17:00:16 <t8m> #startmeeting FESCO (2011-10-24) 17:00:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 24 17:00:16 2011 UTC. The chair is t8m. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:23 <t8m> #meetingname fesco 17:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco' 17:00:28 <t8m> #chair notting nirik ajax cwickert mjg59 mmaslano t8m pjones sgallagh 17:00:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: ajax cwickert mjg59 mmaslano nirik notting pjones sgallagh t8m 17:00:34 <t8m> #topic init process 17:00:37 * notting is here 17:00:41 * nirik is here. 17:00:41 <t8m> hello all 17:00:47 * cwickert is here 17:00:51 <pjones> oh hey it's that time. 17:01:15 <t8m> I took the chair for Marcela who cannot attend today. 17:02:25 <t8m> Anybody else from FESCo around? 17:02:46 <t8m> But we have the quorum so I think we can start. 17:03:26 <t8m> #topic #667 Request to fix CRITPATH update process 17:03:33 <t8m> .fesco 667 17:03:37 <zodbot> t8m: #667 (Request to fix CRITPATH update process) - FESCo - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/667 17:04:20 <nirik> not sure I have anything new to report. 17:04:29 <t8m> It seems the ticket is still unresolved. 17:04:30 <nirik> proventesters have continued to meet... made a bit of progress. 17:04:57 <nirik> I'm making a page for package tester resources: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Package_tester_resources help wanted. 17:05:20 <t8m> I suppose the releng/admin resources now go to the F16 release? 17:05:27 <nirik> also, we've talked about changing the join-fedora setup to not lump testers in with packagers/os developers... might get some more folks involved. 17:05:54 <t8m> nirik, yep, that could help a little 17:05:54 <nirik> I've not heard status on the bodhi ticket to allow a 2 week timeout. I can check on it tho. 17:06:10 <t8m> nirik, I don't see any update there 17:07:06 <t8m> mjg59, around? Any news about the critpath karma and proventester karma statistics? 17:07:34 <t8m> I suppose we will have to defer this again to the next meeting. 17:07:39 <pjones> he's in prague at kernel summit, dunno if he's planning on being here. 17:07:44 <nirik> yeah, I think so 17:08:10 <mbuf> is this the Fedora Spins meeting? 17:08:15 <pjones> no. 17:08:19 <mbuf> okay 17:08:20 <t8m> mbuf, no, FESCo meeting 17:08:45 <nirik> mbuf: spins is in 3 hours approx 17:08:48 <t8m> Anybody proposes anything else for this ticket than defer? 17:08:56 <notting> no, defer 17:09:06 <mbuf> nirik: thanks 17:09:13 <t8m> #info Once again deferred based on pending bodhi change https://fedorahosted.org/bodhi/ticket/642 and statistics gathering. 17:09:25 <t8m> #topic #663 Late F16 Feature Java7 17:09:31 <cwickert> mbuf: spins meeting is at 20:00 UTC, 3 hours from now, in #fedora-meeting-1 17:09:31 <t8m> .fesco 663 17:09:33 <zodbot> t8m: #663 (Late F16 Feature Java7) - FESCo - Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/663 17:10:14 <t8m> This is still pending update from dbhole on the remaining rebuilt packages. 17:10:35 <nirik> I think everything is done. 17:11:02 <nirik> The one that was not building didn't build with 1.7.0 ever either, 17:11:06 <nirik> so I think we can close it out. 17:11:42 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/4932 17:11:46 <nirik> is the rel-eng ticket 17:12:10 <t8m> nirik, are you sure that the 4 other remaining items mentioned on last meeting were rebuilt? 17:12:27 <t8m> Unfortunately I do not know which packages were that. 17:12:58 <nirik> yeah, I thought so, but I guess I could be wrong. 17:13:10 <nirik> we could wait for dbhole if we want to be sure I guess. 17:13:19 <nirik> there's not any further fesco action here tho that I can see. 17:14:14 <t8m> I can remove the meeting keyword. But I'd prefer to leave the ticket open until dbhole confirms that the 4 remaining packages are done. 17:14:38 <nirik> well, sure... but we also have a rel-eng ticket, so not sure what good the duplicate fesco one does. ;) 17:15:00 <t8m> Perhaps so FESCo members are notified? 17:15:45 <nirik> sure I suppose. ;) 17:16:08 <t8m> #action t8m will remove this item from future meetings but will leave it open for the final update by dbhole 17:16:44 <t8m> #topic Fedora Engineering Services tickets 17:16:54 <t8m> #info https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-engineering-services/report/6 17:17:04 <nirik> nothing much new here. Please see me if you would like to help out with FES 17:17:30 <t8m> #info nothing much new here. Please see nirik if you would like to help out with FES 17:17:46 <t8m> #topic Next week's chair 17:18:00 <nirik> I've not done it in a while... I guess I can... 17:18:28 <haraldh> oh... can we also put https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/UsrMove as a FESCO topic? :) I know, it's not through FeatureWrangler.. but the sooner we tackle it, the better ... 17:18:31 <haraldh> :) 17:19:39 <nirik> haraldh: can you file a ticket then? but until it's thru the wrangler process we shouldn't discuss approving it or the like... perhaps we can get the wrangler to look this next week? 17:19:43 <t8m> nirik, Hmm, I forgot that sgallagh already took the chairing for the next week 17:20:00 <nirik> t8m: fine with me. ;) 17:20:10 <haraldh> nirik, yeah, then wrangle it :) 17:20:16 <t8m> #info sgallagh will chair 2011-10-31 meeting 17:20:40 <t8m> #topic Open Floor 17:20:58 * nirik is not the wrangler. 17:21:40 <haraldh> just wanted to note, that we want to start with that feature ASAP 17:23:35 <t8m> haraldh, yes, this should have started in rawhide already 17:23:45 <t8m> haraldh, if we want it in F17 17:24:19 <notting> well, this is the sort of feature that's messy to undo 17:24:20 <notting> if it doesn't get approved 17:24:29 <haraldh> exactly 17:24:31 * nirik skims the feature page, will need to ponder implications. 17:25:24 <t8m> It seems to me it is doable and realistic goal as for the packaging - not sure about the problems with boot and shutdown 17:25:47 <haraldh> shutdown is no problem 17:25:59 <haraldh> dracut already supports /usr on a normal partition 17:26:13 <haraldh> and mounts it according to fstab 17:26:45 <haraldh> and I will add support for /usr on other disks like rootfs is supported now 17:26:45 <t8m> #info Discussion about https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/UsrMove 17:27:28 <cwickert> what about systemd? 17:27:38 <cwickert> haraldh: will systemd support this? 17:27:47 <cwickert> s/will/does 17:28:12 <cwickert> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/separate-usr-is-broken 17:28:16 <t8m> haraldh, why this feature consists also of move from /usr/sbin to /usr/bin? It doesn't seem to me like a good idea to complicate this already complicated feature with unrelated change. 17:28:23 <haraldh> systemd is not aware of it :) because systemd will be on /usr already :) 17:28:38 <haraldh> so, dracut does all the job of /usr mounting and umounting 17:29:04 <haraldh> t8m: if we clean up, we want to clean up the sbin mess also 17:29:30 * rbergeron is happy to move it into the queue now if you guys want to start looking at F17 features and approving them 17:29:53 <notting> i'm all for starting the feature process asap 17:29:56 <t8m> haraldh, it seems to me like this should be properly discussed with a full meeting topic 17:30:05 <t8m> rbergeron, please 17:30:08 <t8m> notting, +1 17:30:11 <haraldh> t8m, fine with me! 17:30:12 <rbergeron> alrighty 17:30:27 <rbergeron> If you guys have stuff to talk about for the next 5 minutes, I can make tickets and y'all can go through and start approving :) 17:30:49 <haraldh> t8m, just wanted to make sure, that a decision is made and everybody is aware of the process 17:30:55 <t8m> rbergeron, I think we should leave that for the next week meeting to study the features properly 17:31:05 <nirik> yeah, next week... 17:31:10 <nirik> to give us time to read up and such. 17:31:13 <rbergeron> okay. I'll put them in the queue and you guys can take a look next week 17:31:19 <rbergeron> surelydiddlydo 17:31:27 <haraldh> thanks @ all 17:32:37 <t8m> #action rbergeron will start processing the F17 features for the next week meeting 17:33:17 <t8m> Anything else for the Open Floor? 17:33:44 * nirik has nothing. 17:33:52 * cwickert neither 17:34:24 * cwickert is hungry 17:34:50 * t8m will end the meeting in one minute. 17:35:37 <t8m> #endmeeting