even though it's supposedly using UTF-8, non ASCII characters are getting munched 23:09:02 <rudi_> Which is a problem for practically every language other than English :( 23:09:26 <jjmcd> Yeah, I had to do a fair bit of screwing around with d-p-r to resolve that 23:09:31 <rudi_> If anyone has any sqlite chops, I'd be grateful for suggestions 23:09:38 <jjmcd> and none of what I ended up doing made any sense 23:09:51 <rudi_> jjmcd -- sorry, d-p-r? 23:09:58 <jjmcd> doc-publican-rpm 23:10:08 <rudi_> (Still a bit flu-ish this morning, head is cloudy) 23:10:13 <rudi_> Oh right 23:10:19 <rudi_> Did you find a solution? 23:10:36 <jjmcd> Yeah, but I never really understood why 23:10:55 <jjmcd> Seems like the problem was that C wanted to output ASCII 23:11:13 <jjmcd> I wonder if what you are seeing isn't happening in the perl 23:11:31 <rudi_> No -- the spec file has valid UTF-8 in it 23:11:52 <rudi_> It's happening when yum processes the %post part of the spec :( 23:12:04 <jjmcd> oh great 23:12:05 <rudi_> s/ym/rpm 23:13:05 <jjmcd> Doesn't sound like a lot of fun 23:13:59 <rudi_> Anyway; getting the automation in place just hinges on that; everything else is working fine 23:14:36 <rudi_> (automatic checkout of sources, automatic update of translations, automatic package build, automatic installation) 23:14:48 <nb> rudi_, great, i'm glad to hear progress is being made 23:15:24 <nb> anything else on this topic? 23:16:36 <rudi_> not right now 23:16:49 <nb> #topic Fedora 15 Schedule 23:16:55 <nb> we should be getting a f-r-n built 23:16:57 <nb> i think this is done? 23:17:07 <nb> have we refreshed the pots in tx.net for the guides that have been updated? 23:17:18 <jjmcd> OK, lots here 23:17:36 <jjmcd> First of all, the RPM is built. Many thanks to those who gave it karma 23:17:44 <jjmcd> Got through bodhi in record time 23:17:49 <jjmcd> Unfortunately .... 23:17:58 <jjmcd> THe only language in the RPM is en-US 23:18:13 <nb> why? 23:18:16 <jjmcd> I could seem to do NOTHING with tx, and neither rudi nor nb were around 23:18:20 <nb> oh 23:18:21 <jjmcd> *BUT* 23:18:29 <jjmcd> It was moot, there were no translations ready 23:18:44 <jjmcd> I know the French team was working hard 23:19:05 <jjmcd> But even after I dragged my feet past where I should have they were only at 75% 23:19:36 <jjmcd> So it went out with en-US only. Translations will have to wait for zero day 23:19:42 <nb> i have doubts about if we will make final 23:19:53 <jjmcd> In the process I made a number of improvements to d-p-r 23:20:01 <jjmcd> so it you have it installed get a new copy 23:20:06 <nb> i think its supposed to be next tuesday and i don't think they've gotten a live RC able to be built yet 23:20:15 <jjmcd> Ahhhh, interesting 23:20:27 * jjmcd will be in Lansing all day Tuesday 23:20:41 <nb> jjmcd, if we slip, we could possibly push a new f-r-n through 23:20:47 <jjmcd> Sure 23:21:11 <jjmcd> If you and/or rudi could help get me through these tx issues, making an rpm is a piece of cake 23:21:41 <rudi_> jjmcd -- sure; let's link up later 23:21:53 <jjmcd> I must be missing somehting 23:22:04 <jjmcd> It complains I don't have a .transifexrc but I do 23:22:16 <nb> and make sure you use transifex from hg 23:22:18 <nb> not the one in the repos 23:22:29 <jjmcd> I prolly have the one from yum 23:22:51 <nb> it should work but just won't map the langcodes for you 23:23:02 <jjmcd> aaarrghh 23:23:48 <jjmcd> does he have an rpm on hg or do I need to do the tarball thing 23:23:55 <nb> tarball thing 23:24:01 <nb> jjmcd, i'll build an updated one 23:24:17 <jjmcd> won't be the first time I've typie ./config 23:24:49 <rudi_> Ah OK -- nb, did you install the version from nb on that test server? 23:24:55 <rudi_> *from hg! 23:25:04 <nb> #topic Release Notes 23:25:06 <nb> rudi_, no 23:25:13 <nb> rudi_, i'll get a link after the meeting 23:25:35 <rudi_> Ta 23:27:34 <nb> anything else about release notes? 23:27:43 <jjmcd> not that I have 23:29:46 <nb> #topic Guide Status 23:31:09 <nb> anything about the guides? 23:31:37 <rudi_> Not right now; other than observing that we're obviously very late this time round 23:31:52 * jhradilek is obviously very late with Deployment Guide. 23:32:46 <rudi_> We might need to define a core set of guides that we will ensure will be available at GA 23:32:58 <rudi_> The IG is probably one of them 23:33:32 <jjmcd> Trouble is, the UG is another important one and it needs tons of work this release 23:33:46 <jjmcd> Prolly the IG is going to turn out hard, too 23:33:52 <rudi_> Yeah, it is :( 23:34:08 <rudi_> But I'll step up and guarantee the IG for GA 23:34:23 <rudi_> (and will try for the IQSG as well) 23:34:37 <rudi_> We won't have translations for GA though 23:34:40 <nb> have we updated the pots lately? 23:34:44 <nb> or have we had many changes? 23:34:51 <jjmcd> I know zach is trying to get the UG done 23:35:17 <rudi_> No, not (m)any changes yet 23:35:54 <jhradilek> I will do my best to finish the Deployment Guide in time, but I cannot guarantee that. :-/ 23:53:46 <rudi_> Hmmm -- have we dropped out or something? 23:54:22 <jhradilek> Looks like it. 23:54:44 <jjmcd> I've been patiently waiting 23:55:39 <jjmcd> Well, nb did you fall asleep? 23:56:11 <jjmcd> OK, moving on then 23:56:24 <jjmcd> #topic Open floor discussion 23:56:36 <jjmcd> (Since we didn't have much of an agenda) 23:57:06 <jjmcd> Anyone have anything? rbergeron? quaid? Other lurkers? 23:58:06 <jjmcd> I guess I'll post the minutes. Thanks all 23:58:10 <jjmcd> #endmeeting