17:00:31 <EvilBob> #startmeeting 17:00:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 16 17:00:31 2011 UTC. The chair is EvilBob. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:31 <EvilBob> #meetingname irc-support-sig 17:00:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 17:00:31 <EvilBob> #meetingtopic IRC Support SIG Meeting 17:00:31 <EvilBob> Feel free to bring up additional topics in the "Open Floor" section of the meeting. 17:00:36 <EvilBob> Feel free to bring up additional topics in the "Open Floor" section of the meeting. 17:00:54 * thomasj here 17:00:59 <EvilBob> Will get started here in about 5mins 17:01:00 * Southern_Gentlem 17:01:06 * jayson_r 17:01:09 * N3LRX 17:01:19 * nirik 17:01:42 <EvilBob> This is always the longest 5 minutes ever 17:01:52 * zcat ☕ 17:02:31 * Nushio 17:02:50 * DiscordianUK is here 17:03:30 * mock is vaguely here 17:03:32 <EvilBob> #topic Week in Review 17:03:32 <EvilBob> #link http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html 17:03:54 <nirik> busy week, lots of f15 folks again. 17:04:42 <EvilBob> Looks like 5 kicks 17:04:52 <EvilBob> Not sure the reasons 17:05:30 <EvilBob> Some how DrM got to the top of the list, was it all bad advice, noise or asking questions? 17:06:00 <nirik> I'm not sure the stats are updating correctly. I glanced at it this morning eariler and it looks exactly the same... 17:06:03 <zcat> Would've been 6 kicks, but fedbot ignored me for 5 mins before i could identify 17:06:09 <DiscordianUK> A lot of it was grumblings but he did help some folks 17:06:30 <EvilBob> I know some of it was breaking users systems and then trying to fix them after the fact 17:06:32 <nirik> he helped some folks out. Some of it was unrelated information messages... 17:06:59 <mbouffard> howdy 17:07:09 <EvilBob> two hours trying to get nvidia drivers on and off a machine with intel graphics 17:07:21 * thomasj chuckles 17:07:23 <EvilBob> I'm still not sure what that was about 17:07:48 * nirik welcomes anyone who wishes to help others and learn how best to do so. 17:07:53 <EvilBob> We need to try and watch for these things, help those that need help and teach those that try. 17:08:01 <nirik> we all make mistakes, thats why peer review is very important. 17:08:07 * nirik nods. 17:08:17 <EvilBob> OK anything else for the week? 17:08:26 <bodhi_zazen> nirik: and others - thanks for the welcome 17:08:42 <EvilBob> #topic Feedback Tickets 17:08:42 <EvilBob> #link https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/report/1 17:08:42 <EvilBob> Three tickets open this week. 17:08:43 <nirik> bodhi_zazen: thanks for spending so much time helping out. ;) 17:08:54 <bodhi_zazen> I am new to the fedora community, and am on a bit of a learning curve, but will help if I can 17:08:58 <EvilBob> #link https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/56 17:09:07 <mbouffard> expert - someone who has made every mistake in his field 17:09:24 <EvilBob> is still open, we were going to discuss it on list and no one cared enough to bring it up that I saw. 17:09:26 <nirik> I made some proposed changes to the faq. 17:09:35 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Fedora_Channel_FAQ&action=historysubmit&diff=241755&oldid=197555 17:09:58 <nirik> what do folks think? I added a note about the short lines/incomplete thoughts and removed a section that seemed redundent. 17:10:01 <bodhi_zazen> fenrus02: and Southern_Gentlem have both been quite helpful =) 17:11:04 <Flare183> bodhi_zazen: >.> oi I see you've dropped out of the evil group as well? :x 17:11:29 <thomasj> I wasn't able to file a new ticket (as discussed last week), based on #56 this week. Too busy. Will try this weekend. 17:11:29 <nirik> If those changes look ok, I can add that to the ticket and see if that meets needs? 17:11:32 <EvilBob> nirik: Added a link to that in the ticket 17:11:42 <nirik> EvilBob: one step ahead, thanks. 17:11:59 <bodhi_zazen> Flare183: =) 17:12:00 <EvilBob> We will keep it open at least another week 17:12:14 <Flare183> bodhi_zazen: I dropped out of it due to that bar 17:12:18 <Flare183> and you know what I'm talking about >.< 17:12:21 <EvilBob> bodhi_zazen Flare183 Can we stick to the topics at hand please 17:12:25 <Flare183> mhm 17:12:34 <EvilBob> It is a meeting afterall 17:12:37 * dcr226 late 17:12:39 <nirik> EvilBob: +1 on another week 17:13:01 <EvilBob> Flare183 bodhi_zazen Can we move on? 17:13:07 <Flare183> EvilBob: go for it. 17:13:26 <EvilBob> #link https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/59 17:14:22 <Southern_Gentlem> bodhi_zazen, thank you for the report 17:14:24 <EvilBob> bodhi_zazen: this is your ticket, anything to add or questions on my comments? 17:15:00 <bodhi_zazen> Nothing to add 17:15:06 <EvilBob> bodhi_zazen: Thanks again for submitting it. 17:15:14 <mbouffard> gnome trolling is annoying indeed 17:15:31 <mbouffard> go up to first subject for an offender >< 17:15:44 <bodhi_zazen> My experience has been mostly positive and the trolling has lessened, sorry if I contributed to it 17:15:47 * nirik suggests using http://freenode.net/catalysts.shtml skills to redirect/get folks to move on from ranting about gnome3. 17:15:47 <EvilBob> #link https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/60 17:16:20 <nirik> kudos fenrus02 17:16:22 <EvilBob> "Just wanted to give kudos to fenrus02. Very knowledgeable and willing to help " 17:16:28 <mbouffard> I try to flood with advice on how to use gnome shell effectively when I see it but i havent been around much lately 17:16:30 <dcr226> fenrus02++ 17:16:33 <EvilBob> WTG fenrus02 17:16:50 <EvilBob> I know fenrus02 is busy at $DAYJOB today. 17:17:12 <dcr226> s/busy/slacking off drinking free coffee....but yeah 17:17:16 <Southern_Gentlem> mbouffard, better yet work with bodi with the page on fedorasolved.org 17:17:18 <EvilBob> OK nothing else for tickets 17:17:33 <Southern_Gentlem> that way we all can link to them 17:17:56 <EvilBob> #topic Open Floor 17:17:56 <EvilBob> Does anyone have anything to add? 17:17:56 <bodhi_zazen> mbouffard: FYI : http://fedorasolved.org/Members/bookwar/gnome-3-tips 17:18:17 <mbouffard> gotcha. unfortunatly it has alot to do with learning new ways ;P 17:18:27 <EvilBob> I am also working on a gnome3 gnome shell page on FEdoraSolved.org 17:18:40 <dcr226> were we not going to have a grub-multi howto and a migrant cheat-sheet? 17:18:43 <EvilBob> it will probably end up on the wiki 17:18:49 <jayson_r> just wanted to say - i'm just getting involved in the community, and hi 17:18:59 <DiscordianUK> I will do the multi-grub one 17:19:01 <jayson_r> will be around the IRC channel - i idle 24/7, i'll answer when i can 17:19:04 <Southern_Gentlem> As of Tuesday I have submitted my resignation as a #fedora op 17:19:13 <dcr226> ah, yeah it was DiscordianUK ....can't remember who the other was 17:19:36 <DiscordianUK> when I get my own DSL back next week 17:19:59 <dcr226> DiscordianUK, neighbors using wep? 17:20:02 <dcr226> (kidding) 17:20:05 <dcr226> ;-) 17:20:17 <nirik> Southern_Gentlem: I do wish you would reconsider... but it's your choice of course. 17:20:18 <bodhi_zazen> I am willing to assist with documentation if anyone wishes to collaborate of if there is a need for a page / topic 17:20:20 <DiscordianUK> Nah at a friends till Monday 17:20:45 <dcr226> Southern_Gentlem, I (as you already know) agree with nirik 17:20:45 <totem> Southern_Gentlem: please no 17:20:46 <EvilBob> Yeah Southern_Gentlem quit #fedora as an op, butted heads with a user. 17:21:13 <Southern_Gentlem> nirik, i am the second longest serving op in the channel, I am burned out and i am tired of the BS 17:21:16 <EvilBob> Seemed like a bad day sort of thing, people need to learn to relax a little 17:21:22 <zcat> Southern_Gentlem, why not just cut your involvement back a bit this summer, instead of leaving? 17:21:29 <nirik> Southern_Gentlem: well, take a break... 17:21:32 <Southern_Gentlem> comments like EvilBob just stated help make up my mind 17:21:49 <EvilBob> Yup, it's my fault 17:22:05 <EvilBob> BLame me, everyone else does. I can take it 17:22:15 * zcat blames canada 17:22:20 <dcr226> EvilBob, hey...I blame flash 17:22:21 <nirik> lets go back on topic? 17:22:32 <Southern_Gentlem> EvilBob, there are times you just need STFU 17:22:33 <drmbouffard> I prescribe 12 months vacation, use PRN 17:23:00 <Southern_Gentlem> so i am stepping down as #fedora op 17:23:08 <EvilBob> Southern_Gentlem: And there are times you need to not act like a 2 year old, I hope after a break you can come back. 17:23:16 <Southern_Gentlem> in the future who knows i may want to be an op again 17:23:50 <Southern_Gentlem> i have been an op in #fedora for about 6 years so its time for a break 17:24:10 <zcat> Southern_Gentlem, didn't we agree that op accounts aren't cleaned out unless inactive for more than a year? 17:24:10 <nirik> Southern_Gentlem: good luck and I hope you will still help out. 17:24:51 <Southern_Gentlem> zcat i can be the exception to the rule and be removed as requested 17:25:36 <EvilBob> Anything else for open floor? 17:26:17 <mbouffard> yup 17:26:23 <EvilBob> mbouffard: Bring it 17:27:02 <mbouffard> when there's a big mouth in #fedora flooding the channel about rolling back to F14 to avoid gnome shell (instead of using alternatives, or you know, saying something intelligent), I feel an ur 17:27:07 <mbouffard> urge for my fist to meet their face 17:27:14 <mbouffard> it's completely useless 17:27:32 <EvilBob> mbouffard: this is discussed in ticket #59 17:27:48 <mbouffard> that's my emphasis 17:27:51 <mbouffard> EOF 17:28:08 <EvilBob> https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/59 17:28:37 <Southern_Gentlem> mbouffard, i am also one of the people who suggest it to people as well as suggest using another DE how is this a bad thing? 17:28:49 <dcr226> mbouffard, I've got a blog article about that you might find interesting 17:28:51 <dcr226> momento 17:28:53 <mbouffard> to try other DEs is not a bad thing 17:29:13 <dcr226> mbouffard, http://dcr226.co.uk/blog/?p=79 17:29:14 <mbouffard> I'm talking about the "oh don't even try it, it sucks, go back to gnome 2" type 17:29:20 <Southern_Gentlem> mbouffard, some people hate gnome 3 and want gnome 2 17:29:55 <dcr226> mbouffard, fwiw, you can't change people's opinion, just try to avoid it flaming in the channel :-) 17:29:56 <mbouffard> if they want it they know how to get it, if someone installed F15 and comes inquiring about gnome shell, well you know how it goes, you all are there too 17:30:12 <Southern_Gentlem> i try to keep people on f15 but if they really want gnome 2 point them at a supported release 17:30:14 <mbouffard> nothing wrong with pointing how to get G2 back 17:30:30 <mbouffard> maybe I'm not making myself clear here :P 17:31:42 <mbouffard> flaming gnome shell, or advising a new user of it (say <10 minutes) with that bias on their mind. etc 17:32:27 <Southern_Gentlem> mbouffard, i really have not seen that 17:32:56 <mbouffard> it was more prominent 1-2 weeks ago. haven't been here this week 17:33:46 <EvilBob> SO we try to calm users who are hot 17:33:52 <mbouffard> yeah 17:34:06 <EvilBob> keep them from disrupting the channel with anti-<DE> hate 17:34:15 <EvilBob> just like we would anything else disruptive 17:34:36 <EvilBob> again, nirik catalyst link? 17:34:38 <EvilBob> ;) 17:35:01 <nirik> http://freenode.net/catalysts.shtml 17:35:20 <EvilBob> OK Anything else? 17:35:38 <dcr226> we should add that link to the bot 17:35:57 <dcr226> with a helpful message to helpers/ops that are getting frustrated maybe 17:37:32 <EvilBob> OK Anything else? 17:37:35 <mbouffard> I give em the shortcuts I use to get around the DE, i think it made a few 'converts', not everyone is going to like it but it's gnome, it's where it's going and it's worth giving a shot and seeing where it goes 17:38:03 <mbouffard> ctrl d 17:39:07 <EvilBob> #endmeeting