#fedora-meeting: kde-sig -- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE/Meetings/2012-06-19
Meeting started by jreznik at 15:01:15 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- roll call (jreznik, 15:01:38)
- Kevin_Kofler jreznik ltinkl rdieter rnovacek
than present (jreznik,
- agenda (jreznik, 15:06:55)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/InitialExperience
- status updates (jreznik, 15:11:28)
- kdemm split mostly done, missing kscd and
ffmpegthumbs (rpmfusino) (jreznik,
- ACTION: jreznik to
finish kscd review (jreznik,
- dantti, rhughes and ltinkl fixed some of the
battery applet/upower bugs yesterday (jreznik,
- a couple of new ktp packages to be
reviewed (jreznik,
- a new features approved by FESCo that hits KDE spin (jreznik, 15:22:26)
- there are several new features approved by
FESCo that could affect KDE spin (jreznik,
- AGREED: to try to
make 800 MiB goal possible (jreznik,
- ACTION: jreznik to
create feature page asap and mention our size intentions
there (jreznik,
- ACTION: rdieter to
help maintain cd-sized (700mb) kde spin (rdieter,
- defer offline updates until Apper supports them
(dantti will implement it) (jreznik,
- ACTION: jreznik to
contact KDE upstream about IE (jreznik,
Meeting ended at 16:07:07 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jreznik to finish kscd review
- jreznik to create feature page asap and mention our size intentions there
- rdieter to help maintain cd-sized (700mb) kde spin
- jreznik to contact KDE upstream about IE
Action items, by person
- jreznik
- jreznik to finish kscd review
- jreznik to create feature page asap and mention our size intentions there
- jreznik to contact KDE upstream about IE
- rdieter
- rdieter to help maintain cd-sized (700mb) kde spin
People present (lines said)
- jreznik (87)
- Kevin_Kofler (70)
- rdieter (38)
- rnovacek (18)
- cwickert (7)
- ltinkl (6)
- zodbot (5)
- jwb (5)
- Southern_Gentlem (3)
- nirik (2)
- than (2)
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