20:00:31 <cwickert> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2012-06-27
20:00:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 27 20:00:31 2012 UTC.  The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00:32 <jreznik> -> #fedora-advisory-board
20:00:38 <cwickert> #meetingname famsco
20:00:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco'
20:00:52 <cwickert> #topic Role Call
20:00:59 <cwickert> .fas cwickert
20:00:59 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com>
20:01:05 <dmaphy> .fas dmaphy
20:01:05 <zodbot> dmaphy: dmaphy 'Dominic Hopf' <dmaphy@googlemail.com>
20:01:10 <ib54003> .fas ib54003
20:01:10 <jreznik> .fas jreznik
20:01:10 <zodbot> ib54003: ib54003 'Benedikt Schäfer' <benedikt@schaefer-flieden.de>
20:01:11 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr
20:01:12 <gnokii> .fas gnokii
20:01:13 <zodbot> jreznik: jreznik 'Jaroslav Reznik' <jreznik@redhat.com>
20:01:16 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com>
20:01:17 <MarkDude> \o
20:01:20 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de>
20:02:04 <cwickert> welcome egyde|mob, just in time
20:02:18 <cwickert> thanks for creating the wiki page egyde|mob
20:02:35 <egyde|mob> Thanks :)
20:02:58 <egyde|mob> Np :)
20:03:00 <cwickert> ok, I count 7 ambassadors, lets start
20:03:15 <ibancioiu> ok
20:03:23 <cwickert> the agenda for the meeting is at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2012-06-27
20:03:34 <cwickert> please make sure to follow the meeting protocol
20:03:39 <cwickert> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRCHowTo#Protocol
20:03:55 <cwickert> when you want to say something, just type !
20:04:02 <cwickert> when you want to ask something, type ?
20:04:10 <cwickert> and then wait till it's your turn
20:04:15 <cwickert> when you are done, say EOF
20:04:46 <cwickert> but as we are only 7 ppl, it shouldn't be too hard and we don't need to follow the protocol strictly :)
20:04:55 <cwickert> #topic Announcements
20:05:47 <cwickert> #info F18 board runoff elections between EvilBob and nb are over, nb made it. congrats to him and thanks to EvilBob for running
20:06:07 <cwickert> that means that nb now not only is a member of FAmSCo but also of the Fedora board
20:06:16 <cwickert> any more announcements?
20:06:59 <cwickert> #info FAmSCo has a new meeting time. we now meet on Mondays at 17:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting-2. join us if you like
20:07:44 <cwickert> this brings me to my next question: do people think our meeting time works? or should we try something else and hope that more people participate?
20:08:39 <cwickert> nobody? everybody happy with 20:00 UTC on Wedneday?
20:08:39 <ibancioiu> i don't know, but for me the emea meeting time is perfect EOF
20:08:45 <cwickert> ok, cool
20:08:52 <cwickert> never touch a running system
20:08:52 <thunderbirdtr> !
20:08:58 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: go ahead
20:09:00 <thunderbirdtr> I think time is good but
20:09:02 <dmaphy> another day than wednesday would be an idea
20:09:23 <thunderbirdtr> If another meeting is take long that's can be problem sometime
20:09:27 <dmaphy> at least better for me in some cases
20:09:33 <thunderbirdtr> eof
20:10:01 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: the board has it's meeting just before ours and we usually finish in time
20:10:01 * egyde|mob thinks that the problem is that we almost discuss nothing here in the meeting
20:10:36 <thunderbirdtr> cwickert: ok
20:10:41 <cwickert> how about this: we create a doodle poll and if there are enough people who don't like the current time and we can agree on something better, we can shift
20:11:10 <cwickert> does this sound like a plan?
20:11:16 <ib54003> +1
20:11:20 <dmaphy> +1
20:11:21 <ibancioiu> so we can vote the meeting time?
20:11:27 <ibancioiu> +1
20:11:28 <thunderbirdtr> +1
20:11:35 <gnokii> +1
20:11:39 <egyde|mob> ++
20:11:40 <cwickert> ibancioiu: yes, but we only change it if we find something better
20:11:46 <ibancioiu> ok
20:11:49 <ibancioiu> eof
20:12:19 <cwickert> #agreed try to find a better timing for our meetings but only change them if we find something that is definitely better
20:12:34 <cwickert> #action cwickert to create a poll on the meeting time
20:12:47 <cwickert> ok, any more anouncements?
20:14:11 <cwickert> #info deadline for FAD EMEA 2012 is due. If you want to join us in Rheinfelden, please get in touch with geroldka ASAP. For more info, check out https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_EMEA_2012
20:14:19 <cwickert> hi zoltanh7211, thanks for coming
20:14:30 <zoltanh7211> hi everyone
20:14:34 <ibancioiu> hi
20:14:34 <zoltanh7211> yw
20:14:38 <cwickert> #topic Ambassadors Schedule
20:15:38 <cwickert> if anybody has a free job position, please contact zoltanh7211. he is an awesome FOSS person and we owe him a favor
20:16:06 <cwickert> it's too bad Nokia is going down the drain, but having good friends suffer from it is even worse
20:16:22 <thunderbirdtr> +1000
20:16:30 <cwickert> anyway, here is the schedule: http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-ambassadors-tasks.html
20:16:46 <zoltanh7211> yay - I will cry a river...
20:16:46 <cwickert> as you can see, there is not much going on ATM
20:17:29 <cwickert> however we should not just rest but do something
20:17:56 <cwickert> lets discuss the ideas later on the open floor
20:18:09 <cwickert> but we need to think about swag production
20:18:14 <cwickert> speaking of swag
20:18:19 <ibancioiu> yes
20:18:23 <cwickert> no news from the ambassadors polos
20:18:39 <ibancioiu> so the stickers are here? (emea)
20:18:48 <cwickert> #topic Swag
20:18:51 <ibancioiu> did the stickers arrived?
20:19:11 <cwickert> jreznik: which package arrived? mine or the big one from the US?
20:20:15 <cwickert> ibancioiu: jreznik said that a package arrived, but I am not sure which one
20:20:29 <ibancioiu> <cwickert> ok
20:20:36 <cwickert> there are two from the US, one with Fedora logo stickers and one with case badges
20:20:45 <cwickert> or as we call them in EMEA "laptop stickers"
20:20:58 <cwickert> I sent jreznik a small set of logo stickers, too
20:21:01 <cwickert> for urgent requests
20:21:09 <cwickert> only around 150 I think
20:21:12 <ibancioiu> i'm waiting for both :))
20:21:17 <cwickert> and the other packages are 2000 each
20:21:28 <cwickert> I know that one package has been shipped from the US already
20:21:42 <cwickert> it's probably drowning in the Atlantic ocean :)
20:21:58 <cwickert> speaking of swag...
20:22:08 <cwickert> no news about the ambassadors polos yet
20:22:17 <cwickert> the vendor has problems to get the shirts
20:22:24 <cwickert> and I have looked for an alternative
20:22:41 <cwickert> one was with the same shirts but way more expensive
20:22:46 <jreznik> cwickert: yours
20:23:03 <jreznik> logo stickers
20:23:04 <cwickert> jreznik: ok, thanks
20:23:08 <jreznik> 202 :)
20:23:16 <cwickert> you counted them?!
20:23:20 <jreznik> the US one has not yer arrived
20:23:29 <jreznik> cwickert: yep, to count the 100 requested :)
20:23:30 <cwickert> dude, you have too much time at work ;)
20:23:40 <zoltanh7211> :)
20:23:46 * jreznik was about to become mad...
20:23:47 <cwickert> back to polo shirts
20:24:03 <cwickert> one vendor was more expensive, 400 EUR more expensive
20:24:11 <jreznik> how about cheatcubes? zoltanh7211 - could you share some to brno, we can distribute them from here?
20:24:28 <thunderbirdtr> cwickert: ! If I make research , and make shirts myself in there with guideliness ?
20:24:37 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: hold on please
20:24:46 <thunderbirdtr> ok
20:24:48 <zoltanh7211> I still have one package - cca 200 cheatcube - english
20:25:03 <zoltanh7211> I can send over to Brno
20:25:23 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: ok, please do, we can easily reimburse you
20:25:29 <zoltanh7211> ok
20:25:40 <zoltanh7211> jreznik - please mail me an address
20:26:01 <cwickert> #action zoltanh7211 to send jreznik the english cheatcubes, jreznik to send zoltanh7211 his address
20:26:08 <cwickert> what about producing new cheatcubes?
20:26:19 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: do you know where the template is?
20:26:45 <zoltanh7211> No problem, Ritter - who has produced for us the cubes - they have the earlier order and templates
20:27:07 <zoltanh7211> we need to say only that we need it, and they make it
20:27:27 <zoltanh7211> and as we did it earlier - they accept paypal
20:27:54 <zoltanh7211> so famsco/jsimon could pay directly to there
20:28:06 <cwickert> ok, you can place an order but we should probably update them for systemd
20:28:16 <cwickert> that's why I asked for the templates
20:28:46 <zoltanh7211> if I can have the updated / modified parts - then that wouldn't be a problem
20:29:04 <cwickert> who did the original template?
20:29:31 <cwickert> ah
20:29:32 <cwickert> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Fedora_Cheat_Cube_Users.svg
20:29:38 <cwickert> gnokii: can you update this?
20:29:40 <zoltanh7211> I have only sent the PDF's and RItter has made corrections
20:30:18 <cwickert> #action gnokii and zoltanh7211 get together about new cheatcubes
20:30:20 <zoltanh7211> yeah, and I need PDF if possible
20:30:27 <gnokii> cwickert: sure, if u give me the content
20:30:31 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: you can place the order, I will pay
20:30:37 <cwickert> gnokii: ok
20:30:58 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: and we should let it deliver directly to Brno
20:30:59 <zoltanh7211> ok, first have the updated cube, and I place the order
20:31:05 <zoltanh7211> ok, no problem
20:31:25 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: plase file a ticket in FAmSCos trac when ready and when you have a quote, so we can approve it
20:31:32 <cwickert> s/plase/please
20:31:34 <zoltanh7211> ok
20:31:40 <cwickert> ok, not over to thunderbirdtr
20:31:46 <cwickert> s/not/now
20:31:56 <cwickert> and back to shirts, polo shirts
20:32:08 <cwickert> so as for ambassadors polos, I looked for alternatives
20:32:19 <cwickert> one was way to expensive but the same quality
20:32:33 <cwickert> and the other was ridiculously cheap
20:32:45 <cwickert> it was 12,95 EUR all inc.
20:32:52 <zoltanh7211> :o
20:32:57 <cwickert> the others were around 27
20:32:58 <thunderbirdtr> same quality ?
20:33:01 <ibancioiu> so so...
20:33:04 <cwickert> I doubt it
20:33:11 <thunderbirdtr> test it one ?
20:33:21 <cwickert> its definitely not the same shirt vendor
20:33:22 <thunderbirdtr> is it possible ?
20:33:28 <cwickert> they do the shirts themselves
20:33:36 <cwickert> I will ask if I can get a demo
20:33:45 <thunderbirdtr> yes please
20:33:46 <cwickert> but the Slazenger shirts are really good
20:34:02 <thunderbirdtr> that's correct too :)
20:34:20 <cwickert> #action cwickert to look after the ambassadors polos again. nag the old vendor and try to get a shirt from another one
20:34:31 <zoltanh7211> !
20:34:58 <cwickert> #info if you need an ambassadors polo, please file a request as described at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Polo_Shirt#EMEA
20:35:06 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: one moment please
20:35:27 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: did you mean ambassador polo shirts or just other Fedora t-shirts?
20:36:16 <thunderbirdtr> both of it
20:36:23 <thunderbirdtr> but I was ordered polo
20:36:29 <thunderbirdtr> why ?
20:36:43 <cwickert> just curious :)
20:36:54 <thunderbirdtr> ok :)
20:36:54 <cwickert> and in fact we need to do new t-shirts
20:37:00 <thunderbirdtr> so ?
20:37:06 <cwickert> the problem is that the budget issues are still not sorted out
20:37:14 <cwickert> we have no idea how much money we have
20:37:28 <cwickert> but generally speaking we should look after doing new t-shirts
20:37:47 <thunderbirdtr> hmm okey then I will try do my research for same Quality
20:38:02 <cwickert> who is willing to look into that? gnokii for design, thunderbirdtr and somebody else for production?
20:38:18 <zoltanh7211> I check it here too in hungary at BUD
20:38:35 <zoltanh7211> for production, and I return with quote
20:38:37 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: if you are looking for stitched polos, look for Slazenger shirts, they are really good and last years
20:38:39 <cwickert> ok
20:38:58 <thunderbirdtr> ok
20:39:03 <thunderbirdtr> I will
20:39:10 <cwickert> #action zoltanh7211 and thunderbirdtr to investigate new opportunities for t-shirts, gnokii to help them with the design if necessary
20:39:11 <thunderbirdtr> any other suggestion for shirts ?
20:39:25 <cwickert> thunderbirdtr: but don't just order, we need a quote first :)
20:39:41 <thunderbirdtr> ok ok :)
20:39:41 <cwickert> like 50 or 100 shirts
20:39:55 <cwickert> I will try to find out who did the last shirts
20:39:59 <cwickert> IIRC it was kital
20:40:17 <cwickert> #action cwickert to ask kital about previous shirt production
20:40:25 <cwickert> ok, anything more in swag?
20:40:27 <zoltanh7211> btw - idea - wouldn't be a solution to use this company? http://www.stadriemblems.com/
20:40:35 <ibancioiu> no eof
20:41:32 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: lets discuss the details with the interested people, not now
20:41:36 <zoltanh7211> ok
20:41:40 <jreznik> sorry, I was out for a moment - I sent adress to zoltanh7211... btw. we need updated cheatcubes!
20:41:55 <cwickert> jreznik: yes, we discussed that already
20:41:57 * jreznik sees updates in backlog :)
20:41:59 <cwickert> you mean systemd
20:42:02 <cwickert> ?
20:42:13 <gnokii> !
20:42:28 <cwickert> gnokii: go ahead
20:42:56 <gnokii> sesivany told me he like to have some shirts directly for the RH  office Brno, so could that be combined?
20:42:58 <gnokii> eof
20:43:17 <cwickert> gnokii: sure. the more, the better! :)
20:43:32 <cwickert> #info when we do shirts, to some for our friends in Brno, too.
20:43:39 <cwickert> #undo
20:43:39 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x2ea30410>
20:43:44 <cwickert> #info when we do shirts, do some for our friends in Brno, too.
20:43:49 * cwickert cannot type
20:44:13 <cwickert> ok, anything more on swag or should we move on to events?
20:44:21 <jreznik> gnokii: what shirts in brno?
20:44:38 <gnokii> jreznik: that we talked about in Berlin
20:44:49 <jreznik> ah, I understand - produce together from combined budget?
20:45:03 <gnokii> yes
20:46:03 <cwickert> ok, still open questions?
20:46:22 <ibancioiu> not from me ;)
20:46:24 <ibancioiu> eof
20:46:36 <thunderbirdtr> !
20:46:40 <thunderbirdtr> What will be gonna do about budget ? What's that mean "We have no idea "
20:46:45 <thunderbirdtr> eof
20:46:53 <cwickert> ok, there are two problems
20:47:02 <cwickert> 1. Changes inside Red Hat
20:47:23 <cwickert> historically, our budget came from the Community Architecture team
20:47:58 <cwickert> but in the future, it will come from a new group called "Open Source and Standards"
20:48:11 <cwickert> and they will have somebody who works on the budget
20:48:19 <cwickert> means, who does all the book keeping
20:48:32 <cwickert> AFAIK they have just hired somebody
20:48:44 <cwickert> but she has not yet started the actual work
20:48:53 <cwickert> 2. The budget for last year is a mess
20:49:11 <cwickert> or basically the budget for everything after spevack_ left
20:49:33 <cwickert> because one person was supposed to do everything worldwide and that was just too much
20:50:02 <cwickert> even we as FAmSCo don't have exact figures on how much money we spent last year and where we spent it
20:50:07 <cwickert> in which regions I mean
20:50:29 <cwickert> and this needs to be cleaned up when the new book keeper starts
20:50:57 <cwickert> but as they have hired somebody, I am optimistic that it will get better soon
20:51:06 <cwickert> does that answer your question, thunderbirdtr?
20:51:46 <cwickert> FAmSCo is working on new budget guidelines
20:51:47 <thunderbirdtr> yes
20:51:49 <thunderbirdtr> thank you
20:52:02 <cwickert> we want the regional communities to make their own decisions
20:52:11 <cwickert> without having to approve everything in FAmSCo
20:52:26 <cwickert> but this requires that we know how much we've spent in a certain region
20:52:42 <cwickert> and last but not least we have a new trac instance for the budget
20:52:57 <cwickert> but I will tell you more about it when we actually start using it
20:53:07 <thunderbirdtr> okey
20:53:13 <thunderbirdtr> let keep going
20:53:15 <cwickert> as for now, we should just spend money :)
20:53:20 <thunderbirdtr> :)
20:53:40 <cwickert> but we need the figures, otherwise we'll run out of money at the end of the fiscal year
20:53:41 <thunderbirdtr> You can spend I will just give ideas and suggestions :)
20:53:43 <cwickert> and this is no fun
20:53:59 <cwickert> yes, when ever you have suggestions how to spend money, just let us know ;)
20:53:59 <thunderbirdtr> That's not good
20:54:11 <thunderbirdtr> :D ok
20:54:12 <cwickert> ok, lets move on
20:54:17 <cwickert> #topic Evnets
20:54:24 <thunderbirdtr> events
20:54:25 <cwickert> #topic Events
20:54:27 <ibancioiu> ok
20:54:32 <ibancioiu> !
20:55:05 <cwickert> #info the current list of events is at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events#EMEA-FY13Q2
20:55:09 <dmaphy> !
20:55:11 <cwickert> ibancioiu: your turn
20:55:18 <cwickert> and after that dmaphy
20:55:24 <ibancioiu> i shoud have an event in highschool that i study on end o july star of august
20:55:38 <ibancioiu> and an other one in september
20:55:40 <cwickert> ibancioiu: cool. a release event?
20:55:45 <cwickert> tell us more please
20:55:55 <ibancioiu> no is not an relase event
20:56:07 <ibancioiu> is a presentation about fedora project
20:56:22 <ibancioiu> is an other one (for sure) in septembre
20:57:05 <ibancioiu> is possible to cancel the one from july/august because in tha highschool  tay have to repet some exams
20:57:25 <ibancioiu> but the one from september can't be cancelled
20:57:31 <cwickert> ok
20:57:35 <ibancioiu> it will be there
20:57:42 <cwickert> can you please create a wiki page for every event?
20:57:50 <cwickert> or at least for the one that won't be canceled?
20:58:07 <ibancioiu> the one from september?
20:58:14 <cwickert> yes
20:58:16 <ibancioiu> no, it will not be cancelled
20:58:18 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_organize_a_Fedora_event
20:58:34 <cwickert> yes, and that's why you should create a wiki page :)
20:58:45 <ibancioiu> i will add photos on my wiki page (from fedora wiki)
20:58:48 <ibancioiu> is this ok?
20:58:52 <cwickert> if you are sure it will take place, you can already start planing
20:58:55 <cwickert> sure
20:59:02 <ibancioiu> the presentation will be only for students from the schiool
20:59:06 <ibancioiu> school*
20:59:20 <ibancioiu> i started to pln it
20:59:23 <ibancioiu> plan*
20:59:31 <cwickert> ok, if you need something, just file a ticket at https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/
20:59:51 <cwickert> ok for now ibancioiu? or are there more questions?
20:59:55 <ibancioiu> i'm done allready with the sawg
21:00:01 <cwickert> oh, cool
21:00:27 <ibancioiu> i'm wairing them after 10 july becayse toomorrow i go on vacation
21:00:30 <ibancioiu> EOF
21:00:48 <ibancioiu> no more questions EOF
21:01:00 <cwickert> ok, dmaphy then
21:01:04 <gnokii> !
21:01:07 <cwickert> thanks ibancioiu
21:01:11 <dmaphy> i'd like to recall two things
21:01:16 <cwickert> gnokii: after dmaphy
21:01:34 <dmaphy> there is still noone else attending to FrOSCon but gnokii
21:01:47 <dmaphy> and this is approx two months from now
21:02:12 <gnokii> rsc attend maybe
21:02:21 <dmaphy> and it would be nice to also see fedora at the software freedom day in hamburg on 15th of september
21:02:34 <cwickert> dmaphy: this is on you :)
21:02:45 <dmaphy> i unfortunately am already assigned to tine 2.0 for both events :(
21:03:05 <cwickert> we have various requests for SFD, we should create a wiki page for them
21:03:13 <cwickert> I have sone from Augsburg IIRC
21:03:14 <dmaphy> and won't be able to split myself :)
21:03:38 <dmaphy> eof
21:04:07 <cwickert> dmaphy: I thought you are schizophrenic anyway? have one half of you working at the tine 2.0 booth and the other for Fedora :)
21:04:34 <dmaphy> i'll re-think about that ;)
21:05:03 <cwickert> dmaphy: you need to say "*we* will re-think that" ;)
21:05:13 <dmaphy> :D
21:05:26 <cwickert> can you create a generic SFD wiki page where people can add their cities? IIRC you already did that once
21:05:45 <dmaphy> hum, yeah, i'd do that
21:05:52 <cwickert> #action dmaphy to create a generic wiki page for SFD for people to add their cities
21:06:01 <cwickert> dmaphy: maybe I can come to Hamburg
21:06:08 <cwickert> gnokii: your turn
21:06:47 <gnokii> as dmaphy said, FrOSCon will on the weekend 25/26th August right now I am alone on the booth, so need definitly help
21:06:59 <gnokii> especially I have an workshop to give
21:07:01 <gnokii> eof
21:07:08 <cwickert> and we have a devroom there
21:07:15 <cwickert> we want to give talks and presentations
21:07:21 <cwickert> otherwise I need to cancel the room
21:07:34 <cwickert> I will not be able to come as I have a family affair that weekend
21:07:53 <cwickert> My mother turns 70, so there will be a big meeting
21:08:22 <ibancioiu> nice :)
21:08:34 <cwickert> note nice, bad timing :)
21:08:45 <zoltanh7211> congrats to your mother
21:08:59 <zoltanh7211> and hapee bday
21:08:59 <cwickert> #info we need more people for FrOSCon on August 25+26th. please help us and add your name at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FrOSCon_2012
21:09:09 <cwickert> still 2 months to go
21:09:14 <dmaphy> since i'm basically attending there i can help out at least for the time gnokii gives the workshop, but i'm afraid that won't be enough at all
21:09:28 <cwickert> gnokii: did you send out a mail to the list about froscon?
21:09:39 <gnokii> not, yet
21:10:04 <cwickert> please do
21:10:19 <gnokii> will do
21:10:24 <cwickert> #action gnokii to make noise on the ambassdors mailing list about FrOSCon
21:11:03 <cwickert> gnokii: you might also want to mail the typical suspects directly. I know that some people like jens are not following the list but do show up at events
21:11:32 <gnokii> cwickert: except Jens, I asked the typical suspects
21:11:54 <cwickert> ok
21:12:01 <cwickert> #topic Release events
21:12:25 <cwickert> according to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F17_release_events#EMEA all release events took place
21:12:32 <cwickert> however I did not read much about it
21:12:41 <cwickert> except the ones form Jiri
21:13:07 <cwickert> #info if you held an release event, please make sure to write an event report, to blog about it and post pictures etc
21:13:27 <cwickert> #action cwickert to nag event owners and attendees about event reports
21:13:30 <ibancioiu> !
21:13:35 <cwickert> ibancioiu: go ahead
21:13:51 <ibancioiu> what shoud contain an event report? :|
21:14:12 <ibancioiu> location, time, what it was about?
21:14:35 <cwickert> have a look at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Event_reports
21:14:46 <cwickert> the report comes *after* the event
21:14:58 <cwickert> this is when you tell how it was, how many people attended etc
21:15:00 <ibancioiu> i konw
21:15:06 <ibancioiu> ok
21:15:09 <ibancioiu> thanks
21:15:11 <ibancioiu> EOF
21:15:28 <cwickert> when you are planing an event, you usually create a page with date, time, location, estimated attendance, agenda etc
21:15:37 <cwickert> not sure, I think we have a template
21:15:55 <cwickert> anything else for release events?
21:16:03 <ibancioiu> coud you send it to me?
21:16:06 <ibancioiu> the template
21:16:12 <cwickert> when I find it, yes
21:16:13 <ibancioiu> or give me a link...
21:16:14 * jreznik is going to consolidate fedora release party reports (by medias etc.)
21:16:15 <cwickert> it's in the wiki
21:16:23 <cwickert> jreznik: +1
21:17:42 <cwickert> #topic Open Floor
21:17:54 <cwickert> ok, if you have anything else, now is the right time to say it
21:17:57 <cwickert> I have something
21:18:16 <cwickert> all FAmSCo members were supposed to do some homework
21:18:31 <cwickert> and write a mail about their personal goals to the mailing list
21:18:40 <cwickert> please read the mails and provide feedback
21:18:44 <egydev|mob> it was foolish from me to say there's a little to discuss ;D
21:19:06 <cwickert> and if you think we missed something that FAmSCo needs to do, let us know I really want feedback
21:19:11 <cwickert> and a good discussion
21:19:24 <cwickert> for you this is the chance to see what FAmSCo members are really active
21:19:42 <cwickert> because by the end of their term they are expected to have at least one goal done
21:19:55 <cwickert> or at least done something
21:20:00 <cwickert> but they should not just talk
21:20:15 <cwickert> so it is crucial if you let us know what you think
21:20:21 <cwickert> EOF, now it's your turn
21:20:31 <cwickert> egydev|mob: you hwave something on your mind?
21:21:38 <egydev|mob> Well sorry for interupting but my mobile conn is bad ;(
21:21:45 <cwickert> no problem
21:22:01 <cwickert> everybody watching soccer or why are you all so quiet?
21:22:21 <ibancioiu> no, i'm not waching :-p
21:22:33 <ib54003> :)
21:22:34 * cwickert waits 3 more minutes before he closes this meeting
21:22:41 <mharris> I'm not quiet, I'm just being loud in a different way :)
21:22:46 <egydev|mob> Anyway i've seen ur goals email and it's good idea
21:22:59 <cwickert> mharris: :)
21:23:35 <ibancioiu> before closing the meeting i wanna say that i'm sorry for my english, i'm studding it ;)
21:23:53 <cwickert> ibancioiu: it's actually good, glad to have you here
21:24:11 <ibancioiu> thanks, i have to work at the writeing part... :)
21:24:18 <zoltanh7211> cwickert: idea - wouldn't be a solution to use this company? http://www.stadriemblems.com/
21:24:34 <cwickert> zoltanh7211: not in this meeting, please
21:24:45 <zoltanh7211> ok
21:24:46 <cwickert> it should be ok to discuss this with the interested parties
21:24:53 <cwickert> but they are in the US, right?
21:25:00 <cwickert> shipping will be expensive
21:25:12 <cwickert> one word to our friends in countries with only a few ambassadors like ibancioiu and egydev|mob
21:25:30 <cwickert> don't get frustrated, even if it is hard to build up a community
21:25:41 <zoltanh7211> +1
21:25:41 <cwickert> it takes time and at first you are alone
21:25:56 <cwickert> but it will get better over time
21:26:02 <cwickert> just wait and continue your work
21:26:11 <zoltanh7211> and guys if you need ever help - write to me - I have also begun from zero
21:26:14 <ibancioiu> i have friends that are helping me :) and i thank all of you for you're help
21:26:17 <cwickert> we'll try to help you
21:26:37 <cwickert> if need anything, let us know
21:26:40 <zoltanh7211> but we will be zero to hero
21:27:21 <cwickert> ok, I think that's all for today
21:27:28 <cwickert> congrats to Spain :)
21:27:35 <zoltanh7211> yesss
21:27:38 <cwickert> #endmeeting