#fedora-meeting: FAmSCo 2012-03-07
Meeting started by cwickert at 22:04:32 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- only four FAmSCo members present: cwickert,
herlo, kaio_ph and herlo (cwickert,
- no regrets from the other members (cwickert,
- Roll Call (cwickert, 22:08:23)
- https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/9
- Swag shipping improvements (cwickert, 22:09:32)
- igorps and yn1v have joined the meeting, only
gbraad is missing (cwickert,
- herlo suggested a wiki page with
recommendations for swag wrangling, possible good idea (herlo,
- ACTION: herlo will
write a wiki page with best swag working practices (yn1v,
- https://fedorahosted.org/draftbudget/
- ACTION: cwickert to
nag harish about confirming the budget (cwickert,
- New FAmSco election rules (cwickert, 22:49:42)
- FUDCon bids 2012 (cwickert, 22:50:42)
- FUDCon APAC will take place at Kuala Lumpur May
18th - 20th 2012 (cwickert,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:EMEA_2012_Bid_Budapest
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Paris_2012
- FAmSCo is overall very happy with the French
bid but has 2 major concerns: the timing and the overlap with OWF
and the costs for the venue which could be up to 10k EUR
- FAmSCo likes the Budapest bid, too, but it
lacks a lot of information (cwickert,
- ACTION: zoltanh721 to
update the Budapest bid wiki page with numbers on budget and other
details (cwickert,
- FAmSCo will revisit the topic next week. final
deadline for a decision is in two weeks from now, that is
2012-03-21 (cwickert,
- ACTION: : all FAmSCo
members to go through the new tickets on
https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/9 in track by next
week (cwickert,
Meeting ended at 23:44:38 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- herlo will write a wiki page with best swag working practices
- cwickert to nag harish about confirming the budget
- zoltanh721 to update the Budapest bid wiki page with numbers on budget and other details
- : all FAmSCo members to go through the new tickets on https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/9 in track by next week
Action items, by person
- cwickert
- cwickert to nag harish about confirming the budget
- herlo
- herlo will write a wiki page with best swag working practices
- zoltanh721
- zoltanh721 to update the Budapest bid wiki page with numbers on budget and other details
People present (lines said)
- cwickert (185)
- herlo (66)
- zoltanh721 (45)
- shaiton (36)
- igorps (34)
- yn1v (25)
- zodbot (12)
- kaio_ph (6)
- rbergeron (3)
- jsmith (3)
- RGeri77 (1)
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