17:59:30 <jwb> #startmeeting 17:59:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Apr 27 17:59:30 2012 UTC. The chair is jwb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:59:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:59:42 <jwb> #meetingname fedora-kernel 17:59:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-kernel' 17:59:57 <jwb> #meetingtopic Fedora Kernel meeting 18:00:06 <jwb> #topic init 18:00:07 <jforbes> timely 18:00:32 <jwb> alarms are wonderful things :) 18:01:06 <jwb> davej, you around? 18:01:08 * jsmith lurks 18:01:54 <jwb> we can start without davej. he'll catch up 18:02:11 <jwb> so we failed at putting the agenda on the wiki this week 18:02:19 <jwb> however, there is no agenda this week, so we didn't really fail 18:02:43 <jwb> we'll do a brief review of the releases and then leave it to the open floor 18:02:51 <jwb> #topic rawhide 18:03:00 <davej> yeah, I'm here. sorry. 18:03:08 <jwb> jforbes, you wanna cover rawhide or should i? 18:03:37 <jforbes> I suppose you know the most current state, though really things are churning along 18:03:54 <jwb> yeah, basically just the normal roll 18:04:01 <jwb> we're at 3.4-rc4-git3 18:04:23 <jwb> the 3.4 release seems fairly stable thus far, but as usual i get the feeling we have rather limited exposure at the moment 18:04:46 <davej> my local testing has turned up a bunch of weird vm stuff, but they seem to be edge cases. 18:04:55 <jforbes> RCs have been coming every Sunday. I have been running it here 18:05:17 <jwb> davej, most of them are from running trinity too, right? 18:05:43 <davej> jwb: yeah, that + oom killer seems to be causing some kind of anon memory leak 18:06:27 <jwb> wait, OOM is leaking memory? 18:06:44 <jwb> that seems... odd 18:06:47 <davej> yeah. the oom killer kills the processes, but for some reason, the memory never gets freed. 18:07:09 <jwb> heh. excellent work there OOM 18:07:43 <jwb> OK, so the workaround is for Fedora users to not intentionally try and crash/OOM their machine. i think most people can cope with that ;) 18:08:02 <davej> it's an ongoing mystery. One of the google guys was helping me look into it yesterday, but I've been without access to my mail today, so it's come to a halt 18:08:17 <jwb> #info Rawhide is at 3.4-rc4-git3. RCs are coming fairly regularly 18:09:09 <jwb> anything else on rawhide? 18:09:37 <jwb> #topic F17 18:09:50 <jwb> who's taking F17? 18:09:51 <jforbes> I can take F17 18:10:34 <jforbes> I was hoping to push 3.3.4 because it contains a number of fixes we could use for release, but in the interest of getting something better for TC2 I am building 3.3.3 right now 18:11:03 <jwb> 3.3.4 was released about 15min ago 18:11:13 <jwb> timing is never on our side :\ 18:11:24 <jforbes> Well, then I will stop this build and do 3.3.4 now! 18:11:46 <jwb> are either of those going to make TC2? i thought it had to go through updates 18:12:02 <jforbes> If we beg test-list I think we can get it in 18:12:13 <jwb> ok 18:12:29 <jwb> #info F17 at 3.3.2. 3.3.4 being built for TC2 18:13:09 <jwb> anything else on F17? 18:13:26 <jforbes> Nothing else major at the moment. 18:13:56 <jwb> #topic F16 18:14:09 <jwb> should be pretty much the same as F17, eh? 18:14:23 <jforbes> Pretty much, I will build 3.3.4 for it as soon as I get F17 building 18:14:31 <davej> pretty much. other than the crazy bug count. 18:15:01 <jwb> #info F16 is on 3.3.2. 3.3.4 will be built and submitted to updates-testing 18:15:10 <jwb> davej, on the bug count 18:15:30 <jwb> so you and i talked about that last week, and i think it's worth mentioning briefly here 18:15:55 <jwb> basically, with all 3 released branches being on the same kernel, we're really condensing our bug count into the most popular release 18:16:19 <jwb> so f16 is going to be highest a bit naturally 18:16:48 <jwb> but as we fix things there, it'll either prevent bugs from showing up in f15/f17 or also close duplicates in those releases 18:17:17 <davej> you can see that from the rate new bugs are getting filed too. this week: f15- no new bugs. f16- 44 new bugs 18:17:48 <jwb> yeah. anyway, the bug count is still too high but at least it isn't as bad as it might see 18:17:52 <jwb> er, seem 18:18:16 <davej> Just posted http://codemonkey.org.uk/2012/04/27/weekly-fedora-kernel-bug-statistics-april-27-2012/ btw 18:18:28 <davej> we closed more f16 bugs than we had opened this week \o/ 18:19:19 <davej> which has actually been happening for the last few weeks, so progress is being made. 18:19:33 <jwb> #link http://codemonkey.org.uk/2012/04/27/weekly-fedora-kernel-bug-statistics-april-27-2012/ weekly bug statistics 18:20:17 <jwb> #info Progress on F16 bug count is being made. This also helps F15/F17 by either closing out duplicates or preventing those bugs from being hit there as all 3 releases are on the same kernel version 18:20:53 <jwb> anything else on f16? 18:21:37 <VICODAN_> may i ask a quick question? 18:21:42 <jwb> sure 18:21:55 <VICODAN_> i have heard about ongoing issues with intel wifi 18:22:13 <VICODAN_> and i have seen several bugs on kernel.org over several distros 18:22:26 <VICODAN_> can you please talk about that for a second? 18:22:38 <jwb> davej, you want to take that one? 18:22:52 <jwb> or should we round up linville 18:23:02 <davej> linville would be in a better position to answer it probably 18:23:05 <VICODAN_> well 18:23:20 <VICODAN_> whether it's known or not 18:23:23 <davej> I've not been using it personally the last month or so, so I'm a bit out of the loop with it 18:23:45 <VICODAN_> i think the new intel wifi adapters 6xxx series that have wimax might be triggering the crash 18:24:08 <davej> I do recall seeing wimax related crashes in bz this last week 18:24:21 <jwb> let me see if i can get linville here and we can come back to this question during open floor. sound ok? 18:24:22 <VICODAN_> yes 18:24:30 <linville> here I am 18:24:34 <jforbes> davej: yes, there was one wimax related fix in 3.3.4 18:24:37 <jwb> ah, ok 18:24:44 <VICODAN_> i would say if you see that type of adapter just to disable the wimax radio automatically or, actually fix it 18:24:44 <VICODAN_> heh 18:25:14 <VICODAN_> but i think Intel also needs to come out with a firmware update 18:25:15 <jwb> linville, the question is about the status and possible issues that seem to be ongoing with iwlwifi, and if those have to do with wimax 18:25:20 <jwb> etc 18:25:21 <VICODAN_> I was even having issues on windows 18:25:52 <linville> people actually use wimax? :-) 18:26:10 <VICODAN_> no. 18:26:15 <VICODAN_> that's why i said just disable it. 18:26:53 <jwb> in f17/f18, it's actually moved to modules-extra 18:27:00 <linville> I wouldn't object to turning-off wimax, but I think there are regions of the world that use it 18:27:27 <VICODAN_> what regions? 18:27:57 <VICODAN_> the only time wimax is ever used is on a sprint phone and offices that have wireless ISPs like Covad HiCap 18:29:01 <davej> iirc, we had a request from someone in .ru with wimax that wasn't working this week 18:29:05 <jforbes> I know sprint sells the service around here, not sure if you have to use their dongle or not 18:29:23 <jwb> davej, that was about an out-of-tree madwimax driver 18:29:28 <jwb> not the wimax stuff we build 18:29:35 <jforbes> Yes, the patch from 3.3.4 was actually added before the 3.3.4 release, so someone had a bug on it 18:29:41 <davej> right, but it shows that wimax exists in other regions 18:29:46 <jwb> oh, yes 18:30:13 <linville> that said, I don't know how much effect that has on iwlwifi if you aren't using the wimax part 18:30:36 <VICODAN_> .ru uses wimax? 18:30:42 <jforbes> notting filed the bug 18:30:47 <VICODAN_> jforbes: i use wireless tether on my phone 18:30:52 <VICODAN_> and sprint is discontinuing wimax 18:31:00 <linville> iwlwifi has been refactoring itself for a while with intentions of supporting new hardware 18:31:16 <linville> which seems to have destabilized it 18:31:22 <jforbes> VICODAN_: sprint will keep the WIMAX network up for a while still, just moving to LTE for new bits, they are still trying to decommision old nextel networks 18:31:28 <VICODAN_> yes 18:31:29 <VICODAN_> i know 18:31:32 <VICODAN_> i have a wimax phone 18:31:36 <VICODAN_> evo shift 4g 18:31:53 <VICODAN_> I also have a brand new intel 6 series laptop 18:31:56 <VICODAN_> with intel wimax 18:32:07 <VICODAN_> i dont know where or when i would ever use the wimax on this thing 18:32:36 <VICODAN_> i was kind of frustrated because someone in #fedora-devel brought this issue up and i got the 6150 and they had the 6250 on their latop.. i was mad they got a 5ghz radio and i didnt. 18:32:45 <jwb> i think the 2 main points here are 1) iwlwifi is in a turbulent state at the moment overall, including the firmware, and 2) wimax may or may not contribute to that but we can't disable it because some people might be using it 18:32:57 <davej> hmm, the wimax modules might be a candidate for modules-extra. 18:33:09 <jwb> i already pointed out they were in modules-extra for f17/f18 18:33:19 <davej> oh, great. 18:33:36 <VICODAN_> great 18:33:41 <VICODAN_> okay 18:33:45 <VICODAN_> 2 other unrelated qustions 18:34:04 <VICODAN_> and feel free to flame and say no 18:34:09 <davej> NO 18:34:14 <VICODAN_> :P 18:34:15 <VICODAN_> are there any plans for built in virtualbox support and AMD Graphics support 18:34:22 <jforbes> NO 18:34:28 <jwb> virtualbox NO (being serious) 18:34:28 <VICODAN_> :P 18:34:34 <davej> I'd go as far as "hell no" 18:34:39 <VICODAN_> why is that a no? 18:34:43 <jforbes> Well, AMD graphics is well supported by open source driver 18:34:50 <VICODAN_> eh 18:34:53 <jwb> we'd be happy to enable virtualbox modules as soon as they get them into the mainline kernel 18:34:53 <VICODAN_> mesa is alright 18:35:01 <VICODAN_> jwb: how would they do that? 18:35:11 <jforbes> Virtualbox is an absolutely not, they are not willing to go into mainline 18:35:28 <jwb> VICODAN_, they'd submit them like everyone else 18:35:28 <VICODAN_> well from my understanding they werent wanted there 18:35:34 <jwb> they never tried 18:35:39 <jwb> at least afaik 18:35:39 <VICODAN_> i thought there was a redhat vs oracle thing as well 18:35:49 <jwb> what? no 18:35:52 <VICODAN_> okay 18:35:53 <jforbes> VICODAN_: weren't they the ones that tried but wanted to break everything else in the process? 18:36:00 <VICODAN_> no 18:36:26 <misc> no, that's just vbox people prefer to keep the freedom of changing their own ABI between kernel module and the userspace 18:36:28 <jforbes> VICODAN_: it has nothing to do with RH vs Oracle, it has everything to do with they must submit upstream, and actually work with others to get things accepted. 18:36:46 <jwb> misc, yeah that was my understanding too 18:36:59 <VICODAN_> so from an outsider but fan of virtual box's perspective lets say I'm beta testing fedora 17 and vbox guest additions stop working. they always complain about how new kernels break virtualbox and they dont support prerelease software blah blah and redhat loves kvm and could careless about virtualbox 18:37:38 <VICODAN_> so with that i will drop it, and let them know that their conception is inaccurate on that issue 18:37:52 <jforbes> VICODAN_: it isn't an us vs. them thing, it's a mainline kernel vs not thing. if they can't be bothered to get their drivers into mainline, we can't be bothered to support them. Xen was the same way, and they finally got into mainline 18:37:59 <jwb> kvm is in-kernel. if it wasn't, fedora wouldn't be building that either at this point 18:38:06 <VICODAN_> yeah 18:38:06 <jwb> hell, we build xen now that it's in tree 18:38:08 <jforbes> VICODAN_: and now Xen is treated with the same respect as anything else 18:38:08 <VICODAN_> and so is hyper-v 18:38:16 <jwb> i can't think of anyone here that actually LIKES xen 18:38:23 <jwb> except for maybe jforbes and he's weird 18:38:23 <VICODAN_> so i see kvm and hyper-v in the kernel and i wonder why not vbox 18:38:39 <jwb> up to the vbox people to make it happen 18:39:02 <jforbes> VICODAN_: and that was your answer, if vbox cared enough to get their things upstream, we would care enuogh to support them in Fedora 18:39:19 <jforbes> but if they don't it just creates a nighmare for us 18:40:26 <jwb> what was your other question? 18:40:57 <VICODAN_> fair enough 18:41:04 <VICODAN_> about amd graphic drivers 18:41:19 <jwb> what about them? 18:41:20 <VICODAN_> anyway to get native support 18:41:32 <jwb> er... you mean flgrx? 18:41:32 <VICODAN_> like fglrx never installs properly and freezes my system 18:41:33 <VICODAN_> yes 18:41:35 <jwb> no 18:41:38 <VICODAN_> is that an AMD problem? 18:41:38 <jforbes> Similar story, though at least most AMD cards are supported out of the box, with a decent experience 18:41:47 <VICODAN_> yes 18:41:50 <jwb> the radeon module covers most of them 18:41:51 <VICODAN_> decent experience 18:41:56 <VICODAN_> but not great 18:42:03 <VICODAN_> again, that's an AMD problem right? 18:42:05 <jwb> flgrx is proprietary, so it's the same story as vbox but even worse 18:42:11 <VICODAN_> yes 18:42:21 <jforbes> If you want the advanced features of fglrx, you have to deal with their inability to keep up as well 18:42:37 <jwb> same for nvida, wl, the vmware stuff, etc 18:43:17 <jforbes> Nothing at all against amd, most of my systems have radeon graphics... But I wouldn't install fglrx, and can't say I have missed it 18:43:30 <VICODAN_> well nvidia stuff actually works out of the box 18:43:47 <VICODAN_> jforbes: same here, i'd just like to have the full support if it were possible. i'm 100% amd fanboy over here 18:43:59 <jwb> if nvida works, it's not through anything we're doing 18:44:00 <brunowolff> dahdi-linux is another example, but they are much better at keeping up lately. the 2.6.1 release already has a fix to accommodate a change in 3.4. 18:44:41 <jforbes> VICODAN_: if they can't support their single driver themselves, and they have the source, it is impossible for us to support it when we don't have the source 18:44:58 <VICODAN_> well it seems that new kernels break things that used to work 18:45:13 <jwb> that's why it's important to get drivers in-tree 18:45:19 <misc> it still work for the rest of the kernel :) 18:45:32 <jforbes> VICODAN_: and if they were open source and in tree, the people making changes that impact them would also change their driver to support those changes. It works for everyone. 18:45:48 <jforbes> But they are neither in tree or open source, so there isn't anything we can do 18:45:55 <brunowolff> Do you look at there source trees for fixes? That's what i do for dahdi-linux which I am running on a machine using a 3.4 kernel. 18:46:54 <jwb> ok, so i think we need to move on and at least finish up the releases 18:46:58 <jwb> #F15 18:47:02 <jwb> er, 18:47:05 <jwb> #topic F15 18:47:09 <jwb> ew 18:47:24 <jwb> i know the 3.3.3 rebase ( finally went to stable 18:47:29 <VICODAN_> thanks guys 18:47:33 <jwb> so at least it's there 18:47:39 <jwb> VICODAN_, sure, thanks for participating 18:47:56 <jwb> anything else on f15 worth noting? 18:48:12 <jwb> actually, 3.3.2 18:48:23 <VICODAN_> np 18:48:25 <jwb> #info F15 is at (3.3.2) 18:49:25 <jwb> ok, we have a few minutes left for more questions or other topics 18:49:29 <jwb> #topic open floor 18:49:32 <jforbes> Nothing else here, though I will also do 3.3.4 for F15 18:49:38 * nirik has one item... 18:49:53 <jwb> nirik, shoot 18:49:53 <nirik> re: darkserver 18:49:58 <jwb> oh yes! 18:50:06 <jwb> #topic open floor - darkserver 18:50:17 <nirik> so we are running a darkserver plugin on koji, which pulls out buildids and sticks them in a db. 18:50:24 <nirik> this takes a long time on things like the kernel... 18:50:38 <jwb> somewhere between 30-60min per build additional time 18:50:45 <nirik> I talked with kushal a bit about it and he had some ideas to fix it, but I've not seen him around for a while... 18:50:55 <nirik> so, could you guys perhaps file a darkserver bug on it ? 18:51:02 <nirik> and we can try and get some traction to get it fixed. 18:51:19 <jwb> yeah, i can do that. infrastructure ticket? 18:51:22 <jwb> or bugzilla? 18:51:27 <nirik> or just against darkserver in bugzilla 18:51:33 <jwb> ok great 18:51:34 <nirik> probibly best in bugzilla. 18:51:42 <nirik> if you could cc me that would be great too. 18:51:45 <jwb> iirc, he suggested running it async in the background or something 18:51:49 <nirik> yeah. 18:51:53 <jwb> but the plugin doesn't work that way 18:52:04 <jwb> ok, i'll get it opened 18:52:17 <nirik> I'm sure its affecting other packages too... 18:52:24 <nirik> but the kernel has that massive debuginfo. ;) 18:52:35 <jwb> #action jwb to open bug against darkserver for additional build time issue 18:52:52 <nirik> thanks, just wanted to make sure it didn't get lost. 18:52:55 <jwb> thanks for the reminder 18:52:57 <davej> not sure the debuginfo size is going to get any smaller any time soon 18:53:02 <davej> at least, not from our doing 18:53:10 <jwb> yeah 18:53:39 <jwb> #topic open floor 18:54:23 <jwb> jforbes, we don't have much time now. want to briefly talk about testing or queue it up first thing next time 18:54:30 <dgilmore> jwb: any concerns over any of the arm stuff? 18:54:34 <jwb> so we don't keep pushing it out 18:54:37 <jwb> dgilmore, in what way? 18:54:50 <dgilmore> jwb: not sure. just in general? 18:55:00 <dgilmore> anything you owuld like us to do differently? 18:55:31 <jwb> at the moment, no. the arm changes seem fairly minimal thus far, and if there is a mistake you and probinson are quick to respond 18:55:36 <dgilmore> jwb: happy for jforbes to talk about testing 18:55:39 <jforbes> jwb: Lets queue it for next time 18:56:01 <jwb> maybe a reduction in the number of ARM boards more in line with whatever the PA proposal winds up being, but it isn't like it's impacting us right now 18:56:04 <jwb> jforbes, word 18:56:49 <dgilmore> jwb: ive heard 3.5 should start seeing us starting to build kernels for multiple boards 18:56:59 <jwb> would be nice 18:57:07 <dgilmore> so that should mean we can start looking at reducing the number of images 18:57:12 <jwb> ok 18:59:24 <dgilmore> just wanted to make sure we are doing things ok and being transparent 18:59:31 <dgilmore> and fix any issues you see 19:00:00 <jwb> i think the kernel side of things has been going well. so thanks for the effort there 19:00:23 <jwb> ok, the clouds are starting to form 19:00:28 <jwb> i think we'll call it a meeting 19:00:30 <jwb> thanks everyone 19:00:33 <jwb> #endmeeting