17:00:00 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2011-11-10) 17:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 10 17:00:00 2011 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:01 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 17:00:01 <nirik> #topic init process 17:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 17:00:10 <nirik> who all is around for a good ol irc support sig meeting? 17:00:37 <zcat> bacon. 17:01:09 * DiscordianUK is 17:01:19 * dcr226 switches the lights on and off 17:01:59 * nirik hands out bacon 17:02:40 <nirik> will wait another minute for folks to wander in. 17:02:51 * saymoo ping? pong! 17:03:09 * Sonar_Gal sneaks in 17:03:49 <nirik> ok, lets go ahead and dive on it. 17:03:56 <nirik> #topic Week in review 17:03:56 <nirik> http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html 17:04:06 <nirik> I guess stats are still down. ;( 17:04:14 <nirik> so, this was release week. 17:04:20 <nirik> How has it seemed to go for everyone? 17:04:30 <nirik> busy, but not too busy it seemed like to me... 17:04:38 * jsmith hasn't been around much this week, unfortunately 17:04:50 <nirik> jsmith: travel will do that... ;( 17:05:21 <Sonar_Gal> I haven't been very active this week 17:05:33 <zcat> smooth release, 'cept for the 3rd party stuff as usual 17:05:45 <zcat> and grub2 grumpiness 17:06:02 <nirik> yeah, always new stuff hits at new release time. ;( 17:06:13 * DiscordianUK hasn't touched F16 yet 17:06:39 <nirik> ok, shall we move on to tickets then... 17:06:48 <dcr226> jsmith, next time you are on -social, I have a proposition ;-) 17:06:52 <dcr226> tickets+! 17:07:05 <nirik> #topic Tickets 17:07:05 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/report/1 17:07:12 <nirik> so, we have 3 tickets open this week... 17:07:19 <nirik> .title 82 17:07:19 <zodbot> nirik: Error: '82' is not a valid http url. 17:07:30 <nirik> .title https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/82 17:07:31 <zodbot> nirik: #82 (Outrageous fast and competent support) - irc-support-sig - Trac 17:07:39 <nirik> .title https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/81 17:07:40 <zodbot> nirik: #81 (Positive Feedback (KolonelPanic)) - irc-support-sig - Trac 17:07:58 <nirik> a kudo for EvilBob and one for kolonelpanic. 17:08:20 <nirik> and we have a negative one pending: 17:08:24 <nirik> .title https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ticket/80 17:08:26 <zodbot> nirik: #80 (Fedora IRC Channel) - irc-support-sig - Trac 17:08:51 <dcr226> hold up...there's part-positive in #80 ;-) 17:08:51 <nirik> This one seems to have been a user who was sold a VPS as "Fedora" but it was only sort of loosely fedora. ;( 17:09:09 <nirik> then they were upset at being told so. 17:09:20 <nirik> I agree that telling them over and over isn't likely to help out. 17:09:43 <Khaytsus> I love that VPS's sell Fedora, but it seems they break/change the system in random ways. 17:09:44 <nirik> dcr226: oh yes, you have a kudos in there too. ;) 17:09:48 <Sonar_Gal> Yeah I remember that. They were told to re-install with fedora for full support as the kernel was not a fedora kernel 17:10:12 <nirik> in this case their php setup (which is where the problem was) didn't have Fedora defaults, so we didn't understand why it wasn't working. 17:10:18 <dcr226> I was there, it wasn't fedora...he wouldn't accept it, I tried to tell him, EvilBob tried to tell him...he wasn't having it 17:10:22 <Khaytsus> Like another guy couldn't get screen to work the other day because his VPS left out a standard filesystem in fstab.. I really should review logs and write that one down for later. 17:10:30 <DiscordianUK> Seems a fair point, we can't support random crud 17:10:34 <dcr226> nirik, yeah...and that was lucky "short tags" call really 17:10:35 <nirik> so, I wonder: could we write up a page on this? 17:10:43 <dcr226> nirik, "Do I have Fedora?" 17:10:50 * dcr226 isn't kidding btw 17:11:02 <Khaytsus> I think we can help to a point, but if it becomes obvious it's VPS-specfic breakage, we have to redirect them to their support. 17:11:07 <nirik> or 'why are people telling me I don't have a fedora install, when my provider said I do' 17:11:11 * Sonar_Gal dreds upgrading to 15/16 I don't want gnome 3 17:11:20 <DiscordianUK> Surely if it isn't actually Fedora they've contravened our copyright? 17:11:22 <nirik> perhaps it just could be a question on the faq? 17:11:23 <ianweller> did they mention which VPS it was? 17:11:32 <nirik> ianweller: I think they might have... let me look. 17:11:33 <ianweller> DiscordianUK: trademark guidelines, but yeah 17:11:53 <ianweller> DiscordianUK: there's some... interesting discussion happening about that. i need to talk with spot about it again since i don't remember. 17:12:09 <ianweller> maybe it already happened. i haven't been following 17:12:15 <dcr226> nirik, faq +1 17:12:18 * ianweller ducks back out :) 17:12:21 <Khaytsus> BTW, the guy with screen broken in his VPS was devpts was not in /etc/fstab... Unrelated to this ticket, just FYI 17:12:24 <nirik> "FDC Servers" 17:12:27 <dcr226> nirik, including how to determine Fedora-proper 17:12:48 <dcr226> not specifically FDC boxes...there are many FEdora-non-fedora vps providers out there 17:12:59 <ianweller> yeah 17:13:09 <Khaytsus> nirik: What's the remedy, calling it "Based on Fedora" ? 17:13:10 <nirik> I mean, I'm happy to try and help people, but when lots changes, their provider knows much more about that than we could learn by guessing. 17:13:23 <dcr226> and are being paid to support it 17:13:38 <Khaytsus> dcr226: heh, most of these cheapest ones have little to no support, but I agree. 17:14:04 <nirik> so, would anyone like to commit to adding a faq on this? 17:14:18 <dcr226> I will, if the timeline is within 2 weeks 17:14:24 <DiscordianUK> You could modify the centos faq 17:14:28 <nirik> sure, I don't think there is any hurry. 17:15:03 <nirik> #action dcr226 to add a faq entry on non fedora fedora. 17:15:06 <dcr226> could you add it as an #action, so I don't for..... 17:15:08 <dcr226> ok then :-) 17:15:17 <nirik> would someone like to close out tickets this week? 17:15:55 <zcat> I will. (think i've only done it twice before) 17:16:16 <zcat> (not that anyone's keeping count) 17:16:16 <nirik> zcat: cool. Thanks. 17:16:22 <nirik> #topic Meeting time 17:16:33 <nirik> so, do we keep meeting at 17UTC, or move to 18UTC? or ? 17:17:06 * dcr226 doesn't mind which 17:17:18 * nirik is ok either way too. 17:17:38 <DiscordianUK> doesn't bother me 17:17:52 <nirik> I guess keep it as is for now, wait for more feedback? 17:17:59 <dcr226> I say take it to the ML 17:18:14 <dcr226> people with timing problems aren't likely to be here right now due to ..... timing problems :-) 17:18:45 <nirik> yeah. 17:19:06 <nirik> #info will ask for options for meeting time on the mailing list, revisit next week. 17:19:10 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 17:19:16 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor? 17:19:21 <shaiton_> ? 17:19:42 <Khaytsus> I added a note to 80 btw 17:19:55 <dcr226> shaiton_, go for it 17:19:58 <shaiton_> not sure to ask on the good place :) 17:19:58 <shaiton_> how to ask zodbot to join other chanel, BZ? 17:20:13 <nirik> shaiton_: just ask in #fedora-admin... someone can do it easily. 17:20:38 <Khaytsus> I guess I have an open topic.. Seems.. quiet for 16... Was it busy Tuesday and quietened down, or has this been a quiet release? Do we know why? (It all magically worked perfectly?) 17:20:41 <shaiton_> ok, thanks 17:21:02 <dcr226> nirik, would it be wise if we went through the members of the SIG to see who is still active? I arrive at that question because of the timing thing 17:21:33 <Khaytsus> Some Xorg CPU issues, some ongoing Gnome + video issues, but otherwuise pretty quiet? 17:21:33 <nirik> dcr226: well, people come and go... not sure how much we can tell. Just see who replies to the time question on th elist? 17:21:42 * DiscordianUK wonders if I still am 17:21:55 <nirik> Khaytsus: it's been kinda quiet... not sure why. I think there's been a lot of people saying things are just working for them, which is great. 17:22:04 <dcr226> nirik, yeah 17:22:09 <Khaytsus> nirik: Yes, that would be great, compared to "nobody is using 16" of course ;) 17:22:39 <Khaytsus> Not as much systemd complaints as I expected either... The pain has numbed since 15? 17:22:56 <DiscordianUK> perhaps 17:23:06 <dcr226> Khaytsus, just less issues with it 17:23:12 <nirik> download servers have been pretty pegged... 17:23:19 <Khaytsus> Besides ourney farts like me who hadn't touched 15 and just now touching 16... 17:23:22 * nirik hasn't looked at torrent stats. 17:23:46 * DiscordianUK must download F16 17:23:49 <Khaytsus> dcr226: As long as you don't have to tweak it, it just works. ;) 17:24:00 <Khaytsus> Cheatsheet has been up in a tab for days now..... 17:24:08 <Khaytsus> Anywho. 17:24:14 <DiscordianUK> That implies Gnome 17:24:56 <nirik> yeah, not sure... I guess we should know more next week when we can look back at stats. 17:25:08 <Khaytsus> Gnome's are only useful for decorating someone else's yard.. None here ;) 17:25:08 <nirik> f15 was actually a more popular release than 14. 17:25:16 <nirik> so, we will see if f16 keeps the trend going 17:25:33 <nirik> anyone have anything else? or shall we call it a meeting? 17:25:40 <Khaytsus> nirik: Yeah it'll be interesting to see the stats.. I was really busy Tuesday so I didn't experience the first-day rush but just has been quiet. Hopefully it's a good thing :) 17:26:19 <Khaytsus> And I have my F16 stick up, so that's cool, just a few adjustments to my "postinstall" scripts for systemd and some stuff, so hopefully I'll be playing with 16 more myself. 17:26:24 <nirik> yeah, I think we will also see a spike in stuff at the weekend... 17:26:26 <Khaytsus> But no more meeting stuff from me 17:26:33 <nirik> as many people decide to upgrade when they are off work 17:26:37 <Khaytsus> Yep 17:27:07 * dcr226 notes that distro-sync seems to be a viable upgrade options, seems to have worked well a few times here 17:27:14 <dcr226> s/options/option 17:27:22 <nirik> yeah, worked great for me too on a number of machines. 17:27:37 <DiscordianUK> from presumably f15? 17:27:40 <nirik> yeah 17:27:46 <dcr226> DiscordianUK, 14>15>16 has worked for me 17:27:49 <dcr226> oh, and 13>14 17:28:02 <dcr226> 13 -> 14 was this box here 17:28:06 <DiscordianUK> Hmmm 17:28:36 * nirik will close out the meeting in a minute if nothing more. 17:28:39 <Khaytsus> My machine at home is 14.. I need to update it at some point, have a binary-only app which is built against 15 and I can't run it.. ah well 17:28:49 <DiscordianUK> Interesting gonna put F16 on my desktop box but it runs f12 atm 17:29:34 <dcr226> DiscordianUK, go for it :-) 17:29:51 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone. Keep up the supporting! 17:29:52 <dcr226> yum --releasever=16 distro-sync and see what happens :-) 17:29:57 <nirik> #endmeeting