19:00:03 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Cloud SIG 19:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 26 19:00:03 2011 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:07 <rbergeron> #meetingname Cloud SIG 19:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cloud_sig' 19:00:17 <rbergeron> #topic Who's here? 19:00:28 * tflink is here 19:00:29 * mgoldmann is here, maybe 19:00:31 <gholms> Chirp, chirp 19:00:37 * athmane is around 19:00:57 * msavy is here, there and everywhere 19:00:57 * gholms pokes kkeithley 19:01:08 * jsmith is here, lurking 19:01:10 * spevack waves hello from his new home @ Amazon 19:01:14 <kkeithley> hey 19:01:20 <rbergeron> how's Windows treating you? 19:01:25 * quaid is not here 19:01:29 <jsmith> spevack! 19:01:34 <gholms> spevack! 19:01:36 <spevack> hey jsmith 19:01:37 <msavy> rbergeron: Windows? is that a fork of Lindows? 19:01:38 * jforbes is here 19:01:39 <spevack> hi gholms 19:02:08 <quaid> #info rbergeron: fwiw, I think the 'cudcon as part of fudcon' is clearly dead, and we need to keep ongoing about a general conference for open source cloudiness 19:02:29 <rbergeron> #info present - mgoldmann, clalance, tflink, athmane, gholms, jsmith, spevack, jforbes, quaid, msavy, kkeithley 19:02:36 <rbergeron> #chair quaid gholms jforbes 19:02:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: gholms jforbes quaid rbergeron 19:02:38 <rbergeron> quaid: noted :) 19:02:45 <gholms> rbergeron: meetbot already logs attendance 19:02:51 <quaid> thx, have to jet; great list discussion fwiw :) 19:02:52 <gholms> rbergeron: It's at the bottom of the minutes. ;) 19:02:55 <rbergeron> yeah, i know. 19:03:01 <rbergeron> #topic EC2 19:03:04 <rbergeron> jforbes: hi 19:03:29 <jforbes> Still working on making the F16 alpha work with pvgrub 19:03:34 <rbergeron> welcome back from vacation and travel 19:03:38 <jforbes> thanks :) 19:03:46 <rbergeron> what's up with pvgrub? 19:03:58 <jforbes> It expects grub1 config files 19:04:11 <jsmith> Oooh, lovely... 19:04:30 <rbergeron> le sigh 19:04:31 <jforbes> jsmith: not as horrible as it sounds 19:04:53 <jforbes> And at least this is being discovered now instead of at release time 19:05:11 <rbergeron> #info F16 alpha on EC2 in progress; pvgrub complaining about grub1 files, F16 has moved to grub2 19:05:19 <rbergeron> jforbes: indeed 19:05:32 <jforbes> it doesnt really complain, in fact it is completely silent on the issue :) 19:05:40 <rbergeron> is this something you need help from other with, or just handling on your own? 19:06:02 <jforbes> I've got it, unless mgoldmann happens to already have a solution? 19:06:04 <rbergeron> others... man, my typing sucks today. 19:06:06 <mgoldmann> it's easy to handle - we just generate required config 19:06:21 <mgoldmann> jforbes: correct, new BG support F16 alpha 19:06:38 <jforbes> mgoldmann: oh, there is an update? 19:06:48 * jforbes should have alpha images done by monday then :) 19:06:49 <mgoldmann> jforbes: will be out in... 10 minutes 19:07:23 <jforbes> mgoldmann: thanks! 19:07:25 <rbergeron> #info new BG in F16 (will be available in about 10 minutes) handles grub issues, thanks mgoldmann/msavy :) 19:07:34 <gholms> Yay! 19:07:35 <rbergeron> jforbes: so you'll just hold till monday then? 19:07:45 <msavy> rbergeron: this is an mgoldmann party trick 19:08:02 <mgoldmann> rbergeron: let's talk about BG in the last stage of this meeting 19:08:10 <jforbes> rbergeron: Well, I will start tonight, but it's my son's birthday, so I am guessing not much will be done 19:08:13 <mgoldmann> so msavy has some time to push the blog post and we could link it 19:08:24 <rbergeron> #action jforbes to try building F16 alpha images mondayish after new BG pushes out, should be able to build without grub1/2 problems 19:08:31 <rbergeron> mgoldmann: sounds good 19:08:31 <mgoldmann> one thing 19:08:42 <mgoldmann> curent Fedora 16 kernel is broken for EC2 19:08:46 <rbergeron> WHAT 19:08:53 <rbergeron> IF ONLY WE KNEW SOMEONE WHO WORKED ON KERNELS FOR A LIVING 19:08:57 <gholms> Got a link to the bug? 19:08:59 <tflink> current STABLE kernel 19:09:00 <mgoldmann> please ,pleas bump karma on kernel which is in updates -testing 19:09:04 <mgoldmann> gholms: one sec 19:09:22 <mgoldmann> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=733313 19:09:24 <rbergeron> #info f16 kernel is broken for ec2, please bump karma on kernel which is in updates -testing 19:09:26 <mgoldmann> same issue as with F15 19:09:31 <mgoldmann> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/kernel-3.1.0-0.rc3.git0.0.fc16 19:09:36 * athmane will test the new kernel 19:09:36 <mgoldmann> ^^ bump, bump! 19:09:59 <mgoldmann> with this kernel - AMis work as expecte 19:10:00 <rbergeron> gholms, oh wise meetbot expert - does the bot pick up links from non-chaired people? 19:10:16 <rbergeron> mgoldmann: so jforbes should wait until that issue is resolved as well? 19:10:30 <gholms> #info kernel-3.0.1-3.fc16 is broken in EC2; please test kernel-3.1.0-0.rc3.git0.0.fc16 19:10:33 <gholms> rbergeron: Yes 19:10:35 <mgoldmann> it is resolved in new kernel - we need to make it to stable ASAP 19:10:56 <gholms> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/kernel-3.1.0-0.rc3.git0.0.fc16 19:11:06 <jforbes> Right, so monday :) 19:11:18 <mgoldmann> yah :) 19:11:19 <rbergeron> #action jforbes to also wait on new kernel update/fixes/karma/etc. before pushing out an f16 alpha as kernel is not happy at the moment 19:11:22 <gholms> mgoldmann: Is the one in updates-testing the right one? 19:11:38 <mgoldmann> gholms: correct 19:11:49 <mgoldmann> https://github.com/boxgrinder/boxgrinder-build/blob/master/integ/appliances/jeos-f16.appl 19:11:55 <rbergeron> cool. mgoldmann, thanks for the tips :) 19:11:57 <mgoldmann> this is a working F16 build 19:12:15 <rbergeron> saving us (mostly justin) time as always 19:12:24 <mgoldmann> yw! 19:12:32 <jforbes> Indeed, thanks a lot! 19:12:38 <rbergeron> alrighty. anything else in ec2-land to discuss? 19:12:52 <jsmith> rbergeron: Just out of curiosity 19:12:56 <rbergeron> jsmith: yes? 19:13:01 <jsmith> rbergeron: How many people took you up on the EC2 testing offer? 19:13:17 * jsmith meant to ask a couple of weeks ago, and forgot 19:13:58 * ke4qqq shows up late 19:14:00 <rbergeron> You mean the $5 dolla offer? 19:14:01 <rbergeron> Nobody. 19:14:05 <rbergeron> But people still tested. 19:14:08 <jsmith> Did most folks that did testing just foot the bill themselves, or did some want the $5? 19:14:12 <jsmith> Ah, good to know. 19:14:18 <jsmith> Sorry to hold up the meeting... I was just curious. 19:14:21 <ke4qqq> BG does micro instances - super cheap (not that it isn't already) 19:14:29 <rbergeron> No problem :) 19:14:38 <rbergeron> #topic Aeolus 19:14:43 <mgoldmann> yep, and F16 on micro works - tested today 19:14:46 <rbergeron> clalance: hi there. 19:15:11 <clalance> rbergeron: Hello :). 19:15:14 <athmane> jsmith: I used the free plan 19:15:16 <rbergeron> anything new? 19:15:17 <clalance> rbergeron: Hate to be a broken record, but not a lot to report. 19:15:35 <rbergeron> clalance: that's okay. Just like to check in. 19:15:51 <clalance> rbergeron: I'll build new packages into F-16 the week of Labor Day. 19:15:58 <clalance> To get them in for the 9-13 beta deadline. 19:16:14 <clalance> (and my packages that were stuck in testing have now been moved to the f-16 tag, so we are good there) 19:16:40 <clalance> Development is of course ongoing. 19:16:42 <clalance> And that's about it. 19:17:15 <rbergeron> #info clalance will be building new aeolus packages into F16 during week of Labor Day (Sept. 5th-ish) to make the beta freeze deadline 19:17:21 <rbergeron> Cool. Thank you :) 19:17:27 <rbergeron> #topic HekaFS 19:17:28 <clalance> rbergeron: You are welcome :). 19:17:33 <rbergeron> kkeithley: your turn :) 19:18:14 <rbergeron> if you're still about 19:18:17 <rbergeron> that is 19:18:18 <rbergeron> :) 19:18:26 <kkeithley> yup 19:18:32 <kkeithley> too fast for me 19:18:36 * rbergeron grins 19:18:46 <kkeithley> jdarcy on PTO this week. 19:19:10 <kkeithley> I've got rpms for latest upstream glusterfs in the updates-testing repo 19:19:24 <kkeithley> still not sure if those need karma to get out of testing 19:19:39 <rbergeron> #info rpms for latest upstream glusterfs in updates-testing repo 19:19:46 * rbergeron looks around for an answer to kkeithley's question 19:19:57 <tflink> kkeithley: looks like they still need karma 19:20:11 <tflink> pushed to testing 3 days ago, -0 karma 19:20:17 <tflink> s/-0/0 19:20:25 <kkeithley> that's 3.2.3 btw, and there's a hekafs for that 19:20:28 <gholms> -0 == 0, so you're ok ;) 19:20:36 <rbergeron> #info rpms still need karma, please feel free to apply love. 19:20:59 <tflink> is there a decent walkthrough for setting up gluster or hekafs? 19:21:00 <kkeithley> yeah, so ditto for hekafs rpm 19:21:11 * tflink is being lazy and hadn't looked but wants to try them out 19:21:24 <athmane> I was going to ask the question as tflink 19:21:29 <kkeithley> there is docs/mgmt--- something or other that tells how to set it up 19:21:35 <athmane> the same question 19:21:51 <tflink> kkeithley: you mean glusterfs docs or hekafs? 19:21:54 <rbergeron> tflink: gluster has a lot of documentation on their website 19:21:54 <kkeithley> and I'm rewriting my fedorapeople page about how to set it up 19:21:59 <kkeithley> hekafs 19:22:10 <kkeithley> hekafs doc on how to set it up 19:22:13 <rbergeron> http://gluster.com/community/documentation/index.php/Main_Page#GlusterFS_Documentation 19:22:16 <kkeithley> in the git tree, not in the rpm 19:22:44 <rbergeron> #info kkeithley is working on hekafs documentation for how to setup/get running 19:22:51 <tflink> ok, I've been trying to figure out what problems are solved by glusterfs but that is a question for google :) 19:22:59 <kkeithley> yeah, but hekafs does things differently, so the gluster docs will only get you so far 19:23:21 <rbergeron> kkeithley: yup, I just figured it would at least be a start for him :) 19:23:51 <ke4qqq> tflink: scalable, distributed, redundant storage 19:24:39 <kkeithley> anyway, for my rewrite I figured I ought to start from scatch, and now was as good a time as any, so I reinstalled my dev machine with F15 (from F14), so right now I'm just trying to get back to where I was. 19:24:57 <rbergeron> kkeithley: :) 19:25:28 <rbergeron> alrighty. well, if you want anyone to "test" how well your documentation works, be sure to let us know :) 19:25:48 <rbergeron> i'm sure there are a few folks who would be happy to give it a walkthrough 19:25:56 <kkeithley> yep 19:25:59 <ke4qqq> kkeithley: can you pass that sparks or me when you get it written for the cloud guide? 19:26:08 <kkeithley> yes 19:26:15 <ke4qqq> awesome 19:26:21 <tflink> ke4qqq: I;m still trying to figure out more specifics than that but like I said, probably not a great question/discussion for here :) 19:26:22 <kkeithley> sparks? 19:26:32 <rbergeron> #action kkeithley to pass docs info by ke4qqq or sparks when it's ready, so it can be integrated into the cloud docs for f16 19:26:38 <kkeithley> see jdarcy's hekafs.org blog 19:26:39 <ke4qqq> #fedora-cloud is good for that tflink 19:26:40 <rbergeron> kkeithley: sparks is one of our fabulous docs contributors 19:27:24 <rbergeron> he's working on having some comprehensive documentation covering a lot of the fedora cloud pieces for this release, AIUI 19:27:34 <rbergeron> and i think ke4qqq may be helping him out 19:27:39 <kkeithley> okay 19:28:12 <rbergeron> ke4qqq: do you want to say a bit about what we're doing for documentation, or do you not know entirely? 19:28:53 <ke4qqq> we are just documenting what it is and how to use it really briefly. kind of a quick start for the cloudy stuff in fedora 19:28:56 * zoglesby notes that we are going to work on the cloud guide at OLF 19:29:09 <rbergeron> ahh, excellent 19:29:57 <rbergeron> #info Docs team is working on a Cloud Guide for F16 - mostly quickstart information for the cloudy projects in Fedora. Will be working on it some at Ohio Linux Fest in a few weekends. 19:30:09 <rbergeron> zoglesby: thanks for the tip :) 19:30:09 <gholms> Thanks! 19:30:26 * jsmith is trying to help out as well 19:30:32 <rbergeron> And i'm sure they can use our help a bit, at least for pointers, so if you see anyone asking around on-list, helping them out would be fabulous. 19:30:46 <rbergeron> #topic OpenStack packaging status 19:30:54 <rbergeron> markmc: hi there. 19:30:58 <rbergeron> #chair markmc 19:30:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: gholms jforbes markmc quaid rbergeron 19:31:05 <rbergeron> I saw a fabulous update mail from you today. 19:31:05 <markmc> rbergeron, hello hello :) 19:31:14 <markmc> yeah, I think that about covers everything 19:31:21 <rbergeron> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/cloud/2011-August/000764.html 19:31:21 <markmc> kinda curious has anyone tried the packages? 19:31:23 <gholms> Heh 19:31:37 <gholms> I tried the packages until I found out that I had to shut off selinux. :( 19:31:51 <markmc> gholms, yeah, we need to get that sorted 19:31:56 <gholms> I'm a little surprised that there isn't a packaging guideline for that. 19:31:59 <markmc> gholms, thanks for trying that far 19:32:04 * ke4qqq is sure we could get dwalsh to help out with that......and upstream would prolly be thrilled with a policy 19:32:30 <rbergeron> #info nova package needs further review - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/707199 19:32:37 <markmc> gholms, well, I suspect if package reviews bottleknecked on that, dwalsh would get a very hard time of it :) 19:32:52 <markmc> ke4qqq, yep - I filed an selinux bug for glance and cc-ed dwalsh 19:33:08 <markmc> rbergeron, right, openstack-nova needs review! 19:33:10 <rbergeron> #info testing of openstack is problematic in terms of selinux policy - needs attention 19:33:18 <markmc> but luckily, mdomsch is around to save the day :) 19:33:22 <markmc> mdomsch, right ? :) 19:33:26 <gholms> markmc: Still, writing a policy for something as complex as a cloud platform can be a lot of work. Best of luck! 19:33:35 * gholms is writing the policy for euca 19:33:38 <rbergeron> #info selinux bug filed for glance, dwalsh is cc'd. 19:33:40 <mdomsch> markmc: what can I help with? package review of the new combined pkg? 19:33:48 <rbergeron> gholms: ;) you're a brave, brave, awesome man 19:33:48 <markmc> mdomsch, that'd be awesome 19:34:01 <mdomsch> yeah ok 19:34:04 <clalance> gholms: Wow, best f luck. 19:34:11 <markmc> gholms, yeah, I've forgotten so much about SELinux, I'd be starting from scratch 19:34:12 * clalance is brave, but not that brave 19:34:19 <markmc> mdomsch, cool stuff 19:34:27 <clalance> best *of* luck. 19:34:28 <mdomsch> I thought the dozen or so subpackages was a bit overkill 19:34:28 <rbergeron> markmc: are you thinking of taking the issue more upstream to talk about it more generally? 19:34:33 <clalance> (my 'o' key apparently sticks now) 19:34:46 <markmc> mdomsch, take a look at https://github.com/markmc/openstack-fedora-specs if you want to understand any changes I made 19:34:48 <rbergeron> as ke4qqq suggested 19:34:54 <markmc> mdomsch, I made the commit messages fairly detailed 19:35:12 <msavy> clalance: you'd better not do the docs then! 19:35:13 <markmc> rbergeron, perhaps, but I'm not sure how much upstream will care about SELinux 19:35:16 <clalance> msavy: Haha. 19:35:39 <markmc> rbergeron, I'll talk to dwalsh - e.g. I'm not sure these days whether the policy would go upstream to SELinux or modular policy in OpenStack itself 19:35:45 <rbergeron> markmc: yup. 19:35:53 <ke4qqq> with some of the KVM stuff thats been talking about recently (eg jumping to a different ring) i imagine it's important. 19:36:15 <mdomsch> ha - you forked mine - I had forked Mirantis 19:36:24 <markmc> mdomsch, right :) 19:36:36 <markmc> mdomsch, it's a pity the Mirantis guys have gone quiet 19:36:44 <markmc> mdomsch, it would have been awesome for them to co-maintain 19:37:04 <rbergeron> markmc - do you want tto copy the cloud-sig list in on that discussion with dwalsh? 19:37:06 * markmc got no response to his mail to them 19:37:13 <markmc> rbergeron, sure 19:37:16 <rbergeron> i think having a few different perspectives might be helpful there, ke4qqq seems to be the selinuxmastah 19:37:20 <rbergeron> i should buy him a crown 19:37:24 <rbergeron> or a pie 19:37:24 <markmc> cool 19:37:49 * ke4qqq lol - certainly not. /me just admires selinux from a distance :) 19:37:52 <rbergeron> #action markmc to take discussion of selinux policy w/dwalsh to cloud sig list, for others to pipe in on if they want 19:38:03 <markmc> ke4qqq, how is swift coming along? 19:38:16 <markmc> ke4qqq, I haven't actually played with it yet 19:38:21 <ke4qqq> I pushed 1.4.0 to F16 and rawhide 19:38:32 <markmc> cool 19:38:36 <ke4qqq> later than that requires some of the auth stuff you were working on 19:38:46 <rbergeron> #info swift 1.4.0 pushed to f16 and rawhide 19:38:56 * ke4qqq is really frustrated they are making major changes in 1.4.x (or what I view as major changes) 19:39:00 <ke4qqq> but such is life 19:39:13 <jsmith> ke4qqq: Yeah, I was surprised by that as well 19:39:20 <markmc> ke4qqq, wonder could we add swift into the mix of https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Getting_started_with_OpenStack_Nova 19:39:29 <markmc> ke4qqq, or a similar getting started page 19:39:44 <ke4qqq> markmc: I am happy to help document. 19:39:47 <terminhell> hello 19:40:04 <markmc> ke4qqq, cool 19:40:08 <markmc> terminhell, hi; welcome 19:40:30 <ke4qqq> I guess the question is do we want to get 1.4.x in to f16 (if so there are some big changes afoot and I need to get that going soon) 19:40:53 <ke4qqq> .0 still had all of the account and auth stuff in swift itself (and had st as the binary name 19:40:56 <ke4qqq> ) 19:41:11 <terminhell> happy bday linux :) 19:41:12 <markmc> ah, and 1.4.x uses keystone? 19:41:22 * markmc hasn't been following 19:41:47 <ke4qqq> markmc: yep 19:41:58 <markmc> ke4qqq, that's no fun 19:42:06 <mdomsch> markmc, do you feel openstack-nova.spec is in good enough shape that if review succeeds, app will run and work as expected? 19:42:07 <markmc> ke4qqq, I doubt you want to get into that for F-16 19:42:29 <markmc> mdomsch, to the level of https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Getting_started_with_OpenStack_Nova at least, yes 19:42:44 <ke4qqq> markmc: I didn't really want to (and have honestly been dragging my feet - but at the same time, don't want to keep the latest greatness out either. 19:43:38 <markmc> ke4qqq, yeah, but maybe getting it into rawhide is enough ? 19:43:39 <rbergeron> do we want to decide now, or do you guys want to wait and see a bit? 19:43:52 * rbergeron wonders if any documentation-type stuff rides on the version decision 19:44:04 <markmc> ke4qqq, dunno, depends on how many swift-on-fedora users you think there currently are 19:44:05 * rbergeron also throws a rock at her vpn 19:44:38 <ke4qqq> markmc: I have no feel for it. 19:45:01 <rbergeron> i don't think any of us have a feel for it, unfortunately 19:45:21 <rbergeron> though that probably means the number is lowish 19:45:34 <markmc> ke4qqq, if you had keystone packaged soonish then, maybe just go for it in F-16 19:45:39 * markmc shrugs 19:45:53 <markmc> if that screws any swift users, at least we'll know someone's using it :) 19:45:59 <rbergeron> lol 19:46:19 <ke4qqq> yeah - /me thought yuo were packaging keystone :) 19:46:43 <mgoldmann> who needs tests? - there are users! :) 19:47:09 <markmc> ke4qqq, could happen :) 19:47:20 <rbergeron> mdomsch: so you're going to look at the nova review then? 19:47:32 <mdomsch> rbergeron: sure 19:47:36 <markmc> happy face 19:47:41 <rbergeron> #action mdomsch (and anyone else kind) to look at nova review 19:48:18 <rbergeron> #action markmc and ke4qqq to sort out the swift/keystone/versioning dilemma, one of them to package keystone, rock paper scissors or however they decide that. :) 19:48:35 <rbergeron> markmc: thanks for all hte work you're picking up here, much appreciated. 19:48:48 <markmc> rbergeron, thanks 19:48:49 <ke4qqq> thats rock, paper, scissors, cloud :) and cloud beats them all 19:48:53 <mdomsch> markmc, what's this dep: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=733238 19:49:04 <mdomsch> Please update to eventlet 0.9.16 19:49:16 <rbergeron> ke4qqq: that's your new shirt, you know, the one i STILL DONT HAVE ONE OF 19:49:18 <markmc> mdomsch, https://answers.launchpad.net/nova/+faq/1485 19:49:26 <markmc> mdomsch, small fix that nova requires 19:49:35 <markmc> mdomsch, soren patches ubuntu with it AFAIK 19:49:45 <markmc> mdomsch, nova-volumes doesn't start without it, I think 19:49:47 <mdomsch> .whoowns eventlet 19:49:48 <zodbot> mdomsch: No such package exists. 19:49:57 <markmc> .whoowns python-eventlet 19:49:57 <zodbot> markmc: abbot 19:50:11 <markmc> and keven fenzi AFAIR 19:50:20 <rbergeron> ah, nirik. 19:50:39 <markmc> right 19:50:39 * nirik looks up. wha? 19:50:47 <markmc> nirik, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=733238 19:50:49 <rbergeron> nirik: talking about python-eventlet 19:50:50 <nirik> ah yeah. 19:50:58 <nirik> I haven't gotten to updating that... but I can. 19:51:06 <markmc> nirik, awesome :) 19:51:12 <nirik> or if any of you guys want to co-maintain and do so, I'd be happy to have you 19:51:12 <mdomsch> untouched by abbot in a year 19:51:28 <markmc> nirik, happy to do it myself, either 19:51:39 <rbergeron> #action nirik to update https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=733238 - dep for nova 19:51:40 <nirik> markmc: feel free to apply in pkgdb and I will ack. 19:51:45 <markmc> nirik, great 19:51:59 * nirik is happy to have co-maintainers. 19:52:07 <mdomsch> +1 for comaintainers 19:52:07 <rbergeron> #action markmc to comaintain python-eventlet, apply in pkgdb and nirik will ack 19:52:11 <rbergeron> sweet, thanks guys :) 19:52:52 <rbergeron> okay, anything else on the openstack front? 19:53:00 <markmc> nirik, done 19:53:01 * rbergeron knows markmc put most of it in his previously-linked email 19:53:03 <markmc> rbergeron, not from me, thanks 19:53:42 <rbergeron> #info Thoughts/help welcomed on updating https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Getting_started_with_OpenStack_Nova .. possibly add swift to that documentation 19:53:45 <rbergeron> okay 19:53:52 <rbergeron> #topic BoxGrinder 19:53:59 <mgoldmann> yay! 19:54:01 <rbergeron> #chair mgoldmann 19:54:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: gholms jforbes markmc mgoldmann quaid rbergeron 19:54:07 <rbergeron> mgoldmann: sorry ;) your turn! 19:54:12 <rbergeron> #chair msavy 19:54:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: gholms jforbes markmc mgoldmann msavy quaid rbergeron 19:54:17 <mgoldmann> msavy: wanna take it? 19:54:29 <msavy> ah sure. 19:54:47 <msavy> http://boxgrinder.org/blog/2011/08/26/boxgrinder-0-9-5-released/ 19:54:47 <rbergeron> Thanks for sticking around on a friday night, guys (and you too, markmc) 19:55:01 <msavy> rbergeron: especially mgoldmann and i. its completely dark outside :P! 19:55:08 <msavy> (or anyone else in europe) 19:55:10 <mgoldmann> (and hot!) 19:55:59 <msavy> the release is primarily bugfixes 19:56:26 <msavy> including an error that was caused in the rebase before release of 0.9.4 19:56:37 <rbergeron> #info New BG release is primarily bugfixes 19:56:41 <msavy> but .. drumroll 19:56:56 <msavy> mgoldmann has speedily introduced GRUB2 support 19:57:01 <msavy> so we have F16 build support now 19:57:03 <msavy> huzzah! 19:57:32 <msavy> look on the blogpost for how to work around the current kernel issue to test it out on EC2 19:57:54 <mgoldmann> it seems that the kernel is NOW pushed to stable 19:58:01 <mgoldmann> being* 19:58:18 <gholms> Yay 19:58:19 <msavy> #info 0.9.5 adds support for Fedora 16 19:58:20 <mgoldmann> so, expect to have working F16 tomorrow or so 19:58:46 <verdurin> just wanted to thank mgoldmann and msavy for being very helpful in #boxgrinder 19:58:55 <mgoldmann> yw! 19:59:03 <msavy> thanks! 19:59:12 <rbergeron> #info GRUB2 is now supported in BG, so we have build support for F16 now 19:59:26 <mgoldmann> so, basically now we want to do some really cool stuff after 0.95 19:59:27 <rbergeron> #info keep an eye out for blogpost on how to work around current kernel issue to test it on EC2 19:59:42 <mgoldmann> like... cloudstack support 19:59:52 <mgoldmann> and openstack too (glance) 20:00:09 <markmc> woo 20:00:12 <mgoldmann> so, onward to 0.10 20:00:24 <mgoldmann> not sure if it makes into F16 - would be awesome 20:00:26 <mgoldmann> we'll try 20:00:33 <msavy> a new boxgrinder meta release will be out that adds a few little extras, but remember the current releases auto-update themselves at boot. so once 0.9.5 hits stable you will get the latest release automatically with meta. 20:01:38 <mgoldmann> I think that's all 20:01:42 <mgoldmann> msavy: anything else? 20:01:49 <rbergeron> #info BG planning on doing cloudstack and openstack glance support after 0.95 release 20:02:00 <mgoldmann> 0.9.5 :) 20:02:09 <rbergeron> #undo 20:02:09 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x16c933cc> 20:02:19 <msavy> ke4qqq --^ 20:02:25 <mgoldmann> 0.95 is planned in 2023 20:02:25 <rbergeron> #info BG planning on doing cloudstack and openstack glance support after 0.9.5 release 20:02:30 * ke4qqq is very happy about that 20:02:30 <msavy> rofl 20:02:40 <rbergeron> i assume you guys know where to go for assistance on cloudstack ;) it certainly seems like it 20:02:57 <mgoldmann> yep, we're in touch with ke4qqq 20:03:06 <msavy> yes, we have some kind offers of a server to do test builds too 20:03:08 <msavy> so many thanks for that 20:03:54 <rbergeron> very cool. looking forward to seeing that stuff take shape. 20:04:18 <msavy> that's it from me. glad rbergeron remembered this time :P! 20:04:28 <rbergeron> hey, somedays my memory is on, what can i say :) 20:04:30 <msavy> poor boxgrinder monkey felt left out last week 20:04:39 <rbergeron> everyone at linuxcon loved your stickers, btw 20:04:51 <rbergeron> i had to tell like 100 people what it was for ;) 20:05:04 <mgoldmann> ha :D awesome - thanks! 20:05:07 <msavy> it is for grinding monkeys! 20:05:10 <rbergeron> #topic Any Other Business? 20:05:13 * msavy wishes to clarify this is not the case 20:05:13 <rbergeron> monkeys are tasty. 20:05:17 <rbergeron> I MEAN 20:05:19 <rbergeron> um 20:05:23 <jforbes> heh 20:05:23 <mgoldmann> ouch 20:05:23 * markmc has an urgent matter! 20:05:25 <rbergeron> crap, my sekrit is out 20:05:28 <rbergeron> markmc: yes? 20:05:37 <markmc> no ops on #fedora-cloud, very sad! 20:05:40 <Southern_Gentlem> taste like chicken 20:05:41 <rbergeron> oh 20:05:46 <rbergeron> jforbes: you can do that, can't you? 20:05:48 <markmc> spot needs to type "/msg ChanServ access #fedora-cloud add markmc +voOtriRfAF" into his irc client 20:05:49 <jforbes> I can 20:05:54 <mgoldmann> Southern_Gentlem: 20:05:55 <markmc> and repeat for a bunch of other people :) 20:05:57 <mgoldmann> uh 20:06:04 <mgoldmann> Southern_Gentlem: everything tastes like chicken 20:06:05 <markmc> jforbes, not sure you can, if I understand the perms thing 20:06:17 <jforbes> I have ops, or can get it if I msg chanserv 20:06:21 <rbergeron> markmc: he already has them 20:06:27 <rbergeron> he just needs to tell the channel to hand them over 20:06:43 <markmc> rbergeron, that doesn't give auto-op on join, though 20:06:51 <markmc> need to tell ChanServ that 20:07:11 <Southern_Gentlem> markmc, why is auto-op needed 20:07:11 <markmc> and need " +f - Enables modification of channel access lists." 20:07:26 <rbergeron> i think chanserv already does that for jforbes, he just never leaves, ever 20:07:27 <markmc> and jforbes has "+votriA" 20:07:30 <rbergeron> lol 20:07:46 <markmc> Southern_Gentlem, because people come and go and should regain op on return? 20:07:53 <markmc> anyway 20:07:58 <markmc> that's my urgent matter :) 20:08:07 <Southern_Gentlem> markmc, and freenode docs frown on auto ops 20:08:30 <markmc> Southern_Gentlem, got a pointer? 20:08:42 <Southern_Gentlem> freenode FAQ 20:08:43 <markmc> rbergeron, feel free to carry on, /me only kidding really 20:08:47 <rbergeron> #info would be nice to have jforbes have ops on in #fedora-cloud if he feels motivated 20:08:57 * jforbes has it 20:08:59 <Southern_Gentlem> rbergeron, he has it 20:09:12 <markmc> jforbes, thanks 20:09:15 <rbergeron> #undo 20:09:15 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x12ea334c> 20:09:18 <rbergeron> alrighty then 20:09:28 <rbergeron> okay. 20:09:32 <rbergeron> Any other URGENT MATTERS???? 20:09:34 * rbergeron grins 20:10:30 <rbergeron> okay, well then. 20:10:35 <rbergeron> Everyone have a lovely weekend. 20:10:36 <rbergeron> Oh, 20:10:43 <mgoldmann> hve grt eveng! 20:10:45 <mgoldmann> :) 20:10:58 <clalance> See you. 20:11:07 <rbergeron> #info If you have any interest/input in a multi-vendor cloud conference type thing for users/developers, NOT ATTACHED TO FUDCON, feel free to pipe up on the cloud sig list. 20:11:13 <markmc> see ya :) 20:11:14 * rbergeron does as she promised for karsten 20:11:19 <rbergeron> have a good one, folks. 20:11:21 <rbergeron> #endmeeting