19:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2011-06-30) 19:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 30 19:00:01 2011 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:02 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 19:00:02 <nirik> #topic Robot Roll Call 19:00:02 <nirik> #chair goozbach smooge skvidal codeblock ricky nirik abadger1999 19:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 19:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 codeblock goozbach nirik ricky skvidal smooge 19:00:06 <smooge> here 19:00:08 * Flare183 is here 19:00:11 * marchant is here 19:00:19 * skvidal is here 19:00:20 <skvidal> soryta 19:00:42 * athmane is here, but busy :( 19:00:48 * pingou here 19:01:20 * nirik waits another bit for folks to arrive 19:01:27 * CodeBlock here 19:02:10 <nirik> ok, I guess lets go ahead and dive in. 19:02:19 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and apprentice tasks/feedback 19:02:36 <nirik> any new folks like to say hi? Any questions on apprentice tasks or issues? 19:02:40 <marchant> easyfix ticket realted to checking rpm -Va output against puppet 19:03:01 <marchant> i would like to work on that but need some output regenerated to tmp 19:03:09 <marchant> yaml output 19:03:20 <nirik> marchant: ok. I think you may not anymore need that... 19:03:21 <marchant> i hope that skvidal knows what i am talking about 19:03:28 <marchant> ah 19:03:32 <marchant> ? 19:03:33 <nirik> jan generated a file that has the diff in it already. 19:03:34 * nirik looks. 19:03:43 <marchant> cool 19:03:46 * Flare183 is working on Ticket #2762 19:03:49 * abadger1999 here now 19:04:07 <nirik> on the lockbox01 box: /home/fedora/janfrode/changed-files-not-in-puppet.txt 19:04:21 <marchant> i will look to work on the documentation item 1084 maybe 19:04:30 <nirik> we probibly should update that, but it has the files that are changed in rpm db and not in puppet. 19:04:32 <marchant> i saw that output 19:04:43 <nirik> .ticket 2762 19:04:44 <zodbot> nirik: #2762 (Add logic to fasClient to only write authorized_keys when necessary) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2762 19:04:50 <nirik> Flare183: great! 19:04:52 <marchant> skvidal created a script to help generate that output 19:04:54 <nirik> .ticket 1084 19:04:58 <zodbot> nirik: #1084 (Fix proxy -> app docs) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1084 19:05:12 <Flare183> yup :) 19:05:19 <nirik> ah yes. Someone else took that a while back, but they haven't been around... so yeah, do feel free to take it. ;) 19:05:38 <Flare183> Sweet 19:06:07 <nirik> cool. I am going to try and find or file some more easyfix tickets soon... so we can have more that folks can poke around on. 19:06:32 <marchant> sounds good, thank you 19:06:36 <nirik> any other apprentice comments or questions? 19:06:40 <Flare183> nirik: that would be awesome 19:06:47 <athmane> nirik: other non easyfix ticket are welcome too 19:07:03 <nirik> :) 19:07:45 <nirik> just as a note on tickets, we are currently at 229 open tickets. Just a few months back we were at around 320, so we are slowly getting them taken care and closed out. :) 19:08:03 <nirik> ok, moving on to upcoming tasks... 19:08:14 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 19:08:23 <nirik> I added these to the agenda email this time... 19:09:12 <nirik> I'll dump them in here too: 19:09:15 <nirik> #info 2011-06-30 rdu mirror changeover (1pm EDT) 19:09:15 <nirik> #info 2011-07-01 mail fi-apprentice folks. 19:09:15 <nirik> #info 2011-07-01 blogs end of life. 19:09:15 <nirik> #info 2011-07-09 Remove inactive fi-apprentice people. 19:09:15 <nirik> #info 2011-07-11 - 14: smooge and nirik at phoenix 19:09:15 <nirik> #info 2011-08-01 figure replacements for xen 03/05/09/15 (EOL 09-25 ish) 19:09:17 <nirik> #info 2011-08-02 - 16: Alpha change freeze 19:09:19 <nirik> #info 2011-08-16: Fedora 16 alpha 19:09:21 <nirik> #info 2011-09-06 - 20: Beta change freeze 19:09:23 <nirik> #info 2011-09-20: Fedora 16 Beta 19:09:25 <nirik> #info 2011-10-11 - 25: Final change freeze 19:09:27 <nirik> #info 2011-10-25: Fedora 16 release. 19:09:36 <nirik> so, we have not too many big things scheduled currently, but that can change. ;) 19:10:02 <nirik> anyone have any upcoming items they would like to look at scheduling or the like? 19:11:22 <nirik> ok, moving along then... 19:11:25 <nirik> #topic Meeting tagged tickets: 19:11:25 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=milestone&keywords=~Meeting&order=priority 19:11:38 <nirik> Any meeting tagged tickets anyone would like to talk about? 19:12:37 * nirik listens to the chirping. 19:12:45 <smooge> not sure 19:13:04 <nirik> ok, let me move on to another topic I didn't have in the agenda... 19:13:06 <smooge> 2544 will be done when we get out there 19:13:14 <nirik> .ticket 2544 19:13:15 <zodbot> nirik: #2544 (migrate autoqa01 elsewhere) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2544 19:13:20 <nirik> ah yep. 19:13:36 <smooge> .ticket 2574 is on my list of things to try to automate 19:13:38 <zodbot> smooge: Error: '2574 is on my list of things to try to automate' is not a valid integer. 19:13:41 <nirik> ideally we would be able to do that before we are out there, but we will see. 19:13:50 <nirik> .ticket 2574 19:13:51 <zodbot> nirik: #2574 (Perform regular inactive account prunings and possibly a password reset policy.) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2574 19:14:02 <nirik> yeah, and add to the housecleaning sop. 19:15:13 <nirik> #topic Planning and Bright Shiny Projects 19:15:32 <nirik> So, we have a number of things we would like to do, but finding the time is always hard. 19:16:02 <nirik> I'm going to toss out here some things and if folks would be interested in thinking about them, and starting planning/ideas on them, that would be great. 19:16:31 <nirik> #info Shiny Project: redo our staging setup, and also make it more complete. 19:16:54 <nirik> #info Shiny Project: Move fedorahosted to a new shiny rhel6 setup thats more distributed. 19:17:10 <nirik> #info Shiny Project: move more stuff in general to RHEL6 19:17:25 <nirik> #info Shiny Project: replicate db's and/or split out things 19:17:44 <nirik> #info Shiny Project: Figure a way to make our vpn less SPOF. 19:17:51 <nirik> And there are more I'm sure. ;) 19:19:24 <Flare183> Does the moving to RHEL, mean that the puppet server will go down? 19:19:40 <nirik> Flare183: we just moved out puppet server from 5 to 6 yesterday. ;) 19:19:47 <skvidal> but it's always been rhel 19:19:49 <nirik> it went pretty smoothly... some minor breakage 19:19:53 <Flare183> Ahh, alright. 19:20:32 * marchant would like to learn more about using puppet 19:20:32 <nirik> the ticket finding files not in puppet that are changed would be good to do for hosts we want to move. 19:20:42 <nirik> that way we know that they are set for re-puppeting on rhel6 ok. 19:21:06 <marchant> so the ticket is recurring work? 19:21:10 <nirik> marchant: happy to answer questions, etc... not sure how typical our setup is 19:21:16 <marchant> maybe should be scheduled for monthly 19:21:26 <nirik> marchant: well, until we finish all of the machines... 19:21:31 <marchant> nirik: thanks 19:21:43 <nirik> I think about 3 have been done, and there are around 140ish machines we have. ;) 19:22:05 <marchant> ok, 3 have been checked you mean? 19:22:11 <nirik> yeah 19:22:19 <marchant> ok, i thought that was the case 19:22:21 <nirik> I should update the ticket. 19:22:29 <marchant> i would be happy to do more 19:22:36 <nirik> excellent. 19:22:49 <marchant> skvidal's script requires rpm and yaml output be in tmp directory 19:23:01 <marchant> but tmp gets cleaned out periodically 19:23:13 <marchant> so only the rpm out put is in there 19:23:31 <marchant> tmp on puppet01 that is 19:23:44 <nirik> ok, we can get it sorted out after the meeting? 19:24:00 <marchant> yes, makes sense 19:24:46 <marchant> i was asking about this in noc recently but picked a bad time 19:25:04 <nirik> yeah, do bug people more if no one answers... likely we just missed it. 19:25:08 <marchant> channel has been busy with higher priority stuff 19:25:23 <nirik> yeah, that can happen too 19:25:37 <marchant> i understand 19:26:16 <nirik> ok, I guess if we have nothing more today, we can just call it a meeting and get back to work. ;) 19:26:37 * nirik will close out in a minute 19:27:39 <nirik> thanks for coming everyone! 19:27:44 <nirik> #endmeeting