#fedora-meeting: kde-sig -- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE/Meetings/2012-06-19

Meeting started by jreznik at 15:01:15 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. roll call (jreznik, 15:01:38)
    1. Kevin_Kofler jreznik ltinkl rdieter rnovacek than present (jreznik, 15:06:47)

  2. agenda (jreznik, 15:06:55)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/InitialExperience (rnovacek, 15:07:43)

  3. status updates (jreznik, 15:11:28)
    1. kdemm split mostly done, missing kscd and ffmpegthumbs (rpmfusino) (jreznik, 15:15:10)
    2. ACTION: jreznik to finish kscd review (jreznik, 15:15:44)
    3. dantti, rhughes and ltinkl fixed some of the battery applet/upower bugs yesterday (jreznik, 15:16:03)
    4. a couple of new ktp packages to be reviewed (jreznik, 15:16:26)

  4. a new features approved by FESCo that hits KDE spin (jreznik, 15:22:26)
    1. there are several new features approved by FESCo that could affect KDE spin (jreznik, 15:22:51)
    2. AGREED: to try to make 800 MiB goal possible (jreznik, 15:45:30)
    3. ACTION: jreznik to create feature page asap and mention our size intentions there (jreznik, 15:49:42)
    4. ACTION: rdieter to help maintain cd-sized (700mb) kde spin (rdieter, 15:50:17)
    5. defer offline updates until Apper supports them (dantti will implement it) (jreznik, 15:54:28)
    6. ACTION: jreznik to contact KDE upstream about IE (jreznik, 15:58:21)

Meeting ended at 16:07:07 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jreznik to finish kscd review
  2. jreznik to create feature page asap and mention our size intentions there
  3. rdieter to help maintain cd-sized (700mb) kde spin
  4. jreznik to contact KDE upstream about IE

Action items, by person

  1. jreznik
    1. jreznik to finish kscd review
    2. jreznik to create feature page asap and mention our size intentions there
    3. jreznik to contact KDE upstream about IE
  2. rdieter
    1. rdieter to help maintain cd-sized (700mb) kde spin

People present (lines said)

  1. jreznik (87)
  2. Kevin_Kofler (70)
  3. rdieter (38)
  4. rnovacek (18)
  5. cwickert (7)
  6. ltinkl (6)
  7. zodbot (5)
  8. jwb (5)
  9. Southern_Gentlem (3)
  10. nirik (2)
  11. than (2)

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