17:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2011-10-13) 17:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 13 17:00:01 2011 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:02 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 17:00:02 <nirik> #topic init process 17:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 17:00:26 <EvilBob> Bacon 17:00:26 * Sonar_Gal puts the platter of bacon out 17:00:29 * N3LRX checks in 17:02:05 <nirik> ok, I guess lets go ahead and get started. 17:02:12 <nirik> #topic Week in review 17:02:13 <nirik> http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html 17:02:26 <nirik> anyone want to shout out anything from this week/ 17:02:41 <nirik> seems like a lot of folks on f16beta... and a fair bit of new folks. 17:03:19 <EvilBob> A weird number of bizarre F12 users recently 17:03:42 <fenrus02> f16 users should really do "yum update" as soon as possible. make sure they are on $current before reporting issues. 17:03:57 * nirik nods. 17:04:01 <fenrus02> there have been a selection that installed alpha thinking it was "close enough" 17:04:23 <FranciscoD> speaks +vely of stability ;) 17:04:27 <nirik> yeah, that was ages ago... as was beta actually. 17:05:07 <fenrus02> FranciscoD, alpha->beta upgraders have known issues with grub. that's one primary reason it's important to ensure they have updated. 17:05:31 <nirik> there's been some glibc instablity recently too. 17:05:41 <fenrus02> nirik, thought that was pulled/corrected 17:05:46 <storrgie> fenrus02, for my reference, grub 2 is racked/stacked in the beta right? I've not installed the alpha because I thought grub 2 integration wasnt completed at the time. 17:05:56 <nirik> it has been, but they should update to the fixed one. ;) 17:05:56 <FranciscoD> fenrus02: I didnt know that. I only upgrade at beta release 17:06:00 <EvilBob> Hold on here 17:06:16 <fenrus02> storrgie, alpha does have grub2, but upgrading from alpha->beta is problematic. 17:06:19 <EvilBob> Lets not get in to a whole beta problem solving session 17:06:25 <nirik> storrgie: yes, grub2 will be used for most f16 installs. ;) 17:06:28 <nirik> EvilBob: +1 17:06:32 <EvilBob> It's beyond the scope of this meeting 17:06:41 <storrgie> nirik, EvilBob agreed, apologies. 17:06:48 <storrgie> first time I've seen a meeting like this going on 17:06:55 <nirik> so summary from above: try and help f16 folks as best you can. Make sure they have updated. ;) 17:07:02 <nirik> storrgie: no worries. 17:07:09 <fenrus02> just wanted to note it because beta is no semi-supported in #fedora, but only if they have updated. 17:07:15 <dcr226> storrgie, stick around for the initiation later, some call it "hazing" but what do they know ;-) 17:07:20 <EvilBob> Try to help EOL users get to a supported version if they like it or not 17:07:27 <nirik> anyone have any other trends or issues to be aware of from last week? 17:07:29 <fenrus02> any complex problems specific to f16, send to #fedora-qa 17:07:49 <Southern_Gentlem> +1 17:07:52 <nirik> EvilBob: is #fedora-eol dead? should we stop sending folks there? 17:08:01 <dcr226> been dead for ages hasn't it? 17:08:10 <EvilBob> EOL users get no support in #fedora, those that do support them should be banned... 17:08:18 <fenrus02> nirik, occasionally has 1 non-bot user in it 17:08:27 <EvilBob> Oh wait, this isn't my perfect world request? 17:08:43 * nirik has no idea, doesn't wish to support EOL releases, so is never there. 17:08:51 <dcr226> jsmith, on that subject, someone mentioned your name with reference to a support extension on F14...is that just rumor? 17:09:06 <fenrus02> fc6 -> el5, f12 -> el6. Not much of an "eol" market really. 17:09:12 <EvilBob> dcr226: Beyond the score of this meeting? 17:09:16 <dcr226> not really 17:09:34 <dcr226> although probably for open floor I guess 17:09:40 <nirik> dcr226: I've not heard anything around that... 17:09:44 <jsmith> dcr226: Several people have approached me about it -- but talk doesn't cook rice 17:09:55 <nirik> people ask for that all the time, but no one does the work 17:10:06 <dcr226> makes sense, that clears it up 17:10:09 <Southern_Gentlem> it has been proposed at fudcons and will again 17:10:15 <fenrus02> will f16 include a new ec2 image? 17:10:25 <nirik> fenrus02: hopefully yes. 17:10:28 <fenrus02> cool 17:10:29 <EvilBob> Last one that did the work was many moons ago 17:10:33 <nirik> anyhow, shall we move on to tickets? 17:10:33 <EvilBob> Move on 17:10:40 <nirik> #topic Tickets 17:10:40 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/report/1 17:10:41 <dcr226> +1 move on, query answered 17:10:45 <nirik> we have 2 tickets: 17:10:56 <nirik> #75 Exemplary assistance by "Anvil" 17:11:03 <nirik> many kudos to anvil. 17:11:04 <EvilBob> Heh 17:11:05 <dcr226> anvil++ 17:11:09 <Southern_Gentlem> +1000 anvil 17:11:10 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/75 17:11:15 <fenrus02> kudos anvil 17:11:40 <nirik> .title https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/76 17:11:41 <zodbot> nirik: #76 (users being chastised for helping other users) - irc-support-sig - Trac 17:11:50 <nirik> and we have a negative ticket 17:12:06 <Southern_Gentlem> with a partial log 17:12:33 <nirik> it sounds like a 3rd party projecting on an interaction they weren't really involved in. 17:12:42 <Southern_Gentlem> exactly 17:12:53 <dcr226> yep, Southern_Gentlem did nothing wrong here....just asked the guy how he was approaching the problem 17:12:57 <Southern_Gentlem> 3rd party wanted to have a measureing contest 17:13:08 <EvilBob> Again, it's a third party complaining about something that they think they perceived might have hurt someone's feelings. 17:13:12 <Southern_Gentlem> and i wouldnt fall for it 17:13:14 * dcr226 votes, close the ticket "thanks for the feedback" 17:13:50 * nirik nods. 17:13:53 <Southern_Gentlem> as you see in the log i point the 3rd person to the channel FAQ and to the Feedback 17:14:01 <EvilBob> I vote we close the ticket and ban the bleeding heart from the channel 17:14:24 <Southern_Gentlem> EvilBob, i think he will earn that in time on his own 17:14:27 <EvilBob> I mean, thank them for their input 17:14:32 <dcr226> EvilBob, ;-) 17:14:48 <Sonar_Gal> lol 17:15:04 <Khaytsus> Timestamps would help here, but beyond suggesting yum grouplist first... Don't see the problem. 17:15:33 <nirik> ok, anything more on tickets? 17:15:35 <EvilBob> Sorry everyone, I am just in a mood to joke around. 17:15:41 <dcr226> I don't think this ticket warrants any more of our time 17:15:49 <EvilBob> dcr226: +1 17:15:55 <Southern_Gentlem> thanks all 17:16:03 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 17:16:10 <nirik> so, anyone have anything for open floor? 17:16:17 <Sonar_Gal> At one time I had keys set to send people to how-to's but people have either gotten to lazy or don't want to learn 17:16:23 <Sonar_Gal> Nope 17:16:52 <FranciscoD> anyone from our support sig going to fudcon india? 17:16:56 <nirik> yeah, the xchat shortcuts are always nice. 17:16:57 * jsmith is 17:17:08 <FranciscoD> I'd like a session on "where to go when something breaks" 17:17:25 <FranciscoD> irc is kinda the most active 17:17:33 <EvilBob> FranciscoD: "Home with a box of tissues" is always the answer 17:17:47 <FranciscoD> lol, right 17:17:49 <nirik> oh, a random note: we are looking for more updates testers and proventesters. If you or anyone you see in channel sounds good for that, do point them at testing resources. 17:17:49 <Southern_Gentlem> FranciscoD, depends on their language as well 17:17:50 <EvilBob> ;) 17:18:18 <FranciscoD> nirik: if you can tell me what to say, I'll get someone to take a session 17:18:18 <EvilBob> Praise users who bother to file a good bug on something 17:18:21 <FranciscoD> ;) 17:18:25 <fenrus02> nirik, sadly, yet-another-meeting that i have not been able to make :/ 17:18:33 <FranciscoD> since I'm not much into testing 17:18:33 <EvilBob> make an example out of them in the channel 17:18:35 <dcr226> fenrus02, corporate whore 17:18:39 <FranciscoD> rofl 17:18:41 <nirik> EvilBob: +1. Positive feedback is good. 17:18:46 <Sonar_Gal> fenrus02, It's not closed yet 17:19:02 <fenrus02> dcr226, sorry, cant mail you the keg. you'll have to come pick it up 17:19:05 <FranciscoD> Southern_Gentlem: yes, language, but as a central hub, I can point #fedora 17:19:09 <EvilBob> "Hey Frankie, thanks a lot for working on that bug" 17:19:12 <FranciscoD> so they know where to get started 17:19:13 <nirik> FranciscoD: can try. I am thinking of doing a classroom on it... could base a talk or info on that. 17:19:21 <dcr226> fenrus02, Heh, only if I get a racing armadillo...and a gun 17:19:25 <FranciscoD> nirik: sure thing, please let me know 17:19:34 <FranciscoD> I'll submit a prescheduled talk 17:19:44 <FranciscoD> or I'll pitch for an on the spot one 17:19:53 <fenrus02> dcr226, customs into the state nearly mandates you own a firearm. you'll be issued one, and have to pay for it 17:20:07 <FranciscoD> jsmith: would you like to do the session? 17:20:29 <fenrus02> FranciscoD, #fedora-india might be a good choice. 17:20:31 <EvilBob> different meeting? 17:20:42 <FranciscoD> fenrus02: I'll point them there too 17:20:48 <dcr226> EvilBob, +1 17:20:55 * nirik will go ahead and close out in a minute or two if there's nothing else for this open floor. ;) 17:20:57 <Southern_Gentlem> and on that Subidies for Fudcon blacksburg are now open 17:21:17 * dcr226 skids along the open floor, and crashes into the unused chairs 17:21:32 <nirik> oh, who wants to close tickets? 17:21:32 <EvilBob> Who exactly is reviewing the funding requests? 17:22:14 <FranciscoD> EvilBob: event owner + jsmith iirc 17:22:37 <dcr226> nirik, I think they are handled by either Sonar_Gal or EvilBob 17:22:39 <Southern_Gentlem> the committee 17:22:40 <EvilBob> FranciscoD: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sponsoring_event_attendees#Who_decides_sponsorships does not show either of those as options 17:23:01 <Sonar_Gal> nirik, yeah EvilBob or I will close them 17:23:02 <EvilBob> Not specifically 17:23:12 <EvilBob> "the committee" means nothing 17:23:26 <Southern_Gentlem> EvilBob, oh well dont apply then 17:23:36 <FranciscoD> The Fedora Project Leader may be a participant in this process. 17:23:36 <nirik> Sonar_Gal: thank you. 17:23:45 <EvilBob> Gee, sorry for asking 17:23:54 * nirik thinks this is also off topic for this meeting. Continue over in #fedora-board ? 17:23:59 <FranciscoD> he event owner is sometimes responsible for these decisions, and receives a set budget from which to offer subsidies under the process described below 17:24:03 <FranciscoD> it says 17:24:12 <FranciscoD> EvilBob: clean thy glasses 17:24:14 <EvilBob> Maybe in #fedora-DILLIGAF 17:24:29 <dcr226> oooh....new channel to register 17:24:30 <nirik> thanks for coming everyone! 17:24:33 <Southern_Gentlem> beyond this meeting 17:24:34 <fenrus02> and on that note, i think we're done with this meeting 17:24:37 <nirik> #endmeeting