14:04:18 <jskarvad> #startmeeting PowerManagement -- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/PowerManagement 14:04:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 22 14:04:18 2011 UTC. The chair is jskarvad. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:04:24 <jskarvad> jmarko hi 14:05:06 <jmarko> hi 14:05:26 <jskarvad> #topic news 14:05:51 <jskarvad> our matahari PM agent is on good way to be accepted by upstream: 14:06:10 <jskarvad> #link http://fedorahosted.org/pipermail/matahari/2011-June/001132.html <-- review of matahari PM agent 14:06:37 <jskarvad> I will incorporate the upstream comments and repost new version soon 14:07:12 <jmarko> cool 14:09:10 <jskarvad> But our powertop patch for making the PM tunings permanent was not welcome by upstream. It also was not NACKed. The original thread is here: 14:09:34 <jskarvad> #link http://bughost.org/pipermail/power/2011-June/002233.html <-- powertop, thread about proposed --script feature 14:10:29 <jskarvad> Anybody who is interested in this feature, please comment there, there is still chance that it will be accepted 14:11:36 <jskarvad> Otherwise we will have to come with the html reports parser from the powertop - not as cool solution, but also working 14:13:39 <jskarvad> Another new, jkaluza is working on the IPMI backend for the powertop that should allow reading power consumption through IPMI (if available). 14:14:58 <jskarvad> We are also interested in the iLO2/3, Chroma 66202 backends. 14:16:24 <jskarvad> We will try to get these patches into upstream. 14:17:27 <jskarvad> Our goal is to enable the power consumption measurement on servers through powertop, not only for laptops as now 14:18:23 <jskarvad> Next, the tuned bug 690177 - big timeouts on tuned start/stop/restart on f15 was finally fixed, the update is available for testing: 14:18:32 <jskarvad> #link http://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/tuned-0.2.21-1.fc15 <-- tuned update 14:20:45 <jskarvad> Next, we are going to create the virt profile(s) for tuned for optimization of power/consumption of virt hosts. 14:21:18 <jskarvad> Any tips, ideas and experiencies from this area are highly welcome. 14:23:17 <jskarvad> Currently we will probably start from the enterprise-storage or throughput-performance profiles and use the trial & error approach for tunings. 14:23:58 <jskarvad> That's all news 14:26:44 <jskarvad> #topic other 14:27:30 <jskarvad> Any ideas for F16 PM features? 14:33:02 <jskarvad> any ideas, comments, questions regarding the PM? 14:34:32 <jskarvad> ok, that's all for today 14:34:56 <jskarvad> #endmeeting