13:03:08 <jsmith> #startmeeting Fedora Docs meeting 13:03:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 24 13:03:08 2011 UTC. The chair is jsmith. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:03:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:03:12 <jjmcd> Maybe if we make zoglesby's pc beep anough ... 13:03:20 <jsmith> #meetingname fedora_docs 13:03:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 13:03:41 <jsmith> #chair jjmcd 13:03:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: jjmcd jsmith 13:03:53 <jsmith> (If anybody else wants chair privileges, please just ask) 13:04:00 <jsmith> #topic Welcome! Roll Call! 13:04:03 <jjmcd> action items are on the list 13:04:06 * Sparks . 13:04:06 * jjmcd 13:04:07 * jhradilek <-- 13:04:10 * jsmith is here 13:04:18 * Capesteve waves 13:04:19 <jsmith> #chair Sparks 13:04:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks jjmcd jsmith 13:04:24 * randomuser hello 13:04:29 <pkovar> hi there! 13:04:38 <jsmith> Looks like we have a good group today, awesome :-) 13:05:02 * eslobodo is here as well :) 13:05:11 * bcotton is here 13:05:21 * LoKoMurdoK is here 13:05:32 <jsmith> I'll wait one more minute, and then we'll go ahead and get started 13:05:53 <jjmcd> While were waiting 13:06:04 <jjmcd> randomuser is new, probably looking for work 13:06:04 <jsmith> jjmcd: Go right ahead! 13:06:12 <jjmcd> welcome 13:06:16 <jsmith> Welcome randomuser! 13:06:23 <randomuser> Hi, thanks 13:06:24 <jhradilek> randomuser: Welcome to the show! 13:06:55 <jsmith> #topic Fedora 16 schedule 13:07:10 <jsmith> #link http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-16/f-16-docs-tree-tasks.html 13:07:22 <jjmcd> Today final POTs are due 13:07:42 <jjmcd> I have built them, waiting from validation from shaiton before pushing to tx 13:07:50 <jsmith> Awesome :-) 13:08:33 <jsmith> How disruptive do you think it would be to add a small dedication to Dennis Ritchie in the release notes? Too disruptive at this point in the game? 13:09:06 <jsmith> If so, we'll just stick with the release announcement 13:09:09 <jjmcd> I don't think so 13:09:22 <jjmcd> Still easy to rebuild the final POTs 13:09:37 <jjmcd> ANd I assume it would be short so shouldn't be a huge deal for L10N 13:09:50 <randomuser> I think it's a good idea. There was a push on the -users mailing list for it 13:10:22 <jsmith> Is there someone that would like to take the task of writing something up? 13:10:38 <Sparks> I thought someone in Marketing was already doing that 13:10:58 <jsmith> (In our Board meeting, we felt it should be short and something along the lines of "Few of us knew Dennis personally, but his impact on the work we do can't be ignored.") 13:11:06 <jsmith> Sparks: Oh? I hadn't seen that 13:11:21 <Sparks> Last Marketing meeting there was talk. 13:11:24 <Sparks> rbergeron: ^^^ 13:11:26 <jjmcd> If someone would like to come up with the prose ... 13:12:16 <jjmcd> I would be too wordy, having had the provolege of sorresponding with him directly 13:12:23 <jjmcd> sheesh the typing 13:12:52 <jsmith> Yeah, two or three sentences should be plenty 13:13:50 <jsmith> No volunteers? 13:14:24 <jjmcd> I'll go do it then. I have a bad way of writing half-page sentences, tho. 13:14:44 <jsmith> jjmcd: If you write it, others will be happy to edit/review :-) 13:15:00 <jsmith> #action jjmcd To write a short dedication to Dennis Ritchie for the release notes and release announcement 13:15:01 * Capesteve says: Happy to proof read, edit etc. 13:15:03 <jsmith> Thanks jjmcd 13:15:12 <jsmith> Anything else on the topic of the schedule? 13:15:30 <jsmith> I guess we need to start worrying about the release announcement (joint effort between Marketing and Docs) 13:15:44 <jjmcd> Can we kill of the remaining action items 13:15:58 <jjmcd> Mostly SParks, but the IG item gat taken care of 13:16:12 <jsmith> Yeah, I was going to cover that after talking about the schedule :-) 13:16:24 <Sparks> I think zoglesby was going to talk about the QA stuff 13:16:56 <jsmith> My rough agenda for todays meeting is: Schedule, Action Items, Guide Status, Other 13:17:17 <jsmith> I'd love to have a volunteer to do at least a rough draft for the release announcement 13:17:30 <jsmith> It's fairly short and easy to do 13:18:16 <bcotton> jsmith: when's it due? 13:18:38 <jsmith> bcotton: The 31st 13:18:45 <Sparks> jsmith: I think Marketing is doing that as well. 13:18:55 <jsmith> Sparks: As I said, it's a joint effort between Marketing and Docs 13:19:12 <Sparks> I read that now 13:19:13 <Sparks> :) 13:19:48 <bcotton> i should be able to get something sketched up later this week 13:19:56 <jsmith> Awesome, thanks bcotton 13:20:00 <bcotton> so long as you're not too concerned about quality ;-) 13:20:09 <jsmith> #action bcotton to work on the F16 release announcement 13:20:13 <jsmith> bcotton: You'll do fine :-) 13:20:22 <jsmith> #topic Action Items 13:20:29 <jsmith> OK, let's look at last week's action items 13:20:43 <jsmith> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-10-17/fedora_docs.2011-10-17-13.01.html 13:21:02 <jsmith> jjmcd took care of the IG item 13:21:13 <jsmith> (IG = installation guide, for those of you who are new to Docs) 13:21:23 <jsmith> Sparks, you had the other two items 13:21:24 <randomuser> heh 13:21:31 <jsmith> Sparks: Mind giving us a status update? 13:21:35 <jjmcd> Actually, it got taken care of when I was looking - Jack Reed updated and published 13:21:52 <jsmith> Even better :-) 13:22:34 <Sparks> I really haven't done anything with the QA discussion mainly because it would seem that the work we did at OLF is void. 13:23:03 <jsmith> OK... 13:23:08 <jjmcd> so should we blow away those action items and replace them with new? 13:23:24 <jsmith> WORKSFORME 13:25:02 <Sparks> What should the new ones be? I think zoglesby was going to work on this discussion further but I've gotten enough push back since OLF that I don't see consensus on this anymore. 13:25:36 <jsmith> Yeah, I don't see any clear replacement 13:25:55 <jsmith> Other than just adding an action item "zoglesby to push further discussion on Docs QA" 13:25:56 <Sparks> It needs to happen but folks don't want it to happen. 13:26:39 <jjmcd> Don't want it, or just not interested? 13:27:10 <Sparks> Don't want it. Too much work, don't like the work flow, don't want to be encumbered. 13:28:31 <jjmcd> Perhaps a couple of meetings to work out a smooth workflow 13:29:41 <jjmcd> I think its a good thing, but I just don't want my finger in EVERY pie 13:29:46 <jsmith> OK, anything else on action items? 13:29:47 <bcotton> i'm not sure it's a don't want, it's more of a "don't know how to do it smoothly without overburdening contributors" 13:30:16 <jjmcd> Let me propose something bizarre 13:30:31 * jsmith is all ears 13:30:44 <jjmcd> How about after release we initiate a six sigma project on workflow to include qa? 13:31:19 <jjmcd> SS ought to fit well since it is all about making the data visible to everyone 13:31:46 <jjmcd> And the structure ought to help us 13:32:01 <Sparks> jjmcd: You know I've never had anything good to say about SS... 13:32:09 <jjmcd> heh 13:32:10 <Sparks> :) 13:32:17 <jjmcd> Of course, I'm a fan of the sport 13:33:19 <jsmith> So, how do we move forward? 13:33:30 <jsmith> Does anyone agree with jjmcd'd proposal? 13:33:32 <jsmith> Disagree? 13:33:40 <jjmcd> We would need a process owner (zoglesby), a sponsor (jsmith), a black melt (me) and a few green belts 13:34:14 <jjmcd> First steps would be agreeing on what we need to accomplish in some detail 13:34:15 <Sparks> My problem with SS is that there is too much overhead in the structure of just getting the work done. 13:34:16 <bcotton> and that's where it falls apart, imo. can zoglesby jsmith jjmcd et al take on more work? 13:34:28 <jjmcd> Well, we are coming up on release date 13:34:36 <jjmcd> and the weeks following that tend to be quiet 13:34:48 <jjmcd> Well, maybe not for jsmith 13:34:58 <jjmcd> But his role is fairly minor 13:35:00 * jsmith can't in good faith make more time for it in the short term 13:35:03 <Sparks> But the weeks after release generally don't have changes to be reviewed. 13:35:13 <Sparks> Right before release is where we have changes that need to be reviewed 13:35:32 <jjmcd> Yes, so we obviously wouldn't have something for this release 13:36:29 <jjmcd> And the sponsor role is mostly reviewing and making sure we're not totally nuts 13:36:50 <jsmith> OK, I could probably manage to do that :-) 13:36:58 * shaiton on late for lurking :) 13:37:07 <jsmith> Welcome shaiton 13:37:17 <jjmcd> Why don't I put together a proposal on the wiki explaining how it might work 13:37:26 <jsmith> jjmcd: How about you write a proposal to the mailing list or wiki, explaining how you propose it would work 13:37:34 <bcotton> jjmcd: i think that's a good idea. we may be overestimating it in our minds 13:37:47 <jsmith> jjmcd: Some of us have no clue what Six Sigma is, and think it's some sort of sports car :-p 13:37:52 <jjmcd> Yeah - I figured wiki mostly because it tends to be a lot about making things graphical 13:38:12 <jsmith> WORKSFORME 13:38:17 <jjmcd> Mostly its follow the data, and make every decision graphically obvious 13:38:33 <jsmith> #actoin jjmcd to write a proposal on the wiki for Docs process improvements 13:38:36 <jjmcd> otherwise its common sense with a fancy name 13:38:39 <jsmith> Helps if I spell right... 13:38:44 <jsmith> #action jjmcd to write a proposal on the wiki for Docs process improvements 13:38:47 <jjmcd> cool 13:39:00 <jsmith> #topic Guide Status 13:39:14 <jsmith> What's the latest and greatest on the status of the various guides? 13:39:30 <Sparks> #info Security Guide is posted 13:40:02 * jsmith added some stuff to the Cloud Guide last week 13:42:21 <jsmith> Any other status updates? 13:44:01 <jsmith> #topic Any other business? 13:44:10 <jsmith> Any other items of business to discuss? 13:44:21 <jsmith> Again, welcome to randomuser and any other people who are new to the group 13:44:28 <jsmith> I hope you all feel welcome here 13:44:37 <jsmith> If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know 13:44:47 <jsmith> We're eager and willing to help you learn your way 13:44:58 <randomuser> Thanks again. I have a few general questions to raise, but perhaps they would be better suited to #fedora-docs ? 13:45:14 <jsmith> That's fine :-) 13:45:21 <jjmcd> Are there any guides needing help? 13:45:37 <jsmith> jjmcd: The Cloud Guide needs help -- it's still mostly just in outline form 13:45:48 <jsmith> jjmcd: The Documentation Guide needs help as well -- again, mostly an outline 13:45:49 <jjmcd> Perhaps randomuser and/or potty_ could pick up some of that 13:46:05 <jsmith> The Documentation Guide in particular might be interesting, as they can document what they've learned along the way 13:46:20 <jsmith> Sometimes it's hard for us old-timers to remember what it was like to be a tenderfoot 13:46:26 <jjmcd> yeah 13:46:47 <randomuser> Documentation Guide, as in a guide to the docs project...? 13:46:52 <jjmcd> and I know potty_ is also looking for something. He and randomuser are only an hour apart 13:46:53 <jsmith> randomuser: Exactly :-) 13:47:21 <randomuser> Yeah, I'd be happy to work on that. The existing wiki articles are a bit confusing 13:47:42 <jjmcd> randomuser, partly thats because they are all out of date to varying degrees 13:48:01 <jjmcd> some only a few years, others before historical memory 13:48:38 <jsmith> randomuser: Feel free to ask lots of questions -- it'll be a good way to document what people should learn from the Documentation Guide 13:48:50 <jjmcd> Yes, I think that would be excellent 13:49:18 <randomuser> I'm not sure where to start asking. I wasn't aware there was a Documentation Guide 13:51:26 <randomuser> okay, I've found it 13:51:38 <jhradilek> randomuser: The sources are here: http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=docs/documentation-guide.git;a=summary 13:51:59 <randomuser> can someone officially 'add' me to the group so I can commit (responsibly, I promise!) 13:52:55 <jjmcd> Yes of course 13:53:05 <jhradilek> randomuser: I have some uncommitted changes in the publican.xml file though. If you can, could you please ignore this file for now? 13:53:27 <randomuser> jhradilek, certainly 13:53:34 <jhradilek> randomuser: Thanks. :)) 13:54:01 <randomuser> Where is this guide published? 13:55:50 <jhradilek> randomuser: http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora_Draft_Documentation/0.1/html/Documentation_Guide/index.html 13:56:01 <jhradilek> It's in the Draft section at the moment. 13:57:20 <randomuser> Okay. A bit odd to find it with the usage documentation, but I suppose it's project docs, not software docs, per se 13:58:39 <jsmith> Anything else before I close the meeting? 13:58:44 * jsmith starts the countdown timer 13:59:24 * jhradilek doesn't have anything to add at the moment. :) 13:59:39 <jsmith> Thanks again everyone for coming out to the meeting... now get back to work! 13:59:42 <jsmith> #endmeeting