13:18:54 <igorps> #startmeeting famsco 13:18:54 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Sep 24 13:18:54 2011 UTC. The chair is igorps. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:18:54 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:19:11 <igorps> #chair gbraad_ kaio 13:19:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad_ igorps kaio 13:19:18 <igorps> .fas igorps 13:19:18 <zodbot> igorps: igor 'Igor Pires Soares' <igor@projetofedora.org> 13:19:59 <gbraad_> .fas gbraad 13:19:59 <zodbot> gbraad_: gbraad 'Gerard Braad (吉拉德)' <fedora@gbraad.nl> 13:20:59 <igorps> #toipc Chinese community domain 13:21:02 <kaio> .fas kaio 13:21:02 <zodbot> kaio: kaio 'Caius Chance (かいお)' <me@kaio.net> 13:21:13 <gbraad_> at the moment this ticket has stalled again 13:21:31 <igorps> gbraad_, The board said anything about that? 13:21:54 <gbraad_> kaio has more details. 13:22:15 <igorps> I can't see the tickets :( 13:22:34 <kaio> this had been more than a years since we first received the news about fedoracommunity.org 13:23:03 <kaio> we have substantial discussions w/ China fedora community, RH people and others 13:23:35 <kaio> on the side of RH they concern about the subdomain in potential legal issues 13:24:27 <kaio> I think no matter about the concerns we should have a scope on what they allow and what disallowed. 13:24:36 <gbraad_> i would suggest to involve harish in the process (with jsmith). the FAD we will have in october allows for this 13:24:38 <kaio> and make a timely confirmation 13:24:45 <kaio> gbraad♆ ++ 13:24:52 <igorps> Do you mean like trademark issues? 13:25:09 <kaio> igorps♆ superset of that maybe 13:25:47 <gbraad_> igorps: i never got fedback on the TM issue in China,but we diid have this. i do think this is unrelated 13:25:48 <kaio> I am very happy gbraad can take that along and lobby with harish and jsmith 13:26:24 <igorps> The FAD could be a good opportunity to sort that out personally, indeed 13:26:37 <igorps> usually those things work best in person 13:26:45 <kaio> IMHO if this is still not done, why shouldnt we use the usual domain just communities in other countries used to use 13:27:41 <kaio> lets keep an eye on that and the results after FAD 13:28:09 <igorps> Doesn't make sense to me either, but we should be aware of law differences in different jurisdictions 13:28:18 <gbraad_> this means it will be on hold till then? I suggest I will pick it up and inform harish about this before the FAD 13:28:32 <kaio> gbraad♆ agree 13:28:39 <igorps> gbraad_ +1 13:28:50 <kaio> I think discussions should be always spinning 13:29:02 <gbraad_> exactly... action point 13:29:18 <igorps> It's a good idea to keep the discussions moving 13:29:19 <kaio> esp we are on the "flexible" and "motivated" side 13:29:47 <igorps> gbraad_ could you send an email to FAmSCo ml ccing Harish? 13:30:29 <gbraad_> #action gbraad will send an email to FAmSCo ML and Harish about the Fedora community domain for China 13:30:29 <kaio> gbraad♆ I will supply info to your email also. 13:30:51 <gbraad_> I do want to place a note here 13:30:58 <kaio> (I have another topic about china community) 13:31:10 <gbraad_> it is not the same matter, but related to the FAD and Chinese community 13:31:21 <kaio> gbraad♆ after you 13:31:41 <gbraad_> some time ago Weibo acounts (Chinese twitter) had been created. 13:31:52 <gbraad_> however, this user is now non-active in the community 13:32:20 <kaio> gbraad♆ I think that is same topic as mine :) 13:32:37 <igorps> #action gbraad_ will send an email to Harish with info provided by kaio 13:32:50 <igorps> are you guys willing to take the account back? 13:32:51 <gbraad_> these accounts had not been shared (besides being conmmunicated with RH legal) 13:33:04 <kaio> I think Fedora representation should be non-centralized to single person. 13:33:38 <gbraad_> these accounts should be taken by the community 13:34:06 <kaio> besides Weibo, also Fedora Chinese BBS/forum, Blog, IRC channel prefixed #fedora- 13:34:23 <gbraad_> I know spot has additional info, but it would be advised to take the nice route first 13:34:36 <kaio> gbraad♆ ++ 13:35:06 <igorps> Indeed. It's better to try to solve this diplomatically first 13:35:25 <kaio> so that should be the 2 actions we have to work on before next FAD 13:35:32 <igorps> let's add this topic to our agenda as well 13:35:48 <gbraad_> please 13:36:49 <igorps> kaio, could you clarify what those actions are? 13:37:05 <igorps> so I can put them on the minutes 13:38:13 <kaio> the first action is "get subdomain request of fedoracommunity.org finalized by next FAD in Beijing (mid Oct)" 13:38:37 <igorps> #action get subdomain request of fedoracommunity.org finalized by next FAD in Beijing (mid Oct) 13:39:20 <kaio> the second action is "get community resources (e.g. IRC channels, BBS, Blog, Weibo/Chinese Twitter) ownership clarify with Fedora/RH legal" 13:39:34 <kaio> clarified 13:39:42 <igorps> #action get community resources (e.g. IRC channels, BBS, Blog, Weibo/Chinese Twitter) ownership clarify with Fedora/RH legal 13:39:57 <igorps> Thanks, kaio. That is pretty clear 13:40:06 <kaio> thx 13:40:16 <igorps> Anything else about those topics? 13:40:28 <kaio> not from me 13:40:29 <gbraad_> no 13:40:43 <igorps> ok, moving on 13:41:22 <igorps> It might be a good idea to ping Pierros about his topics 13:41:41 <igorps> some things look stalled as well 13:41:51 <igorps> maybe we can help him 13:41:53 <gbraad_> pierros seems to be mostly travelling during our meetings 13:42:09 <gbraad_> if anything important, please include URGENT in the subject 13:42:17 <gbraad_> had brief contact with him 13:42:45 <igorps> gbraad_, yep. I will send an email to ping him. 13:43:03 <igorps> #topic August report 13:43:16 <igorps> August report is on its way 13:43:25 <igorps> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_report_2011-08 13:43:38 <yn1v> I am now at SFD event ! 13:43:49 <igorps> if you have something to add on the regional news please few free to add 13:43:57 <igorps> yn1v, nice! 13:44:02 <igorps> that was fast 13:44:41 <igorps> I'm waiting for Joerg to update the mentoring statistics in order to finish the report 13:45:11 <igorps> since Neville arrived I can move to our next topic 13:45:35 <igorps> #topic Schedule a meeting for recommending a location for FUDCon LATAM 2012 13:46:07 <igorps> We need to recommend a location for FUDCon LATAM the same way we did for Milan for instance 13:46:55 <igorps> it looks like bidders can't attend to this meeting, what I still need to confirm with them 13:47:41 <igorps> but ideally we should have a open meeting where bidders could attend and share their ideas and information 13:47:55 <gbraad_> ok, what is the deadline and expected time for this? 13:48:28 <igorps> gbraad_ we need to do it soon. Like next or week or one after next 13:48:52 <igorps> I'm thinking about a meeting right after this one 13:48:55 <gbraad_> ok, communicate this early and soon. 13:49:05 <igorps> yn1v, what do you think? 13:49:10 <gbraad_> have to make sure we get feedback from all (or at least most) members 13:49:43 <igorps> We have two bids so far: 13:49:52 <igorps> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Peru_2012 13:50:00 <igorps> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Venezuela_2012 13:50:02 <yn1v> I can not be on that meeting, the event is almost starting and I haven't set up my table 13:50:27 <igorps> yn1v, I meant to schedule a meeting for next weeks 13:50:49 <yn1v> oh, yes... in that case absolutely 13:51:11 <igorps> I will contact the bidders to coordinate with them 13:51:33 <yn1v> I think better next week just after famsco meeting 13:51:34 <igorps> #action igorps to contact the bidders and coordinate with them 13:51:55 <igorps> yn1v, can you talk about your topic now? 13:52:01 <yn1v> yes 13:52:04 <yn1v> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Lbazan/FAD2k11 13:52:17 <igorps> #chair yn1v 13:52:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: gbraad_ igorps kaio yn1v 13:53:06 <igorps> #topic FAD2k11 13:53:15 <yn1v> in panama they will host a package/documentation training in Santiago which is about 6 hours drive from panam city 13:53:34 <igorps> Is there a ticket for that? 13:53:38 <yn1v> they are requesting some budget for accomodation over the weekend 13:53:45 <yn1v> yes, there is a ticket 13:54:59 <igorps> yn1v, btw I have attached the media receipt on that other ticket 13:55:48 <yn1v> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/217 13:56:10 <yn1v> sorry about the delay... that's the ticket for panama fad 13:56:55 <yn1v> the ambassadors in panama have been working hard on giving workshop for contributing... packaging, documentation, translation 13:57:13 <igorps> That is $237 in total, right? 13:57:25 <yn1v> now they are going beyond panama city and I think we need to support them 13:57:41 <yn1v> yes ... that's the total they are asking for. 13:57:52 <igorps> yn1v, indeed 13:57:59 <igorps> sounds pretty reasonable 13:58:13 <yn1v> I think that I have to copy their activities. 13:58:50 <igorps> It would be nice to have an list of activities and their owners 13:59:13 <yn1v> The other thing is that they have verified that alejandro perez can receive reimbursement by paypal after the event 14:00:05 <igorps> Alejandro already confirmed that? 14:00:07 <yn1v> I will ask them to list what they have done in the wiki. 14:00:24 <yn1v> they have been advertizing everything on facebook 14:01:31 <igorps> nice, if you have further confirmation place it on the ticket 14:01:51 <gbraad_> facebook? 14:01:58 <igorps> the amount on the wiki differs from the amount on the ticket 14:02:12 <igorps> they need to fix that as well 14:02:14 <yn1v> luis bazan confirmed that on behalf of alejandro and cc him 14:02:26 <igorps> yn1v, good 14:03:39 <yn1v> yes, the total on the ticket does not show transport, but they have added that on the body of the ticket. 14:04:04 <igorps> ok, np then 14:04:09 <igorps> yn1v, anything else about this? 14:05:20 <igorps> I'll leave my +1 to fund this 14:05:48 <yn1v> no, that's all. 14:06:50 <igorps> Now, about one more event 14:07:01 <igorps> #topic Latinoware 14:07:41 <igorps> Latinoware is one of biggest FLOSS events in LATAM 14:07:57 <igorps> #link http://www.latinoware.org/en 14:08:24 <igorps> and I have good fresh news about Fedora participation 14:08:57 <igorps> Me and Valentin Basel from Argentina were invited to speak at the event 14:09:15 <gbraad_> great to hear! 14:09:40 <igorps> We are setting up a wiki for this: 14:09:49 <igorps> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Latinoware_2011 14:10:45 <igorps> I haven't file a ticket for that yet because I got the talks confirmation late this week 14:11:37 <igorps> but from my calculation we will need about $700 for lodging and airfare 14:12:19 <igorps> I will put all the costs on a ticket and file it soon 14:12:37 <gbraad_> ok, please 14:12:59 <yn1v> It seems good so far 14:13:31 <igorps> airfare can be bought directly and the hotel I can pay for it and get the reimbursement later 14:14:02 <igorps> yn1v, I will poke you soon again :) 14:14:40 <yn1v> cool, glad to be of any help 14:15:01 <igorps> That's it so far. I'll keep you guys informed. 14:15:18 <igorps> Anything else, folks? 14:15:23 <gbraad_> no 14:15:24 <yn1v> I need to focus my attention on the event, people are starting to show up 14:15:51 <igorps> yn1v, ok, have a nice and productive event! 14:16:14 <tatica> morning 14:16:14 <igorps> #endmeeting