05:04:57 <tagoh> #startmeeting i18n 05:04:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 26 05:04:57 2011 UTC. The chair is tagoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:04:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:05:01 <tagoh> #meetingname i18n 05:05:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:05:07 <tagoh> #topic agenda and roll call 05:05:16 <juhp> hello 05:05:20 <dueno> hi 05:05:31 <tagoh> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2011-05-26 05:05:43 <tagoh> hi guys 05:06:16 <tagoh> please add any topics to the agenda page if you have anything or bring it up at the end. 05:09:24 <tagoh> who else here? shall we get started then? :) 05:10:38 <pravins> hi 05:10:41 <tagoh> okay, let's go. 05:10:46 <tagoh> #topic F16 05:11:02 <tagoh> planning and development just started. 05:11:17 <epico_laptop> hi 05:11:39 <tagoh> upcoming event on f16 would be "Feature Submission Deadline" at July 12 05:12:26 <tagoh> is there any idea for i18n features we may want to promote for f16? :) 05:12:38 <pravins> tagoh: :) 05:13:13 <juhp> I have an idea ;) 05:13:30 <juhp> when is the feature freeze though? 05:14:02 <tagoh> July 26 05:14:12 <juhp> yes right 05:14:33 <juhp> fujiwarat, well wondering if we can do a feature for gnome3 xkb/ibus unification ! 05:14:41 <31NAAH2VI> hi 05:14:48 <juhp> bit ambitious I know 05:15:14 <juhp> phew ;) 05:15:25 * dychen does not know why his username become 31NNAH2VI 05:15:51 <tagoh> aha 05:16:06 <fujiwarat> juhp: Yes, I'm working on ibus + xkb for gnome-shell. 05:16:27 <tagoh> yeah, that would be a good candidate though, dunno if it's feasible in a timely manner. 05:17:34 <juhp> true - though if we want to get it into F16 might be good 05:17:49 <fujiwarat> Ah, you're talking about feature freeze. 05:17:50 <juhp> fujiwarat, yeah I mean as an "official" F16 Feature 05:18:04 <juhp> yes 05:18:30 <juhp> but there may be dependencies upstream too... hmm 05:18:38 <tagoh> right 05:18:42 <fujiwarat> Hmm.., it might be a little hard. 05:18:47 <juhp> if we could do a join feature with the desktop team that would be ideal IMHO 05:18:51 <juhp> fujiwarat, I see 05:19:29 <juhp> well I don't if it is not a Feature - if it can still land in F16 or maybe F17 is more realistic? 05:19:33 <juhp> ^ mind 05:20:06 <fujiwarat> thx for the notice 05:21:31 <tagoh> okay, anything else? 05:22:34 <juhp> s/join/joint/ 05:22:41 <dueno> just an idea - how about doing it gradually? like adding ibus-gnome3 package including gnome-shell-extension for ibus-indicator and ibus-setup replacement using ccpanel? 05:23:01 <juhp> dueno, that sounds nice 05:23:30 <juhp> so then it could be integrated afterwards in gnome-shell? 05:25:04 <juhp> any other features to consider? 05:26:27 <fujiwarat> Do you mean the packages will be obsoleted after the fix is integrated in gnome-shell? 05:28:15 <dueno> juhp: yes, dunno how hard it is though...maybe I could help 05:28:23 <fujiwarat> Hmm.., maybe 05:28:48 <dueno> fujiwarat: yes 05:31:29 <tagoh> well, we could still propose any features till the window is closed, so please keep in mind if any good features to improve i18n support in fedora. 05:32:05 <tagoh> move on 05:32:18 <tagoh> #topic Bugzilla house keeping 05:32:55 <tagoh> tried to ping on f13 bugs to get some updates. thanks for adding some comments there. 05:33:22 <tagoh> though we still have 21 bugs open there. need to triage them a bit. 05:35:12 <tagoh> though about 50% bugs are open by abrt. dunno if it can be reproduced or fixed in f15 05:37:08 <tagoh> also good to have a look at other bugs too.. 05:37:49 <tagoh> any bugs you want to discuss here? 05:38:58 <juhp> dueno, fujiwarat: sounds good 05:40:06 <fujiwarat> fedbot bug 707370 05:40:09 <fedbot> fujiwarat: Bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=707370 unspecified, unspecified, ---, tfujiwar, NEW, [abrt] ibus- connection.py:630:call_blocking:DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: Can not find engine xkb:layout:fr. 05:40:40 <juhp> dychen, epico_laptop: do you have time to go through your f13 bugs please? 05:40:53 <fujiwarat> Recently several SetEngine bugs are reported. It would be nice if you could notice how to reproduce the bug. 05:42:08 <juhp> fujiwarat, hmm not much clear information in the bug 05:42:13 <juhp> does it make sense to you? 05:42:42 <epico_laptop> juhp: ok. will do it. 05:43:08 <juhp> cool 05:43:22 <fujiwarat> I also think the information is not enough but I would see the several reports, not sure. 05:44:07 <dychen> juhp, will do. 05:44:55 <juhp> tagoh: the dup mention ibus-mozc fwiw 05:44:59 <juhp> mentions 05:45:05 <juhp> dychen, thanks 05:45:16 <tagoh> juhp: aha 05:46:10 <tagoh> juhp: not too much experience on f15 yet. let me see later. 05:47:34 <tagoh> not sure if it's f15 specific though 05:48:02 <juhp> yeah dunno 05:48:13 <juhp> I haven't seen any ibus crashes yet 05:48:18 <juhp> in general I mean 05:48:23 <fujiwarat> SetEngine logic is different between ibus 1.3 and 1.4 so it's good with f15. 05:48:31 <tagoh> okay 05:50:09 <tagoh> will keep up to catch f13 bugs up this week too, anyway. 05:50:17 <tagoh> better move on. 05:50:24 <tagoh> #topic Package Updates 05:51:20 <epico_laptop> fixes bugs new tools in libpinyin, will try to use larger file to test the new tools. 05:51:33 <tagoh> aha 05:51:47 <epico_laptop> update ibus-pinyin for Fedora 15. 05:54:06 <tagoh> any packages else you need any volunteers for testing? 05:54:06 <pravins> i pushed lohit devanagari against bug 702058 05:54:28 <tagoh> .bug 702058 05:54:30 <zodbot> tagoh: Bug 702058 self intersecting paths - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=702058 05:54:37 <tagoh> cool 05:56:32 <tagoh> shall we move on if nothing else? :) 05:56:54 <tagoh> #topic Input Methods 05:57:11 <tagoh> any updates of IM you want to share? 05:58:45 <fujiwarat> I updated input-pad for f15 last week but yum is still old 05:59:04 <juhp> I think there is a new ibus-m17n for f15 in testing btw 06:00:29 <tagoh> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/ibus-m17n-1.3.2-3.fc15 06:00:50 <juhp> actually two ;) 06:00:55 <juhp> yeah 06:01:03 <dueno> yes, thanks 06:01:13 <juhp> not quite sure why -2.fc15 is not obsoleted yet 06:01:24 <tagoh> ah, yeah, two ;) 06:01:44 <juhp> would be good to get one of them pushed soon for people upgrading from f14 :) 06:02:46 <juhp> dueno, do you want to push -2 first? 06:02:58 <juhp> I am happy to test and give it karma 06:03:04 <juhp> and perhaps you could too 06:03:48 <dueno> juhp: ok, will do -2 first 06:03:56 <juhp> okay sure 06:04:06 <tagoh> okay, anything else? 06:04:34 <pravins> wrote blog about i18n new things and improvement in Fedora 15 06:04:35 <pravins> http://pravin-s.blogspot.com/2011/05/indic-internationalization-new.html 06:04:59 <tagoh> great! 06:06:08 <pravins> really we did so many things for F15 06:07:30 <tagoh> okay, let's move on. 06:07:36 <tagoh> #topic Fonts and Rendering 06:07:54 <tagoh> any updates on fonts and rendering? 06:09:27 <pravins> .bug 597403 06:09:29 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 597403 usc fonts are outdated - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=597403 06:09:57 <pravins> tagoh: thanks for your testing of earlier scratch build 06:11:54 <tagoh> pravins: well, not really. just reminds me that issue wasn't yet fixed ;) 06:12:21 <tagoh> not aware of if it's the case for you :) 06:13:17 <tagoh> that would be a good test case anyway. 06:13:23 <pravins> yeah 06:13:31 <pravins> long pending thing from my side :( 06:13:58 <tagoh> thanks for taking an action on it. good to see some progress. 06:14:52 <tagoh> okay, going to close the meeting unless you have anything want to talk more. 06:16:20 <tagoh> thanks everyone for the meeting! 06:16:28 <tagoh> #endmeeting