05:01:49 <tagoh> #startmeeting i18n 05:01:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 15 05:01:49 2012 UTC. The chair is tagoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:01:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:01:52 <tagoh> #meetingname i18n 05:01:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:02:06 <tagoh> #topic agenda and roll call 05:02:15 <tagoh> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2012-03-15 05:02:28 <tagoh> time for i18n meeting 05:02:36 <epico_laptop> hi 05:02:43 <juhp> hi 05:03:07 <dueno> hi 05:04:36 <anish_> hi 05:06:02 <tagoh> hi guys, okay, let's get started. 05:06:10 <tagoh> #topic F17 05:06:16 <fujiwarat> hi 05:07:20 <tagoh> for schedule reminder, beta change deadline and features 100% complete is coming next Tuesday. if there are any changes/updates you want to push, please build the packages prior to that. 05:08:24 <epico_laptop> tagoh: just added an entry to agenda. 05:08:35 <tagoh> for i18n test day, it was good to see a lot of feedbacks as bug reports :) 05:08:54 <tagoh> epico_laptop: sure. 05:09:47 <tagoh> hope it helps to make f17 better. 05:10:44 <tagoh> for additional indic langs feature, we need to catch mclasen up to update fontconfig right. 05:11:31 <tagoh> is there anything else updates and concerns for f17? 05:12:48 <dingyichen> hi 05:12:49 <juhp> I think fonts-tweak-tool is still not in f17-updates-testing but hopefully all other features already landed in f17 tag? 05:13:50 <jni> juhp, yeah, i think this afternoon it will in f17-updates-testing 05:14:02 <juhp> ah sorry it is in f17-updates-testing 05:14:19 <jni> juhp, ok 05:14:34 <tagoh> waiting for stable right 05:15:17 <juhp> yes 05:15:30 <tagoh> jni: btw can you fix some bugs prior to the beta change deadline? 05:15:42 <jni> tagoh, yeah, i see you have report some issues, i will try to fix it as soon as possible 05:15:49 <tagoh> cool 05:15:55 <jni> tagoh, thanks 05:17:07 <tagoh> anything else? does f17 work well for you so far? :) 05:19:57 <tagoh> juhp: I guess so except the above feature. 05:20:11 <juhp> okay 05:20:24 <juhp> working pretty well for me :) 05:20:58 <juhp> but of course we should keep on testing through beta to final 05:21:20 <tagoh> okay, good. right 05:22:04 <tagoh> shall we move on then. 05:22:09 <tagoh> #topic Input Methods 05:22:26 <tagoh> epico_laptop: please go ahead. 05:23:15 <epico_laptop> okay, I got a mail from Liang Suilong to suggest to retire scim-fcitx. 05:24:22 <epico_laptop> fcitx is active and update to 4.2.1, but scim-fcitx is not update for a long time. 05:24:41 <tagoh> aha 05:24:49 <epico_laptop> they have conflicted binary files. 05:25:19 <epico_laptop> . bug 797821 05:25:25 <zodbot> epico_laptop: Bug 797821 scim-fcitx : Conflicts with fcitx - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=797821 05:25:47 <epico_laptop> so he asked whether to retire scim-fcitx. 05:26:25 <tagoh> do they have different functionality but have the same name? 05:27:24 <epico_laptop> I think they are the same tools, but dunno whether the binary file format is the same. 05:27:33 <juhp> so then fcitx will obsolete scim-fcitx? 05:28:18 <epico_laptop> I think not, fcitx doesn't depend any IM framework. 05:28:32 <epico_laptop> fcitx it has its own XIM module 05:29:02 <pravins> hi 05:29:08 <juhp> epico_laptop, ok the bug report doesn't seem so serious in itself 05:29:16 <epico_laptop> yes 05:29:36 <epico_laptop> or just keep it? 05:29:51 <juhp> those programs should probably be moved to a tools subpackage say 05:30:12 <juhp> epico_laptop, I dunno - but if it still works and people might be using it - then little reason to drop it 05:30:26 <epico_laptop> okay, I see. 05:30:35 <juhp> if :-) 05:30:47 <tagoh> hmm, if it's a major in China, ideally it should move core to the library as we did in libpinyin and libskk perhaps. 05:31:08 <juhp> right 05:31:25 <juhp> of the tools are compatible to probably better to just drop the old versions 05:31:27 <juhp> if 05:31:36 * juhp tries again 05:31:43 <juhp> if the tools are compatible then probably better to just drop the old versions 05:32:07 <epico_laptop> okay, I see, will ask the upstream. 05:32:18 <juhp> anyway wonder how many people want to install both... 05:32:23 <tagoh> dunno why it has separate subpackages. scim-fcitx doesn't require it to run? 05:32:23 <juhp> thanks 05:32:39 <epico_laptop> welcome. 05:32:51 <epico_laptop> fcitx is more popular. 05:33:01 <juhp> ah they are already subpackaged, doh 05:33:13 <epico_laptop> fcitx appears very earlier. 05:33:19 <epico_laptop> and has a long history. 05:33:26 <tagoh> right. fcitx conflicts with scim-fcitx-tools apparently 05:33:43 <juhp> tagoh: I think they are not needed normally at runtime bicbw of course 05:34:12 <juhp> so maybe getting rid of scim-fcitx-tools would be enough if compatible 05:34:28 <epico_laptop> okay 05:34:42 <tagoh> given that it's the same, is it maybe better having subpackages in fcitx and just drop scim-fcitx-tools? dunno 05:35:06 <juhp> yeah 05:36:53 <tagoh> anyway, bug itself isn't so hard to fix. it may be a bit weak to consider retiring IMHO. 05:37:33 <epico_laptop> I see, will keep maintain it. 05:37:46 <tagoh> dunno how many users uses scim-fcitx now in Fedora though. 05:38:12 <epico_laptop> maybe they prefers fcitx over scim-fcitx. 05:38:25 <tagoh> aha 05:38:44 <epico_laptop> fcitx is popular because it has less dependencies on libraries. 05:39:37 <tagoh> one can announce orphaning packages in the list anyway. if someone still want to keep it in fedora, they may want to take it over. that's it. 05:40:35 <tagoh> okay. anything else updates or concerns to share for IM? 05:40:48 <juhp> fujiwarat, still planning libibus soname bump for f17? 05:41:33 <fujiwarat> I think the current updates-testing is the final for f17. 05:43:09 <juhp> great 05:43:26 <juhp> we should probably give it karma? 05:43:36 <juhp> to get it into beta 05:44:55 <fujiwarat> Yes, I will move it into stable. 05:45:53 <juhp> ah yeah only 3 days for f17 still 05:46:02 <tagoh> right 05:46:04 <juhp> 3 days in testing 05:46:41 <juhp> tagoh: so hopefully people were already testing it some in the test day? 05:47:06 <tagoh> juhp: yes as long as they do yum update before testing. 05:47:15 <juhp> yes 05:47:56 <tagoh> anything else? 05:49:02 <fujiwarat> ok, the next update should be post beta. 05:51:35 <tagoh> okay, better move on then. 05:51:50 <tagoh> #topic Fonts and Rendering 05:52:04 <tagoh> any updates or concerns to share? 05:52:35 <pravins> tagoh: font-tweak-tool is really nice. i liked it. Specifically if someone download any font from internet and want to set it as a default system font 05:53:01 <tagoh> nod :) 05:53:58 <pravins> i will resolve panose bugs of lohit soon 05:54:11 <tagoh> cool 05:54:54 <tagoh> guess there may be more fonts needs to be fixed. 05:55:43 <pravins> yes, even smc-fonts is broken 05:56:15 <pravins> might be we should send mail to fonts list for checking this in each fonts, at least for Sans font. 05:56:24 <pravins> I think default value is Serif 05:57:53 <tagoh> because there are no classification for serif afaics 05:58:03 <pravins> aha 05:59:12 <tagoh> okay, move on. 05:59:17 <tagoh> #topic Open Floor 05:59:31 <tagoh> is there are any topics prior to finish today's meeting? 06:00:33 <pravins> tagoh: i have release lohit-marathi in upstream now 06:00:47 <tagoh> pravins: great 06:00:57 <pravins> and wanna add it to fedora, i remember i did orphaned it long time back in fedora itself 06:01:12 <tagoh> aha 06:01:27 <pravins> do i need to put review request again or can i just re-enable that package? lohit-marathi-fonts 06:01:52 <tagoh> need to review again if the package is orphaned. 06:02:07 <tagoh> thought there should be document for that in wiki 06:02:17 <pravins> yes, i will search it 06:02:18 <pravins> thanks 06:03:48 <tagoh> okay, let's stop here then. thanks everyone for the meeting! 06:04:04 <tagoh> #endmeeting