13:20:40 <zoglesby> #startmeeting Fedora Docs Project - Agenda https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 13:20:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 29 13:20:40 2011 UTC. The chair is zoglesby. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:20:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:21:04 <zoglesby> #topic roll call 13:21:10 * jjmcd 13:21:10 * nathant is here 13:21:21 * jhradilek is here 13:21:27 <pkovar> I'm here 13:21:29 * eslobodo is here 13:21:29 * jsmith is here 13:21:44 <zoglesby> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 13:22:11 <zoglesby> #item zoglesby email rudi to find out status of FOP 13:22:23 <zoglesby> oops 13:22:29 <zoglesby> #action zoglesby email rudi to find out status of FOP 13:22:34 <zoglesby> I have not done this yey 13:22:36 <zoglesby> yet 13:22:39 * suehle is here too but late to roll call as usual 13:22:44 <jsmith> For what it's worth, I've been reading the publican mailing list 13:22:50 <zoglesby> #action zoglesby email docs-list to have guide owners verify they are still working there guides 13:22:51 <jsmith> It looks like there's a possible alternative to FOP 13:22:53 <zoglesby> or that 13:23:16 <jsmith> (some sort of webkit HTML-to-PDF solution) 13:23:22 <jsmith> The sample PDFs looked promising :-) 13:23:27 <zoglesby> jsmith: link? 13:23:34 <jsmith> zoglesby: Sure, hold please... 13:23:34 <nathant> there was a comment on the bug recently saying that they had a workaround for FOP but it was too messy to ship 13:23:47 <jsmith> Yeah, the workaround is ugly 13:23:55 * jsmith is currently running that 13:24:05 * jjmcd too 13:25:25 <jsmith> zoglesby: The link is https://www.redhat.com/archives/publican-list/2011-August/msg00022.html 13:26:32 <zoglesby> #link https://www.redhat.com/archives/publican-list/2011-August/msg00022.html 13:26:46 <zoglesby> nice, plus no java! 13:27:18 <zoglesby> #action zoglesby and jjcmd to work on guide owners manual on wiki 13:27:53 <zoglesby> I have been getting info together for this and will start working on a wiki page tonight 13:28:12 <jjmcd> cool, cuz I have done zero 13:28:33 <zoglesby> jjmcd: no worries 13:28:50 <jhradilek> Guide owners manual? 13:29:33 <zoglesby> jhradilek: a guide to go over ins and outs of owning a guide 13:29:41 <zoglesby> ie whats expected and how to do it 13:30:08 <zoglesby> #topic F16 Schedule 13:30:23 <jhradilek> Oh. Thanks. :) 13:30:40 <zoglesby> #link http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-16/f-16-docs-tree-tasks.html 13:30:53 <zoglesby> Unclaimed Beats (Aug 31) 13:31:13 <jjmcd> I have done a little on that but anyone who wants to dive in ..... 13:31:36 <zoglesby> jjmcd: okay, we need and try and push this over the next few days 13:31:41 <jjmcd> I do have the decks cleared so I can hit that today as long as the pager stays quiet 13:31:49 <zoglesby> so thats a call to arms for anyone that can help 13:32:02 <jjmcd> At this point, any empty beat 13:32:11 <jjmcd> Just grab and go 13:32:51 <zoglesby> Remind announce-list & f-devel-announce: Wiki Freeze (Sep 1) 13:33:16 <zoglesby> Port Wiki to Publican (Sep 1 - Sep 6) 13:33:20 <nathant> jjmcd: a lot of the empty beats seem to be ones that there isn't much to write about! 13:33:32 <jjmcd> nathant, and that is fine 13:33:38 <nathant> like architecture-specific content for example 13:33:47 <jjmcd> but don't forget the feature pages are only the tip of the iceburg 13:33:57 <jjmcd> the tech notes are where the real changes are 13:34:07 <nathant> aah 13:34:12 <nathant> ok 13:34:20 <jjmcd> So it is more about picking the few important ones 13:34:28 <nathant> where are the tech notes again? 13:34:34 <jjmcd> although I bet arch-specific will be pretty empty 13:34:44 <jjmcd> jjmcd.fedorapeople.org until release 13:35:00 <jjmcd> wait while I get full url 13:35:01 <nathant> ok cool, I'll have a look if I get a moment! 13:35:51 <zoglesby> next week starts the big push for other guides (branching, etc) 13:35:56 <jjmcd> #link http://jjmcd.fedorapeople.org/Download/F16_Technical_Notes/ 13:35:57 <zoglesby> just as a heads up 13:36:06 <nathant> jjmcd: thanks 13:36:16 <zoglesby> any other notes about the schedule? 13:36:21 <jjmcd> yes 13:36:36 <jjmcd> There is an L10N notification and nightly POTs coming up 13:36:56 <jjmcd> Looks as if the sked expects translations for beta, but we never to translations for beta 13:37:11 <zoglesby> did rudi and nb every come up with a solution to create nightly pots? 13:37:27 <jjmcd> And I don't know how happy L10N would be to be translating stuff in flux 13:37:40 <jjmcd> zoglesby, I don't think so 13:37:59 <jjmcd> After I get some XML I'll try nathant's instructions for translations 13:38:08 <jjmcd> but last release no joy 13:38:16 <zoglesby> jjmcd: indeed 13:38:23 <nathant> jjmcd: the release notes should be set up with Transifex.net now 13:38:31 <pkovar> we can surely create a branch for tx specifically for each of the guides and sync manually between it and the guides master branch, then sync with tx so that translators work on up-to-date strings 13:38:34 <jjmcd> I can put it on my crontab again, but I'll also poke nb and see if we can't move the build system forward 13:38:42 <nathant> you should just be able to run 'tx pull' and 'tx push' 13:39:04 <nathant> there's a wiki page for draft guides here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Publishing_draft_documentation 13:39:05 <pkovar> right, provided you have right lang codes mappings though 13:39:10 <jjmcd> nathant, yes I can, and nothing happens when I do 13:39:14 <nathant> pkovar: done! 13:39:26 <nathant> jjmcd: when was the last time you tried? 13:39:32 <jjmcd> months ago 13:39:42 <nathant> jjmcd: ok try it now! 13:39:56 <jjmcd> nb had presumably fixed the mapping, before the purge 13:39:56 <zoglesby> #topic FAD @ OLF 13:40:06 <zoglesby> speaking of L10N 13:40:39 <nathant> jjmcd: glezos did some of it, I did the rest 13:41:03 <zoglesby> I want to spend some time at OLF getting our process working and well documented, I know that we have made huge amount of progress, but if anyone has anymore input please provide that to this list so we can talk about it 13:42:12 <zoglesby> jjmcd: since you have to leave before the FAD I would like to be able to get some work done on the Release Notes before then, but we can figure out a good time and location when we are there 13:42:24 <jjmcd> zoglesby, roger that 13:42:42 <jjmcd> I am planning to arrive wed evening, but I can be earlier if there is something to do 13:42:59 <zoglesby> I figure we can all just assemble in someones room and work on them 13:43:26 <zoglesby> jjmcd: (Sparks, jsmith, and I) wont be in until Thursday 13:43:29 <jjmcd> Sorry, thu evening 13:43:47 <zoglesby> but I don't know the time (jsmith has Sparks talked to you about that yet?) 13:44:18 <jjmcd> It's a pretty easy drive from here, so lunchtime wouldn't be a push 13:44:22 <jsmith> zoglesby: No, due to his travel and natural disasters this week, I haven't touched base w/ him 13:44:44 <zoglesby> okay, we will figure all that out later then 13:44:53 <zoglesby> I have nothing else for OLF, any one else? 13:46:06 <zoglesby> #topic FUDCon (x2) 13:46:34 <zoglesby> I don't have anything here, anyone have anything for EU or US FUDCons? 13:46:40 * jjmcd is anxious to see jhradilek's edits to the slide deck 13:47:14 <zoglesby> I am going to skip QA again 13:47:19 * jhradilek is anxious to make those edits. ;-) 13:47:31 <zoglesby> #topic Guide Status 13:47:51 <zoglesby> anything? I still need to send out that email. So I don't have anything until then 13:48:36 <jhradilek> FYI, I have re-published the Deployment Guide with newly added Printer Configuration chapter. Thanks to eslobodo for updating it! 13:49:16 <pkovar> nothing new on the eu fudcon docs hackfest front yet, but we plan to do it 13:49:42 <pkovar> fnadge will be working on it with the conf organizers 13:50:07 * jjmcd did add the publican talk to the list on the wiki 13:50:40 <zoglesby> cool, I look forward to see the outcome of all of it 13:50:40 <jsmith> jjmcd: And I'll review your slides shortly... 13:50:53 <zoglesby> #topic Open floor discussion 13:50:54 <nathant> jhradilek: have the updated pots been pushed to transifex? 13:51:32 <pkovar> nathant: I'll work on it with jhradilek 13:51:44 <nathant> pkovar: great, thanks! 13:51:49 <pkovar> this is still about f15 translations 13:52:00 <pkovar> unfortunately... 13:52:23 <pkovar> i realized that the original branch for f15 translations 13:52:41 <pkovar> was created too early and never synced with master 13:53:00 <pkovar> so people were basically translating old stuff 13:53:11 <pkovar> not the correct content for f15 13:53:34 <zoglesby> ouch, pkovar did you let L10N know 13:54:06 <pkovar> well, i wasn't aware of that, we'll have to take care of syncing between branches next time 13:54:21 <pkovar> it's quite late now for f15 13:54:29 <nathant> is there an easy way to sync branches with git? 13:54:34 <pkovar> so we will publish what we have 13:54:41 <jhradilek> It is. And it is pity that translators did not contact me before creating that branch. 13:55:21 <pkovar> well, from what i can see from the log, nb created that branch originally 13:55:36 <pkovar> back in february, that is 13:56:08 <nathant> pkovar: he might have needed to do it in order to set up the Transifex.net project 13:56:22 <nathant> which syncs with release branches, not with master 13:56:58 <pkovar> right 13:57:19 <zoglesby> any other items? (Me needs to go deal with some server issues for $DAYJOB) 13:58:03 <pkovar> well, let's say speak to docs owners before creating a new branch :-) 13:59:15 <zoglesby> pkovar: I think nb was trying to get all the guides into tx.net at that point 13:59:45 <jjmcd> and nb advertised it pretty widely 14:00:01 <zoglesby> #chair jjmcd 14:00:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: jjmcd zoglesby 14:00:08 <pkovar> yes, he surely had good intentions, thanks for his work on the tx front! 14:00:15 <zoglesby> jjmcd: can you end the meeting, I need to run 14:00:24 <jjmcd> I don't see why not 14:00:32 <jjmcd> although it appears we are almost done 14:00:32 <zoglesby> I will post the notes to the list 14:00:46 <jjmcd> good deal 14:00:57 <jjmcd> Well, our hour is up 14:01:10 <jjmcd> anything else needed for the good of the order? 14:01:37 <nathant> tea and cake? 14:01:51 <jjmcd> OK, remember if you get a few minutes grab a beat and write something 14:02:08 <jjmcd> nathant, Can you DCC some over here? 14:02:19 <nathant> jjmcd: ok! 14:02:32 <nathant> or maybe FedEx? 14:02:41 <nathant> might get a bit soggy 14:02:44 <jjmcd> Any objections to adjourning? 14:02:52 <jjmcd> Yeah, and the tea will be cold 14:03:08 <nathant> :D 14:03:32 <jjmcd> OK, well thanks everyone 14:03:40 <jjmcd> have a great week 14:03:47 <jhradilek> Thanks! 14:03:54 <nathant> ok thanks jjmcd, you too! 14:03:56 <jjmcd> #endmeeting