======================= #fedora-meeting: FAmSCo ======================= Meeting started by gbraad at 14:31:24 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-05-14/fedora-meeting.2011-05-14-14.31.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Open Floor (gbraad, 14:33:09) * LINK: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/advisory-board/2011-May/010667.html (igorps, 14:35:53) * ACTION: Need to appoint tasks to other members within FAmSCo due to resignation. Need further dicussion on list (gbraad, 14:38:55) * ACTION: Inform the Ambassadors list for replacement for the coming town hall meetings. (gbraad, 14:44:11) * ACTION: Gerard will take the task: "Present Scott Williams as a Mentor for North America for FAmSCo approval." (gbraad, 14:47:00) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_report_2011-04 (igorps, 14:47:35) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/161 (igorps, 14:52:08) * ACTION: Appoint role of budget mover due to resignation and availability of spevack (gbraad, 14:53:36) * ACTION: igorps to update ticket 161 and send an email to FAmSCo ml (igorps, 15:01:32) * ACTION: Discuss of FAmSCo meeting at the next FUDCon opportunity, e.g. cost for travel (gbraad, 15:10:27) Meeting ended at 15:21:45 UTC. Action Items ------------ * Need to appoint tasks to other members within FAmSCo due to resignation. Need further dicussion on list * Inform the Ambassadors list for replacement for the coming town hall meetings. * Gerard will take the task: "Present Scott Williams as a Mentor for North America for FAmSCo approval." * Appoint role of budget mover due to resignation and availability of spevack * igorps to update ticket 161 and send an email to FAmSCo ml * Discuss of FAmSCo meeting at the next FUDCon opportunity, e.g. cost for travel Action Items, by person ----------------------- * igorps * igorps to update ticket 161 and send an email to FAmSCo ml * **UNASSIGNED** * Need to appoint tasks to other members within FAmSCo due to resignation. Need further dicussion on list * Inform the Ambassadors list for replacement for the coming town hall meetings. * Gerard will take the task: "Present Scott Williams as a Mentor for North America for FAmSCo approval." * Appoint role of budget mover due to resignation and availability of spevack * Discuss of FAmSCo meeting at the next FUDCon opportunity, e.g. cost for travel People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * gbraad (64) * igorps (60) * yn1v (31) * kaio (22) * zodbot (4) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot